Shuraba Player

Chapter 905:

Bai Zhi had experienced the air wall before when he was in the Novice Village in Japan, so he was no stranger to it.

The situation here is similar to that in Xinshou Village.

Although the shops on both sides of the street seem to have their doors wide open, it is impossible to enter at all, let alone use the ghost domain to move, which has become a pure decoration or a sticker.

And similarly, just like the fixed props in those game scenes, the abandoned vehicles on the street are also in a state that cannot be destroyed.

"Testing… uh, that's it?"

At this time, Su Hui Zhimian pointed forward carefully.

In front of them tens of meters away, at the intersection blocked by more than a dozen dilapidated and damaged vehicles, a red vortex about ten meters high quietly appeared at some point.

"...It's about the same. It seems that it is no different from the previous few times."

Looking at the huge red vortex in front of him, the cat in the book stretched out his hand and pressed his temple with a little headache.

"It was like this once or twice before. Any monsters could come out of that red vortex, and they are basically monsters that have appeared in games, such as zombies, goblins, cyborgs, and even dungeons in DNF. All the lords in the game may come out, it is simply a hodgepodge of game monsters..."

"What, killing monsters again."

Cursing his lips, Xiao Shan took off the long knife that was bigger than his body from behind with a few backhands.

"According to the old formation, August wastes the trap, Liuli plays the striker, and I will sweep the formation."

"Lay a trap?"

Turning his head, Bai Zhi looked at August Huang with some curiosity.

Immediately afterwards, he saw what seemed to be a very familiar teleportation gun in the other party's hand. As the other party pointed the teleportation gun at the ground and the wall, after a few muffled thuds, the ground And on the wall, there are a few more high-tech metal creations...

"...Those traps in the reverse tower defense mode?"

Looking at the decelerations on the ground and the flame wall on the wall, Bai Zhi's expression couldn't help but look a little weird.

Now, he kind of understands what the magical item master in the other party's title means...Is it using items as the core talent?

"When we came in before, the situation was almost the same twice as now, but the terrain environment has changed."

Some invisible lines appeared on his hand at some point, and while staring at the red vortex over there, Phalaenopsis explained to him.

"In this case, the monsters that appeared from there were almost endless, so basically we couldn't make it to the end, and we could only escape urgently at the last moment. It is estimated that this time is similar."

When she said this, a little discouragement was evident in her tone.

"Is it like this..."

Looking up at the red vortex not far in front of him, Bai Zhi looked thoughtful.

Although he deliberately wanted to use the ghost domain to detect it, but an air wall in front of the **** vortex blocked the spread of the ghost domain.

Bai Zhi: "..."

…He hates things like air walls.


Sixty seconds is fleeting.

Accompanied by the rumbling sound from the ground, a large number of monsters began to emerge from the red vortex tens of meters away in front of everyone.

Just like what the cat said in the previous book, the existences that emerge from the red vortex are basically those classic monsters that have appeared in various games.

Mushroom monsters in Mario, Bowser, Zombies in Plants vs. Zombies, iron barrels, zombies in Minecraft, creepers, cave spiders, river crabs in MOBA games, minions, long-range artillery, red and blue BUFFs, The goblins and slimes in the DNF dungeon, the Qiuqiu people in the original god... are densely packed and endless.

— It's a hodgepodge of game monsters.

Although some monsters were burned into electricity by the flame wall and lightning wall on both sides of the street when they first came out of the red vortex, the number of monsters was too large.

And because of the barrier of the air walls on both sides of the street, they wouldn't scatter at all, and swarmed towards them.

Like some with long-range combat capabilities, they have already thrown stones or shot arrows towards them.

"No... why are there so many monsters this time?"

Looking at the densely packed monsters emerging from the red vortex, after only a few seconds, the expressions of the cats in Phalaenopsis Book changed dramatically.

Compared with the time between them, the number of monsters appearing now has increased by more than dozens of times!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the traps that were set up by August Huang and expected to be able to block for at least ten minutes were completely overwhelmed by these monsters.

Although these traps have a certain degree of indestructible characteristics, the number of monsters is really too much, even from time to time you can see green data flowing from the monster group, but compared to the huge and steady stream Constant numbers are just a drop in the bucket.


Subconsciously blocking in front of Bai Zhi, Moran Liuli stretched out her hand to hold the void in front of her. After a while, when she clenched her hand tightly, there was an extra jade straight-edged knife in her hand.

The blade surface was as smooth as water, with a cold edge faintly shining.

Staring closely at the wave of monsters rapidly approaching them, the girl's pale fingers with ink marks faintly brushed across the jade blade.

In a trance, a faint blood color escaped from the fingertips, and was quickly absorbed by the jade knife surface.

—The name of Blood Walker is a title obtained by using one's own blood as a means of attack.

And just when the monster army was about to rush in front of them, Shulimao and the others had already begun to think about whether to retreat temporarily, the game monster army in front of them suddenly fell into a strange stagnation.

Half a second later, a large green stream of data shot up into the sky.

Under August Huang's astonished eyes, the dense army of game monsters that filled almost every corner of the street was wiped out in an instant.

Even in the red vortex, there are still monsters of various games coming out continuously, but the moment they emerged from the red vortex, they were strangled by an invisible force and turned into a skyrocketing green data flow , the scene looked truly spectacular.


After a little bit of astonishment, Phalaenopsis was the first to turn her head to look at someone beside her as if she suddenly remembered something.

The white Rubik's Cube spun endlessly, guarding Bai Zhi's side like the most loyal guard, maintaining a gesture of outstretched hands, Bai Zhi slightly turned his head to look at the other party, with an expression on his face So calm.

It's just that before Bai Zhi, who was already in the pose, opened his mouth, at this moment, Xiao Shan, who also turned his head and noticed this scene, immediately exclaimed.

"White Void Ten Thousand Zangs!"


Bai Zhi: "..."

After constructing their respective talent cores, it is actually difficult to draw a conclusion on the strength comparison between players, and the ratings between systems are just a rough evaluation.

It is precisely because of this that players have spontaneously made a distinction between ordinary players and high-level players.

— Domain skills.

For example, the [Blood Field] of the salted fish on the back, the [Mercury Field] of Ouroboros, the [Chessboard Field] of Mozu, the [Blood Field] of Xige Tingshi, or It's a majestic [Majestic Domain] that has never been used in this world... and so on.

Domain skills can be said to be a symbolic feature that distinguishes ordinary players.

The [Master] special effect derived from [Pure White Rubik's Cube], although it is somewhat similar to domain skills in form of expression, it is still somewhat different in actual use.

The main difference is reflected in consumption.

Other people's domain skills will be consumed continuously after use, and if there is not enough reserves, they will not last long at all...but [Master] is different.

In addition to the psionic energy needed to activate the special effect of [Master] at the beginning, the subsequent manipulation does not require any consumption.

It is precisely because of this that Bai Zhi can continuously crush the game monsters emerging from the red vortex.

—To completely dominate the space in this area, so that he has enough capital to be able to do this kind of thing.

But correspondingly, the consumption of the special effect of [Master] is also quite scary.

The minimum consumption is 3000 psionic energy, if you want to increase the coverage area, the consumption will increase exponentially.

Even now that Baizhi has the bonus of improving the spiritual energy recovery rate obtained by the perfect rating, and with the assistance of the two perfect-level items on the spiritual energy recovery rate, if the 3000-point spiritual energy wants to be recovered naturally, At least half a day is required.

Don't look at Bai Zhi, who is pretending to be calm and clear, but in reality, his psionic energy has almost bottomed out.

But this does not prevent others from being shocked. After all, how would other people know the twists and turns?

Even seeing the pure white Rubik's Cube around Bai Zhi's body, he only dared to guess at the epic level, let alone anything else.


Looking at Xiao Shan'er with a shocked expression over there and the hamster with an equally shocked expression on his shoulder, Bai Zhi silently added another name to the small notebook in his heart.

I overslept (ノ○Д○)ノ, but I clearly remembered that I had an update in my dream! ! ! (

This complements yesterday's (ノ○Д○)ノ skirt ① 6 bar 2 17 ⑦ clothing 6

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1479 Chapter 556 The "Fruit" of Everyone (4k)

Because the sentence that Xiao Shanji yelled out directly destroyed the atmosphere that Bai Zhi had created with great difficulty.

If Bai Zhi thought he was handsome, handsome, and handsome before, then now, under the eyes of the other six people with various meanings, he feels like a big crowd in a zoo panda…

—Bai Zhi is not very good at metaphors.

"...Two choices, you decide for yourself."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Bai Zhi temporarily gave up the idea of ​​getting into trouble with Xiao Shan.

Stretching out his finger to the red vortex in front of him, his expression was concise.

"Either, choose to leave here directly, and come back again without success. Or, enter the red vortex to find out. Which one is your choice?"

Two choices, although the former is safe, but it is destined to be a futile return, the latter is dangerous and unknown, and it may not be able to obtain the desired information.

On the face of it, this is actually a good choice to make.

— But for the players here, the choice has been doomed since the moment Bai Zhi made his move.

"Okay, the situation inside is unknown, so we must make corresponding arrangements and preparations before going in."

Shrugging his shoulders slightly, Bai Zhi who was not surprised by this result began to speak.

"The duration of [Master] is still close to a few minutes. For the convenience of arrangement, during this time, I hope to know your strength information and fighting tendencies."

For players, based on differences in personal core talents, players have different strengths and fighting tendencies.

Logistics, support, summoning, summoning, tanks, assault... There are countless genres.

Bai Zhi has a clear understanding of the players in his guild.

For example, Lin Xiaoyi, the school belle, is in the logistics support category. [What] the guild can be said to be well-organized in the hands of her, the vice president, even in the choice of the main job. She is also biased towards the logistics support stream.

As for Mu Qianse, although she is somewhat similar to Lin Xiaoyi in terms of genre definition, she is in the logistics support category. Among other things, having a great cook in the team is definitely the greatest happiness.

As for the others, Xia Wen is an assassin in several roles, Tianhuo is a fire method, and Bai Zhi himself, he defines himself as a generalist.

Entering such a dangerous and unknown place, if the definition of others is not clear, then it is likely to cause quite serious consequences afterwards.

"Fighting tendencies... Uh, in my opinion, it should be considered a very comprehensive kind."

After thinking for a while, August Huang answered with some uncertainty.

"I'm good at fighting, and I'm also good at assisting healing... Let's put it this way, my strength depends entirely on the props I summon."

After a little thought, August Huang simply had a showdown.

"Whether it's a game, or the props that have appeared in manga and anime, I can reproduce them to a certain extent. This is also the origin of my title of magical prop master."

"...Tinker Bell?"

After frowning and thinking for a while, Xiao Shan made a very serious gesture of √ on his hand.

"In just one Doraemon, the number of props owned is not less than ten thousand? Can you take out the bamboo dragonfly?"


He laughed a few times in his mouth, put his hand into his pocket, and August Huang took out a few bamboo dragonflies as if by magic.

"This kind of props with a single function and not strong is actually very simple to realize, similar to air cannons and the like. The props that are really difficult to realize are similar to any door and time machine."

Some players may need to carefully keep the secrets of their core talents to avoid being targeted, but for him, this kind of information is not a rank that needs to be deliberately kept secret, after all, it is easy to guess.

But guessing is one thing, and whether it can be targeted is another. There are tens of thousands of magical props in the comic of Doraemon alone, let alone animations like The Adventures of Jackie Chan.

Otherwise, no matter what kind of enemy he encounters, no matter what kind of situation he is in, he will be able to find suitable props to deal with it.

The so-called jack-of-all-trades player is referring to him.

The only pity is that the higher-level props take a lot of time and energy to realize, and it is impossible to deal with them in real time, which may be a hindrance at critical moments.

But like this kind of thing, he has been deliberately trying to improve the situation in this area.

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