Shuraba Player

Chapter 982:

After walking into the high green platform at the crossroads, and allowing Qin Lin to reset his state with a single shot, Yu Xing asked a little strangely after he glanced at the girl who was sitting quietly beside him.

"Anyway, the environment at the B&B is better than here, right?"

"The environment is good, but something went wrong over there."

While stuffing beef jerky into his mouth, Yu Ze shrugged slightly.

"what is the problem?"

Taking off the sniper rifle on his shoulder and putting it aside, Yu Xing also sat down on the bench.

"In the movie, the development of the plot at the B&B is an important turning point. It is impossible for us not to go there."

"Well... let's put it this way."

Picking up the mineral water bottle and taking a sip, after thinking for a while, Yu Ze gave a rough account of the strange things he encountered in the elevator at the hotel.

This matter is not too complicated in the first place, and it can be easily explained in a few words.

"...the same person you met twice in the elevator?"

After listening to Yu Ze's narration, Yu Xing became interested.

"Why, what are the characteristics of those two people?"

—As an important inflection point in the plot of the movie, everyone at the homestay deserves attention.


He reached out and touched his chin, and after a little thought, Yu Ze gave his answer.

"The gender is a man and a woman. The woman is very beautiful, and she is a little girl. She is a school girl in school. The man is very handsome, just a little worse than me, and then..."

Before Yu Ze could finish his sentence, there was a snort, and Qin Lin beside him couldn't help laughing.

Yu Ze: "..."

"…What do you mean?"

Looking at Qin Lin, who seemed to have a stomach ache from laughing because of his previous words, Yu Ze's face immediately turned dark.

"What do I mean? I believe you should be very clear about this kind of thing."

Glancing at Yu Ze, the expression on Qin Lin's face and the words in his mouth were full of disgust.

"Is that called handsome? That's called handsome! You have the nerve to compare handsomeness with the other party? It's true that you are a little worse, but you are a billion points worse than the other party."

"Enough is enough, you, I tell you, I have endured you for a long time!"

Hearing the undisguised disdainful words in the other party's mouth, Yu Ze suddenly became furious.

"I'm ashamed to say that when I first saw those two people in the elevator, you were almost too **** to walk! You **** girl!"


"Okay, let's quarrel after we go back."

It was obvious that he was used to the current situation. After a very casual word of persuasion, Yu Xing turned his eyes to the girl who had been taciturn from beginning to end.

"You said before that this is the 32nd reincarnation, right? So can you please tell me, what is the reason for the failure of the previous reincarnation?"

"Didn't you say that the world I live in is a movie world? I believe you should know this kind of thing better than me."

Sitting there, the girl's face was expressionless, and she didn't even look at each other.

"Hmm... In the previous reincarnation process, there were serious conflicts between us?"

After staring at the girl in front of him for a while, Yu Xing suddenly asked.

"Otherwise, you don't need to put on such a posture."

— The girl didn't answer.

"Okay, okay, since you don't want to answer my question, then let other people ask it later."

Seeing the girl in front of him who had absolutely no intention of answering his question, Yu Xing raised his hand helplessly.

"I guess it won't be too long, the captain and the others should be there...huh?"

Suddenly, Yu Xing's expression was slightly moved by it.

In the channel of his earphones, the voices of the captain and the others came.

(Hey, Yuxing, are you listening?)

"What's wrong?"

He stretched out his hand to hold his earphone, and didn't intend to go to the side to answer the conversation, so Yu Xing asked directly.

(What, Yuxing, I remember you said that you killed two shadowy humanoid monsters, right?)

"That's right...why, you also found traces of the black shadow monster?"

His heart was slightly moved by it, and Yu Xing made a gesture of silence to the two people who were arguing over there.

"In the plots of the movies I have watched, there has never been such a monster. I suspect that the main **** changed the plot."

( should I put it? Discovery is indeed a discovery, but what I discovered may be somewhat different from what you discovered.)

"Why is it different?"

Listening to the tangled words of the captain over there, Yu Xing suddenly became interested.

"Supposedly, shouldn't the black shadow humanoid monsters all look the same? Be careful, those things are very flexible, not only can sneak into the shadows, but also jump back and forth between the shadows, and the speed is quite fast, If you let this kind of thing sneak into your shadow, you may not know what will happen..."

(Not this different...let's put it this way.)

The captain on the earphone side took a deep breath, and then asked solemnly.

(Have you ever seen a black shadow humanoid monster in a maid outfit and white silk?)

Yu Xing: "???"

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1551 Chapter 627 Light Clothes? Bai Zhi (4K)

Yu Xing knew a lot about that kind of black shadow humanoid monster. After all, not long ago, he personally sniped two of them.

But wearing a maid outfit and wearing white silk... Forgive him for his lack of imagination, he really can't imagine what kind of outrageous thing that is.

"It's outrageous, right? I think it's outrageous, too."

On a street close to the main road, looking at the black figure in the shape of a maid at the intersection of the traffic lights, a handsome middle-aged man with purple hair sighed helplessly.

"Not only in maid outfits, but also in aprons, with mops in hand, washbasins, and umbrellas on shared bicycles... I seriously doubt that these things came from a certain It came out of the housekeeping shop."

(…There is no such thing in the movie.)

After a while, Yu Xing's answer came from the earphone.

"I know, you've said this before, the Lord God has changed the plot, anyway, it's not just once or twice."

Keeping an eye on the scene over there, Li Boshang looked troubled.

"I just want to ask you, is it possible that the movie you watched is actually a funny movie in essence?"

(...Come here early, we have a big discovery here, hang up.)

After this sentence fell, a busy tone came out of the earphone.

Li Boshang: "..."

"Well, what do you say over there?"

At this time, a girl with long white hair and light blue electric arcs around her from time to time came over.

Different from Qin Lin's petite and **** figure, this girl with golden animal eyes has a hot style of a royal sister...or is it tough?

With a hot figure and cool clothes, she has eight-pack abs on her exposed lower abdomen. She looks like a hot-blooded fighting girl.

"I didn't say anything, anyway, let's hurry up... Hey, Yinlin, can you control it?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Li Boshang was shocked by the flashing electric arc around the other party's body. Okay, he couldn't help but grinned a little when he was shocked.

"Cut, weak chicken."

Glancing at Li Boshang, Yinlin made no secret of the disgust in her words.

"Fortunately, you are still our captain. You don't know how to learn from Yu Ze. After he was shocked, he just didn't even say a word."

"...he was stunned."

"But I'm not wrong about not saying anything, am I?"

"…as long as you are happy."

Rolling his eyes, Li Boshang stood up from the window, and then smoothly picked up a huge sword that was leaning against the wall like a door panel and carried it on his back.

"Let's go, let's join them. Before we find out the details of those shadowy humanoid monsters, let's not contact them for now."

Horror and spooky, these are two different concepts.

If those shadowy humanoid monsters are only in the category of terror, then it's okay to say that they can kill those things directly by long-range means.

But under the premise that those things put on maid outfits, and they all dressed up like domestic workers, they immediately changed from the category of horror to the category of weirdness.

Under such circumstances, it is not a good way to attack those things without authorization. As the captain and the highest combat power in the team, he must be responsible to everyone in the team.

It was precisely because of this that, in order to avoid contact with those shadowy humanoid monsters, Li Boshang and Yinlin basically walked on small paths, passing through several buildings in the middle.

Don't worry about possible nuisances. In the area they are responsible for exploring, they don't know what happened. A large number of people have fallen into a strange state of sleep.

It's not that the two of them didn't try to wake up someone who was sleeping, but they didn't succeed. Instead, they made those people sleep more soundly.

The reason why this town is so quiet is of course the torrential rain outside, but it is also an important reason that most people have fallen into an inexplicable deep sleep.

But even though they were so careful, they still encountered accidents when they passed through a certain building.

…in a closed bakery, they had a head-on encounter with a shadowy humanoid monster.


Seeing the black shadow sitting in front of the table with Erlang's legs crossed, holding a comic magazine in his hand, and a bottle of cold drink on the table next to him, both Li Boshang and Yinlin looked quite strange.

By the way, this thing... is it fishing?

It seems that he didn't expect that his lazy behavior would be knocked down. Looking at the two people in front of him who were not easy to mess with at first glance, the shadow guard sitting on the chair was also stunned.

After a moment of silence, under the vigilant eyes of Li Boshang and Yinlin, the humanoid black shadow monster in front of him made new movements.

—The other party got up quite skillfully and squatted on the ground with his head in his arms.

That posture was the same as if it had been rehearsed a hundred times before...

Silver Scale: "..."

Li Boshang: "..."

At this moment, Captain Li Boshang once again deepened the idea that he might be in a horror and funny movie.

(what to do?)

Turning her head to look at Li Boshang beside her, Yinlin expressed her doubts with her eyes.

Whether the other party attacks them or runs away in front of them, they all know how to deal with it, but when the other party honestly puts on such a posture of beating people without slapping them in the face and letting them be slaughtered, they are suddenly I don't know what to do...


After closing his eyes and sensing for a while, Li Boshang slightly shook his head at the girl beside him.

"Leave it alone, let's go."


Without asking why, Yinlin nodded very simply.

So only a few seconds later, the figures of the two of them disappeared without a trace in this bakery.

[Shadow Guard: (>﹏

[Shadow Guard: Σ(°△°]

【Shadow Guard: ε=ε=ε=┌┤*?д`├┘】


Meanwhile, on the other side.

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