Shura’s Wrath

Volume 1: The Moon of Scourge Chapter 121: Dream Shadow Sword Spirit

"My God! It's actually a full-body's still a gold-level full-body armor!" Xiao Qi's mouth opened wide, and she stood up excitedly from her seat. If this piece of equipment was for herself, she would You will be hugged directly in your arms with excitement. Full-body armor is equivalent to a top plus a top, and most of them will add some attributes that will not appear in a simple top and bottom. Its value is equal to two pieces of gold preparation...or even more! Even compared to the level 15 golden staff in her hand, it is not bad.

"It's too powerful..." Yunfeng opened his mouth wide, his eyes widened, and it took him a long time to say these four short words, and at the same time he swallowed hard.

Little Su'er's starry eyes flickered, and she looked at this beautiful dress exuding pure green light without blinking. It could be seen that she really liked this whole body lightweight dress that existed for archers. A, she stretched out her white and tender hand to hold it in her bosom, but stretched out halfway, but then retracted secretly, her eyes were still fixed on the wind spirit clothes, and she said embarrassedly: "This... Do you really want to give it to me? is too precious, I..."

Even a player who has just come into contact with virtual games should know how precious a piece of full body armor...or gold level full body armor is. If the attributes of this Wind Spirit Clothes were announced, it would be enough to cause quite a stir in the whole of China, causing the saliva and envy of countless archers and players. And Su'er and him met for the first time today, and she suddenly received such an expensive gift that couldn't be measured in money. Although she loved it very much, she still dared not accept it.

She is such a pure and distressed girl, if it was someone else who would give away such a precious thing for nothing, she would put it away as if she would not grab it. Ling Chen laughed: "Of course it is for you. Susu, we will all be partners in the same team from now on. What the team needs most is to help each other, trust and rely on each other, regardless of each other. If you get something suitable for your partner Of course, I have to give it to my partner. If Susu gets the equipment or props I need in the future, she will definitely give it to me, right?"

Su'er raised her head slightly, and the anxiety in her eyes disappeared a lot. Gradually, a very light and sweet smile appeared on her face. She nodded, said "um" in a small voice, and then turned the wind Take the clothes of the spirit. In his heart, Ling Chen, who had just met for the first time, not only still had the hazy admiration for the strong, but also had a little more intimacy and affection.

Xiao Qi looked at Ling Chen, then at Su'er, and slightly hooked his lips: "Ha! Brother Ling Tian, ​​you are so kind to my family Susu, you must have fallen in love with Susu! Hmph, my family Susu is so cute, so beautiful, and so simple. When she grows up, she will definitely be a super beautiful woman like Sister Mengxin. If I were a man, I would definitely like it too. However, my family Susu is already engaged. Phew, so..."

"Qiqi, no...don't talk nonsense..." Su Er anxiously tugged Xiao Qi's arm.

"Huh? Is there a marriage contract?" Ling Chen looked at Su'er in surprise.

"Hee hee, Su Su, don't be shy, everyone in Jinghua knows about your engagement, otherwise the people chasing you will probably go to Zhongzhou." Xiao Qi said with a smile.

Yunmengxin smiled softly, and said softly: "That's right. Susu already had a marriage contract when she was twelve years old, and she agreed to be officially engaged on Susu's adulthood, which is her sixteenth birthday... Counting it, Susu's sixteenth birthday is coming soon."

"That's right, that's right, we should have a good celebration then! However, I didn't expect that Susu, the youngest of our sisters, would be the first to get engaged... Hee, okay, okay, Susu has always been good I'm shy, so I won't talk about it. But brother Lingtian, don't make Susu's idea. Don't joke about it. Her fiancé is so powerful. Even my brother dare not underestimate him. It's not to scare her. you."

Beside Xiao Qi, Su'er lowered her head and didn't speak any more. In the brief moment when she bowed her head, Ling Chen caught that the joy that she had obtained because of getting the wind spirit clothes dissipated a lot, and there was a little bit of undetectable loneliness between her brows.

It seems that the "marriage contract" was not voluntary by her. Ling Chen thought silently... Was this also one of the reasons why she was willing to join Xinmeng?

Marriage contracts almost no longer appear in ordinary people's lives, but they generally exist as a bond of interest among the powerful in business and politics. The larger the power and family, the more they will exist. In such a family, the marriage of the children is not allowed to be controlled by oneself at all, but is decided by the family. In order for the family to prosper, they must "unite with each other" and obtain sufficient benefits from each other through marriage. Children will not be allowed to combine with a person who will not bring any benefits to the family...even a drag.

Yunmengxin is a typical example... Su'er, it seems the same. It's just that her personality will not be as independent and resolute as Yunmengxin's. With her soft personality, even if she is unwilling, she will only accept it silently instead of opposing and fighting.

"Eh, that... Qiqi and Susu both have such a big~~~'meeting ceremony', then me...uh, what about me and Mengxin? Whether it is true or not." Xiao Qi and Su Er One person got a piece of gold equipment. If Yunfeng hadn't endured it desperately, his saliva would have flowed out as long as three feet. At this time, he finally had the cheek to ask for it. His appearance made several girls snicker.

Facing Yunfeng's watery eyes, Ling Chen was very calm, he turned to Yunmengxin and asked: "Mengxin, your profession is a warrior, right?"

A girl who looks like a fairy has chosen a close-combat career. She is indeed very strong and independent, but if she picks up a weapon and wields it, the scene must be very beautiful.

"En." Yun Mengxin nodded.

Ling Chen put his hands in front of him, two long swords appeared in his hands, and he placed them on the table at the same time. These two swords are light earthy yellow in color, and they are exactly the same in appearance.

[Sword of Yellow Sand]: Category: Two-Handed Sword, Grade: Gold, Equipment Requirements: Warrior occupations of level 10 and above (including trainees), color like yellow sand, a mysterious sword that contains the power of heavy earth elements. Attributes: Attack 35, strength 10, agility 5, 3% chance to add 5 seconds of "petrification" state when attacking.


Yun Feng was so excited that he almost jumped onto the table, he pounced on it like a wolf and picked up a yellow sand sword, and hugged it in his arms excitedly, as if he was hugging a big naked beauty. "Golden weapon... I also have a golden weapon, and I can use it right away!! Hahahaha..."

Yunfeng's current level is tenth level, just enough to equip this Yellow Sand Sword. That is to say, the golden equipment he got can be equipped now, instead of having to wait until level 15 to equip the golden equipment they got like Qiqi and Su'er, this is undoubtedly a pleasant surprise for him. While groping for the golden sword in his hand, Yunfeng grinned excitedly: "This attack power. This additional attribute, this shape... Tsk tsk, a golden weapon is a golden weapon. Compared with this, the broken knife I am using It's just scum."

After finishing his chanting, he raised his head and looked at Ling Chen affectionately: "Ling Tian, ​​you are so particular, you actually gave each of us brothers and sisters the same golden weapon, I was so moved that I almost shed tears."

Ling Chen leaned back slightly, stroked his chin, and said slowly: "It's okay, you don't need to be moved, because these two swords are for Meng Xin, and they don't have your share yet."

Yun Feng immediately petrified, maintaining his original expression for a full three seconds, then he slapped his head, took the sword of yellow sand behind his back with lightning speed, and hummed incoherently: "This, this, this... ...I, I, I...Ha, haha...The weather is good today, it's a good weather for joking...By the way, Ling Tian, ​​what did you just say? I don't seem to have heard...This sword, um, not bad, not bad, It's not normal, but since you are so determined to give it to me, then I will accept it, and I will definitely repay you someday."

Ling Chen: "..."

Xiao Qi made a "puchi", and Yunmengxin also smiled, and picked up another sword of yellow sand: "Brother Lingtian, don't tease my brother, he turned pale with fright. What you said just now That's right, we are now partners in a team, so there is no need to evade, so I accept this sword, but I still have to... thank you..."

From the eyes of the girls and Yun Feng, Ling Chen's sentence "these two swords are for Meng Xin" was obviously a joke. Warrior players can only equip one sword at a time, which is the most basic common sense. Sending two identical swords is a complete waste. Ling Chen raised his eyebrows and said: "I'm not joking...Meng Xin, here you are. For a team to develop, its leader and core must be strong enough to convince more people. Hope this helps you in this regard.”

What Ling Chen took out this time was a scroll... the "Dream Shadow Sword Spirit" job transfer scroll he took out from the Hall of Battle Souls.

The appearance of the scroll is very ordinary, it looks no different from the scroll of city portal. And the moment Yunfeng and the three girls saw the properties of the scroll...they couldn't believe their eyes at all.

"Hidden... hide the occupational scroll!!" Except for Yunmengxin who was too indifferent, everyone else almost exclaimed in unison, even Su'er, who was the quietest, opened his mouth wide with surprise on his face.

What is the concept of a hidden job scroll? Its value is even less than 1,000 or 10,000 pieces of gold equipment. It is the dream that all players are pursuing hard, but hard to reach. Before "Shenyue", in the virtual game "Stars" that has been launched around the world for ten years, a total of nine hidden occupations appeared in the Huaxia District within ten years... on average, less than one appeared every year! ! The rarity of hidden occupations can be seen.

But now, Ling Chen casually took out a hidden job scroll, and placed it in front of them. With this scroll, there is no need to search for it, to complete inhumanely difficult tasks, or to fight for it... just crush it lightly, and you can transfer to a hidden job.

Looking at this scroll, Yunfeng's heartbeat accelerated several times. What Ling Chen possesses has already shocked the entire Chinese player community, and if they know that he has a hidden job transfer scroll on him, I don't know if they will all go crazy. At the same time, he also understood why Ling Chen said that both swords are for Meng Xin, because this class can be equipped with dual weapons... and two identical weapons are the most powerful!

Seeing Ling Chen with a calm face and a slight smile, while Yunfeng's heart was in turmoil, a little gratitude slowly poured out... High-level equipment, hidden job scrolls, these immeasurable things were captured by Ling Chen without hesitation. One by one, he gave it to Yunmengxin, and to the two girls who joined Xinmeng... It is true that this must have a lot to do with how attractive these girls are. But at the same time, it also proved that Ling Chen really wanted to help Mengxin, Xinmeng, without reservation or hesitation.

Yes... from the very beginning, he should be completely at ease. For a powerful person like him, his promise is too precious,

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