Shuraba Player

Chapter 963:

"This thing..."

Looking at the two scrolls in front of him, Bai Zhi's complexion couldn't help but look a little subtle for a while.

The state of being polluted is easy to understand, because there is a problem with the aura of heaven and earth, like those monsters living in the blessed land of [Zhu Rong], basically one counts as one, and they all have more or less pollution. Condition.

But Xiaojiao's alienated state really made Bai Zhi feel a little overwhelmed...

"[Xuanhuyuan]...the building of the world in the pot?"

After searching in his mind for a while, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

At the beginning, the function of the demon refining pot was simply to domesticate the subdued monsters and become a helper, but with the passage of time and the many masters experienced by the demon refining pot, many new functions have been replaced one by one. developed.

The so-called [Xuanhuyuan] is one of the many buildings in the world of the pot during the heyday of the demon refining pot.

After pondering for a moment, Bai Zhi stood up from the chair, and then very simply threw a sky blue trash can into the demon refining pot.

Since even Anna's puppet cat can be analyzed in the demon refining pot, what about strange stories like Xiao Pao?

To tell the truth, he was curious.

Small bubble: "Σ(っ°Д°;)っ"


[? ? ? (vesicle)]

[Race: Weird talk (product of weird rules)]

[Personal Attributes: As a rule product, the specific attributes of this species cannot be quantified. 】

[Yin Yang and Five Elements: This thing does not enter Yin and Yang, regardless of the five elements]

【current state:???)】

[Weaknesses: honesty, obsession, emotional]

【Exclusive Skill: Gambler】

[Introduction: A purely weird product that can be decomposed into the materials needed for the "Forge" in the "Decomposition Table". 】


"...It's okay if you don't enter Yin Yang and Five Elements."

With a curl of his lips, Bai Zhi put away the picture scroll.

Because Xiao Pao likes to stay in the trash can whenever he has time, in order to avoid psychological isolation, Xia Wen and the others simply spent money to customize an exclusive trash can for each other.

But even so, Bai Zhi really doesn't like this emoji that always likes to stay in the trash can...

After roughly estimating the time when Lin Xiaoyi and the others came back, seeing that there was no one around, and even the trash can was thrown into the demon refining pot by himself, Bai Zhi put the light clothes on with a serious face. The household registrations of some of their lolis were taken out.


【Light clothing】

[Race: Ghost Story(?), Quasi-Knight Master(?)]

[Personal attributes: Specific attributes cannot be quantified. 】

[Yin and Yang Five Elements: Metal 1, Wood 1, Water 1, Fire 1, Earth 1, Yin 1, Yang 1]

【current state:? ? ? (in metamorphosis)】

[Exclusive stunt:? ? ? 】

【Introduction: Lover】



[Race: Dependent (?), Undead (?)]

[Personal attributes: Specific attributes cannot be quantified. 】

[Yin and Yang Five Elements: Metal 13, Wood 14, Water 15, Fire 16, Earth 17, Yin 99, Yang 1]

【current state:? ? ? (being slowly eroded)]

【Exclusive Skill: Unique】

【Introduction: Your Royal Highness】



【Race: Human (?), Creature (?), Dependent (?)】

[Personal attribute: fluctuates greatly, cannot be accurately quantified. 】

【Yin and Yang Five Elements: Metal 23, Wood 34, Water 45, Fire 56, Earth 67, Yin 78, Yang 89】

[Current status: one twin (?)]

[Exclusive stunt:? ? ? 】

【Introduction: Big Brother】



[Race: World Spirituality (?), Master of Ghost Story (?)]

[Personal attributes: Specific attributes cannot be quantified. 】

[Yin Yang and Five Elements: Do not enter Yin and Yang, regardless of the five elements. 】

【Current Status: Normal】

【Exclusive Skill: World】

【Introduction: Brother】



Looking at the contents of the four scrolls unfolded in front of him, the corners of Bai Zhi's mouth couldn't help twitching.

It's okay if none of the loli's races can be completely determined, but what the **** are some of the introductions?

"The transformation of Qingyi should refer to the changes that occurred in the shadow world, but Anna's words..."

Looking at the information on the scroll belonging to Anna, Bai Zhi couldn't help but frowned slightly.

—From this slowly eroded state, the only thing he can think of is the doll princess.

In addition, there are those exclusive stunts.

That's all for Qingyi and Hitomi, but what does Anna and Mumu's "only" and "world" mean?

While Bai Zhi was contemplating, there was a sudden sporadic sound in the distance. As the mountains trembled, a large number of monsters rushed towards this side like a tide, and the sky in the distance was dark.

In the air, Mu Mu, who was riding Youjiang, waved to him with a happy face.

Bai Zhi: "..."

… By the way, during the time when he was not there, how many pets did Mu Mu take in in Zhu Rong?


Because it took too much time to build the camp, when Mu Qianse and the others came back, it was already night without a sound.

Leaving aside the world in the pot that is undergoing drastic evolution, after wandering in Haicheng for nearly a day, all the members of the Big Bird Twisting Bar finally returned.

In addition to praying for the dream, withering the heart, good! Besides the three players that Bai Zhi was already familiar with, Bai Zhi finally met the other two legendary members of this guild.

A sporty looking girl with a ponytail and a bald man with a very mighty appearance and a figure that is as tall as Lu Zhishen and at least two meters tall.

According to Xie Xin's introduction, the sports girl's ID is [Wuyinwang], and she is the team's attacker, while the bald man's ID is [Sajia Lu Zhishen], and she is the team's pastor.

...Bai Zhi almost thought that the introduction was reversed.

"With a tiger in your heart, sniff the rose carefully, why not, can't Sajia become an angel in white to heal the sick and save the sick?"

Obviously seeing the strange expression on someone's face, Sajia Lu Zhishen suddenly became a little unhappy.

"You, how can you judge people by their appearance? It's not Sajia's boasting. The Sajia's treatment skills are absolutely nothing to say."

While talking, the bald man posed in front of Bai Zhi in a classic muscle-showing pose as if showing off.

Bai Zhi: "..." you use all your muscles to increase blood?

"Ahem...he was right."

It was obvious that he couldn't stand the other party, he coughed a few times, and explained to Bai Zhi in a low voice.

"If you rank the players in the healing department across the country, he will definitely be in the top ten."


Glancing at the bald man in front of him who was still posing furiously, after thinking for a while, Bai Zhi seriously asked Shuo Xin a question.

"Is it made by muscle?"

Withered heart: "..."

Compared with this flesh-clad priest, the athletic girl looks much more normal... Maybe?

"Uh...what's the matter?"

Looking at Wu Yinwang who was holding a cup of tea in front of him and looked at him with anticipation for some reason, Bai Zhi was at a loss.

"You must be thirsty? This is for you!"

Standing up straight, Wuyinwang held the cup of tea in both hands and handed it to him.


Not knowing what the other party was up to, Bai Zhi took the cup of tea with a blank expression.

"It's okay, you must be tired after standing for a long time, right?"

As if he had received great encouragement, he took out a chair from nowhere, and Wu Yinwang placed it behind Bai Zhi with graciousness, his eyes sparkling.

"Come, sit!"

Bai Zhi: "..."

...Why is there no normal one in this majestic team?

"The core talent of Wuyin is gratitude, so if you want her to do something, just say thank you to her."

Seemingly feeling a little ashamed, withered heart on the side turned her head a little bit unbearably.

"You are very strong, and she can get a lot of gratitude from you, that's why she is so interested in you. It's very simple to send her away, just say a few more words of thanks."

"I don't need that kind of perfunctory thanks. What I need is sincere thanks."

Hearing the words of Fei Fei in Shuo Xin's mouth, Wuyin Wang spoke with some dissatisfaction.

"I have pursuits, don't confuse me with you."

"Yes, yes, you are very pursuing."

Looking up at the sky and rolling his eyes, he turned heartily and chose to leave.

As long as you get along with the other party for a long time, you can understand that the other party is definitely a difficult guy. For the sake of gratitude, she will do everything possible. She doesn't know how many times she went to the police station to fish for the other party...

"Why, it doesn't matter if the core talent is exposed like this?"

Looking at the back of the withered heart leaving, Bai Zhi turned his head thoughtfully to look at the sports girl in front of him.

He didn't think of it before, but now he remembered that in the past, he had heard Yan Huo Feng Yue talk about each other.

——The unlucky guy who was blackmailed by the elderly seven times for the sake of gratitude.

"It's okay, I don't think it affects anything."

Shaking his head, he took out a fan out of nowhere, and Wuyinwang looked at him expectantly.

"You must be very hot, do you need me to fan you?"

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