Shuraba Player

Chapter 947:

(...Are you sure you're not a cultist from somewhere?)

(Don't talk nonsense, hurry up.)

(All right…)

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he raised his head to look at the candle in front of him, Xia Wen repeated that sentence three times in his heart with a face of reluctance.

So soon, a prompt from the system quickly appeared in front of her.

"This is... a shared skill?"

After reading the system prompt that popped up in front of him, Xia Wen couldn't help but be taken aback for it.

(Do you know how to use one mind and two tasks? Later, I will stop the time in this class, and you will summon your shadow puppet to replace you.)

Without explaining too much to the other party, Bai Zhi spoke up very simply.

(The effect of the skill will be seen later, hurry up now.)

As for the skill [Smashing pots and selling iron] that he transformed with precious rule points, since he lost more than 100,000 game coins in the hands of a certain loli in the past, Bai Zhiyou has made a lot of in-depth research. Research.

Different from special effect 2, which is simple and easy to understand, which can make other people trust him unconditionally in a word [Magic of Trust], special effect 1 [Trust me in everything] is the focus of his research.

In some respects, the essence of the special effect [Trust me in everything] is a bit like a blessing from the gods, that is, the believers believe in the gods, and then the gods give the believers strength.

In other words, as long as he wants, he can make the abilities he possesses available to others unconditionally at any time... just like now.

Not to mention skills, apart from some unique things, he can also share things like entries.

In other words, if he wants, he can turn Xia Wen into a light anytime now...

The school will start soon, and I will make more updates in the next few days. I will try my best to make sure (ノ○Д○)ノ, speak with facts (ノ○Д○)ノ@q@q@团①6⑧二伊7⑦一⑥

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1518 Chapter 595 Campus Raiders (4k)

[Trust me in everything], the principle of this epic skill transformed from rule points is actually very simple in the final analysis.

It is said to be shared, but in essence it is an equivalent gift.

Like the one dollar that Li Shiqi owed him before, its essence is the manifestation of the power he bestowed on the other party. What the other party got from him, he had to pay accordingly. In the end, he even sold himself to him.

As for why that one dollar can have such a strong attraction to those things, the reason is actually very simple, because that one dollar is essentially equivalent to his entire family property at that time...

In some respects, the upper limit of this skill is actually quite high.

As long as Bai Zhi's heart is dark enough, he can use this skill to quietly turn other people into slaves who are completely controlled by himself alone...

"Shadow Puppet... Is it such a strange feeling to manipulate oneself?"

After splitting into the shadow puppet, feeling the wonderful connection between himself and Xia Wen's version of the shadow puppet, Xia Wen who also escaped into the shadow had a strange expression on his face.

"Even the senses are shared. If you do this, it feels like you can experience a lot of special experiences..."

"Arguing again, believe it or not, I'll just throw you out?"

Before this guy could pollute his heart, Bai Zhi interrupted this guy's words with a blank expression.

"Where is Lin Xiaoyi now, take me there."

Although he knew Lin Xiaoyi's identity in this school, he had just come to this school after all, and he was not familiar with everything in the school. Naturally, he needed a guide.

"Uh... over there in the library."

Originally, Xia Wen wanted to be skinny, but after someone directly caught him in the shadow where the other party was hiding, she immediately calmed down.

No way, dishonesty will not work.

Although she shared the two skills of shadow puppet and sneak into the shadows from the opponent, she is obviously weaker than Bai Zhi in terms of the operation and use of these two skills, and the expression effect of the skills is completely different.

Darkness is Bai Zhi's home field.

Especially in the current embarrassing situation where the entire school is in a power outage, it is even more like a fish in water for Bai Zhi.

"Fuck, are there so many teachers in the corridor?"

Just after exiting the classroom to the corridor, Xia Wen was startled when he saw the large crowd gathered in the corridor.

"You have been exposed a long time ago. These people were attracted by you and that student."

Glancing at the other party, Bai Zhi had a noncommittal expression on his face.

"Or it can be said that you have hurt the other party."

With the growth of the skill [Shadow], many aspects of this skill have undergone considerable changes. For example, as before, when escaping into the shadows, one cannot feel one's own body, and the field of vision will also become considerably smaller. strangeness.

But now, perhaps because of the growth of their own strength, or the drastic changes in the shadow world before, after escaping into the shadows, they seem to be in a unique and independent shadow space.

To put it in a more vivid way, they seem to be walking below the sea level at this moment, they are below the sea level, and the normal world is above the sea level, separated by a thin line.

— When Xia Wen was just pulled into this shadow space, she was quite taken aback by it.

"I've hurt the other party...why?"

After listening to Bai Zhi's words, Xia Wen obviously didn't react after being slightly stunned.

I came here to save people, why did I become the culprit in the mouth of the other party?

"Why, don't you agree? Then I'll ask you a few questions and you'll know."

Cursing his lips, Bai Zhi raised his head to look at the scenery above.

"The student just now should be one of the fallen players in this scene. You specifically chose her as your target, right?"

"This kind of thing is normal, what's the problem?"

Facing Bai Zhi's question, Xia Wen retorted rather unconvinced.

"We have too few manpower here. Since we want to quickly clear the scene, we naturally have to find ways to add helpers to ourselves. Isn't it a normal strategy to wake up the sinking players in the scene in advance? Idea?"

"The idea is fine, but your method is wrong."

Sitting down in this shadowy space very simply, Bai Zhi shook his head slightly.

"Because you were exposed from the very beginning, so even the real player identity of the target you chose was exposed. Under the current situation, before the other party wakes up from the sinking, they will die before your mistake. It was a terrible death... What happened just now is the proof."

While talking, Bai Zhi turned his head to look at the other party.

"If I hadn't arrived in time just now, what do you think will happen to the other party?"


Opening his mouth, Xia Wen seemed to want to say something, but he still couldn't say it in the end.

The answer is simple, the other party will die.

According to the dozens of results she simulated with [Numerical Performance], the difference between her making a move and not making a move is only in whether one person is killed or two people are killed.

"So, the method is very important."

Curling his lips, Bai Zhi pointed to his head.

"The identity of the so-called transfer student has been a trap from the very beginning. From the very beginning, you were exposed to those things. Don't think that you can ignore everything with a heaven-defying [Number Acting] skill. You have to learn There are still a lot of things, remember to learn more from me, an epic high school student, understand?"

Among the skills that Bai Zhi knew, Xia Wen's [Shu Yan] skill is undoubtedly the most powerful one, even if it is the night owl's [Back! 】 Can't compare.

Deduce the future arbitrarily according to the imagination in his mind, and even simulate the evolution of the future through the interference of his imagination. This skill is worthy of the name against the sky, almost equivalent to the level of "prophet".

But the skill is one thing, the person using it is quite another.

In Bai Zhi's view, the other party still has a long way to go.

Xia Wen: "..."


The library is located on the east side of the campus, about ten minutes' walk from the teaching building.

Only a few minutes later, Bai Zhi and Xia Wen came to the library together.

Like the teaching building, the library is also in a state of power outage. In the large and empty library, there are dimly lit candles.

Under the flickering candlelight, Lin Xiaoyi was sitting at the table intently flipping through the books she found on the bookshelf. The flickering candlelight cast a large blurred shadow behind her.

"...Are you sure you're here?"

Looking up at the figure reading at the desk above his head, Bai Zhi's complexion could not help showing a little subtlety.

"Well, yes, it's librarian's working hours."

Xia Wen also glanced up at the top of his head, and Xia Wen nodded.

"Generally speaking, there are very few people here. Except for the daily working hours, most of the time is relatively free. A lot of information about this school is collected by Xiaoyi... By the way, there is one more thing Very important thing."

As if suddenly remembering something, he turned his head to look at Bai Zhi, first coughed a few times, Xia Wen spoke with a serious face.

"Except when she is wearing a skirt, Xiaoyi is vacuum most of the time."

Bai Zhi: "???"

"Really, I won't lie to you, this is Xiaoyi's first-hand top-secret information."

Facing someone's silence with doubts, and doubts with blank eyes, Xia Wen raised his hands with a face full of vows.

"Not only that, but besides that, Xiaoyi still...why do you turn around?"

"Oh, the reason is very simple."

While taking out tables and chairs from his backpack and setting them up in this shadowy space, Bai Zhi covered his ears with his hands.

"I'm a kind-hearted person, and I don't see cruel things. Before you open your mouth to talk about that important thing, I've already brought in your best friend... Take care."

When he first came here, he discovered through the skill [Words of Everything] that the person sitting at the table was not himself at all, and the real person seemed to be hiding aside with the help of some kind of invisible prop.

If he didn't have the innate skill [Words of All Things], he might not be able to discover...

"Uh...but Xiaoyi is still there..."

Raising his head to look at the figure still sitting at his desk above him, Xia Wen looked bewildered.

"That's the bionic puppet I made through communicating with Withered Heart."

Just as she was in a daze, a voice that sounded quite familiar faintly sounded behind her, full of murderous intent.

"Tell me, how do you want to die?"

"Uh...then what..."

While carefully opening the distance, Xia Wen raised his hand tremblingly, and said the most daring words in the most cowardly tone.

"To be honest, I prefer to be killed by you, Xiaoyi, with your stalwart breasts... Poof!!"

——On the road to death, Xia Wen endures for a long time, and the monument will last forever.


"I'm sorry, the family education is not strict, I made you laugh."

Sitting in front of Bai Zhi, Lin Xiaoyi still had a faint blush on his face.

"It's okay, let's get back to business."

Glancing at Xia Wen, who was tied to the ground by Wuhuada and his mouth was gagged at the moment, Bai Zhi nodded in understanding as he was twisting and crawling on the ground like a maggot.

"How much information about this school have you collected so far?"

"Overall, the situation here is not optimistic."

Looking up at the bionic puppet above her, Lin Xiaoyi sighed slightly.

"First of all, in this school, whether it's a supermarket, a cafeteria, or a library, everything that needs money is paid with origin coins."

"Original currency..."

Hearing this, Bai Zhi couldn't help frowning.

"All expenses are paid by Origin Coin?"

The situation here reminded him of the amusement park at the beginning of the first major campaign mission.

Only under the premise that this kind of common sense is distorted can those people willingly take out their most important things.

Whether it is a player or an ordinary person, the energy in each person's body is limited. Once it is completely consumed, no one can recover.

"That's right, those students who violated the rules are not actually persuaded to leave, but will be required to pay a huge fine. This is the main reason why those students disappeared from the school."

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