Shuraba Player

Chapter 958:

But the problem is, because of the weird aesthetic of this purple-haired loli, most of the pets adopted by the other party are more curious, and Youjiang is already the best-looking one among them.

It would be better for large pets like that dragon, but for small pets, the scene of all those strange creatures gathering together in a swarm can really make people go crazy on the spot.

She didn't want to go through that horrible experience where spiders and bugs hunted and crawled around the camp.

"Uh... well..."

Under Xia Wen's serious and unreasonable gaze, Mumu pursed his lips, and Mumu replied with a little frustration.

Obviously my pets don't bite, and they are cute and well-behaved at the same time, why don't everyone like them?

Honestly, she didn't understand.

" should watch more Pokémon in the future."

Looking at the depressed expression on the face of the purple-haired loli in front of him, how could Xia Wen not know what the other party was thinking? After comforting Mu Mu symbolically, she looked to the other side.

In front of the tea table, a loli with long black hair was sitting quietly at the table, drinking a glass of Coke in both hands.

As for why it's Coke...

Ever since Bai Zhi handed over a certain coke cup to the other party, the other party has fallen in love with the drink of cola. In the past, the habit of holding a cup of tea to drink has now changed to holding a cup of cola. The whole person has changed. Became inseparable from Coke.

—Bai Zhi, you have committed a lot of sins.

Well, there is no hope for the top ten, but there are two more updates today (ノ○Д○)ノq荣伊6吧二一77①⑥

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1530 Chapter 606 Lolita War? Part 5 (4k)

If Mumu is the most worry-free loli in the family, then Fang Qianxue is undoubtedly the most worry-free loli in the family.

...or the Son of God.

Although it wasn't long since the other party was abducted by a certain Yin Tianzi, just by getting along with him during this period of time, no matter who he was, he could clearly feel the maturity of the other party.

That's right, it's maturity.

Although it is strange to use the word mature to describe Lolita, Xia Wen and the others really feel that way about the other party's performance these days.

Mature, stable, polite, considerate, gentle...

Apart from the fact that he likes to watch special movies and never leaves the Coke Cup in his daily life, the other party has almost no shortcomings. In many cases, Xia Wen even subconsciously regards the other party as more mature than himself. grown-ups to look at.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Seemingly aware of her gaze, Shenzi put down the Coke cup in his hand, and raised his head to look at her with some doubts.

" you need a refill?"

Embarrassed by being stared at by the other party for no reason, Xia Wen raised the teapot in his hand.

No matter what kind of liquid is poured into the Coke glass in the opponent's hand, it will become iced Coke.

— To be honest, she has been coveting this cup for a long time.


His eyes brightened slightly, holding the cup in both hands, Shenzi quickly handed it over, looking up at the sparkle in her eyes.

Sure enough, it's only in this kind of thing that a child's heart can be shown...

While complaining in his heart, Xia Wen was unambiguous on hand, and quickly helped the other party refill the cup completely.

And at this moment, the sound of leisurely flute came from far away from the riverside.

The fishing contest is about to begin.

Fishing in the [Great River of Ten Thousand Realms], even if it’s just the projection of a tributary, was quite a lively event when the order was still there in the past.

In this magical long river that spans ten thousand realms, no matter what kind of thing can be fished from it.

"Except fish, right?"

Hearing the words of the girl beside him, Bai Zhi couldn't help but rolled his eyes a little speechlessly.

After the God of Cookery competition on Hitomi's side came to an end, relying on the defense of getting out early, he finally intercepted a certain culprit who was arranging fishing gear on a certain boat here.

"Tch, don't take this long river seriously. When the order still existed in the past, this [Long River of Ten Thousand Realms] was one of the wonders of the void."

While arranging the black jade fishing rod in his hand, π, who was still in the form of a girl, curled her lips in displeasure.

"In the past, when [The Long River of Myriad Realms] appeared in the world, it was often the busiest time among the heavens and myriad worlds. There were countless celebrations of all kinds. You can't even imagine that kind of scene..."

"[Wonderful Object of the Void]... [The Long River of Myriad Worlds] is also one of the strange objects of the Void?"

Unconsciously sitting up straight, Bai Zhi asked in surprise.

This is not the first time he has heard about the strange things in the void. In his backpack, there is still a ticket that can board one of the strange things in the void [cross-border train].

"That's right, among the wonders of the void, [The Long River of Myriad Realms] is the most famous one."

Turning his head, π glanced at him in surprise.

"What? You know this? In this day and age, I thought that none of you players of the new generation would have the opportunity to come into contact with the existence of [The Long River of Myriad Realms]."

"So sure?"

Picking up a piece of pastry on the table casually and throwing it into his mouth, Bai Zhi asked very interestedly.

"Since strange things are eternal wonders in the void, then no matter what, we should be able to touch them, right?"

"That's right, the wonders of the void are eternal, and they exist in the void forever, but the problem is that you also have to consider the current era background."

Shrugging slightly, the green-haired girl turned her head again and fiddled with the black jade fishing rod in her hand.

"Except for some strange things with special properties, such as [cross-border trains], the places where other strange things are now are basically given by those indescribable strange creatures in the void. Occupied, you can't even get close, let alone contact."

"Is it like this..."

Stretching out his hand to touch his chin, Bai Zhi looked thoughtful.

Obviously, the green-haired loli in front of her knew far more information than a pink-haired one born in the middle and late stages of the war.

"Otherwise? Don't forget, I have inherited the legacy of the entire civilization. Even if many things disappear with the self-destruction of [Machine World], the things I keep are still of amazing value."

With a soft snort in his mouth, while lowering his head to straighten the fishing line, π spoke in a "casual" way of showing off.

"Some [Wonderful Objects of the Void] can be summoned through the corresponding medium, like the current tributary of the [Long River of Myriad Realms], which was summoned by me through the corresponding medium. Not only the [Long River of Myriad Realms] 】Oh, I even have the medium for summoning [Crossover Train], which is an extremely precious thing...By the way, do you know what is the most precious thing my civilization has left? "

As if he suddenly remembered something, he turned his head, stretched out a finger in front of him, and asked Bai Zhi who was sitting at the table with a mysterious face.

"Uh... what is it?"

"Hmph, the answer is far away in the sky, but close at hand."

Pointing back at herself, a certain loli had a smug look on her face.

"The most precious thing is naturally the cutest and most beautiful me!"

Bai Zhi: "..."

Hmm... Even after losing two games in a row, the opponent seems to be as scumbag as ever...

"... How many void wonders are there?"

After a moment of silence, Bai Zhi changed the subject.

—He is still very interested in the unique existence of void wonders.

"I don't know, seven or eight, maybe nine."

After thinking for a while, π answered.

"The reason why we can't be sure is because all the information about the existence of some strange things is very likely to be obscured or simply wiped out by those unexplainable existences in the void...Why do you care about these things?"

In the middle of saying a sentence, he suddenly realized something was wrong, and π turned his head and gave him a glance.

"Young people, don't aim too high. Your current strength is too weak. If you want to get in touch with this level of things, you have to break through the epic boundary no matter what you say."

"It's just a mouthful."

Shrugging his shoulders slightly, Bai Zhi stood up from the table, and followed him to the window of the painting boat.

Under the painted boat, the stars are shining, and the place where the eyes enter is full of sparkling light.

They are now on a painting boat in the center of the river, and sailing on the water is like roaming in the sky full of stars.

According to π's previous description, every star reflected in the river represents a projection of a real world.

"...Are you sure you can catch good things from this river?"

After staring at the river below for a while, Bai Zhi asked.

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think it can be called a void wonder? In a sense, this is fishing for the heavens and the world."

With a soft snort in his mouth, π threw out the fishing rod in his hand.

"In the past, it was said that even the legendary [Moran Sakura] was fished out. If converted to the rating division of this era, that thing is top-notch even among mythical items."


After listening to the other party's narration, Bai Zhi admitted that he was a little moved.

If this long river is really so mysterious, then he feels that his plan to make a fortune may start from this aspect.

"Ahem... only limited to the mainstream trunk watershed."

As if seeing the eagerness on someone's face, π coughed a few times in his mouth.

"For a tributary like this, it is estimated that the highest-grade things that can be caught are probably limited to the elite rating. If you are lucky, you may be able to catch the perfect... What kind of eyes are you?"

"It's nothing, you read it wrong."

Leaning on the side of the boat, Bai Zhi turned his head silently.

"Also, you haven't answered my question at the beginning, why did you do those things?"

The things he was referring to naturally referred to the fact that the other party pretended to be a mysterious person and invited Qingyi and the others to come to Haicheng to participate in the celebration. , his social death level has been further improved.

—That was broadcast live nationwide.

"Uh... to gain popularity, cooperate with the publicity."

Turning his head to look at the river below, π answered with a relaxed tone.

"After all, when it comes to celebrations, there must be heavyweights on the stage. It's like those TV shows that need to pay a lot of money to hire stars. To put it simply, it's just hype."

"Stay hot?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Bai Zhi stroked his forehead with one hand helplessly.

"The truth."

"I will never admit that there is someone cuter than me!"

A certain blue-haired loli raised her head subconsciously.

"No matter how you look at it, I'm the cutest one! Your Qingyi is not as cute as me!"

Bai Zhi: "..."


Although the number of participants in this fishing competition is less than fifty, there are still many things to watch in this competition.

The Long River of Myriad Realms, as the name suggests, is a river that runs through the heavens and myriad realms. Fishing on this river, you can theoretically catch items from any world among the heavens and myriad realms.

Of course, although there are so many things to talk about, in practice, the probability that many anglers can catch useful items is really touching.

Of course, some of them are due to the interception of a tributary, but if we want to find out the real reason, it is due to the background of the current era.

Under the background of today's era, which world can not be polluted by ghost stories? In addition, Changhe itself has the characteristic of repelling any strange power, so after going back and forth, the probability of fishing and shipping will be lowered?

Half an hour after the start of the game, according to Bai Zhi's statistics, the best fisherman among all the anglers so far just caught an elite-rated Da Huan Dan, which is said to be able to increase internal strength for decades.

What's more, there are still some messy unrated sundries from various worlds.

"Lu Zhishen hit three bone spirits, the author ※※... What the **** are you catching?"

Flipping through a book newly caught by π that was published by an unknown world, he raised his head to look at the other party, and Bai Zhi asked with a strange expression on his face.

In the past half an hour, the frequency of the other party's fishing rods has been quite high, but they have never caught anything good at all. The only thing that can be seen is nothing more than an exquisitely crafted bamboo house model.


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