Shuraba Player

Chapter 931:

Looking at a certain loli who suddenly came down from the throne in front of him, stretched out his hands to hug his thigh and raised his head to look at him eagerly, the corners of Bai Zhi's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Don't do your best, but do it!"

A certain loli was tearful.

"Boss, my wealth and life are all tied to you. I am very capable. Not only can I use it to warm the bed, but it can also be used for...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

—Before this unscrupulous loli uttered even more shocking words, Bai Zhi decisively covered the opponent's mouth in time.

This complements yesterday's (ノ○Д○)ノ

I really tried my best, and the three alarm clocks didn't wake me up (ノ○Д○)ノqqunyiliu⑧二17妻①⑥

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1502 Chapter 579 Spaceship Monster (4K)

…It’s hard to describe that feeling in words.

When entering that time wormhole, the consciousness seems to be immersed in the seabed at a depth of 10,000 meters in an instant.

Cold, dead, suffocating.

The pressure was so terrifying that when the cat in the book opened his eyes, he half-kneeled on the cold slab, and he gasped involuntarily.

It wasn't until nearly half a minute later that he finally managed to regain his senses.

"Well, it's a bad start..."

Supporting the wall with his hands, the cat in the book stood up from the floor.

It wasn't until this time that he had time to look around and observe his surroundings.

"…cargo hold?"

Looking at the debris piled up around him, he frowned slightly, and the cat in the book turned his head to look out of the cabin.

What caught the eye was a sea of ​​stars with a light blue luster.

—Where he is now, is on a spaceship.

"The location is right, so if you put it this way, this is the spaceship where the accident happened..."

Letting out a little breath, the cat in the book looked at the door of the cargo hold.

In order to eliminate the influence of the law of causality as much as possible, π has carefully considered and selected the past time when they came.

First of all, in terms of the choice of time point, it must not be the time when π was born, and secondly, in terms of location, the people in their surrounding environment must be as few as possible.

As for the last, it is also very important. The point that determines whether their mission can be successful is that, under the conditions of meeting the previous two prerequisites, they have the ability to contact the machine world without being discovered. power.

The first two conditions are actually easy to say, but if the third condition is to be achieved, it is true that it is a bit difficult.

After all, in the final analysis, [Machine World], as the highest technological creation of the civilization that π belongs to, is not easily accessible, let alone under the premise of not being noticed by everyone.

Even if there is a special permission channel provided by π that allows them to log in [Machine Realm] anonymously, but the login point is always an unavoidable problem.

Therefore, after some deliberation, π finally chose a certain weird thing recorded in her civilization as the starting point.

The so-called deception is the general name of those unexplainable ghost stories in her civilization, and the time point where Baizhi and Shulimao went is the first recorded event in the history of the civilization to which π belongs. trick.

In this incident, a transport ship that went out to explore resources mysteriously disappeared on the way back. When it reappeared in people's sight three days later, the transport ship had undergone extremely strange changes.

As for what happened on this transport ship, there is no writing in the information left over. The person who recorded this matter at the beginning seems to have kept a secret about it, and only wrote about the final outcome of this transport ship.

"Well, at most one day later, this place will be destroyed by the Star Destroyer main gun and turned into interstellar dust... God **** Star Destroyer main gun."

Stretching out his hand to press the faintly aching head, the cat in the book began to spit in its mouth a little speechlessly.

After all, their task is actually very simple.

Find the login point on this transport ship that is about to be destroyed, and then try to log in to [Machine World]. As for what happens after that, we will talk about it at that time.

Although he claims to be a wise man, he still hasn't come up with an effective and feasible method on how to separate the causal relationship between the other party and the machine world.

"...Name her in advance? Or implant her current appearance data in advance through the backdoor program she gave us..."

While thinking about it in his heart, the cat in the book walked to the door of the cargo hold.

The cabin door seemed to have an automatic sensing device. He had just come to the door when the door made of unknown material smoothly opened to both sides.

The passage in front of him was pitch black.

Looking at the darkness in front of him, after thinking for a while, just to be on the safe side, the cat in the book reached out and took off the pair of plain glasses on his face, and then solemnly changed into a pair of black-rimmed glasses .

As a wise man, his combat ability is actually not strong, and his main attack direction is not combat. It is precisely because of this that in order to ensure his own safety, most of his skills and equipment tend to be life-saving types that are triggered.

His creed in life is to keep the green hills there, and not be afraid of running out of firewood.

If it weren't for the absence of teammates by his side, he would still be reluctant to take out this pair of black-rimmed glasses that he has cherished for a long time...

On this transport ship that didn't know what happened, completing the mission was secondary, and ensuring their own safety was the first priority.

…Luckily he can run pretty well.

After making preparations, he looked back at the warehouse where he was just now and remembered the terrain here. With a flash, the figure of the cat in the book disappeared into the darkness without a sound.

Because these transport ships are all of the same model, π has transferred the 3D model of the transport ship and shared it with them with the help of [Machine World]'s authority.

Since he had imprinted that model in his mind before, it was not difficult to confirm his current position according to the map.

From the very beginning, they agreed to meet at the main control room.

It didn't take too long, just a few minutes later, the cat in the book confirmed his current location according to the instructions on the roadside wall.

Judging from the comparison on the 3D model map in his mind, he is probably located in the middle and lower floors. If he wants to pass through many checkpoints to reach the main control room on the top floor, it will take several hours to say the least.

"Fortunately, we have already prepared..."

Whispering something in his mouth, his body pressed against the cold metal wall, and the cat in the book took out a golden ring from the system backpack.

After looking around for a while, he first jumped to the top of the floor as lightly as a spider sticking to the wall, and then carefully placed the golden ring on the top of the floor.

So in the blink of an eye, after he put the golden ring on it, the ring automatically sank into the top of the floor, and a black hole appeared in front of him.

[Magical Props? Penetrating Ring], one of the commonly used props in "Doraemon", ranks seventh in the number of occurrences among the props. It is shaped like a golden ring, and the user can stick it on the wall to pass through the wall. And pass.

The prop in his hand was rented out to him by the prop master, August Huang. The rental price for such a small prop is one source coin every time it is used.

In fact, it's not that August Huang wants to collect money, but the problem is that if others want to use the props he manifested, they have to pay rent, which is limited by the prop master's own characteristics.

But aside from the money aspect, with August Huang, the magical prop master, it can be said that they saved a lot of trouble.

After carefully looking into the hole to make sure there was nothing unusual on the other side, the cat in the book carefully climbed up from the opened hole.

During the whole process, he didn't make any sound, not even the sound of breathing and heartbeat. After only a few seconds, he crossed the long route in the middle and directly came to the upper floor.

Like the environment in the lower layer, the situation in the upper layer is also pitch black, and the power system of the entire transport ship seems to have been completely destroyed.

Not in a hurry to continue going up, after putting away the [Penetrating Ring] again, covering his nose with one hand, the cat in the book looked around with a slightly dignified expression.

In this layer, green hairs are scattered everywhere in the air. It looks a bit like mold that grows after biological decay, and it smells a lingering nausea.

A faint white halo emanated from the necklace around his neck, covering all the green hairs in the air.

The place where he is now seems to be in the personal rest cabin of an employee. There is a bed, a table, a TV, a dining table, and there is even a freezer near the door.

After frowning and looking around, the cat in the book found a dead body on the bed near the corner. The dead body seemed to have been dead for a long time, and it was covered with a thick layer of green hair. From a distance, it looks like a layer of green blankets, stacked on the bed to form a human shape.

"...the crew of this transport ship?"

While guessing in his heart, the cat in the book didn't mean to go up to check, but moved a little further away from the green-haired corpse.

Although he was curious about how the crew member died in his lounge with green hair all over his body, he still knew the truth that curiosity killed the cat.

After recalling the layout of the spaceship in his mind, he found a suitable place in this not-so-small cabin, and planned to continue going up.

It's just that at this moment, the sound of small footsteps suddenly came from outside the cabin door, and the footsteps came from far to near, approaching his cabin.


His complexion changed slightly, and he quickly took out a cloak from his backpack and put it on his body, and the cat in the book was hidden in the corner.

—[Magical props? Invisibility Cloak], the rental price for a single use is 5 source coins.

A few seconds later, the sound of footsteps stopped precisely at the door of the cabin, and the silence once again enveloped the darkness.

Looking at the cabin door over there from a distance, the heart of the cat in the book involuntarily cooled down.

These cabins all have a certain automatic identification function, which he has tested before. As long as he stays in front of the door of a certain cabin for more than five seconds, the door will automatically open.

But now, the thing outside the door has been staying for more than 20 seconds, but the cabin door still has no intention of opening, so he couldn't help thinking about it.

"There should be no one alive on this ship... Was it attracted by me?"

Squinting his eyes slightly, the cat in the book glanced at the green-haired corpse on the bed over there.

Although he said that he didn't want to get involved in what happened on this transport ship, it was obvious that the other party didn't want to let him go.

After waiting patiently for nearly three or four minutes, but there was no movement from outside the door, after a moment of contemplation, the cat in the book took out the penetrating ring again.

He can't afford it, but he can hide it.

Since the other party blocked the door, he could just go to another cabin.

Although it is not impossible to directly drill a hole in the roof through the penetration ring to go to the upper floor regardless of the footsteps, but there are certain safety hazards after all, and is there any more dangerous existence on the upper floor? He also had no way of knowing that if something unexpected happened, he might face the embarrassing scene of being attacked from both sides.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that just when he took out the penetrating ring and planned to go to other rooms, a new movement suddenly occurred in this room.

——The corpse covered with green hair lying on the bed slowly sat up from the bed at this moment.

Because he was actually not too far from the bed, so he could clearly see everything that happened in front of him.

"Come on, misfortunes never come singly, right?"

Cursing in a low voice in his heart, while observing the changes in the room in real time, he put his hand on the wall, and the cat in the book was ready to escape at any time.

Although the green-haired corpse doesn't look strong, he should be able to deal with it, but he doesn't have the idea of ​​fighting this kind of thing. He runs as long as he can, and never fights. This is his life rule.

It's just that the scene that happened in the middle of the room made him couldn't help cursing shift in his mouth.

After the corpse sat up from the bed, the countless green hairs floating in the air gathered towards the corpse one after another as if they had found a backbone.

In less than a few seconds, the countless green hairs floating in the air of the room disappeared, replaced by a green haired monster with longer hair.

As if waking up from sleep, after the humanoid green-haired monster stood up from the bed, it first glanced outside the door, then followed straight to the freezer and stretched out its hand to open the freezer.

...In the freezer, densely packed incomplete human limbs completely occupy the inner space.

After bending down to pick and choose in the freezer for a while, the green-haired monster picked out a thigh whose blood had condensed into ice slag, and held it in his hand with some dissatisfaction.

He casually threw that thigh on the dining table beside him, walked to the hatch, and the green-haired monster opened the hatch manually.

Outside the cabin door, a half body with only the lower body and pink high-heeled shoes stood there.

After the two monsters muttered together for a long time, it seemed that they had reached some consensus, and then they walked in from the hatch together, closed the hatch, and walked straight towards a certain direction together past.

—Towards the cat in the book.

Treasure box reminds you to update, what can you do (ノ○Д○)ノ I will add updates (ノ○Д○)ノ

Volume II The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1503 Chapter 580 The Law of Causality (4k)

This spaceship has been polluted by something weird.

Some of the crew on the spaceship were dismembered and turned into food, and some were parasitic and turned into monsters.

——When he saw the green-haired corpse sitting up from the bed and the half corpse that came to drop by, the cat in the book realized it belatedly.

If the countless green hairs floating in the air just now were part of the parasitic body, then he had been discovered from the very beginning.

If it wasn't for the equipment he brought with him to isolate those green hairs spontaneously, maybe when he first came to this room, he would be parasitized by those green hairs.

After figuring out these things in the shortest possible time, the cat in the book couldn't help feeling a little chilly.

To make matters worse, when the green-haired corpse and the female corpse wearing pink high-heeled shoes walked towards him, he found that the piercing ring and the invisibility cloak on his hand had all disappeared.

—The power of the law of causality will erase everything that does not belong to this era.

It's okay not to be discovered before, but now that he has been discovered by these two monsters parasitic on human corpses and treated as fresh food, the piercing ring and the invisibility cloak were created by August Huang. The magical props that have appeared are naturally impossible to exist again.

After realizing this, looking at the two monsters walking towards him in front of him, the face of the cat in the book couldn't help but look a little dark.

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