Shura’s Wrath

Volume 1: The Moon of Scourge Chapter 102: Xi Ling (2)

" have entered 'Lonely Soul Ridge'."

"Ding...'Lonely Soul Ridge' is an extremely dangerous area, please proceed with caution."

After walking less than a hundred meters from the place where he found the entrance to the underworld, Ling Chen had already stepped into the range of Lonely Soul Ridge. The ground under his feet became wet and soft, and the light and air were similar to a gloomy place, even more gloomy than a gloomy place. The road became potholed, and one after another high or low mountains were vaguely reflected in front of the eyes, showing a terrifying gray color in the air, depicting a situation like stepping into the underworld.

Walking into it, Ling Chen felt a little terrified, and after a long while of relief, his mood slowly calmed down, becoming calm as still water.

Spreading out the map bought with a lot of money from Qian Gungun, after a quick look at it, he felt that his 50,000 gold coins were not a loss at all. Almost all towns, plains, forests, mountains, battlefields, rivers, relics, etc. of the Forgotten Continent are marked on the map, and even the main building points inside the big cities are marked. Many special places have also made detailed notes. The colors of the various regions are significantly different. Where he is now, Lonely Soul Ridge is painted in dark colors, which means that it is a forbidden place that cannot be set foot. Next to the map of Lonely Soul Ridge, there is also a paragraph of text marked.

Silent Hill: It was called Silent Hill ten thousand years ago. Because it is close to one of the entrances of the underworld, it is affected by its breath all the year round. Few people set foot on it, but it is not considered a forbidden area. Traveling explorers often enter it. Thousands of years ago, a black mist suddenly filled the Silent Hill. After that, all those who stepped into it died, and none of them could get out alive. The Silent Mountain was also named the Mountain of Silent Soul hundreds of years later, its strength is lower than that of Shenxuan, so it cannot be approached!

Ling Chen: "..."

The strength is lower than that of Shenxuan, so it cannot be approached... In other words, the person who killed all the people who approached here is a person or monster with at least the strength of Shenxuan! It's no wonder that for so many years, countless masters from the Forgotten Continent have never come out after entering Lonely Soul Ridge. The strength of Shenxuan level... is something that human beings can't compete with. If he encounters it, it is indeed a dead end without any suspense. In addition, Qian Gungun obviously knew what was guarding here, but he didn't mark it out. It seemed that even Qian Gungun was afraid of it.

Put the map back into the backpack, Ling Chen walked forward quickly. After putting the empty bright stone in the backpack, the storage space directly increased to 500.

Entering Lonely Soul Ridge, there is no danger coming. It seems that just like what Qian Gungun said, the biggest danger in Lonely Soul Ridge has left now, but it might come back at any time. Ling Chen walked forward quickly, scanning his front and surroundings meticulously, looking for the ultimate purpose of coming here - the Black Flame Grass! According to the Qinglong city master's description, the black flame grass is like clusters of black flames burning on the ground, very easy to identify.

As for the entrance to the underworld that he discovered before, he remembered it in his heart, but gave up on entering. Qian Gungun said that the lowest level of undead inside must be over level 50, which is an area that he can't touch at all now.

Black Flame Grass... Black Flame Grass...

While Ling Chen was muttering in his heart, he and Xiao Hui were searching along the way. Lonely Soul Ridge is very large, with countless large and small mountains scattered, among which there are countless rocks, and black weed-like things can be seen occasionally, which seem to be undead plants that can grow in a dead environment, but their shape But it's obviously not the Black Flame Grass. Ling Chen walked forward all the way, until he reached the very top of the first mountain...the top was covered with gravel, and the sound of the wind made people feel chills in their hearts, but there was still no shadow of the Black Flame Grass.

Ling Chen stood on the top of the first mountain and looked into the distance. Under the black mist, it was impossible to see where Lonely Soul Ridge spread. He could only vaguely see higher mountains in front of him.

At this time, nearly half an hour had passed since he entered Lonely Soul Ridge.

"Qi Yue, have you seen the Black Flame Grass? Do you know where it is in Lonely Soul Ridge?" Ling Chen asked. Qi Yue, who existed ten thousand years ago, might know where the Black Flame Grass is.


"Qi Yue?"

Called several times in succession, but did not wait for Qi Yue's answer. After reminding him about the money rolling before, she has been silent for a while, obviously mentally overdrawn, and now she is in a deep sleep state in the Lunar Scourge.

It seems that you can only rely on yourself. Ling Chen quickly glanced around, and continued to walk forward. Although he didn't find Lonely Soul Ridge, he didn't encounter any living or undead. Except for the sound of the wind, the entire Lonely Soul Ridge was eerily quiet... It seemed that there was no living thing on this huge mountain except him!

Walking down the slope, Ling Chen didn't miss any corners around him, but until he got to the bottom of the mountain on the other side, he still didn't find any trace of the Black Flame Grass.

Didn't the Azure Dragon City Lord say that the Black Flame Grass is everywhere in Lonely Soul Ridge? Why can't I find any?

A possibility suddenly appeared in Ling Chen's mind... The legend of the existence of Black Flame Grass in Lonely Soul Ridge was passed down a long, long time ago, when Lonely Soul Ridge was not called Lonely Soul Ridge, nor was it a forbidden area. But now, tens of thousands of years have passed since that time... Will there still be Black Flame Grass in this place like before?

But immediately, Ling Chen quickly threw away this thought. This is the only hidden mission in the world of Shenyue. Since the mission exists, even if it is more difficult than ascending to the sky, it must be possible to achieve it, which means that the Black Flame Grass must exist. Ling Chen looked forward... This place should still be in the safe area of ​​Lonely Soul Ridge. Could the Black Flame Grass be in a more central position in Lonely Soul Ridge?

Thinking of this, Ling Chen quickened his pace, and continued to walk forward. Although the speed of walking accelerated, it did not mean that he became superficial. Everywhere he goes, he will use his eyes to visit carefully and carefully.

An hour later, the effect of the "Undead Stone" disappeared, and it disappeared directly into Lunar Scourge, but the floating aura of Lonely Ridge seemed to be different from that of the Gloomy Land. Ling Chen, without the protection of the Undead Stone, did not The loss of life continues. But after an entire hour, he had traveled several kilometers, but he still didn't find any trace of the Black Flame Grass.

Glancing at the time, at this time, the time in the real world has just passed 0 o'clock in the morning, and a new day has arrived. The Qinglong City Square, which was deserted two days ago, is already bustling with people. A large number of players are queuing up to change jobs, or running around the city to find tasks, or rushing to search for and seize the upgrade site at the first time. Each one belongs to the players. Many commercial organizations have also started planning... None of them would have imagined that a player, who is already more than 200 kilometers away from Qinglong City, is in an extremely terrifying environment and is risking huge risks to do a game. difficult task.

The "scary guy" that Qian Gungun mentioned could come back anytime. It is conceivable how terrifying that guy can be if he can turn Lonely Soul Ridge into a taboo place, where all the masters who approach him will be buried. If he couldn't find the Black Flame Grass before it came back, not only would he fall short, but he would surely die, and he would have to endure a cruel task punishment a month later.

Must be found immediately!

Another two hours passed...

After turning over a few mountains, Ling Chen didn't remember, nor did he try to remember. All his thoughts were focused on finding the Black Flame Grass. He had already entered Lonely Soul Ridge, and he happened to be in the greatest danger to leave. However, after searching for more than three hours, he couldn't find the shadow of the Black Flame Grass at all. Under the huge gap, even Ling Chen's mood appeared to be disturbed. He even vaguely felt that his The previous guess may be correct... After an unknown number of years, Lonely Soul Ridge is no longer the mountain it was then, and there may really be no Black Flame Grass!

But already here, Ling Chen couldn't be reconciled. Gritting his teeth, he continued to walk forward. If you still can't find the Black Flame Grass at the end of Lonely Soul Ridge, then this task of finding the Black Flame Grass is really a cheating task that is impossible to complete!

Under the cover of the black mist, he couldn't see too far away, and he didn't know that the mountain he was climbing was the center and the highest one of Lonely Soul Ridge.

Ten minutes later, Ling Chen stood on the top of a mountain again. Along the way, he saw a lot of black weeds, but none of them were Black Flame Grass. By now, he had begun to feel a little numb.

The mountains of Lonely Soul Ridge are generally not high, Ling Chen is standing on the tallest one, and it is also the most central one in Lonely Soul Ridge. Ling Chen glanced around, there was a big rock at a distance of five or six meters to the right, other than that, there was nothing but black flame grass everywhere.

still no? Ling Chen breathed out silently, and was about to walk down the mountain when Xiaohui behind him yelled, and ran towards the irregular oval stone that was as tall as a person, then stood in front of the stone and used his front The claws kept touching.

Ling Chen turned his eyes and walked over quickly. Seeing Xiao Hui's movements, he asked subconsciously: "You mean, there is something under this rock?"

Xiao Hui quickly scratched its front paws as an answer... Its actions clearly wanted Ling Chen to move the stone away.

Ling Chen took two steps back and glanced at the stone. The height of this stone is similar to his height, and it looks heavy, but because it presents a long and narrow oval shape, it should still be possible to push it down if you try your best. At that moment, he retracted his two weapons and stood in front of the stone , pressed his hands on the stone, took a light breath, and pushed hard.

Although this boulder is big, it is not as heavy as Ling Chen imagined. In addition to its lack of stability, Ling Chen pushed hard, and the huge boulder tilted suddenly. , this stone that was as tall as a person was pushed down abruptly by Ling Chen, and fell to the ground with a muffled "poof".

As the stone fell, a pitch-black cave with a length and width of only half a meter appeared before Ling Chen's eyes. Ling Chen was stunned, and quickly walked over to look under the entrance of the cave... The entrance of the cave was very deep, it was pitch black, and it was impossible to see what was inside, but there was clearly a rope ladder hanging on the edge.

Rope ladder! ?

The rope ladder was obviously hung by someone! In other words, this small cave was accessed by people! !

Could it be the "scary guy" Qian Gungun said? That is actually a person? A person who at least has the power of Shenxuan?

" found a hidden area, which has not yet been named."

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