Shuraba Player

Chapter 917:

—Of all the people, only the cat in the book understood him completely.

"You think too much, it's just a different method."

Glancing at Bai Zhi, and after explaining something for him, Shulimao simply turned his head and looked at August Huang.

"In Doraemon, you should be able to realize the magical props such as the shrinking flashlight?"

"Zoom the flashlight... OK."

After being a little dazed, August Huang, who came to his senses, nodded hastily.

Since he built his talent core, he has taken the time to frantically make up various dramas. Among them, the classic childhood like Doraemon, which is very suitable for his abilities, he has made up from beginning to end. .

Although it is said that some unnatural causal props cannot be realized, but magical props such as bamboo dragonfly shrinking flashlights are still no problem for him.

[Zooming Flashlight], as the name suggests, this is a magical prop that can shrink the things that are irradiated by the flashlight.

"The person has shrunk... Wait, you can come in if you want, I'll turn the quilt over first."

Looking at the people in front of them who had become as big as hamsters under the light of the flashlight, π stood up reluctantly.

She can change her own body shape at will, so she doesn't need to use that shrinking flashlight... But now she just can't be happy.

The so-called happiness is all compared.

Hiding in the quilt with other people who have become smaller, how can you be happy hiding in the quilt by yourself and watching other people being frozen into dogs?


Although the inside of the quilt is as cold as the outside, the situation is much better than the outside, and the space is also larger. If it is cold, you can run a marathon to exercise your body.

—Baizhi and the others survived the remaining hours in the stacked quilts.

Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month (ノ○Д○)ノ

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1490 Chapter 567

In the dark and empty world, there is no concept of time.

Although the environment inside the quilt is still very cold, but frankly speaking, this can be regarded as a very novel experience.

…Especially when you first get inside the quilt and someone's body shines.

It's just a pity that they didn't appreciate this kind of spectacle for too long. After someone with a dark face asked August Huang to take out the lighting props, they couldn't appreciate it anymore. It's a pity to be true.

Time, in this atmosphere, slowly passed forward.

At a certain time, when August Huang was holding up the dumbbells and was pressing the iron, accompanied by a muffled bang, the whole wooden house began to shake violently as if it had hit something.

Because they did not expect such a sudden change at all, everyone was shocked for a while.

It's also thanks to Baizhi that he opened the ghost domain in time, otherwise, the head of any unlucky guy who was not fully secured among them would have a close contact with the dumbbell that August Huang took out.

"It's already here, let's go out quickly, otherwise those patrolling guards will walk over, those things are very dangerous and terrifying."

At this juncture, π hastily opened his mouth to speak.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

A few minutes later, looking at the so-called guards running through the grass in front of him, not only Bai Zhi, but also everyone else was silent for a long time.

"...Are you sure this is scary?"

After a little silence, Xiao Shanji turned his head and looked at the nervous looking loli beside him.

Because of the urgency of the situation, they have not returned to their original size now, and they still look like little people, but even under the observation of this physical condition, the so-called Weitu who hurried past them no matter how you look at it. They have nothing to do with the words terror and danger.

— Those cute guards should be described with the word cute.

"Not scary? From this point of view, you have already been recruited."

Glancing at them, with a lollipop in his mouth, π shook his head pityingly.

"Let me ask you, among you, does even one of you remember the appearance of the guard who ran past us?"


Following the question of π, everyone froze, including Bai Zhi.

Even if they tried their best to recall, they couldn't remember any of the guard's appearance, height, weight, appearance, body shape...all of them.

It was as if an eraser suddenly appeared in their minds, erasing all their impressions about that guard, leaving only a few adjectives.

"...Tell me, what's going on?"

Stretching out his hand to press his forehead, Bai Zhi turned his head to look at π.

At the same time, the perspective of God has also been quietly opened by him.

But even if he is observing the image of the guard on the other side of the lawn in real time through the perspective of God, he still can't piece together any appearance characteristics of the other party in his mind.

What does the opponent look like, what is his height, what is his body size, what species does he belong to, the main color of his body...all are unknown.

The only thing that impresses me is that these guards are very cute, cute...

Other than that, nothing else.

"Don't ask me, because I don't know what the principle is."

Facing Shang Baizhi's gaze, π shook his head.

"Although it was said that I built and arranged this place by myself before, since the fall of [Machine World], I don't know what it has been changed by the devil."

"You built it?"

Slightly raising his eyebrows, Bai Zhi looked around slightly.

Of course, with his current body shape, he is in the weeds around him that are taller than himself. Naturally, he can't see anything. The most important thing is the God's perspective that he has raised all the way.

Judging from the bird's-eye view from a high place, they seem to have come to a slightly gloomy castle, and the place they are now is a lawn outside the castle. The guards, who were so scattered that they couldn't be observed in concrete form, were dealing with the remains of the broken wooden house.

"That's right, everything here is built by me."

With a slight sigh in his mouth, π sat down on a low-hanging grass beside him.

"Those guards are just protective units wandering around the outermost edge of the castle. There are other more terrifying things in the castle. Before I was forced into an almost eternal sleep, the castle had completely fallen gone."

"Really? Then do you still remember the specific appearance of the guard you bought and built?"

While continuously observing the guards on the other side of the lawn who were busy cleaning up the mess from the perspective of God, Bai Zhi asked.

The other party said that the castle has completely fallen, but judging from the scene seen from the highest place from the perspective of God before, the whole castle looks quite intact, and there is no dilapidated or fallen scene at all...except for a slight Beyond the spooky point.

"Can not remember."

Pi shook his head.

"After those guards became like this, I lost control over these guards, and also lost all memory of their original appearance."

When he said this, π's face was full of resentment.

"Not only that, but the guards in charge of guarding the castle even took the initiative to attack me, the princess, completely ignoring me, the creator."


Slightly raising his eyebrows, Bai Zhi turned his head to look at the other party.

"Why, can't you? Isn't it normal for a cute girl like me to have a princess dream?"

Turning his head away from looking at him, π snorted softly in his mouth.

"Don't take those guards seriously. It seems that the condition on it can be infected. At the beginning, there was only one guard who became like that, but later, all the guards were transformed into that ghost."

"Is it like this, it seems that close contact combat is to be avoided..."

Stretching out his hand to touch his chin, Bai Zhi looked thoughtful.

—At the same time, he also switched his current title from [The Miracle of Microprobability] to [His Royal Highness].

And while Bai Zhi was pondering for a moment, several guards who heard the noise rushed towards him.

Without exception, no one can remember the specific appearance of these guards, but unfortunately, everyone's evaluation of these guards is "cute" and "cute" without exception.

"Tell me, how can we help you?"

Cautiously hiding behind a big tree, looking at the backs of those guards who have gone away...or having no impression of the backs of these things at all, Bai Zhi asked π beside him.

"What do you want to get back the authority that originally belonged to you?"

"Permission? It's impossible to get all the permissions back, and it's impossible for me to get those things back. After all, [Jijie] itself has been transformed and riddled with holes."

Still keeping his gaze on those departing guards, π shook his head slightly.

"As the master control program of [Machine World], if all the permissions I originally held were restored, I would degenerate in an instant, and the completely polluted [Machine World] would pull me into the abyss completely. "


Looking at the loli in front of him, Bai Zhi raised his brows slightly.

"So I need to get back some specific permissions to completely destroy [Machine World] itself."

Looking up at him, π answered very seriously.

"It has become a [weapon]. I don't know how many tragedies it has caused in the past years when I was forced to sleep. I can no longer tolerate it continuing to make mistakes."

"...Tell me what we need to do."

After staring into the other person's eyes for a moment, Bai Zhi turned his head and looked into the distance.

"I agree with you, things like this shouldn't exist in themselves."

In fact, in his heart, his inclination is to see if the [Machine World] can be preserved. After all, given the current situation in their world, if they can have the help of the [Machine World], they can save quite a few people in the future. many people.

But since the other party has said so, he can't say much.

"It's very simple, I need you to **** me to the very center of the castle."

Stretching out a finger in front of him, π looked serious.

"This place is heavily guarded, and there are many traps. Although I know it well, no one knows what kind of changes have taken place here in the long years. It is precisely because of this that this journey will Quite dangerous."

"Center... can it pass through the air?"

He looked up at the sky, and after thinking for a while, Bai Zhi asked.

Judging from the vision transmitted from the perspective of God, it is quite a long distance from them to the center of the castle, but it would be much easier if they could break in from the air.

"Uh...there are the same rule coverage as those game areas, so you can only walk on the ground, and you have to pass a lot of checkpoints."

For some reason, he seemed a little guilty for no reason, and π turned his head and looked aside with a slightly erratic look in his eyes.

"To be honest, to a certain extent, this castle is actually a game area..."

"Eh? What game?"

Hearing this, Su Hui Zhimian turned to look at her curiously.

"...a game to save the cute princess."

Under the gaze of everyone, with his hands clasped in front of his body, π answered slightly awkwardly.

"In the script I set, this is the devil's castle. The kingdom's cutest little princess was captured by the devil and came here, waiting for the rescue of the brave and his party... The outline of the plot is probably like this."

Everyone: "..."


Behind a certain dense bush, Baizhi and his party returned to their original appearance.

Although it is said that the reduced state before is more concealed, but the problem is... this is the game area.

Regarding things like the game area, not to mention Phalaenopsis and the others, even Bai Zhi has personally experienced a few of them, so he is not unfamiliar with the characteristics of this kind of place.

If it doesn't return to the original state, they probably won't even be able to enter the outer area...

That's right, this is a typical game where the brave saves the princess.

According to π, after they officially enter the game area, each of them will be assigned an identity.

Braves, warriors, priests...etc.

Their brave team will go all the way, break through all kinds of obstacles and traps in the devil's city, and then successfully fight in front of the devil to defeat the devil and rescue the princess. It's a very domineering plot.

Of course, because [Machine World] itself has been polluted, it is estimated that these plots originally set by π will undergo a certain degree of magical changes, and at that time, they can only adapt to the situation.

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