Shuraba Player

Chapter 988:

"Obtaining the card is only the first step. You must get the rabbit's approval to be able to enter and exit the dream in a limited amount."

Glancing towards Huanyan, Yu Xing spoke lightly.

"In the plot of the original movie, it was with the help of the rabbit that the heroine escaped all kinds of murderous intentions one after another, but in the end she still failed and walked into an infinite loop of death. She thought she had escaped successfully. Small town, but I never thought that I just walked into the scene of other people's dreams projected in reality. In fact, the filming of that movie was quite chaotic.

Before Yu Xing finished speaking, there was a polite knock on the door from outside.

Along with the knock on the door, there was a voice that sounded very childish.

"Hello, room service, please open the door."

After a little silence, seeing that no one else wanted to leave, Bai Zhi waved his hand and instructed a shadow guard to go up and open the door.

Outside the door, a trolley stopped there, and a rabbit wearing a high magic hat stood on the trolley, holding a magic wand more than one meter long in his hand.

Seeing that everyone in the room was looking at him, the rabbit gracefully took off his hat and bowed to them.

"Everyone, do you want to enjoy a wonderful magic show?"

Thank you for your support. From today until September 30th, I will ask for tickets every day (ノ○Д○)ノ]

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1557 Chapter 632 Dream Realm? Lord God (6K)

Looking at the rabbit that suddenly appeared outside the door, everyone in the room had different expressions on their faces.

Others were surprised when they met for the first time, Huan Yan was indifferent after meeting countless times, and Bai Zhi was itchy after being eaten snacks by the other party.

As for Qingyi... She really wanted to capture this talking rabbit and raise it.

Although this white-haired loli always thinks that she is the most mature among the loli in the family, she still can't refuse such a cute creature who can talk and do magic.

"What magic show?"

Looking at the rabbit standing on the trolley, while thinking about how to cook the rabbit's head in braised sauce, Bai Zhi asked with great interest.

"Of course it's a wonderful magic show."

Putting the hat on again, the rabbit snapped his fingers with a look of air.

With the sound of snapping fingers, an extra card appeared out of nowhere in front of everyone.

The whole body of the card is silvery, with a big carrot pattern on the back, everyone's face engraved on the front, and a small carrot logo on the lower right corner of the front of the card.

Originally, Qingyi had already hidden her own card in the shadow space, but under the premise that the rabbit came suddenly, the card that belonged to her appeared in front of her again.

It's also thanks to her sharp eyesight and quick hands that she grabbed the card in front of her in time, otherwise her identity would be exposed immediately.

"Holding this card, you will have the ability to go to the dream world freely, and you can also wake up from sleep independently."

Waving the magic wand in his hand, the rabbit spoke seriously.

"But whether you can use this card depends on your own performance. So next, I will conduct a test on you."

"Who are you?"

Picking up the card in front of him and looking at it, after a little pondering, Bai Zhi looked at the rabbit.

"Also, why should we accept your..."

"Me? I'm just a rabbit, but you can call me a respectable and great rabbit."

The figure appeared on Bai Zhi's shoulders at some point, and while eating the carrot in his hand, the rabbit raised its legs in embarrassment.

"As for why you are accepting my test... Pay attention, a dream is about to overlap with reality, you should work hard to live through this dream before we talk about it."

After saying this sentence, the figure of the rabbit disappeared without a sound, even though Bai Zhi had already paid attention to the other party, he didn't observe when the rabbit disappeared.

"What's next?"

After pondering for a while, Bai Zhi turned his head to look at Huan Yan.

"...the entire homestay is covered by a dream, thus transforming into a dream realm."

After a moment of silence, Huan Yan spoke up.

"The provider of this dream is the front desk playing games in the lobby on the first floor."

"The dreams he had never changed?"

Recalling the appearance of the front desk a little in his mind, standing up from the sofa, Bai Zhi turned his head and glanced out the window.

When the rabbit disappeared, the torrential rain outside did not know when it stopped silently. Looking outside through the window, all he could see was a dark void.

"It is generally consistent, but some errors may occur in details."

Looking up at the wall clock on the wall, Huan Yan seemed a little absent-minded for some reason.

"Compared with the previous dozens of reincarnations, this time the dream appeared half an hour earlier, and the rabbit only appeared in front of us after we came out of that dream... Under the premise of such a big change, the strategy I summarized is no longer applicable."

"What strategy?"

Turning his head, Bai Zhi looked at the other party.

"How to find the front desk strategy in this dream realm."

Huan Yan looked at him steadily.

"As long as the opponent who doesn't know where to hide is killed, this dream field will automatically dissipate."

"Why, there is no other way?"

Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"If you don't want to destroy this dream realm, but choose to leave directly? There should be a door here that can leave this dream realm?"


Pursing his lips, Huan Yan nodded.

"But the doors are usually hidden very deep, making it difficult to find. Compared with this method, the former is much quicker and more convenient."

"No... why did you say nothing when I asked you before, but you gave so many answers to his random question?"

Looking at the two people in front of him who were asking questions and answering questions, Yu Ze, who was sitting on the bench, seemed quite unbalanced.

Before, he and Qin Lin took each other out of that house through all the obstacles. After all, they didn't deserve any credit or hard work, right?

However, when the other party faced their questions about the plot, the whole person was aloof and outrageous, and ten questions might not be able to get an answer.

In the past, he thought that the other party had such a cold personality, but now...

"Oh, he's more handsome than you."

Turning to look at Yu Ze, Huan Yan answered coldly.

"And besides, I don't think I have to be nice to someone who killed me...or thank you for making my death less painful?"

When he said this, Huan Yan's tone became obviously colder.

"For you, death may be just a moment, but for me, the scale of that moment is so long that it makes people despair. In that dead darkness, I can clearly feel the intense force coming from my body. Pain, feeling my body slowly getting cold, feeling my body slowly rotting... When I first died, the feeling was only about half an hour, but when I died last time, the feeling lasted for nearly half a month Can you understand what kind of despair it is? In this world, there has never been such a thing as empathy."


Opening his mouth, Yu Ze seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"During the first dozen or so reincarnations, I was willing to believe in you, and I worked hard to help you, wanting to end this nightmare as soon as possible, and I also actively proposed to reset the reincarnation, just to be able to do it next time. It’s better. And you have all promised me, and are willing to tell me the deepest secrets in your heart, just to let me gain your trust quickly in the next reincarnation.”

Lowering her eyes, the girl's tone became calm again.

"But after reincarnation time and time again, I actually have no hope for you. When I numbly felt the decay of my body bit by bit in that dark space, I was Make a decision in your heart... In this 32nd reincarnation, I will kill all of you one by one."

"So you've changed your mind now?"

Sighing slightly in his mouth, Li Boshang took a special look at Bai Zhi.

"...I don't want him to disappoint me."

After a little silence, the girl turned her head.

"As fans like us, no matter what, we don't want our idols to look down upon us, do we?"

— There was a word that she didn't say out loud.

If she hadn't had the other party as her spiritual support, she would have given up long ago in that long and hopeless despair.

...just like when the two first met.

Because of Huan Yan's words, the scene inevitably seemed a bit cold for a while, and it was not until the strange noises came from the corridor outside that the cold scene was disintegrated.

Seeing the weird sound getting closer and closer to them, Yu Ze closed the door immediately.

"Don't look at me, although I have left shadow guards outside, but when this dream realm covers this homestay, I can no longer perceive their existence."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him one after another, Bai Zhi spread his hands in front of him.

"As for the inside of the B&B, the space here has undergone strange changes. Although I can still perceive the shadow guards, I don't know where they are now."

"Well... the window doesn't work here either."

After opening the window with some curiosity and looking outside, Qing Yi nodded pretendingly.

Outside the window is not the imaginary street in the rainstorm, but another engraved room corresponding to their room, the only difference is that there is no one in the room and no candles are lit. Same.

"The dream has changed."

Facing Bai Zhi's gaze, Huan Yan slightly shook his head.

"In the previous reincarnation, outside the window was a bottomless dark abyss."

"Okay, then the current task is to find the receptionist."

With a slight shrug, Bai Zhi made a decision.

—In fact, they currently only have this choice.


At the same time, somewhere in a peaceful dreamland.

Blue sky and white clouds, long green grass, flocks of cattle and sheep in the distance are dotted on the grassland, and a meandering river flows through the grassland.

On a certain unreasonable high slope, the river flows upstream against the laws of physics, and a little smoke rises from the river and goes straight into the clouds.

At a certain moment, when the girl who was sitting by the river making dishes was lost in thought, a magic high hat appeared out of nowhere in midair, and a rabbit jumped out of the hat.

"Well, what's the situation outside?"

When she saw the rabbit that suddenly fell from mid-air, the girl who had been listless immediately regained her spirits. Regardless of the heat she was now controlling, she hurriedly asked the rabbit.

"Not very good, someone is impersonating you."

Putting the fallen hat back on the top of the head, the rabbit looked serious.

"At the same time, because there are many outsiders there, I can't tell him your current situation for the time being."

"Someone impersonating me?"

I didn't expect to get such an answer just now, and the night owl couldn't help being slightly stunned.

That's right, the people here are night owls? Mu Qianse.

Because she was too excited for the next official date last night, she didn't sleep well all night. If the date is going on normally, with her current physical attributes, that little thing is for her Does not cause any impact.

But unfortunately, there was an error in the middle of the appointment.

When she was in the hotel room before, the drowsiness that had been suppressed came up inexplicably, and when she woke up again, she found that she had come to this place.

Before she could react from this sudden change, a talking rabbit with a magic hat jumped down from her eyes...

"Yes, I think you should know her."

Reaching out to dig inside the hat, the rabbit handed over a card.

"This is... when did she follow?"

Looking at the appearance of a certain loli engraved on the card handed over by the rabbit, the night owl's face couldn't help but look quite strange.

? The card that belonged to Qingyi was handed over.

"Since you are an acquaintance, it will be easy. I will find an opportunity to explain your situation to him later."

He took the card again and stuffed it into the hat, and raised the magic wand in his hand, the rabbit looked serious.

"Compared to these, I care more about other things. May I ask if the carrot pot is ready? I stayed outside for a long time before, and now my strength is almost exhausted."

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