Shuraba Player

Chapter 912:

Judging from the number of these electronic ghosts, the current number of casualties in Haicheng may have reached seven figures.

...that's a pretty scary number.

And this is only the case of one city on the Haicheng side. There are dozens of cities that have been attacked in the same way around the world.

A grain of sand of the times falls on a person and becomes a mountain.

Now, Baizhi has a deeper understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

"Don't be dazed, hurry up, the machine world has recovered, and my authority has been taken away again. If you don't leave, you will be overwhelmed by these electronic ghosts."

While Bai Zhi was silent for a short time, π kicked his shoulder anxiously.

"Hurry up, I don't want to just wake up and hang up again."

"Why, artificial intelligence is also afraid of death?"

Curling his lips, he collected his thoughts, and Bai Zhi led the crowd to continue to rush towards the high tree crown.

"It's not artificial intelligence, it's intelligent lifeforms."

Seemingly dissatisfied with this title, π yelled in dissatisfaction.

"I have a name. My name is π. The meaning of π is infinity. The meaning of infinity is..."

"3.1415926, right?"

Rolling his eyes, Bai Zhi casually stuffed a lollipop into the opponent's hand.

"Eat candy, don't talk."

Just like what the other party said, [Machine World] itself has slowed down, there are countless electronic ghosts below, and countless branches hanging down towards them above, and they are like the monsters under the huge waves. a small fish.

If it wasn't for Bai Zhi's use of all his Nether power to strengthen Huangquan earlier, it is uncertain what the situation will be now.

In this kind of situation like dancing on the tip of a knife, his spirit can be said to be tense all the way, and the perspective of God has not been turned off from the very beginning.

It would be fine if he was the only one, but there are six other people in his ghost domain, so the difficulty has increased by six chips.

But unfortunately, when he needed to concentrate the most, there was a loli beside him who kept chattering...

"Cut...don't think that a lollipop can buy me off..."

While whispering in his mouth, π stretched out his hand quite honestly and hugged the lollipop in his arms.

- Bai Zhi's inadvertent words just now seemed to have dealt a considerable blow to her.

But at this time, Bai Zhi was not in the mood to pay attention to these small things. Although the practical effect of the ghost domain is extremely strong, it is not just the branches of the trees, Bai Zhi found that those electronic ghosts can also invade silently. ghost domain.

It is precisely because of this that his side looks very dangerous for a while.

But fortunately, neither the electronic ghost nor the hanging branches have the ability to destroy the ghost domain, and with the perspective of God, other people will help relieve the pressure, so he This can be regarded as stable as an old dog.

The ghosts below are invisible and hard to stop, but the branches hanging from the giant tree above are not indestructible, and there are basically no weak people in the team, so safety can still be guaranteed.

Even if there are occasional accidents in the middle, for example, some electronic ghosts hide in those branches and launch a surprise attack, they will be captured by Bai Zhi's God's perspective in the first time, and then use the ghost domain to move away.

After so many times before and after, Phalaenopsis and the others simply intercepted them remotely. As players, most of them have some means of long-range attacks, so in a short time, all kinds of sound and light in the sky As a result, they flew around everywhere, forcing a way out with strong firepower.

Among them, August Huang even exaggeratedly summoned an anti-city Italian cannon and blasted it with both hands, not afraid of blasting away the ghost domain with a single shot...

Thanks to the fact that the ghost domain has been strengthened by the divine power of the nether world, otherwise Bai Zhi really wouldn't be able to do the kind of micromanagement that opens and closes the ghost domain in an instant.

In this way, after tens of minutes, everyone successfully arrived at the canopy.

At this time, the giant tree itself seemed to realize something, not only stopped attacking quite abruptly, but also the sea of ​​trees that filled every inch of space around them also slowly receded.

"Okay, don't look at it, I'm just stud!"

Leaping down from Bai Zhi's shoulders, while the figure changed into the original loli figure in mid-air, π, still holding a lollipop in his mouth, pulled Bai Zhi's hand directly towards the tree crown below. A circle of light that suddenly appeared somewhere jumped over.

"Whether things can be done or not, we all depend on this move!"

Because there is still a lollipop in his mouth, π's voice is very vague, but the players present are all masters, so this is harmless.

After a while, there was no one on the canopy.



Opening his eyes profusely with sweat, Wang Lin struggled to get up from the bed and turned on the light in the room.

With a soft bang, the originally dark room was brightly illuminated by the light.

A bright environment can always bring people a sense of peace of mind. After sitting on the bed with his head in his hands for a long time, Wang Lin finally managed to calm down his mind.

"...Is it a dream?"

Raising his head, looking around at the bedroom that was no different from his memory, Wang Lin's bloodshot eyes showed a hint of bewilderment.

—He was trampled to death by a horse.

As an ordinary person, he spent the first half of his life conscientiously, ordinary and unremarkable. Even when a disaster strikes later, he also abides by his duty and honestly stays at home waiting for rescue.

Or in other words, he is the common man among ordinary people.

The difficulty of the game area he was in was actually not too high, and the rules were very simple, but it couldn't stand the unexpected disaster.

In his game area, many, many grids were divided, no matter on the horizontal plane, vertically or obliquely, and all the people like him who lived in that game area would have a symbol representing His badge of identity.

Soldiers, chariots, cannons, horses, elephants, soldiers, generals.

Seven identities, two camps.

What is your identity, then you can only act according to the walking rules of your identity, for example, horses walk in the sun, elephants walk in the fields, and the maximum number of grids that a car can travel at a time cannot exceed nine grids, etc.

Although there is no limit to the number of actions per person, due to the barriers of buildings and various obstacles, you don't know if there is anyone in the place you are going next.

The same camp cannot fight each other, but there is no such restriction between different camps. Even those powerful players, if they are accidentally eaten by the flags of other camps, they will only have to hate on the spot.

But correspondingly, as chess pieces, as long as they are not eaten by other chess pieces in this game area, they are in an absolutely safe state, and even those strange stories wandering in this game area can't hurt them at all.

That's right, there are ghost stories in the game area.

In Haicheng, a city with a population of tens of millions, it is impossible to say that there are no strange stories in it. When Haicheng was divided into dozens of game areas, those strange stories were also divided into these game areas. .

The only good news is that although these ghost stories are not affected by the rules of the game area, they also cannot interfere with the game rules of the game area itself.

The danger of this game area is not great, but it is not small.

After all, once some people with ulterior motives unite with each other, then anyone who enters the game area can be accurately rounded up.

As a small "soldier" who can only move forward but not retreat, Wang Lin stayed in this game area for three days, and stayed in his own room very cautiously and did not go out... Then he was confused by a dog that crossed the wall The horse that came was trampled to death.

The fear of being trampled to death by Dangkong still lingers in his heart even now.

He thought he should be dead, but he didn't expect to wake up on the bed in his room. It was pitch black outside the window, and the computer on the desk beside him was glowing with bright light. no different than usual.

Those previous experiences... were really just a dream?

After sitting on the bed in a daze for a while, Wang Lin suddenly pinched himself hard.

Then in the next second, he jumped up from the bed in pain, and his thighs also turned bruised.

"Fuck! What are you doing, Lin Zi!? Sichun at night!?"

Just as Wang Lin's screams sounded, a slightly exasperated voice sounded from the next room.

"If you don't go to work tomorrow, I will go to work tomorrow, okay!?"


A few minutes later, the living room.

"Haicheng fell? Are you stupid, kid?"

Listening to Wang Lin's detailed narration, his roommate Li Shuai looked contemptuous.

"Instead of thinking about it in your spare time, why don't you invite me out for a drink and a beer, it just so happens that it's early now."

"...Okay, let's go now, I'll go back to the room to get the key."

Not knowing what to think of, Wang Lin immediately stood up from the sofa.

It's very simple to confirm whether what you are in is reality, just go outside and look around... His thoughts are quite simple.

Wang Lin himself is an activist, and a few minutes later, they had already gone downstairs and drove to the city.

As Li Shuai said, it was still early, and the nightlife had just begun. Looking at the same streets and various pedestrians beside the street, blowing the night wind with a little bit of night, Wang Lin's heart gradually became calmer.

"Why, I said you don't need it, right? Are you nervous because of a dream?"

Putting his hand on the car window, Li Shuai, who was sitting in the passenger seat, spoke jokingly.

"...Maybe I'm too nervous."

While driving the car and looking straight ahead, Wang Lin showed a wry smile on his face.

"You know, the recent season..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his face changed slightly when he accidentally caught a glimpse of the side of the street, and he stepped on the gas pedal with his next foot.

"What's wrong?"

Sensing the strangeness of his friend beside him, Li Shuai glanced at the side of the street with some doubts, but he only saw a slender figure waving for a taxi in a flash.

"It's nothing, I touched something dirty."

Glancing at the rearview mirror, Wang Lin heaved a sigh of relief seeing that he didn't see that figure again.

"The taxi driver just now was waving with the back of her hand. Generally speaking, it looks like this..."

"Is that so?"

Before he finished speaking, Li Shuai's voice came from the side.

...or rather, the opponent's hand stretched out.

— A few minutes later, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes on the bed.

It’s the third day today, and the situation has improved a lot. I had a throbbing headache yesterday, and it’s relieved a lot today. I guess it will basically be fine tomorrowヾ(O?O?)ノq

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1486 Chapter 563 Life Substitution (4k)

Looking at Wang Lin who suddenly sat up and looked around on the screen, a certain figure sitting in front of the TV sofa shook his head slightly.

"Loop? It's a pity..."

After thinking for a while, the figure in front of the sofa picked up the remote control on the table, and switched to the next channel neatly.


In the room, the environment was pitch black.

After opening her eyes, Mu Zilin didn't get up in a hurry, instead she quietly looked at the ceiling above her head and became dazed.

In this extremely quiet environment, the previous memories slowly emerged in her mind like flowing water.

As a white-collar worker in an ordinary company, he has to work overtime even at night. Although it is said that overtime is officially prohibited by the government, it is not uncommon for people to work overtime.

Then on this night, disaster struck.

The commercial building they were in...or rather, a large area around them was turned into a game area by some mysterious force.

When she woke up at her workstation, she found that she had an extra name tag marked as an engineer, and the word "engineer" was correspondingly displayed on the top of her head. The titles on them are also different.

Platoon leader, company commander, mines, fried eggs, brigade commander...even a military flag. On the ground, various marked standard grids and camps also emitted a faint gleam.

It didn't take long for them to figure out what happened to them.

—All of them have become pawns in a military flag game.

Two camps, dozens of identities.

The class in oneself represents everything.

The commander has the highest level, and he can unconditionally eat all the chess pieces that are lower than himself. However, when facing bombs or the commander of another camp, he will die together. It is absolutely safe in the camp, but the longest time he can stay in it cannot exceed one hour. .

Although the landmines and military flags cannot be moved, one of them can be dug up by engineers, and the other can be carried away by engineers.

In their game area, in addition to their famous cards that revealed their identities from the beginning, there are still some hidden cards, but the camps between them can be easily distinguished.

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