Shura’s Wrath

Volume 1: The Moon of Scourge Chapter 105: Xi Ling (5)

Amidst the melodious shouts that were almost ethereal, Ling Chen stiffened his body and turned around slowly, his mental vigilance stretched to the peak. The moment his body turned around, he saw a petite red shadow running towards him. The moment he saw her clearly, Ling Chen was slightly stunned.

This was really a girl...a young girl who was only twelve or thirteen years old at first glance, even younger than he expected. The girl has a beautiful snow-white face, big eyes like glass eyes, clear and transparent, petite body, slender waist, plus fiery red and cute, one-piece dress in the style of a princess dress, and that natural drape Sprinkling shoulders, beautifully dressed soft long hair... The girl's overall appearance is so exquisite that she looks as cute as a doll that can do palm dance, and as delicate as a budding rose, completely different from the dark and gloomy surroundings. Out of place, it is as incongruous as placing a beautiful girl in a cartoon picture scroll in a lifeless cemetery.

"Huh... Big brother, I finally caught up with you." The girl trotted up to him, breathed a long sigh of relief, then raised her extremely cute cheeks, her eyes flickered, and she looked at him seriously. Looking at him, she was dressed in fiery red clothes, embellishing this immature girl with a charming charm that did not match her age. She laughed sweetly: "Brother, where are you going? Why are you here?"

This overly cute girl gave Ling Chen a huge visual impact, making him almost have the urge to hug this girl, and her approach did not bring the slightest sense of danger, neither did Xiao Hui beside her. Any unusual behavior. But the vigilance in his heart could not be relaxed, he frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"Me?" The girl pointed at herself, her slender eyebrows slightly raised: "My name is Xi Ling, big brother can call me Lingling!"

Xi Ling? Is this girl's name? Ling Chen stared at the girl. In such an environment, this girl who suddenly appeared behind him made him unable to let go of his vigilance. He looked into the girl's eyes, but all he saw was sincerity, crystal clearness, eagerness... and a touch of joy that he couldn't understand. In addition, whether it was reflected by her fiery red clothes, he found the girl's The eyes seemed to be slightly reddish. And apart from these, he couldn't see anything dangerous from this girl's eyes...

What the hell is this girl...

"Why are you here?" Ling Chen continued to ask.

The girl is much shorter than Ling Chen, and she can only raise her cheek when talking to Ling Chen, and she still smiles so sweetly: "I asked the elder brother this question first, it should be the elder brother who answered first .”

Ling Chen: "..."

"Big brother, don't you want to answer? Then let me say okay... I got lost in this place and couldn't find my way home, and then I saw big brother! Big brother, it's scary here, you take me Get out of here, okay?" After the girl finished speaking, her crystal eyes looked at him without blinking.

Ling Chen narrowed his eyes and lowered his head slightly: "It's not good for children to lie."

Beyond Lonely Soul Ridge is a gloomy place that can devour life. How could a child come here safely through there. And he will never forget that before the girl made her voice, he didn't notice her approaching... This couldn't be an ordinary girl at all.

No matter the breath or eyes of this girl, there is no danger factor...

The girl immediately shook her head vigorously: "I'm not lying! I'm really lost... Big brother, can you take me out of here, I'm really afraid of this place."

"Then tell me, where is your home?" Ling Chen said with a faint smile.

The girl blinked, and after a while, she smiled purely and flawlessly: "Where does big brother go, that's my home."

"..." Ling Chen couldn't help being amused by the girl's words. He smiled, and just as he was about to speak, the girl spoke before him: "Big Brother, I have already answered, now it's Big Brother's turn to answer my previous question...Why is Big Brother here?"

Ling Chen thought for a moment, and replied: "I came here to look for something called 'Black Flame Grass', which is a kind of grass that looks like a black flame. Have you seen this kind of grass around here?"

"Black Flame Grass?" The girl's face showed a look of surprise: "But, there was no such thing as Black Flame Grass here a long, long time ago, doesn't Big Brother know?"

"No more? What do you mean no more?" Ling Chen was startled... Could it be that his conjecture is really true? But this girl, why would she know! ?

"Nothing means nothing. They were all extinct a long time ago, and they can't grow again..." The girl was halfway through speaking, and suddenly saw the deeply disappointed expression on Ling Chen's face. Immediately, she He stopped what he was saying, and asked instead: "Big Brother is looking for Black Flame Grass, is it because of something very important? Could it be that one of Big Brother's friends has been seriously poisoned and needs Black Flame Grass to detoxify? Black Flame Grass Grass can dissolve many, many kinds of poisons."

Ling Chen nodded numbly... If what this girl said is true, then why did he come here so hard? Could it be that the task assigned by the Qinglong city simply an impossible and cheating task! ?

"Hee... Big brother, I lied to you!" Seeing Ling Chen nodding, the girl smiled lightly with her pink lips: "The black flame grass will not be extinct, I saw it just now .”

"Really?" Ling Chen immediately asked anxiously: "Where did you see it?"

"This...don't tell big brother yet. If big brother promises me one thing, I'll bring him the Black Flame Grass. Otherwise, big brother won't be able to find it by himself." The girl's eyes Shining brightly, as bright as the stars. Ling Chen couldn't understand the longing and hope revealed in the beautiful eyes.

"What's up?"

The girl replied immediately, and answered so seriously: "Let me follow the big brother from now on, wherever the big brother goes, take me there? OK?"

"Why..." Facing the extremely weird request made by this mysterious girl, he couldn't adapt. The eerie environment, the beautiful girl who suddenly appeared, the girl who wanted to follow him for no reason... All these things put together made him feel like he was in a dream.

"Because...because..." The girl stretched out her delicate fingers and tapped her lips, and after thinking for a while, her eyes lit up, and she answered him with a sweet smile, "Because I like big brother!"

Ling Chen: "..."

Although Ling Chen never thought that he looked very frustrated, but... he shouldn't be so popular that a girl would cry and post it up to go with him after a glance.

"Then it's decided! Big brother can't go back on his word!" Without giving Ling Chen a chance to answer, the girl showed a smile while answering on his behalf, "Then, I will go and bring the black flame grass to big brother right now. ……ah?"

Just as the girl was about to run away, she suddenly saw Xiao Hui at Ling Chen's feet... There was a hazy area of ​​gray here, Xiao Hui was covered in gray, and she was so small, so the girl didn't see it just now. She immediately came to Xiao Hui, squatted down, held Xiao Hui's head with Xuenen's hands, and said lovingly: "Wow! What a cute little dog...Little dog, what's your name?"

"It's called Xiao Hui." Ling Chen had to answer for Xiao Hui who couldn't speak, and then explained by the way: "It's not a dog."

"But it looks like a very cute dog..." The girl raised her lips slightly, and she patted Xiao Hui's head, "So your name is Xiao Hui, and your name is as cute as yours, Xiao Hui, let's meet later Let's play again, I'll help big brother get the Black Flame Grass first, and I'll be right back."

"Big brother, keep your word. If I get back the Black Flame Grass, promise to let me follow big brother. Wherever big brother goes, he will take me there... Don't go back on your word!"

After she finished speaking, she stood up, held the corners of her skirt with both hands, and ran away lightly. After a while, she left Ling Chen's sight, and the sound of her footsteps gradually disappeared.

Ling Chen was completely speechless.

Xiao Hui, who had been touched by the girl, now showed an expression of joy and enjoyment. Xiao Hui's sensitivity to danger is very clear to Ling Chen, its reaction to this girl at least proves that the girl just now really does not have any bad intentions towards them, and will not bring them any danger.

The "terrible guy" guarding Lonely Hill has killed an unknown number of creatures near Lonely Hill for thousands of years, and he will never be a kind person. In other words, this girl should not be the "scary guy" that Qian Gun Gun talked about. Then again, how could a monster-level person who has been here for more than ten thousand years be such an immature and lovely girl.

However, the appearance of this girl is too unusual. Her series of actions, as well as the request she insisted on agreeing to, were abnormalities that he could not accept and understand. What happened to this girl named Xi Ling? Moreover, can she really find the Black Flame Grass?

Ling Chen didn't leave, and stayed in place with Xiao Hui, waiting for the girl to really bring back the Black Flame Grass. He has been thinking hard about the girl's origin in his heart, looking for and guessing various possibilities.

"Woo... woo... woo!!!"

While thinking about it, a roar that was almost like a roar suddenly came from Ling Chen's ears... and this voice actually came from Xiao Hui.

"Small gray?"


Xiao Hui's state at this time shocked Ling Chen greatly... Its limbs clenched tightly, its body stretched into an almost distorted shape, all the gray hairs on its body stood up, like upside-down steel bars. The needle is average. The cracked mouth revealed teeth that were bitten together fiercely. Eyes that released a terrifying and fierce light stared at the dim sky.

At the same time, a terrifying aura descended from the sky that instantly chilled Ling Chen to the marrow, making him feel as if he had fallen into an abyss all at once. Cold sweat soaked all his clothes in just a few seconds...

The sky gradually darkened, the cold wind stopped whistling, and everything fell into a dead silence that was more terrifying than hell.


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