Shuraba Player

Chapter 902:

Although the cards purchased in the store can only be used in this game area, it is quite convenient to use.

So after a short moment, the figures of Bai Zhi and Su Hui Zhimian appeared in the middle of a street.

In front, there is a shimmering grid road that faintly enters the building complex, while behind, there is an endless forest.

—The place where they are now is obviously the junction of the two game areas.

"Some game areas will change the terrain and appearance, just like the forest behind us. Before that, it should have been within the city limits."

Seeing the doubts on Bai Zhi's face, Su Hui Zhimian, who was still holding the oil-paper umbrella in his hand, explained a few words in his mouth.

"Hmm... What kind of game area is this forest?"

Turning around and looking at the extremely discordant lush forest standing behind the street in front of him, after thinking for a while, Bai Zhi asked.

In his impression, he really didn't expect a few games with the forest as the background.

"Peace elite? Rainforest map."

Looking at the forest in front of her, Su Hui Zhimian sighed slightly.

"Be careful, bullets don't have eyes."

Bai Zhi: "..."

Tomorrow we will continue two updates ヾ(O?O?)ノ]q skirt ⑥⑧two clothes 7⑦I ⑥

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1475 Chapter 552 Game Area No. 39 (4K)

Each game area has different rules.

In the game area like [Peace Elite? Rainforest Map], the rules are also self-contained.

As a "messenger" who transmits information in each game area, Su Hui Zhimian undoubtedly knows much more information than others. In her hand, there is even a drawn map of the game area.

After a brief explanation from the other party, Bai Zhi quickly had a general understanding of the game area in front of him.

To put it simply, the game area in front of him is equivalent to a hunting ground.

All existences entering this game area will have a fixed blood volume of 100 points. Once the blood volume drops to zero, it means death is coming.

Unlike the MC Minecraft game area, death in this game area represents death in the true sense, but there is no such thing as resurrection.

It is precisely because of the risk of this game area that the players here unanimously rated it as medium risk. At the same time, it is also the most dirty place.

—In this game area, there are quite a lot of criminal players lurking.

Although compared with the situation in foreign countries, the domestic environment is considered to be very good, but under the huge population base, there will always be some players with unhealthy minds or anti-social personality.

Although it is rare, it does not mean that it does not exist.

The [New Humanity] organization is just a typical representative of this kind of people. Like Haicheng, according to the statistics of relevant departments, there are at least 3 to 5 large player criminal organizations lurking.

These player criminal organizations are like rats lurking in the underworld. They are smelly and difficult to clean up. They can be regarded as one of the dark sides of a city, and they basically dare not show their heads on weekdays.

Unlike the notorious and popular [Gold Hunter Group] in the West, these player criminal organizations are basically equivalent to clowns, one counts as one, and the people inside are pure egoists. The control ability of the department is strong enough, and some people have even followed the example of foreign countries and occupied land as king.

The sudden change in Haicheng immediately plunged these criminal players into an unknown carnival. During this period of time, the killings and crimes these players caused were countless and too numerous to record.

"So according to what you said, there are many anti-social elements in this game area?"

After listening to Su Hui Zhimian's general description of the game area in front of him, looking at the endless forest in front of him, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"That's right, they will not only rob and kill those normal players, but also confuse those normal people to join them."

Holding the oil-paper umbrella in her hand, Su Hui Zhimian nodded.

"You should have discovered it before, right? In these game areas, even ordinary people can quickly gain power through the mechanism of the game area. This point is magnified in the game area in front of you." An extreme."

"How to say?"

Turning his head to look at the other party, Bai Zhi frowned slightly and asked.

"It's the same as the game area of ​​Minecraft, is there also a reward for killing people?"

"Almost. In this game area, as long as you successfully kill a person, you can randomly obtain one or more items from the opponent's body. The appearance of the items is represented by a box."

Looking up at the forest in front of her, Su Hui Zhimian's complexion looked a little gloomy for some reason.

"If you kill ordinary people, a small amount of attributes and origin coins will be randomly dropped. If you kill a player, skills, equipment, props, entries... These things are all within the range that the box can be drawn."

"So that's why it's called a hunting ground?"

Turning his head to look at the forest in front of him, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Because all the blood volume is constant at 100 points, so in this environment, even ordinary people have the possibility to successfully kill a player...Why, are there many people in this game area?"

"For ordinary people, most of them have been transferred, but there are still quite a few criminal players and some villains staying here. We lost a lot of manpower in this game area before."

Shaking her head, Su Hui Zhimian walked towards the forest while talking.

"Be careful, we just need to pass here as soon as possible."

Each game area is completely isolated from each other, so there is no such thing as standing on the edge of one game area and being able to communicate with people standing on the edge of another game area.

Or it can be said that in one game area, you can never observe the situation in other game areas. The scenery you can see is just a texture, just like what Bai Zhi saw outside Haicheng. Arrival is the same.

So it is precisely because of this that when Baizhi and Su Hui Zhimian stepped into the [Peace Elite] game area together, it was clearly a twilight forest in the [Monopoly Game Area], but when they really stepped into When entering it, the environment here is broad daylight.

Overhead, the sun was shining brightly.

Similar to when they were in the Minecraft game area before, when they entered the Peace Elite game area, they had an extra 100 points of blood.

The blood volume is zero and the player dies.

Of course, just like the real game, in addition to the blood volume, they also have an extra initial backpack. At the same time, they can also pick up corresponding equipment in this rainforest, such as weapons, armor, helmets, backpacks, etc. .

In some respects, the rules of this game are exactly the same as the rules of the game.

And the very next second after they stepped into this game area, before Bai Zhi had time to take a good look at the environment of this game area, there was a noise from the woods or bushes on the side. More than a dozen smoke bombs, incendiary bombs and grenades were thrown.

Not only that, at this moment, the grass they were stepping on turned into a swamp, sinking their feet firmly.

In an instant, the murderous intent was revealed.

"No... is this game area so messy?"

The ghost domain unfolded in an instant and brought the two of them several hundred meters away. Seeing the smoke and the sky-shattering flames where they were before, Bai Zhi couldn't help complaining a little speechlessly.

Although he had expected that it might be dangerous inside through the other party's narration, he didn't expect it to be so dangerous. Someone was ambushing at the intersection from the very beginning.

...artificial bombing smoke zone, huh?

"I've said it all, this is a medium-risk game area."

Feeling a little surprised, she looked at the sudden change in the surrounding environment, turned her head to look at Bai Zhi beside her, turned the oil-paper umbrella in her hand slightly, and Su Hui Zhimian began to explain.

"This game area is a hunting ground. Those criminal players who still stay in this game are the most insidious hyenas in this hunting ground. If it wasn't for taking a shortcut, I would not choose to pass through this game area."

"Hyena... so everyone who exists here deserves to die?"

Slightly squinting his eyes, Bai Zhi looked into the distance.


After thinking for a while, Su Hui Zhimian answered.

"Although most of the ordinary people in this game area have been transferred to other game areas, there are still many ordinary people stranded here, so there are some of our manpower left here. But after the attack on us just now Those people who have died can indeed be said to have deserved death."

"Okay, if this is the case, then... um? In this game area, can't ordinary methods cause harm to people?"

As if sensing something suddenly, Bai Zhi turned his head to look at Su Hui Zhimian.

—Just now, one of the shadow guards he released was killed.

"That's right, in this game area, the only things that can cause harm to people are the guns and weapons spawned in this game area, pans or melee weapons picked up are also fine, such as grenades or incendiary bombs, etc. Everything has to follow the rules of the game."

When it came to this, Su Hui Zhimian seemed a little helpless.

"It is precisely because of this rule that a safe zone cannot be established here. After all, as long as one of the survivors has evil intentions, the consequences will be unimaginable."

There has been precedent for something like this.

It's not that they haven't thought about establishing a safe zone in this game area. After all, the real danger here only comes from the human side. As long as it can be restrained well, this may become the safest safe zone... But They still underestimated the complexity and darkness of human nature.

Especially in this doomsday-like environment, the darkness in some people's hearts is infinitely magnified. There have been many tragedies before. No one can predict how many grenades are hidden inside.

It is precisely because of this that after a large number of ordinary people are transferred from this game area, this game area will quickly become a hunting ground for those criminal players.

Originally, according to Su Hui Zhimian's idea, she planned to find a painted car here, and then drive quickly through this game area, but under the premise that Bai Zhi was with her, this kind of thing would not happen. necessary.

The speed of the ghost domain is much faster than that of the vehicle. As long as you carefully avoid the poisonous areas that randomly spread and shrink in the middle, the journey can be said to be unimpeded, although in this game area, direct damage skills have no effect , but the auxiliary skills can still play their due role.

It was also because of this that in less than half an hour, Bai Zhi took Su Huizhimian across the game area.

Even in the middle, I picked up an airdrop by the way...

But just like the situation in other game areas, the items obtained in a certain game area can only be used in this game area, so the items obtained by airdrop are better than nothing.

The only thing that can be brought into other game areas, there is only one.

—The power gained by killing people.

This is the case in the Minecraft game area, and the same is true for the Peace Elite game area. Although the rules of these game areas are different, they are actually the same in essence...that is, through high rewards to encourage self-discipline among human beings. Cannibalism.


Because of Su Hui Zhimian, the messenger, Bai Zhi's action efficiency was obviously many times higher.

After the Peace Elite game area, they passed through eight or nine low-risk game areas one after another. In these game areas, there are Bai Zhi's familiar Minesweeper Spider Solitaire Greedy Snake Temple Escape Among the popular games, there are also some games that he has never heard of.

The specific benchmarking is probably half to half.

But without exception, the risks in these game areas are all low to medium risk, and each has its own characteristics. In a certain game area called QQ Farm, there is even the largest safe area established.

When passing through the game area, Bai Zhi stole a piece of corn by the way, it tasted very good.

A few hours later, under the leadership of Su Hui Zhimian, Bai Zhi came to a brand new game area. Compared with those game areas he had experienced before, the current game area is undoubtedly more distinctive.

The sky is as colorful as a jigsaw puzzle, the earth is cracked in lines, and in the endless mist, the phantom of a huge monster appears and disappears from time to time.

"...What kind of game area is this?"

After raising his head and staring at the phantom in front of him for a while, while nibbling the corn in his hand, Bai Zhi turned his head and asked the girl next to him.

"I don't know, maybe it can be said that this is a game area that has not yet evolved."

With a strawberry-flavored lollipop in her mouth, Su Hui Zhimian shook her head.

"At the beginning, according to our statistics, the number of large and small game areas that completely divided Haicheng was 34, but by now, the number of game areas has grown to 38."

"Are there four more... New ones here?"

Stretching out his hand to touch his chin, Bai Zhi looked thoughtful.

...He suddenly thought of the fact that Haicheng was slowly expanding outwards as mentioned in the original speech.

"That's right, this is the 39th yet-to-be-formed game zone."

Nodding her head, Su Hui Zhimian spoke seriously.

"The No. 39 game area appeared half a day ago. Phalaenopsis and August Desolation star players have gathered here, trying to see if we can prevent the birth of the new game area...Let's all go there too. "

I was blowing on the air conditioner all night yesterday, and I woke up this morning with a terrible headache, that’s why it’s so late (ノ○Д○)ノ

There will be another update later (ノ○Д○) ノskirt ①Let’s go 217 Qiyiliu

Volume 2 The Miracle of Micro-Probability: Chapter 1476 Chapter 553

Unlike other game areas, Game Area No. 39 is clearly in an unformed state.

The sky is as colorful as a jigsaw puzzle, and the lines on the ground are constantly flowing and changing, and against the backdrop of the tumbling giants in the turbulent mist in the distance, people walking in it, it is a kind of fantasy fairy tale smell.

——In front of that colossal monster, Bai Zhi and Su Hui Zhimian are as insignificant as ants on the ground.

"Who are there in this game area?"

Looking at the huge monster tumbling in the mist from a distance, while leading Su Hui Zhimian towards the center, Bai Zhi asked the other party.

According to the information he has learned so far, the disaster that happened in Haicheng is not limited to Haicheng, but Haicheng outside is gradually engulfing the outer space.

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