Shura’s Wrath

Volume 1: The Moon of Scourge Chapter 11 Two-Star Elite

It would take a long time for a level 0 player to hack and kill a motionless level 5 monster. Killing monsters by leapfrogging in the novice stage is not only inefficient, but also extremely easy to be instantly killed. The one who dared to come to the forest wild boar territory at level 0 like Ling Chen... at least he was the only one in the entire 49554 Novice Village.

Ling Chen chose to stay here, and began to actively search for wild boars. One is to complete the task assigned by the owner of the prop shop Wang, and the main reason is that it is quiet enough that no one will disturb him.

More than an hour later, just as he was at level 0, under the slash of the novice sword, the 30th wild boar fell in front of him. At the same time, a white halo floated above Ling Chen's head...

"Congratulations on your level upgrade. You are now at level 1. Life +10, magic +10, and 5 free attribute points."

Finally raised to a level, Ling Chen breathed a sigh of relief... Only after killing 30 level 5 monsters did he rise from level 0 to level 1, completing the first step in this world, the upgrade of the world of "Shenyue" How cheating the system is.

What's even worse is that he leapfrogged and killed 30 forest wild boars, resulting in a total of dozens of copper coins and a few bottles of red potion, and he didn't even see a piece of whiteboard equipment.

"Ding... You have successfully killed 30 mountain forest wild boars and fulfilled the task conditions of 'Wang Ji's commission', and you can now return to the Xinshou Village item shop to deliver the task."

While upgrading, he just finished a task, but Ling Chen didn't leave immediately, and stayed here, continuing to search for the next wild boar. The reward for the wild boar mission in the forest was a lot of various potions, none of which he needed urgently. What he needs most now is to upgrade the level as soon as possible.

-17, MISS, MISS, -18...

Without hesitation, all the free attribute points gained from the upgrade were spent on the strength value, and Ling Chen's effective damage to wild boars in the forest was directly doubled. And his HP is currently only a fragile 60 points. If he is attacked by several mountain wild boars at the same time, he will be directly hung back to Novice Village. Those who dare to pursue the ultimate attack ability at the beginning of the novice like him... Except for some people who are not very smart, there will be basically no one. No matter how powerful the attack power is... If you can't even withstand the monster's two attacks, it can only be a display. You must know that warriors are melee occupations, which are completely different from archers and elementalists who can fly kites at long distances. Attack, defense, and life must be developed in an all-round way.

The effective damage to wild boars in the forest has doubled, coupled with the increase in level, the level suppression on hits has also been slightly weakened, Ling Chen's efficiency in killing wild boars in the forest has also more than doubled, and more than an hour has passed. Hundreds of forest wild boars fell in front of him, and his experience points had reached 70% of level 1.

With the fall of the hundredth forest wild boar, a piece of dull gray-white equipment fell beside it.

Ling Chen took a step forward and picked it up.

Fine cloth trousers: category: bottoms, grade: pale, equipment requirements: any occupation above level 5, trousers made of fine cloth, somewhat defensive, attribute: defense +5.

After more than two hours, he leapfrogged and killed a hundred mountain wild boars, and finally revealed a piece of equipment... It was a pair of white trousers that could only be worn at level 5.

Ling Chen didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Could it be that my initial lucky point is too low?" Ling Chen stared at his "5" lucky point, thinking silently.

Looking at the time, it was already approaching noon. Ling Chen didn't continue to search for wild boars, but closed his eyes and gave the command to "quit the game".

With a flash of light, Ling Chen had disappeared into the world of Shenyue.

Opening his eyes, Ling Chen saw the crystal chandelier on the ceiling of his house, and two eyes that were purer and more beautiful than crystals.

Ling Shuiruo sat beside him, resting his cheeks on his hands, smiling at the corner of his mouth, staring at him without blinking, for an unknown how long he has been watching him obsessively. Seeing him open his eyes, Shui Ruo smiled sweetly: "Brother, you're awake."

Although he was already very familiar with Shui Ruo, seeing her face at such a close distance, Ling Chen was still stunned for a moment. He often marvels whether God put all his energy into sculpting Shui Ruo's face and body, otherwise, why his Shui Ruo's face and body are so perfect that they are almost illusory.

Ling Chen sat up from the sofa, and said with love and blame at the same time: "Ruo Ruo, why are you moving around so disobediently, what you need most now is to rest."

"But I really like to see my brother's quiet appearance." Shui Ruo stuck out her pink tongue and said with a smile. "Brother, are you having fun in the game?"

"En!" Ling Chen lifted Ling Shui Ruo from the wheelchair, placed him where he had just lay down, and put his hand on her cheek: "Are you hungry, what do you want for lunch?"

"Well, I want to drink mushroom soup...Brother, can you play the piano for me first?" Ling Shuiruo blinked, with longing and joy flashing in his eyes.

"Okay." Ling Chen nodded with a smile, put Shui Ruo's body away, and then walked towards the piano in the corner of the living room.

Sitting in front of the piano, his slender fingers were pointing on the keys. As the first note sounded, his fingers began to dance on the keys. In his heart, amidst the warm and soothing sound of the piano, Ling Shuiruo gently closed his eyes.

If Ling Shui will not forget, she taught her elder brother's piano skills hand in hand. He learned things so fast, it only took a few months, and the sound of the piano he played made her and her parents couldn't help being intoxicated, and she, who had practiced the piano since she was a child, was willing to bow down. Later, she suffered from Isrock, and her parents left one after another. During her most desperate period, it was him who used the gentlest music to let her escape from the palest world little by little...

The sound of the piano curls up, amidst the intoxicating warmth and softness, accompanied by the gentleness of rippling water and the eternal determination. In the gradually bewildered world, Ling Shuiruo seems to hear a man using his most firm language to express to her Stated the eternal vow and eternal heart, and told her how much he couldn't do without her, how much he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life...

When the piano sound fell, what Ling Chen heard was Shui Ruo's even breathing. He stood up from the piano, returned to the bedroom, took out a fluffy blanket, and gently covered Shui Ruo, who was already asleep with a smile, and kissed her lightly on the face before lightening his steps. , to the kitchen.

The kitchen door was tightly shut to prevent disturbing Shui Ruo who was sleeping peacefully. And Ling Shuiruo also slightly opened his eyes at this moment. Before she and her parents got Isrock, Ling Chen didn't know anything about cooking, laundry and other housework. But in the short period of time after that, for her, he learned all these things that he didn't know before, and tried to make himself the best...and from the beginning, it has continued until now.

Perhaps, I am a poor girl, because I am infected with the most terrible Isrock. But, more often than not, I feel that I am enough to be envied and envied by all the other girls in the world... because, I have the best brother.

In the afternoon, stay with Shui Ruo until she falls asleep. Ling Chen entered the world of "Shenyue" again, and entered the place where he went offline in the morning.

As soon as he got online, his intercom rang.

The player's communicator is an exquisite wristband wrapped around the wrist. It not only has the function of calling, but also can display the time, and can take pictures or videos. When you don't want to use it, you can also take it off and throw it in your backpack, so that no one can contact you.

The person who called him was nicknamed "Disillusionment", Ling Chen hesitated for a moment, then picked up, and a man's voice came impatiently.

"Huh, I finally waited for you to go online, it's me, Yunfeng!"

Sure enough... Ling Chen replied: "You weren't here this morning?"

Disillusioned? This name seems to be very different from the style of "Samsara Wind and Snow" back then.

"Oh, I've been busy with my sister this morning. I helped her buy a new house as an office for the studio she set up, and it was completely done this morning. The house is very big, but the staff is really a little... Sigh, let's talk about it when we get out of Xinshou Village and go to the main city. By the way, which Xinshou Village are you in?"


"I'm on number 99999. That's a pretty good number, hehe. There are 100,000 Novice Villages, and it's basically impossible to be assigned to the same Novice Village. We can only see you in the main city. By the way, what level are you now?" Yunfeng asked expectantly.

"Level 1."

"Uh..." Yun Feng over there was obviously stunned for a moment. Now level 3 players are everywhere, and many of them have already started hitting level 4. This "super master" in his mind is still at level 1... He quickly said: "I'm only level 1 now, so I won't be able to do it." Excuse me for your leveling, if you need anything, just contact me directly."

After hanging up the call, a mountain wild boar had already rushed in front of him. Ling Chen shifted sideways in a few understatements, summoned the novice sword, and continued to kill these rough-skinned and thick-skinned wild boars, but obviously not very smart.

Ling Chen kills monsters with more initial attributes, the upgrade efficiency is already low, plus he still has a younger sister to take care of, and he was out of the game for a long time at noon, so the upgrade speed can't be compared with those who have a dedicated team. Compared with a super madman. But he is not in a hurry. In the virtual game world, it is not only the level that determines the strength.

After more than half an hour, Ling Chen's level 1 experience bar had reached 997%, and he could enter level 2 by killing a wild wild boar. At this time, less than five meters away from his right hand, a white light flashed past, and a large wild boar that was twice the size of an ordinary wild boar appeared there. Except for its large shape, it is completely similar to ordinary wild boars. Above the head, there are two small golden stars faintly floating.

Elite monsters... still two-star elites! Ling Chen's blood boiled slightly.

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