Shura’s Wrath

Volume 1: The Moon of Scourge Chapter 125: Bingxin Rakshasa (Part 1)

The outermost periphery of Azure Dragon City has been densely occupied by practicing players, and the player's level is still at level ten, so the outskirts of Azure Dragon City are their best activity area. When going out of the city, Xiao Qi and Su Er also put on the masks they usually wear when they go out. Xiao Qi wears a smiling fox mask, and Su Er wears a beautiful and cute little butterfly. Girls of their level have long been used to this, otherwise, no matter where they go, they will be in all kinds of troubles.

Ling Chen brought three girls by himself, and they were three overly beautiful girls, so he felt quite comfortable. The tenth to thirteenth-level monster territory is basically full of players, and wherever you go, you will see a situation where players have redundant monsters. Xiao Qi led Su'er to find a place suitable for leveling, and asked Ling Chen all kinds of curious questions from time to time, but this simple girl obviously couldn't get any substantive questions from Ling Chen, an old fox. something to come.

"No one will deny how big the market is in the virtual game world now. Every time a game designated by the League of Nations is launched, countless people will seize all kinds of markets in the first place. Now the currency exchange is not open, but Various large and small guilds, families, and consortiums should already be in the making. Once the currency exchange is opened, the current seemingly peaceful situation will be completely broken. Mengxin, you choose the game world, although it is forced It is helpless, but it can also be said to be the most correct choice. However, after the Xinmeng is established, let alone how it will develop, you are going to focus on commercial wealth, or on the growth of power."

Xiao Qi and Su Er took the lead, Ling Chen and Meng Xin followed behind, wherever the two girls in front took them, they never stopped talking along the way. He must know more about this girl named Yunmengxin and what she thinks in her heart.

"I don't know." Yun Mengxin shook her head, her answer was exactly as Ling Chen expected. The development of business or the development of power should complement each other. However, she doesn't have any foundation now, so she can't develop at the same time, but if she doesn't get involved in business for the time being, unless her current funds are strong enough, there is nowhere to pay for the development of the guild. But if there is not a strong enough force, how can it support the development of business.

Ling Chen remained unmoved, and continued to ask calmly: "Then, after the currency exchange is opened, where does the start-up capital for your guild come from?"

Yun Mengxin was silent for a while, and then said: "I still have 200,000 Huaxia Coins to take out... Xiao Qi and Su Er will also help me with the pocket money they saved... plus Come to think of it, there will probably be 50,000 to 60,000 Huaxia coins. This is all. I have left the Yun family now, and I have no source of income. In terms of financial resources, my brother is doomed not to help me, otherwise I will be counted as a failure. Qiqi will not By the age of seventeen, Su'er is still underage, and they will not have much money on them. What will happen in the future, we can only wait and see."

Adding up to less than 300,000 Huaxia coins, this money is barely enough to develop a small guild with hundreds of people, but with such a scale, it is impossible to reach a height comparable to that of the Yun's Consortium within two years.

Four girls, less than 300,000 funds... The starting point of Xindream was even lower than Ling Chen expected.

"How about listening to my suggestion?" Ling Chen said.

Yunmeng glanced at him sideways. This is a man full of mystery that she couldn't see through at all. She nodded slightly: "Tell me."

"How about letting me be the creator of Xinmeng?" Ling Chen said with a smile: "There are two reasons... First, Yunfeng said that your affairs must be developed in a low-key manner, and Long Tianyun cannot be alerted. If Xinmeng is created by you, which means that Xinmeng belongs to you, then no matter how Xinmeng develops, Long Tianyun will definitely pay attention to it immediately. If it is up to me, it may distract some of your attention .Secondly, many people know my name now, and there will be many people who are curious about me. Establishing under my name may attract many players to join in a short period of time. However, in this way , the direct control of Xinmeng is in my hands, which should be a very uncertain and safe factor for you. So... Whether you agree or refuse, the freedom is all yours."

Yun Meng was stunned for a moment, listening to Ling Chen's words, instead of being surprised or confused, she laughed instead, but Ling Chen couldn't see her smile, and couldn't appreciate how touching her smile would be. "Why should you refuse? The dream is created by you, which is the best choice."



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The man next to him has become famous all over the world in a short period of time, and his strength is obvious to all. His popularity is comparable to Sword Emperor and Death God. He has two fairy swords and two extremely powerful pets on him. This kind of wealth is enough to make the Yanhuang Alliance salivate with envy. For a strong man like him, huge guilds like Yanhuang Alliance and Skyfall Dynasty would be willing to invite him to join with the best conditions and the greatest sincerity. At the same time, there will be extremely broad development space and prospects. But joining a "heart dream" who can't see the future, what can he plan? Not only did he get nothing, but on the first day of joining, he contributed so many precious things in his body, and at the same time, he also had to bear possible suppression, threats and even revenge from the Yanhuang Alliance...

She really couldn't find any reason to doubt and distrust such a person. He offered to establish Xinmeng by himself. Even if Yunmengxin was stupid, he would not think that he wanted to control this unestablished guild without any foundation for his own selfishness... but just wanted to use his own arms, Do your best to hold it up.

"Then, it's settled, you won't regret your trust." Ling Chen smiled slightly and walked forward.

Looking at Ling Chen's back, Yunmengxin's eyes dimmed slightly... Brother, this person you found for me made me have such a strong desire to know everything about a person for the first time...

Outside Qinglong City, the territory of level 11 red-tailed foxes.

[Red-tailed Fox]: Category: Beast, Level: 11, Life: 450, an ordinary fox with a fiery red tail, timid by nature, will not take the initiative to attack foreign creatures that approach, but it is also very scary if angry.

Natural ability: fire resistance: 10%, chaos resistance: 10%.

Attack method: [Pounce and Bite]: Jump up and bite the enemy. It is very dangerous if you are thrown to the ground.

"There is no one in this small area! It's so lucky, then here it is!"

The red-tailed fox's territory is very wide and can accommodate tens of thousands of people leveling at the same time, but almost all of them are filled with players. However, in a large area on the northeast edge of the red-tailed fox's territory, there are only foxes and no players. Xiao Qi in the place seemed to have picked up a big pie that fell from the sky, jumped for joy, and immediately took out his weapon-a short bronze staff of level 10: "Then it's good here! Brother Ling Tian, You are already at the thirteenth level, it must be very easy to bully these foxes... Let us see how powerful you are! And Sister Mengxin, you haven’t used the scroll of the hidden profession yet, so hurry up and change your profession to become that! Show us your hidden occupation!"

Su'er also took out her weapon, which was a bronze-level bow... It was enough for two girls to have bronze-level weapons that ordinary players of the same level would be envious. Ling Chen glanced around... Huaxia has a terrifyingly large number of players, especially when the levels are not extended, the limited leveling venues are simply not enough, so there will be situations of looting monsters and grabbing territories everywhere. And there is a large empty space here, which is not unusual. However, Ling Chen is obviously not someone who is afraid of accidents, so he didn't remind him, and said directly: "Okay, let's practice leveling here, today is the first time for us to practice together in Xinmeng, efficiency is a must. Mengmeng Heart, the job transfer of that hidden job does not require specific conditions, you just need to crush it."

Yunmengxin nodded, and took out the job transfer scroll of Mengying Sword Spirit. In fact, she herself was a little impatient. After all, the temptation to hide her job was too great, even she couldn't resist it.

Grasping lightly with plain hands, the light-colored scroll shattered immediately, turning into pieces of light and flying away. The light of power hidden inside spread along Yunmengxin's hand to the surface of her body, and then slowly merged into her body. Under the pleasant system notification sound, Yunmengxin's original professional skills all disappeared, and a new profession was successfully granted.

"Did it succeed? Did it succeed?" Seeing that layer of light disappearing from Yunmengxin's body, Xiao Qi shouted excitedly and curiously.

"Successful, and it's really a very powerful profession... It's much, much better than ordinary warrior professions." Yunmengxin nodded slightly, then highlighted her current professional attributes, and marveled with Xiao Qi and the others Look at the career you have now.

Dream Shadow Sword Spirit: A profession created by the kendo master "Mengying Absolute Sword" who lost the mainland six hundred years ago. It uses double swords as weapons. The double swords can be one-handed or two-handed. If the two swords are The one-handed or two-handed swords that are exactly the same are the most powerful, and the two swords dance together, and the sword is unparalleled.

Occupation bonuses: strength 10, constitution 5, agility 10, life 200, hit 10, skill potential 50.

Professional Talent: Two swords of any type can be equipped at the same time, and the control of the two swords does not interfere with each other. The attack strength of both hands is determined by the corresponding weapon held. When the two swords are exactly the same, the attack power will be increased by 15%, and some special skills can only be activated when the two swords are the same. Basic attribute effects: 1 strength = 2 physical attack power, 1 constitution = 10 life, 1 defense, 1 agility = 1 point hit and 1 point evasion, 1 spirit = 2 magic attack power 10 magic. Each upgrade adds 10 points of life, 10 points of magic, 1 point of agility, and 5 free attribute points.

Occupational skills: [Sword Mastery], [Agility Enhancement], [Remnant Shadow Sword], [Wu Shuang Xuan Dance]

Unique move: [Unparalleled Under Heaven]

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