Shuraba Player

Chapter 942:

Compared with Haicheng, Chongzhou's economy is not as prosperous, but it is still a very prosperous big city.

Even if Bai Zhi had learned about the situation here from Yuan Ci long ago and made corresponding psychological preparations in his heart, when Bai Zhi walked out of the vortex and saw the current state of Chongzhou, he still felt like Some of them were shocked by the current state of Chongzhou.

The original bustling city no longer exists, replaced by a huge cube suspended at a height of several meters above the ground. Below the cube is an endless plain.

Buildings, cities, buildings...all the evidence that can represent the existence of a large city with a permanent population of tens of millions has disappeared, only the plain and the slow Huge cube that spins.

From a distance, this scene has the charm of a blockbuster fantasy movie.

"This is Chongzhou?"

Squinting his eyes slightly to look at the huge cube in the distance, Bai Zhi asked the original words next to him.

"That's right, the situation here in Chongzhou is very special. When the disaster broke out, the entire city and those people in the city were all sucked into that huge cube. If we failed to solve the source in time, we would be caught It's not just this city that's been sucked into that giant cube."

Looking at the distance with the same gaze, Yuanci answered calmly.

"But even if the source is solved, the city cannot be restored to its original state. It can only be allowed to exist in this way... at least it cannot be resolved now."

"What's going on inside?"

Turning his head to look at the other party, Bai Zhi asked.

"I won't be able to tell for a while. I'll take you in and have a look."

Shaking his head, Yuan Ci led Bai Zhi directly under the huge cube.

Under close observation, the surface of this cube is covered with a layer of silvery-white brilliance, which looks quite good-looking, but inside, it is full of more than 20 million people.

After passing through a membrane that seemed to be made of water, Bai Zhi only felt his body sink, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he had appeared on a fishing boat, but the original words beside him had disappeared. trace.


Looking down at his attire, Bai Zhi looked thoughtful.

What he is experiencing now seems like a cutscene. Although it is said to be from a first-person perspective, he cannot control his body for the time being.

After roughly figuring out his current situation, Bai Zhi began to watch patiently, but the more he watched the cutscene, the more familiar he felt.

In the Taiyuan period of the Jin Dynasty, the people of Wuling fished for a living. Walking along the edge of the stream, forgetting the distance of the road. Suddenly there is a peach blossom forest, hundreds of steps across the bank, there are no miscellaneous trees in the middle, the grass is delicious, and the fallen flowers are colorful...

- What was displayed in front of him was clearly the story of Peach Blossom Spring.

"Well... the next thing is, when the water source is exhausted, there will be a mountain, and there is a small mouth in the mountain, as if there is light. Let the boat go in from the mouth..... Are you sure this is Peach Blossom Spring?"

Looking at the scenery inside Taohuayuan, Bai Zhi's complexion couldn't help but look quite strange.

The land is flat and open, and the houses seem to be correct, but the houses are tall buildings with dozens of floors.

It is true that chickens and dogs hear each other in the traffic, but chickens and dogs are all kinds of cars driving on the road.

It's true that men and women are dressed like outsiders. Isn't it true that the person standing on a high place holding a horn and shouting the eight disciplines is the person who was swallowed into the cube?

...a modern version of Peach Blossom Spring?

Standing at the entrance of the cave and looking at the peach blossom garden in front of him, Bai Zhi's complexion couldn't help but look quite delicate for a while.

"Why, new come here to support?"

Just as Bai Zhi was in a daze, a fisherman in the same attire as him also walked in from the outside. When he saw him standing at the entrance of the cave, he greeted him warmly.

"Huh? How did you guess that?"

Turning around to look at the other party, Bai Zhi asked with some interest.

——He now somewhat understands what the original speech said before. The situation in Chongzhou may be far more bizarre than he imagined.

"It's obvious at a glance. After all, in terms of the situation here, anyone who comes here for the first time will be confused."

He laughed a few times in his mouth, and the familiar player spoke mysteriously.

"Don't look at the peace here, but before the scene of Peach Blossom Spring was conquered, it was very weird here. Have you heard of Diablo Peach Blossom Spring? It was here before."

"Dark Peach Blossom Land..."

Stretching out his hand to touch his chin, Bai Zhi looked thoughtful.

The Peach Blossom Spring written by Tao Yuanming can be said to be a well-known and well-known article, and correspondingly, there are quite a lot of analysis about this article.

Bai Zhi had seen it on the Internet before, saying that the fisherman in The Story of the Peach Blossom Spring was a ghost and broke into a tomb or something...

"That's right, it's the Dark Peach Blossom Spring."

The man nodded solemnly.

"Let me tell you, the dark-style **** content combined with the ancient style is simply a must. If you haven't played it, I strongly recommend you to search it on steam."

Bai Zhi: "???"

I am very sorry for the late update. The main reason is that when I was coding the previous night, my phone suddenly broke down, and it was stuck on the boot interface in a continuous cycle, and I have always coded by voice.

So I started learning computer codewords from scratch tonight...

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1513 Chapter 590 What is Noodles? (4k)

Under the explanation of this familiar player, Bai Zhi finally had a little understanding of what happened here in Chongzhou.

In some respects, the disaster that befell Chongzhou was somewhat similar to that in Haicheng. The city was divided into many scenes, and the survivors were assigned to these scenes.

But at the same time, the core between the two is quite different.

In Haicheng, the whole city is divided by dozens of game areas, each game area has different rules of the game, the survivors have to work hard to survive in those game areas, and at the same time, they are relatively free to go to to other play areas.

Here in Chongzhou, all the people who were swallowed by the huge cube were assigned to hundreds of weird scenes, their original memories were overwritten, and they became NPCs in one weird scene after another, unknowingly moving towards died.

For example, like this one-star weird scene [Dark Peach Blossom Spring], all the people who were here before regarded themselves as the aborigines here. When this scene was liberated by the Raiders, hundreds of people were already confused Among them died an untimely death.

"What about the players?"

Slightly raising his eyebrows, Bai Zhi asked the other party.

"The players' memories will also be blocked?"

"Of course, but this depends on the situation and varies from person to person."

Pointing back at himself, the player looked terrified.

"Some players may not be able to recover their memories until they die, but like some talented players, they may be awake from the beginning, such as me."


Glancing at the other party, Bai Zhi didn't speak.

In the chat just now, even if he didn't take the initiative to ask, the other party revealed his information over and over again.

The opponent's player ID is [Mo Qianyu], a star player in Chongzhou, who is quite familiar with him. From the outbreak of the disaster in Chongzhou to now, he has already liberated 3 one-star players, 2 Two-star, and one three-star weird scene, he also participated in the solution to the source of the disaster in Chongzhou. It can be said that he is a properly capable and idol player.

—By the way, the above contents are all from the other party's self-report.

Although the source of the Chongzhou side has been solved, the problem here is still serious. As of now, at least more than 10 million people are still trapped, and there is an extreme shortage of people.

It is precisely because of this that Mo Qianyu can be said to have great enthusiasm for players like Baizhi who come to support on their own initiative.

"Then what... do you know that Big Bird is going around the bar?"

Interrupting the other party's continuous self-promotion, Bai Zhi asked in a very tactful manner.

"Besides, what other guilds are there? I have something to think about..."

"[What] Guild and [Big Bird Around Bar]? I'm familiar with this!"

Before Bai Zhi could finish his sentence, Mo Qianyu immediately reached out and slapped his thigh violently, as if you had found the right person.

"In the cube, these two guilds are very famous. In the past, I also jointly attacked a three-star weird scene with them. The strength of these two guilds is quite strong."

When talking about this matter, Mo Qingyu's face was full of joy.

"Let me tell you, the high-cold queen's fireworks and romance are fine, especially those Yin Tianzi's Ten Temple Yanluo, all of them are so strong, let alone the three-star weird scene, even the four-star Level, five-star weird scenes are all vulnerable in front of those ten halls of Yan Luo!"

Bai Zhi: "..."

Looking at the player in front of him, he is in a delicate mood now... especially when the other player showed off Anna's autograph to him like a baby.


The layout inside [Dark Peach Blossom Spring] is actually only as big as a small valley.

On the whole, it seems that a corner of the city has been cut off and placed here. Not to mention that the sparrow is small and complete, but in fact it is not much different.

The reason why Mo Qingyu came to this scene was because he had been fighting in these weird scenes for a whole night, and his physical and mental strength were exhausted, so he had to come here to rest.

After watching the ambulance take the other party to the only hospital here, Bai Zhi turned his head with a slightly subtle expression to look at Yuan Ci who appeared silently and stuck at the side.

"Where did you go?"

"I'm not good at words."

Facing Bai Zhi's question, Yuan Ci answered calmly.

"Since someone helps explain the situation here, I will naturally be happy to see it."

"Understood, social fear, right?"

Glancing at the other party, Bai Zhi nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry, I understand."

Original words: "......"

"... Is there anything else? If there is nothing else, I will go first."

After a little silence, Yuan Ci spoke up.

"As for your Ten Temple Yan Luos and the Son of God who was abducted by you, they should be in one of the capture scenes here. With their popularity in this cube, you should be able to easily turn up."

"Uh...then what, didn't I talk to you about the Son of God before..."

"In the news 3 minutes ago, the Japanese side issued an international news report sternly accusing you of abducting their **** son of the castle tower. Now the whole world should know that you went to Japan to abduct the other party's rope back. kind of thing."

He glanced at Bai Zhi with a look of pity, and began to speak the original words.

"You are also a smart person. In this case, how many people do you think will care about the truth?"

Bai Zhi: "..."

...Well, take some time to beat up the Japanese side.


After nine o'clock in the evening, it is best not to go out of the dormitory door.

— This is a privately recognized criterion in Yiyang Middle School.

Tightly huddling in her quilt, Yi Yuezhuo covered her head with the quilt, trying her best to pretend to be sound asleep.

In the dormitory, the lights have been turned off, and there is silence around.

Ten minutes later, accompanied by a series of small rustling noises in the dormitory, Yi Yuezhuo's body involuntarily tensed up. we go again.

As a high school sophomore who has been in Yiyang Middle School, a nationally renowned middle school, for two years with excellent academic performance, no one knows this school better than her.

In this school, there are hundreds of rules that cannot be violated. Once someone violates the rules, it will bring extremely dire consequences.

No one knows exactly what that dire consequence is, but generally speaking, all students try to avoid fouling themselves...but there are always some exceptions.

—For example, those transfer students who don't know the rules.

Because of the excellent teachers in Yiyang Middle School, it is not uncommon for transfer students to transfer halfway. She didn't care about such things before, but when transfer students appear in her class or even in the same dormitory, she has to care .

In fact, she personally welcomes new classmates, but in less than a day, her welcome to new classmates turned into fear.

........say now.

Although the movements in the dormitory were light, for her who was pretending to be asleep, those movements could not be concealed from her at all.

Obviously yesterday, the other party carefully informed the other party of the rules that cannot be violated in the school, but the other party did not take it seriously at all. Not only that, last night, the other party deliberately violated it in front of them. According to the rules, they left the dormitory openly after nine o'clock without listening to their advice, and didn't come back until almost ten o'clock. Telling them those rules with practical actions is scary.

So, under the premise of the other party's testimony and the premise of constantly showing off how fun the school is at night, one of her roommates couldn't help being tempted to go out with the other party at the other party's invitation... Then she My roommate never came back.

What made her even more terrified was that on the second day, except for her original roommate, everyone else had forgotten the memory of her missing roommate, and someone else sat in the seat of the other party, and her name was also deleted. Removed from class roll roll.

On the other hand, the transfer student who was the culprit was still talking and joking with others.

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