""Yes! Captain Herote!" Rogers responded.

Herote looked Rogers up and down. He thought Rogers' physical fitness was not good and he was still so young. He should find out more about him first.

"You are an animal-type ability user. Let's go to the training ground first to see how strong you are now."

Hiroto walked out of the meeting room.

"Oh, oh."Rogers followed

"The captain is going to train the newcomers, let's go and take a look"

"Haha, I don't know what kind of person this new guy is."

"You will know after watching it. The ability of the animal system must be quite powerful, right?"

The squadron leaders under Hirot's command followed him one by one.

Rogers followed Hirot, and Hirot walked in another direction of the military camp except for the conference room, which was not the direction of the training ground at all.

"Captain, this direction doesn't lead to the training ground. Rogers reminded him.

"That is only for ordinary soldiers. You are one of us now and are eligible to use our own training ground. You don't think that we will use the same training ground as them, do you?"Hirot said without turning his head. Rogers blinked. Well, that's right. It's normal to give special training to your own private army.

Hirot took Rogers into the heart of the military camp and said coldly,"Entering here means that you have officially joined Lady Nataya's army. Things here are not allowed to be leaked to others. Otherwise, you will know the consequences."

"OK, I won't tell anyone. Rogers promised immediately.

Are you kidding? If you enjoy the special treatment, why tell others about it? If others get jealous, it will cause the army to lose morale.

"Come on then."Hiroto led Rogers into the training ground in the hinterland.

The soldiers standing guard outside let him go directly when they saw that it was Hiroto.

Rogers looked around casually. Most of the ground was covered with soft sand, probably for fighting. Wooden weapons, swords, spears, swords and sticks were all complete. There were also protective gears, various training equipment, and dumbbells placed next to them. These were all brand new.

Even on the walls of the training ground, some high places, there were video telephone bugs working, monitoring the situation in the training ground.

Compared with the simple training ground outside, one is in heaven and the other is in hell.

There were already many people training in the training ground. Dozens of people were sweating and exercising, and dozens of people were fighting fiercely. The atmosphere was full of passion.

"Only our squad leader and above officers can come in here, and now you are also qualified. The consumption of the training ground is not that big, but the canteen over there is the biggest consumption."Hiroto pointed to the canteen on the right side of the training ground,"Our food supply is completely different from the outside, you will know after eating it once."

"Yeah." Rogers looked eager, high-quality food was what he dreamed of.

"To tell you the truth, our consumption here is equal to that of everyone outside. Lady Nataya has invested a lot of money in us."Hiroto said proudly

"Equal to the consumption of everyone outside……"Rogers smacked his lips.

Only team leaders and above can come in here. Two battalions, which only have more than 200 people, actually have the same consumption as the 4,000 or 5,000 people outside? It really cost a lot!

"Lady Nataya treats you so well, you are quite smart, you should know what you have to pay, right?"Hiroto asked coldly

""Yes! I will be loyal to Lady Nataya!" Rogers answered without hesitation.

At this point, Rogers certainly knew what Nataya wanted, and he would only be loyal to her!

"Very good." Xi Luo really showed a satisfied smile,"Go and choose your weapon. Nothing is more intuitive than a direct battle. Let me see your current level."

""Hmm." Rogers walked to a row of wooden weapons, weighed the sword, felt uncomfortable, played with the wooden sword for a few times, felt uncomfortable, picked up a two-meter-long wooden stick, turned it a few times, felt okay, but too light, after all, there was only a wooden one, so he would use it for the time being.

""It's him." Rogers held a two-meter-long wooden stick and stood opposite Herote.

The two stood on the sand field used for fighting, facing each other fifteen meters apart.

"It’s about to begin, it’s about to begin. How long do you think the newcomer can last in the captain’s hands?"

"I guess one minute is over."

"Do you think everyone is like you? The captain killed them in half a minute!"

"This new guy is a capable person, he can't be that weak, right? I guess three minutes!"

The squadron leaders who followed him looked like they were watching a show.

"Oh? A new guy has arrived? Are you going to fight Captain Herote?"

"Go and have a look, this is Captain Hirot's old way of welcoming newcomers."

"Hahaha, I don't know how strong this new guy is. Here, fists speak."

Watching the excitement is contagious. The people who were just practicing fighting were attracted.

More and more people gathered around Rogers and Hirot.

Rogers looked at the crowd and frowned slightly.

"Don't be stressed, newcomers, many people have failed before."Hiroto actually comforted Rogers.

"No, I'm not that simple! You should be careful, Captain." Rogers has not yet tried the true combat power of the White Tiger Form!

"Don't you want a weapon?" Rogers didn't see Heroto's intention to choose a weapon.

"I'm not used to using weapons, you attack first."Hiroto stood still, his height of more than three meters still overshadowed Rogers's.

"Then I won't be polite!" Rogers knew that the strength of the big team was very good, so he rushed straight to hit Herote's waist with a stick.

"The power is OK, but the intention is too obvious."Hiroto turned to the right and dodged!

"Then, this way!"Rogers swept across!

Hirot raised his arm and blocked the stick with his forearm.

A heavy kick was sent to Rogers' chest!

Rogers barely raised his left arm to block it.

"It’s so heavy! Rogers staggered back several steps after being kicked.

"Not bad, he can handle three points of my attack."Hilot commented.

Rogers' face darkened. This Hilot seemed to be much stronger than the ordinary captain he had imagined!

"It's my turn next!" As soon as Helot finished speaking, he disappeared!


The next moment he appeared in front of Rogers and punched Rogers in the chest!

"Ah!" Rogers was blown away like a cannonball, hitting the sand more than 20 meters away, leaving a deep mark.

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