Shuraba Player

Chapter 952:

"How about I buy another urn? Even the coffin will be saved for cremation..."


Looking at the two people over there who had seriously started discussing the private affairs behind them, Li, the man from the mountain, couldn't help but fell into silence.

…and get down to eating.

The wine and meat passed through the intestines, but the Buddha kept it in his heart.

If the world learns from me, it is like falling into the magic way.



"Is this the result of your research?"

In the laboratory, looking at the tightly sealed platform in front of him, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

In the middle of the platform is a small pool, the surface of the pool is completely soaked in the dark yellow blood, it can be seen that there are many utensils in the pool.

"The time is too short, what do you think I can research?"

Turning to look at him, both positive and negative expressions were noncommittal.

"What is currently soaking in the blood is the broken [Kongtong Seal] among the Ten Divine Artifacts and the [Demon Refining Pot] that has been shattered into hundreds of pieces. The blood does have the ability to slowly repair these artifacts, But the time it takes is really too long. Based on the current repair progress, it will take at least hundreds of thousands of years to repair the completely broken [Demon Refining Pot]."

"Does it take this long..."

Looking at the platform in front of him, Bai Zhi couldn't help frowning slightly.

Although he had worried about this in his heart before, the real situation was far worse than he imagined.

Hundreds of thousands of years in mind, the day lily does not know how many cycles it has been cold.

"...Is there a way?"

After thinking for a while, Bai Zhi turned his head and looked at the positive and negative beside him.

"You called me here specifically, not just to tell me these bad news?"

"As for the characteristics of these bloods, although I said that I have spent a lot of time researching and exploring, but I have never found anything, so I hope to get more accurate information from you."

Looking up at his side, Positive and Negative spoke flatly.

"First of all, can you continue to obtain this kind of blood in the future?"

"Continuously... If you think about it too much, that's all there is to it."

After listening to the other party's words, Bai Zhi rolled his eyes a little speechlessly.

"These are just consumables. If they are used up, they will really be gone."

Thinking back to the beginning, he had to spend a lot of effort to draw out this bit of blood... is it still flowing?

To have such an idea is true to think too much.

"Secondly, besides being able to slowly repair equipment through soaking, these black and yellow bloods, do you know of any other functions?"

The complexion remained unchanged, and the positive and negative asked the second question.

"Other functions... to ward off evil spirits?"

After thinking for a moment, Bai Zhi spoke with some hesitation.

"These bloods are extremely positive to each other, and they are just and positive. Maybe they can be used to clean up pollution... probably?"

Anyway, it is also the blood of the ancestors of the immortal way. Although it is not a kind of blood essence, it should be no problem to think about getting rid of pollution.


After a little silence, Positive and Negative nodded.

"There are indeed ways to speed up the repair, but I need your help."

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1523 Reward Offered at the End of the Month

Today is the 27th, and there are still four days before the end of August.

Because the ban on monthly tickets has been lifted, each person can vote for more than five tickets, so I specially offered a reward to grab the top ten monthly tickets (ノ○Д○)ノ

I never expect to be in the top three or anything, I just expect to be in the top ten for a monthly ticket (ノ○Д○)ノ

Every 300 monthly tickets add one update, no cap (ノ○Д○)ノ

I said before that it’s going to explode, and I’m not joking. I’ve been saving manuscripts recently, and the updates in the last few days of this month are absolutely full. If you don’t believe me, you can wait until the last day to vote (ノ○Д○)ノ

Please, I want the top ten on the monthly ticket list (ノ○Д○)ノ

— nine lives

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1524 Chapter 600 Accidents and [Demon Refining Pot] (4k)

Because of the particularity of Jianmu itself, quite a few dangerous items are stored here.

After going through many levels under the guidance of positive and negative, Bai Zhi came to a special room.

The size of the room is not too large, but it looks extremely empty inside. In the very center of the room, a clock disc is quietly suspended in mid-air.

The time plate itself is simple and simple, it looks about the size of a palm, and the twelve earthly branches including Zichou and Yinmao are engraved on it in turn, but the writing on it has become very blurred.

"This is the thing that was brought over?"

Looking at the clock floating in mid-air in front of him, Bai Zhi asked very interestedly.

Eighteen cities in Huaxia were affected by the disaster, which means that eighteen weapons came. Some weapons were contained and handed over to the system, such as Chongzhou, but some weapons were collected by relevant departments. Bian was carefully contained as a dangerous item.

The disaster befalling the capital is the curse of aging. If there is no [Kongtong Seal], one of the ten artifacts of China, to protect the whole city, the people in the whole city will all grow old and die.

The time plate in front of me is the source of the disaster in the capital.

At the beginning, in order to contain this time plate, many players were forced to die of old age.

"That's right, it can make the time of a designated area or a designated object jump back hundreds of times. The name of the weapon is [Twelve Hours Disk]."

Positive and negative nodded calmly.

"If this weapon can be used, no matter how long the maintenance interval of the Ten Divine Weapons is, it will only be an instant."


[Item Name: Weapon? Twelve Hour Disk (broken)]

[Type: Special Item]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Introduction: The imitation of time realization can make the time of surrounding things jump tens of millions of times in an instant. After the unknown transformation, the internal rules are extremely chaotic, and it is an extremely evil and unknown thing. 】

【maker:? ? ? (Real name not available)]

【Reformer: Armorer】

[Remarks: A purely rule-based creation, most of its uses are discarded after being polluted by unknown transformations, and it is strongly recommended to hand it over to the system. 】


"Legend... Are you sure we can use this thing?"

After reading the relevant introduction about the weapon in front of him, Bai Zhi turned his head slightly to look at the positive and negative beside him with a slightly subtle expression.

"Once this thing gets out of control, the consequences will be very serious."

"Otherwise, do you have another way?"

Positive and negative turned to look at him.

"If you have a better way, then I will naturally listen to you."

"...Tell me, what should I do?"

Sighing a little, Bai Zhi asked.

There is no doubt about the importance of the Ten Artifacts of Shenzhou. In this disaster, if there were not [Kongtong Seal] and [Demon Refining Pot], at least tens of millions of people would have died.

It is precisely because of this that their restoration is naturally the top priority.

"It's very simple. When I use the twelve o'clock dial, I need you to use [Kunlun Mirror] to help me correct the fluctuating time data."

Turning around, Positive and Negative looked at him calmly.

"[Kunlun Mirror] can only be used by you, so this task can only be entrusted to you."


Looking at the positive and negative in front of him, Bai Zhi couldn't help frowning slightly.

Weapons, in the final analysis, are just a kind of weapon. If it can be used by the ghost story, it can also be used by the human side... For example, the [Ghost Orb] that was taken by a certain pink hair to rebuild the city of the dead.

It is precisely because of this that, in theory, it is possible for them to use this [Twelve O'clock Disk].

But no matter what, that pink hair used to be a mythical boss, but what about the other party?

It's just a researcher who rashly tries to use items of this level, isn't he really afraid of getting burned?

"My current physical condition is special. Even if something goes wrong, I am sure that the impact will be minimized."

After glancing at him, Positive and Negative indifferently turned their heads to look at the time plate.

"Besides, you have to give me the bottom line, so there's no problem."

Bai Zhi: "..."


"Phew, I'm finally alive..."

After finishing the luxurious meal in front of him, he leaned back on the head of the bed, and the man from the mountain, Li, let out a sigh of relief.

Although it is said that he almost died before, but correspondingly, his gains are quite large.

As an inheritor, and as an orthodox Buddhist player, his strength improvement is basically related to the Buddhist philosophy.

As the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, but on that night, he saved more than one person?

Although he behaved a little indecently on weekdays, at that time, he really held a Buddha's heart that I will not go to hell, and whoever goes to **** will be compassionate.

Walking back and forth between life and death, his strength has already been greatly improved compared to before.

To give the simplest example, like in the Six Paths of Buddhism, besides the most difficult to practice [Leaking Tong] and [Fate Tong], such as [Sky Eye Tong], [Tian Ear Tong], [He Xin Tong], [ Shenzutong] These four kinds of supernatural powers, he has already mastered them all.

Although it can't compare to the original strength of the original inheritor of the inheritance he accepted, it can be regarded as a solid step forward.

", clairvoyance?"

While familiarizing himself with the supernatural powers he had acquired from his new practice, he reached out and stroked his chin. Li Yi, a man from the mountainside, looked thoughtful.

Except for [Shenzutong] and [Tianeartong], the other two supernatural powers are newly mastered by him. [He Xintong] is simple and easy to understand, allowing him to read minds to know what other people are thinking, but like [ In the case of Tianyantong, the description is a bit mysterious.

[Heavenly Eye] can see the appearance of life, death, suffering and joy of living beings in the three realms and six realms, as well as all shapes and forms in the world without hindrance. Its eyes can know the shapes and colors of distance, near, and thickness, and can see where living beings of the six realms die. Where to be born again.

He thought about this description for a long time in his heart, but he couldn't see anything...

Reincarnation? Sentient beings of the six realms?

Don't be kidding, the six reincarnations in the underworld are gone.

After a little experimentation, he found that this thing is like a clairvoyance. In an instant, with his intention, he can have a panoramic view of the scenery thousands of miles away.

"If I had this ability when I was in school, I would still worry about the exam..."

He muttered something softly in his mouth, and after thinking for a while, the mountainside man Li tried to use his newly acquired supernatural powers to spy on a certain Yin emperor and the positive and negative sides.

To be honest, he was really curious why the other party came to this kind of place...

I have to say that the saying that curiosity will kill the cat is actually not wrong.

——Only half a second later, the mountainside man Li rolled on the bed covering his dog's eyes.

He didn't know what those two people were doing. He just watched for a moment, and he felt that his eyes were going to be blind. If he hadn't seen the opportunity and quickly withdrew his magic power in time, maybe he would become a similar person in the future. A blind monk-like character...

Because of this act of death, it took quite a long time for Li from the mountain side to barely recover.

But even so, his eyes were still red and swollen, tears couldn't stop falling down, and his eyesight seemed to be slightly affected, and he saw things with double images.

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