Shuraba Player

Chapter 936:

Seeing the unbelievable expressions on the faces of the people in front of him, the corners of π's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"From the very beginning of the relationship, do you think it's free whoring? It's hard for a clever woman to live without rice. Do you really think that I can establish and maintain the safe zone for a long time? These are all costly, okay? "

After talking about it, her words had obviously carried a hint of unhappiness.

"It's pretty good that I can keep the technology of building a safe zone, but without [Machine World], the cost of building a safe zone will be several times higher. Do you really think there is a free lunch in the world?"

"Uh...but before..."

"You want to talk about those game areas built by [Machine World] before? Why, do you really think that is a safe area?"

She curled her lips, leaned against a broken wall behind her with her hands crossed, and interrupted August Huang's words in a very displeased tone.

"The essence of those game areas is nothing more than a device constructed by [Machine] to transform electronic ghosts. But even so, the machine world constructs those game areas also need to spend source coins. Part of it is our civilization itself The civilization recovery fund stored in the machine world, as for the other part, where do you guess it came from?"

"...Those who died in the game area?"

The cat in the book frowned slightly.

"Yes, the situation is as cruel as you think."

Looking up at the sky, π nodded indifferently.

"There is more or less "source" in everyone's body. With the improvement of the level of life, the "quality" and "quantity" of the source in the body will have a full increase. Why are you players more? This is the reason why it is easy to attract strange stories."

When it came to this point, the words in this loli's mouth were obviously a lot lower.

"The easiest way to harvest the "source" is to die, but this method can only harvest a small part. So generally speaking, those things will use various methods to torture you, so they will often There were some scenes where some people would hardly want to die."


Suddenly, Phalaenopsis and the others thought of the man they saw in the slaughterhouse on the spacecraft.

"So do you understand? The essence of those game areas is to extract the "source" of those human bodies. It is harmful but not beneficial. It belongs to the pollution creation born on the original basis after the distortion of the [Machine Realm]. Compare that to the safe zone."

Glancing at Phalaenopsis and the others, π snorted softly.

"I can rewrite the rules of those games, and try to merge the dozens of game areas into a safe area, but this requires the investment of resources. If you want me to work without paying, is it just Don't you think it's too much?"

"…Feel sorry."

After a little silence, Phalaenopsis sighed.

"I will pay for the reward, but before that, can you please help to change the rules of those game areas? I don't want to see any more casualties."

"It's not a remuneration, it's a cost that must be invested. I haven't calculated the remuneration for you yet."

Stretching out a finger in front of him, π deliberately emphasized a sentence in his mouth.

"As for the game area, don't worry, I dealt with that as early as the very beginning, so you...uh, what's wrong?"

Before finishing the righteous words in his mouth, he turned his head and looked at the person next to him who came to pull him to the side just after answering the phone, and π couldn't help but look a little dazed.

"Come here, I have something to discuss with you."

"Eh? Can't we discuss it here?"

"Private matter."

"What private..."

Before the words finished, a certain loli was directly dragged into Huangquan's mouth by Bai Zhi, and the remaining words in his mouth were also swallowed up by Huangquan.


After silently staring at the two people who seemed quite excited about what they were discussing in the ghost domain over there for a while, Su Hui Zhimian silently turned her head to look at the others.

"Do we need to help call the police? Just say that someone here is robbing Lori."

Everyone: "..."


"It's so mysterious, what's the matter?"

Looking at someone in front of him, π put his hands on his chest very vigilantly.

"Although I'm pretty cute, but you must think clearly, as long as I yell casually, the police will come to you. Even if you save me, you won't..."

"Cute? No matter how cute you are, can you be as cute as Qingyi?"

He rolled his eyes quite speechlessly, and Bai Zhi interrupted the other party's words.

"Let me ask you, among the previous loli, which one is not cuter than you? You are neither white-haired nor red-eyed. How can you have the capital to say that you are quite cute in front of me?"

Pi: "..."

"Okay, let's get down to business, I'm looking for you for serious business."

With one hand clenched into a fist and placed near his mouth, Bai Zhi coughed a few times in his mouth.

"Do you have any money? Lend me 10,000 Yuan coins for emergency, and I will pay you back later."

Pi: "???"

"...Why do you think I'm rich?"

After a little silence, π looked up at the crumb in front of him who was looking for a loan from Lori with a rather strange look.

"Civilization Recovery Fund, although I was answering the phone just now, I still heard this term."

Looking at this loli in front of him, Bai Zhi's eyes burned.

"Although [Machine World] has been destroyed, I don't believe that you didn't take any of those civilization recovery funds. Even if it's just a little bit of the civilization recovery fund, it's an astronomical figure...I just Borrow ten thousand."

"...Ask you a question, and if your answer satisfies me, then I will lend it to you."

Looking at the guy in front of him, a certain blue-haired loli π spoke faintly.

"Who is cuter between me and that white-haired loli Qingyi?"

"Of course it's light clothes."

Bai Zhi had no hesitation on his face, and answered without even thinking.

"Give up, I can't sell my conscience for money."

Pi: "..."

A few minutes later, the ghost domain quietly dispersed.

"Is it convenient to ask, what did you talk about inside?"

Looking at the loli who looked gloomy as if someone owed her ten thousand dollars and someone who was satisfied, Xiao Shan asked with a strange expression.

"It's nothing, just a little thing."

After waving his hands, Bai Zhi's expression was calm.

"The rest of the finishing touches here will be left to you, I have other things to do, let's get together later when I have time."


Before Phalaenopsis could finish her sentence, a vortex quietly formed in the void in front of her.

A moment later, a girl with odd-colored pupils who looked a little pale walked out of the vortex.

After looking around in private, his eyes especially stopped on a certain loli for a while, Yuan Ci turned his eyes to Bai Zhi.

"How about it, do you still have strength?"

Although so far she still doesn't know what happened in Haicheng, why there is an extra loli here out of thin air, but under the premise that the things here seem to have been resolved, she is temporarily not No mind to care about other things.

There are a total of 18 cities in Huaxia. Although the situation in 17 cities has stabilized, it has only stabilized, and there is still a long way to go before the situation is completely resolved.

"Let's go, hurry up."

Shrugging his shoulders slightly, after waving his hands at his teammates, Bai Zhi took the lead and walked into the vortex.

...Do you have the strength?

He ate a big meal before, and he was full, and now he needs exercise to digest...

A moment later, the accompanying whirlpool quietly disappeared, and the figures of Bai Zhi and Yuan Ci disappeared in front of everyone.

"Okay, let's start acting here too."

Taking a deep breath, Phalaenopsis turned around and spoke to the others.

"The order in Haicheng must be restored as soon as possible."


Kunlun is built on wood.

"...what's wrong with this guy?"

Seeing Li from the mountainside who was lying on the hospital bed with a ventilator on his face and tubes all over his body, Bai Zhi asked the original question beside him with a strange expression.

Just after he came out of the vortex, what he saw was a busy scene in the ward.

Looking around, in this unusually wide hall of the ward, there are many people like Li from the Mountain, who are lying on the beds and filled with tubes. Many medical staff are interspersed between the beds, and some of them walk Logistical player for healing routes.

"Systemic organ failure aggravates severe overdraft. Although it is possible to become a vegetative state, it cannot die."

Before Yuan Ci had time to reply, a slightly old voice came from the side.

"Looking at your current situation, Haicheng looks pretty good?"


Xun Sheng turned his head, and it didn't take long for Bai Zhi to find a somewhat familiar figure on a hospital bed.

"Why, don't you recognize me?"

He laughed a few times in his mouth, and the old general took a few more sips from the wine gourd on the side.

"I'm here…"

Before the old general could finish his sentence, Yuan Ci snatched the wine gourd from his hand with a cold face.

"The next time I see you drinking on the hospital bed, I will replace all the wine in the wine gourd with chili water."

Facing the helpless eyes of the old general complaining from the hospital bed, the wine gourd in his hand disappeared in the blink of an eye, Yuan Ci's face was expressionless.

"The housekeeper..."

Looking at the wine gourd that disappeared from the opponent's hand with some distress, the old general murmured in a slightly displeased voice.

— Yuan Ci did not reply, but the expression on her face became a bit colder.

"A ghost town..."

After listening to the old general's narration, he stretched out his hand to touch his chin, and Bai Zhi thoughtfully glanced at Li, who was on the side of the mountain.

For a whole night, the other party suppressed a possible human tragedy in the sky above that city by himself.

The other party can't do this to supersede the ghosts in the whole city, but it can still suppress their ferocity.

Right now, with the arrival of dawn, coupled with some ghosts and impermanence dispatched urgently from the underworld, they barely maintained the general stability of the city, but the tens of thousands of people shrunk in that city Fierce spirits and ghosts are still a big hidden danger.

Now the mountainside man Li fell down, and when it got dark, no second mountainsideman Li stood up.

It is precisely because of this that after learning that the darkness over Haicheng had dissipated, the old general immediately approached him. After all, in the face of those thousands of ghosts, there is no one better than him, the cloudy son of heaven. More deterrent exists.

Although Chu Ci, the Eastern Ghost Emperor, is equally good, but as the most powerful of the night watchmen, he is now in a more important place, and he simply cannot leave.

"Okay, leave this to me."

After thinking for a while, Bai Zhi nodded.

"Besides... what, do you know the safe zone?"

I can't find an artist (ノ○Д○)ノ Where can I find an artist? (ノ○Д○)ノ

An artist who is good at drawing loli (ノ○Д○)ノ Don’t say anything about Maoyu milk (ノ○Д○)ノ

Because I can’t invite you (ノ○Д○)ノ I’m very serious (ノ○Д○)ノ Skirt ②①7 Wife ①Slip

Volume II The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1508 Chapter 585 The Product of Elimination (4K)

After briefly talking to the old general about the concept of the safe zone, and asking them to go to Phalaenopsis for the rest of the details, Bai Zhi didn't care about it anymore.

There are specialties in the art industry, and it is impossible to let a chef fly a plane. It is better to leave professional things to professional people.

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