Shuraba Player

Chapter 945:

After glancing at the other party and thinking for a while, Bai Zhi answered very casually.

"I like every one of them."


He didn't expect to get such a scumbag's answer at all, and Haoye, who came to spy on the enemy's situation on behalf of his own president, couldn't help being stunned by it.

"Isn't it strange? Isn't a man's dream all about hugging left and right, and then opening a harem? On this point, I'm very honest."

Looking at the expression on the other party's face, Bai Zhi curled his lips.

"I just want to make them all happy. Is there something wrong with that?"

"But, but... you..."

"What's wrong with me? This is the truest thought in my heart."

Shrugging slightly, Bai Zhi stood up from the chair.

"I hope that all of them can be happy, and this will not change, but I want to open a harem, and the same will not change. I have always been faithful to my desires."

"Then, then you should have explained earlier!"

As if he had found a breakthrough, Haoye quickly spoke.

"If you directly clarify the words, then..."

"So what?"

After glancing at the other party, Bai Zhi rolled his eyes a little speechlessly.

"You must first understand that the prerequisite for all of them to be happy is to end this chaotic era. Under the premise that the world is in danger today, you let me go to fall in love and open a harem? Can you tell the difference between primary and secondary?"

"That, that..."

"Don't you understand? It's too extravagant to talk about feelings in this era."

Interrupting the other party's words, Bai Zhi shook his head slightly.

"I know they like me, but what do you want me to do? Go and confess to them one by one? There will be a day, but not now, at least, after the end of this era."

"...Isn't that far away?"

Seeming to be intimidated by someone's aura, Haoye whispered something in his mouth.

"Looking at it this way, my poor president seems to be a widow for the rest of his life..."

Bai Zhi: "..."

...don't talk if you can't talk.

Make up for yesterday's...q skirt 1⑥8②①7⑦① slip

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1516 Chapter 593 Epic High School Students (4k)

It is undeniable that every man once had a dream of opening a harem in his heart, and Bai Zhi was no exception.

Only children make choices, and adults make all choices.

Regarding this point, Bai Zhi is not stingy in admitting it.

But just as he said, in this chaotic and precarious era, talking about love is a bit too extravagant.

When to do something, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.

Like the late words, like the dead zero...or like the dream of the spirit of disaster.

Each of them is now doing what they should do at this time, instead of being trapped by their parents.

In fact, the number Haoye mentioned is still a little less, Bai Zhi thinks, the real number may have to be doubled or tripled...

After satisfying Haoye's desire to gossip, Bai Zhi didn't stay in this captured scene for long.

In fact, except for situations like Haoye or Mo Qianyu who have basically exhausted their spiritual energy and physical strength, basically the vast majority of players are fighting in those weird scenes at the moment, trying to save more people.

There must be players who choose to hide themselves to escape, but there will definitely not be too many in number.

"Yiyang Middle School..."

In a pure white space, looking at the slowly rotating cube in front of him, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

The place where he is now is at the core of the huge place outside. It looks like a pure white independent space, and there is a slowly rotating cube that is scaled down in proportion to the space.

Unlike the huge cube with a silver-white luster on the outside, the cube in front of me is more like an extremely complicated tenth-order Rubik's cube, which is slowly and spontaneously rotating with the passage of time.

The Rubik's Cube has six sides, each with 100 grids.

Assuming that each grid represents a weird scene, then there are a total of 600 weird scenes in this huge force cube.

On the slowly rotating tenth-order Rubik's Cube in front of me, some grids are shimmering, but some grids are covered with a layer of faint thick fog. can be seen.

The Rubik's Cube has six sides and six colors. Because of the continuous rotation, various color blocks have been randomly mixed together, which looks quite colorful.

According to some players' speculation, even if all the weird scenes are cleared, if you want to restore Chongzhou to its original state, you must also put together this tenth-order Rubik's Cube.

After spending a little time, Bai Zhi found the grid representing the weird scene of [Yiyang Middle School] on the square in front of him.

The closer to the outer grid, the lower the difficulty of the scene, and the closer to the middle, the higher the difficulty of the scene.

Among the difficulties representing six stars, [Yiyang Middle School]'s three-star difficulty can already be regarded as above-average.


[Scene Name: Yiyang Middle School]

[Scene Difficulty: Three Stars]

[Number of people in the scene: 5613 people]

[Entering players: Shrimp, Ling Xiaoyi]

[Sinking player: Duoyue Duoshushang, super ghost with one punch, sodium chloride is not spicy, there are cats at home...]

[Strength of Raiders:? ? ? 】

[Remarks: Each player is only allowed to enter any scene that has not been captured once. 】


Looking at the information that emerged from the grid in front of him, he stretched out his hand and stroked his chin, Bai Zhi looked thoughtful.

Originally, at the very beginning, this cube did not display information in such a considerate manner, and the reason why there is something like a system prompt window now is actually very simple in the final analysis.

—The weapon that caused the disaster in Chongzhou was contained by the system.

Like star difficulty, it is also officially divided by the system after the source weapon contained.

Although the one in front of me looks like a system prompt window, in fact, this is indeed a system prompt window...

"...So there are so many fallen players?"

Looking at the ten player IDs displayed on the system prompt window in front of him, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Unless the strength has reached a certain level, in these weird scenes, there is not much difference between the players caught in it and those ordinary people. At most, there are some peculiarities... For example, they have more sensitive perception and the like.

But in the final analysis, this is not a good thing.

Because of these peculiarities beyond ordinary people, players caught in weird scenes tend to die earlier and faster than ordinary people.

Earlier, Bai Zhi had heard from Mo Qianyu that before the one-star weird scene in [Dark Peach Blossom Spring] was conquered, there were quite a few fallen players in it because of their own peculiarities, which made them quite miserable. was regarded as a sacrifice.

Fortunately, those players came in time, otherwise those few players who were already skinny would be drained...

The scene at that time was simply that those who heard it were sad and those who saw it shed tears. It was true that it was so miserable that when Mo Qianyu talked about this kind of thing at that time, his face showed uncontrollable envy.


[System prompt: Are you entering the three-star weird scene "Yiyang Middle School"? 】

[System prompt: This scene is in a special situation. Once the player is detected by other people or unknown existences to use supernatural power, they will be kicked out of the scene immediately. 】

[System prompt: Supernatural power includes related props, skills, equipment, potions, etc. held by the player himself. 】


"Is there still such a restriction..."

Looking at the three system prompts that popped up in front of him one after another, after thinking for a while, Bai Zhi chose to confirm.

It has to be said that the existence of the system has helped them a lot.

At the very beginning, where was there such a thoughtful reminder? You don't even know the name and difficulty of the weird scene you entered, all because of a word of recklessness...


[System prompt: You have chosen to enter this scene. 】

[System prompt: Please choose the identity you have after entering this scene. 】

[Identity ①: Transfer student (0 points)]

[Ordinary, without any special characteristics, and a rough understanding of the school's rules, there are more than ten transfer students entering the school every day, and it is extremely easy to be targeted by obscure things. 】

[Identity ②: School non-staff staff (10 points)]

[The non-staff employees recruited by Yiyang Middle School are randomly selected from multiple identities such as security, cleaners, librarians, dormitory managers, etc., and have different permissions in the school according to their identities. 】

[Identity ③: School official staff (50 points)]

[The regular staff recruited by Yiyang Middle School include a series of teacher positions such as mathematics teacher, Chinese teacher, chemistry teacher, physical education teacher, homeroom teacher, etc., who can further know the secrets of the school and have higher authority in the school. 】



He didn't expect that the system would provide this option at all, seeing the information that popped up in front of him, Bai Zhi couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"If it looks like this, the system is quite considerate..."

While whispering in his mouth, Bai Zhi simply chose his identity ③... and because of a thoughtful reminder that appeared in front of him, he suddenly went numb.

[Would you like to pay 50 source coins to choose an identity ③? 】

Bai Zhi: "..."

... He really wants to take back what he said just now.

50 source coins may not seem like much, but if converted into game coins, it is a full 5000 points.

Not to mention that in order to pay off the debts, he can't even find a single game currency in his whole body. Even if he did, he would not be able to pay this wronged money.

To be honest, he seriously doubts that the system received corporate training from a certain penguin...

[System prompt: You have chosen an identity ①. 】

[Please set the name...the name has been set. 】

[On this day, together with several other transfer students, you transferred to the nationally famous Yiyang Middle School...]

【Welcome, Junior High School Disciple C of Epic! 】


"Really? The common sense of the people in the scene has been distorted..."

After some self-introduction and taking his seat under the arrangement of the head teacher, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly after looking around at the students sitting around him.

In the previous self-introduction, in the face of his very sloth name, no student had any objection to it, as if his name was Zhang San and Li Si.

—In a world where everyone is abnormal, the most normal person is the most abnormal.


Frowning slightly, Bai Zhi glanced at the back side imperceptibly.

In this class, there was another student who transferred at the same time as him, who was sitting behind him at the moment, and their dormitory was also arranged in the same room.

Like him, the other party's name is also quite weird, what is it called?...

Of course, that's not the point.

You know, in the three-star weird scene of [Yiyang Middle School], there are only three players entering the arena, he, Xia Wen, and Lin Xiaoyi.

So under such circumstances, what kind of existence would a transfer student who is enrolled every day be like?

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