Shuraba Player

Chapter 965:

However, under the premise of Lin Xiaoyi, the maker, she re-improved that witch costume, so the other party is still wearing the black and white witch costume, and the whole person looks like It's like walking out of a picture scroll.

...The premise is to ignore the glass of Coke in your hand.

"Master God?"

Raising her head to look at the **** in front of her, Qianxue tilted her head slightly.

"Are you busy now?"

After thinking for a while, Bai Zhi asked.

"If it's okay, I need you to help me practice... Bah, do me a favor."

Before, there was no time and no opportunity, but now, he expects a rare period of rest.

During this period of time, in addition to matters related to the demon refining pot, he also planned to explore the use of divine power.

【Holy】, 【Ghost】.

From these two unique entries, he can condense psionic energy into divine power and ghost power at a ratio of 1000:1.

No matter what kind of divine power it is, it is a great strength improvement for him now.

But correspondingly, if there are no specific conditions, the time and energy required to condense the divine power will be too huge. No matter what kind of divine power it is, it will take him an entire hour to concentrate on it, and there will be a slight mistake in the middle. It's all in vain.

He didn't know the reason before, but now that he has learned the reason from a certain pink fur, he naturally plans to try again.

[Sacred Divine Power] It's easy to say, after all, Qianxue is there, but [Ghost Divine Power] is a little troublesome, after all, it is impossible for him to call that pink hair to let her help him practice because of such a trivial matter...

—So he decided to try Anna Qingyi and the others.

What if beside Qingyi or Anna Tong, he can quickly condense the ghost power?

Although it is said that the pink hair is the son of the former Yin emperor, but the lolis are from the ten temples, and they may be able to replace each other.

Although it is said that Yan Luo of the Ten Palaces is just a false name, people always have dreams. What if they accidentally come true?

Bai Zhi said so.

py a book Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Title: "My elves have the appearance of a great emperor"

Introduction: Unlike other people who want to become league champions, Baiye's biggest dream is to become a breeder.

Raise flowers and grow vegetables every day, and spend this life free from disease and disaster.

But since picking up an injured unicorn, things have become more and more wrong.

Not only did the unicorns evolve into giant needle bees overnight, but they also had all kinds of foresight, which by the way distorted the team's painting style.

Big Needle Bee: "Remember, the master has only one goal, and that is to become the world's number one elf master! System, start the simulation!"

Wrist strength: "I endured this punch for twenty seconds! Bamen Dunjia! Open!"

Menus: "I, Menus, can be what I am today, thanks to my own talent, Deep Blue! Add some points!"

"Liuwei, you must not learn from these guys, the fighting is so violent."

The newborn little Liuwei played with the ring in his hand, obediently nodded his head: "嘿嘤~"

A year later, looking at Nine Tails who had cultivated into an adult in front of him, Bai Ye fell into deep thought.

Is there something wrong with my Pokémon?

"My elves have the appearance of a great emperor"

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1536 Chapter 612 The Potential Shura Field (4k)

It has to be said that under the premise of having Loli by his side, Bai Zhi's speed of concentrating his divine power has obviously increased by more than a notch.

In the past, it would take him at least an hour to condense a little bit, but with Qian Xue being by his side, he could condense ten points of divine power in an hour, and the efficiency has been increased by ten times. more than enough.

It's just that compared with the holy power, the ghost power has nothing to do, after all, there is only one son of God.

Even Qingyi Anna and the others volunteered to help him practice after learning about this incident, but it was obvious that they were not suitable.

Bai Zhi has nothing to do about this kind of thing, he can only see if he can find a suitable candidate in the future.

As his witch, Fang Qianxue showed amazing talent in manipulating divine power, which no one else possessed.

For example, the divine power can be attached to other people, and this power will slowly dissipate with the passage of time. Ordinary people can't even detect the existence of the divine power attached to themselves, even if they are aware of it, they can't Use this power.

But Qianxue is different, she can not only perceive it, but also use it with her own mind, this kind of ability can be regarded as her own, even Qingyimumu and the others can't do it.

With the divine power given to her by Bai Zhi, under the blessing of the divine power, Qianxue can do a series of things including but not limited to giving barriers, relying on gods, and even summoning him, a god, to descend.

If there is a shrine, her abilities will also receive a series of blessings.

In the use of divine power, the other party was much more proficient and light than him, a **** who became a monk halfway, so that in the end, Bai Zhi found it very speechless.

At the very least, the other party doesn't have Dubai sword skills like himself, and most of his divine power is wasted in meaningless loss.

So in the end, Qian Xue was the one who seriously experimented and explored the divine power, while Bai Zhi successfully lay down.

To be honest, seeing the other party skillfully using those divine powers, Bai Zhi felt that he was a charging treasure that conveyed divine power...

But just when Bai Zhi began to doubt Shen Sheng, Withering Xin and Lin Xiaoyi approached the door together.

"…What are you doing?"

Looking at someone Bai who was showing two scissor hands on both sides of his body in an attempt to show off maliciously, Withering Xin's expression couldn't help but look a little weird.

"Can't you see? I'm the scoreboard."

With a slight sigh in his mouth, Bai Zhi gestured towards the lolis who were playing double badminton in front of him.

"The current score is 2 to 2."

After throwing most of the work to Qian Xue, he was really idle and was dragged by Anna to play badminton together... Then he became the scoreboard who stayed aside for no reason.

Withered Heart/Lin Xiaoyi: "..."

"...You really dote on them."

Glancing at the group of lolis who were engaged in a fierce confrontation in the glade, and then turning their heads to look at someone in the scissors-hands pose in front of them, I almost couldn't hold back my heart.

"No way, this is life."

Raising his head and looking at the sky, Bai Zhi had a look of emotion on his face.

"At the very least, they know how to give me a chair..."

"You're quite enjoying it... By the way, where's Qian Renxue?"

After looking around but not finding a loli witch who always drinks Coke, Withering Heart asked a little strangely.

"Shouldn't her words be here too?"

"Her? Here, over there."

While talking, keeping the scoreboard in his hand still, Bai Zhi gestured towards a small forest next to him.

"But over there, I advise you not to get involved for the time being, otherwise something very unexpected will happen."

"An accident?"

After Bai Zhi's words fell, this time it was not only Qiao Xin, but even Lin Xiaoyi, who had been hiding behind Qiao Xin with a red face all the time since he came, couldn't help casting his gaze over him.

"That's right, accidents that you absolutely can't predict."

Meeting the eyes of the two, Bai Zhi nodded solemnly.

Although it is called divine power, but I don't know what is going on, but the effect of divine power is ever-changing.

Earlier, Bai Zhi had just watched a feather chicken run out of the grove in less than half a minute after entering the grove...

"Think about it carefully, just a feather chicken will shed half of its hair when it goes in. What would happen if you went in?"

After roughly telling the previous incident, Bai Zhi shrugged slightly.

If it wasn't for the connection with divine power, if he could definitely feel that Qianxue's condition was still in good condition at this time, based on that scene alone, he wouldn't let the other party continue this kind of test of divine power.

"Half your hair down?/Half your clothes off?"

—Two different answers blurted out subconsciously.

Bai Zhi/Withered Heart: "..."

Facing the slightly speechless eyes of the two of them, Lin Xiaoyi's already red face immediately became even redder.

—Since the whisper someone whispered in her ear in the morning, until now, she has been unconsciously thinking wildly in her heart.

"I can't go away now. Tell me, what's the matter with you guys coming to see me?"

In order to prevent a school belle from finding a hole in the ground to get in, Bai Zhi kindly helped to change the topic.

" upgrade."

Looking at Lin Xiaoyi who was hiding silently behind him with some doubts, he spoke with a low heart.

"Aren't our two guilds responsible for exploring this blessed land before? On this blessed ground, we found a lot of refining materials in the relics of the past sects..."

After level 25, it is basically impossible for players to get physical rewards through the system. Quest rewards are generally a variety of materials and main materials, which require the help of a manufacturer to create.

The reason why the two manufacturers came to him in partnership, in the final analysis, is actually very simple, it is about upgrading the player's equipment and props and asking about some of his personal needs.

Considering the changes in the future situation, they plan to fully upgrade the equipment and props of all members of the two guilds in the near future.

"Is it like this..."

After listening to the other party's words, still faithfully maintaining his responsibility as a scoreboard, Bai Zhi fell into deep thought.

To be honest, some of his equipment and props really can't keep up with him, especially the main weapon like Shengzai, if it doesn't have the bonuses of the two entries [Holy] and [Ghost], with his current The enemies he faced should have been eliminated long ago.

Or it can be said that what he needs now are items of a higher level such as epic level and above... such as [Pure White Rubik's Cube].

But obviously, under the premise that only Huo Lingmeng can produce epic items in the world, his request is undoubtedly whimsical.

"...Let's do this, you guys wait a little longer."

After thinking for a moment, Bai Zhi made a decision.

"After the evolution of the world in the pot of [Demon Refining Pot] is completed, and a series of buildings such as the [Forging Workshop] have been established, we will consider this issue."

"[Demon Refining Pot]?"

Because he just came back yesterday, he could be said to have a dazed look on his face, who didn't know anything about the demon refining pot.

"You will know when the time comes, or you can ask Xiaoyi."

Cursing his lips, Bai Zhi looked forward again... Then he silently changed the scissors in his left hand into an OK gesture.

Light clothing? Anna VS Mumu? Hitomi.

—The current score is 3 to 2.


Perhaps because of overwork, Mu Qianse didn't get up until almost noon.

In fact, she woke up early, but as soon as she recalled the madness of last night, she felt soft all over, her face was burning badly, and she didn't even have the strength to get up...

...drain each other dry?

In the end, it was herself who begged for mercy first...

"...So did I win or lose yesterday?"

Lying on the bed with a red face, Mu Qianse unconsciously began to think wildly in her heart.

"If you look at it this way, one person can't handle it at all. If there are a few more people, it will definitely be possible..."

Suddenly, belatedly, he realized what he was thinking, Mu Qianshen's face turned red, and he buried himself in the pillow.

...And because of her delay, when she finally left the room, what greeted her was the resentful eyes of the cooks.

Mu Qianse: "..."

After a night of self-evolution, the world in the pot has changed a lot. When everyone entered the world in the pot after lunch, let alone the fireworks, even Bai Zhi almost didn't recognize them.

The original world in the pot only had a four-corner gazebo, a piece of grass outside the gazebo, and a dilapidated thatched cottage. The whole was shabby.

But now, when everyone entered it, they almost thought that they had come to a new paradise.

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