Shuraba Player

Chapter 939:

"The times are advancing, society is developing, my lord, the times have changed."

Bai Zhi: "..."

"Okay, the matter here is settled, I have to go back and catch up on sleep, see you later."

After yawning and waving at Bai Zhi, a certain pink fur wanted to leave very simply.

"Also, although it is a fine tradition of our underworld to shake people if we disagree with each other, I still hope that you don't just shake me all the time, and it's just to catch a sheep and pluck its wool... so what's wrong with you?"

Turning his head to look at someone behind him who was holding him back, a certain pink hair looked helpless.

"A small problem."

Bai Zhi raised a finger in front of him.

"It was very easy when I gathered my divine power before, why did it become so troublesome later?"

Divine power is easy to use, but it is also quite useless. Even if he wants to store some divine power for emergencies, he can't save it at all.

"Simple things like this, don't you know after comparing them yourself?"

Rolling his eyes, a certain pink hair seemed a little speechless.

"Let me ask you, what was it like when you gathered your divine power before?"

"Hmm... is there a loli around?"

After thinking about it for a while, Baizhi made a very serious hypothesis.

"Not only that, but me."

Glancing at the guy in front of him who has not concealed his true nature, the pink-haired girl curled her lips.

"I won't talk about it first. Why do you think the other party can be chosen as the son of God? The divine power is from the same source as the other party, and the ghostly power is from the same source as mine. It was precisely because we were by the side at that time that you could gather the divine power to be able to So smooth, understand?"

"Let me just say, it really is because of Lolita!"

With a sudden high-five, Bai Zhi suddenly realized.

Pink-haired girl: "..."

"...Your ghost domain has accommodated so many ghosts, so in the next period of time, your ghost domain will usher in a period of rapid growth."

After a little silence, the pink-haired girl decisively changed the topic.

"Rapid growth will inevitably usher in many hidden dangers. Remember to invest more ghost power in the ghost domain, otherwise, your ghost domain will riot and be out of your control, understand?"

"Understood, I'll go back and find Loli Tie Tie, and gather my divine power."

Someone nodded solemnly.

Pink-haired girl: "..."

Hmm... I'm not in a hurry to go back to catch up on sleep, I'll call the police first...

It is recommended that everyone never stay overnight, I have not slowed down for two days (ノ○Д○)ノ] q skirt ① pomegranate ⑧ 2 clothes 7 wives 1 slip

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1510 Chapter 587 Bai Zhi's Reputation (4K)

After the crisis in Changshan City was resolved, the pink-haired girl did not choose to stay here for long.

After casually saying hello to Bai Zhi, she completely disappeared in front of Bai Zhi just by turning around.

Just as silently as when she came, she was also caught off guard when she left...or that was just her nature.

——So far, the people who know her existence are even less than five fingers.

After confirming that the other party really left, the original expression on his face quickly subsided, and Bai Zhi frowned slightly and took out the [Pure White Rubik's Cube] from his backpack.

As the highest-grade creation in his hands, the origin of [Pure White Rubik's Cube] can be said to be full of twists and turns.

The original [Dark Rubik's Cube] was in the Rose Manor. [Princess Doll] and [Lord of Flesh and Flesh] were two strange creations formed by the mixture of forces when they competed for Anna. Ordinary players couldn't even touch it. After a series of accidents, the power of other quasi-evil gods or evil gods was added to it one after another, until finally [Eden] took the initiative to refine the Rubik's Cube, and then the [Pure White Rubik's Cube] was born.

In fact, Bai Zhi doesn't care about the Rubik's Cube. What he cares about is the separate introduction on the remarks of [Pure White Rubik's Cube].

— Craftsmanship of gods and ghosts.

"Weaponer... Garden of Eden?"

Seeing the pure white Rubik's Cube slowly rotating in front of him, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

By his side, it's not that there are no manufacturers, such as Huo Lingmeng, or school beauty Lin Xiaoyi, as the manufacturers of equipment and props, they can choose to add their own individual notes to the manufactured equipment and props of.

It would be fine to say that the note on [Pure White Rubik's Cube] about [Ghost Craftsmanship] was added by the system itself, but if it was added by [Eden] himself...

After pondering for a moment, Bai Zhi put the Pure White Rubik's Cube back into his backpack again.

There are too few available clues, and it is meaningless to think about them now... At worst, I will find an opportunity to ask the person [Eden] in the future.

"Where are you going now?"

Seeing Bai Zhi walking slowly on the street over there, standing up from the swing in the park, Yuan Ci took the initiative to ask.

——The things the other party did just now deserve her respect.

"Don't worry about this, tell me about the situation in other cities."

After waving his hand, Bai Zhi sat down on the bench beside him.

"Among the 18 major cities across the country, it seems that the situation in only 17 cities has been roughly brought under control?"

At this time, it was about nine o'clock in the morning. After the haze covering the entire city was swept away, the vigorous vitality and vitality returned to the city.

The bright sunlight refracted from the branches and leaves above their heads, casting bright spots of different sizes on the ground and their bodies.

"We don't need to worry about that city, President Chu Ci is over there."

Standing behind Bai Zhi's bench like a secretary, Yuan Ci answered calmly.

"Among the three cities that have completely lost contact, the president is in the last city. Although there is no news so far, it is absolutely fine for the president to come out."

"Is that so... that's right."

After thinking for a while, Bai Zhi nodded.

He personally agrees with Chu Ci's strength. When he first obtained the ghost domain, the scope of the opponent's ghost domain was able to cover more than half of the city.

If he hadn't popped up halfway, the one who would inherit the position of Son of Heaven in the end would definitely be the other party.

"Also, I have some information here that may be of interest to you."

Not knowing where to take out a paper document, Yuan Ci spread out the paper document in his hands, and read it in his mouth with a businesslike look.

"Because a total of 18 large cities across the country were affected by the disaster, and under the premise of such a large-scale disaster and such horrific casualties, many player guilds spontaneously launched support to the nearest cities and tried to rescue the survivors. 18 In the city, there are currently…”

"Both the [What] guild and the [Big Bird Around Bar] guild participated?"

Slightly raising his eyebrows, Bai Zhi turned his head and glanced at Yuan Ci behind him.

"Yes, we received the application eight hours ago."

Closing the folder in his hand, he spoke the original words flatly.

"Seven and a half hours ago, members of the two guilds mobilized to help the nearest disaster-stricken city."

"Uh...then what..."

"Among the staff, there are also Yan Luo, the Ten Palaces of the Yin Emperor."

As if seeing what Bai Zhi was going to ask, he put the folder in his hand under his arm, Yuan Ci had a solemn expression on his face.

"In the past seven plus hours, they have been of great help and have saved quite a few survivors."

"...well, where are they now?"

Stretching out his hand to press his forehead, Bai Zhi covered his face with one hand and asked.

"Chongzhou City."

The original words were serious.

"Besides, there is another matter on my side that needs you to deal with specifically, or please give me an answer."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Raising his head, Bai Zhi gave him a slightly strange look.

To be honest, he really can't think of anything that needs to be dealt with or answered by himself.

"Ten minutes ago, Japan sent an official notice to our side, accusing our cloudy side of using unscrupulous means to abduct the son of the castle tower from the Japanese side, and hope that we can **** the son of **** safely as soon as possible go home."

In the tone of an official broadcast, the original speech gave a general account of the cause of the matter, and then asked the Yin Tianzi in front of him very politely and respectfully.

"The two sides are currently in the stage of wrangling. The news has not yet been announced, but the other party has solid evidence. How should we answer?"

Bai Zhi: "..."

...He suddenly felt that Ben Ziguo was really shameless.


"...that's the way it is."

In order to prevent his reputation from adding another bad name of abductor, Bai Zhi had to take the time to give a general account of the transaction between himself and the red and white witch.

"All in all, things are definitely not what you imagined!"


Nodding clearly, Yuan Ci took out the phone from his pocket.

"Since it is the content of the transaction and the other party made a mistake first, then the other party should have nothing to say, so I will ask someone to respond."

"Huh, if you can understand..."

"Go straight back, don't pay back. If you continue to quarrel, our Yin Tianzi will lead someone to beat you back."

Before Bai Zhi could finish the gratifying sentence, he watched the girl in front of him pull out her phone, and replied coldly to the other side of the phone.

Bai Zhi: "???" that how you responded? ? ?

"When the other party told us about this before, their tone was too harsh, and they also intended to blackmail. Since it is our side who is reasonable, there is no need to give the other party a good face."

Putting down the phone, looking at Bai Zhi in front of him, Yuan Ci explained a little in his mouth.

"Nearly half of the disasters in the world happen on our side. When our side is hit hard by the disaster right now, we must be strong enough to fight back. As the saying goes, one punch is used to avoid a hundred punches."

Bai Zhi: "..."

"...Tell me about the disasters in other cities."

After a little silence, Baizhi changed the subject.

"What type of disasters did those cities cause?"

There are 18 cities in China affected by the disaster, which means that 18 different [weapons] have descended. For these [weapons] that have destroyed at least one world, it is impossible not to pay attention to them.

If you are lucky, you may be able to obtain technology that can affect the world situation like the [Machine World] in Haicheng.

Let's not talk about the safety zone. In Changshan City, didn't they also get a bead that can be used to rebuild the dead city?

"...Then I'll start from the beginning."

After thinking for a while, Yuan Ci nodded.

In one night, she almost ran all over China, so naturally she has more say in this kind of matter.

In fact, whether it is the [Ghost Tide] in Changshan City or the [Curse of Aging] in Beijing, the impact of these two disasters is actually the lightest. After all, they have corresponding countermeasures here. Casualties caused by disasters can be minimized.

What really troubled them was the kind of disaster that could not be contained by special means and caused a large number of casualties in a short period of time.

For example, in a certain city, at the same time, all the electrical appliances collectively become spirits, and then crazily launched attacks on humans... This kind of disaster is the most troublesome.

In a big city with a permanent population of over ten million, why are there tens of millions of electrical appliances in the city? Especially in today's era, ordinary people are always on the phone, and the disaster broke out in less than half an hour, and the casualties were extremely heavy.

Mobile phones, rice cookers, battery cars, TVs, refrigerators, laptops...Under the influence of some inexplicable force, all these electrical appliances came to life, killing humans crazily.

Although with the help of the old general, the players quickly found the source in the largest waste collection station in the city, and successfully defeated the electrical monster composed of tens of thousands of waste electrical appliances, but it has become Those fine electrical appliances will not disappear, and even grow flesh and blood with the passage of time, becoming more bloodthirsty and ferocious.

Up to now, around that city, a large number of players are still gathering to urgently rescue the survivors in the city, and at the same time, they are also responsible for clearing out the fine electrical appliances in the city.

No one wants to see this kind of thing, but there is no way.

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