Shura’s Wrath

Volume 1: The Moon of Scourge Chapter 136: The Central Auction House

The opening time of the Shenyue world is still short, and the currency exchange between the real world and the game world has not yet been opened. Therefore, the major forces that are seriously short of funds have no way to use their hands. No matter for individuals or groups, they will be most short of money in the early stage of the game. when. Ling Chen, who had millions of dollars in his pocket, knew exactly what these gold coins meant...

It means that before the currency exchange was opened, he could do many things that other people... even a huge force could not accomplish due to the shortage of money.

Ling Chen nodded his chin, stood there thinking for a while, glanced around, and after confirming that no one would notice him, he picked up the intercom, connected to someone, and asked in a low voice: "Ghost Fang, When will the currency exchange be opened?"


"I see."

After a few short conversations, Ling Chen turned off the communicator, then walked forward.

Strolling in the streets of Qinglong City, from the central business district, to the entertainment district, to the administrative district, to the residential district... until two or three o'clock in the morning, Ling Chen had already carefully turned the streets in the central area of ​​Qinglong City After reading it over and over, and keeping a location in mind, he took out the map of Azure Dragon City and checked it silently for a while. When the map was closed, his eyes flickered for a moment.

After that, Ling Chen walked straight to the City Lord's Mansion of Qinglong City.

The vicinity of the City Lord's Mansion in Qinglong City is still a forbidden area where players are not allowed to approach, but Ling Chen, who has an amnesty in his body, is unimpeded all the way, directly entering the reception hall of the City Lord's Mansion. Not long after, City Lord Qinglong walked in quickly.

Today's Azure Dragon City Lord has changed from his former depression, his face is full of red, high-spirited, and he is obviously in a good mood. Ling Chen asked with a smile: "My lord, how is Lingzi's condition?"

"Hahahaha!" Qinglong City Master laughed heartily, "Black Flame Grass is indeed a magical thing that can dissolve hundreds of poisons in legends. After I gave it to my youngest son, half of the snake venom dissipated in just one day. Afterwards, it has almost disappeared. Although it is still not completely recovered, it will be a matter of time, and there is nothing to worry about. Ling Tian, ​​this is all thanks to you, otherwise, my youngest son's life would not be safe at all. Maybe you can keep it... Do you need my help this time? Hehe, if you have anything, just say it. As long as it doesn't violate the principle, I will try my best to help you. "

Hearing what City Master Qinglong said, Ling Chen stopped beating around the bush and said straightforwardly: "Since the City Master said so, then I will not be polite. This time, I really need to ask the City Master for help."

Ling Chen took a few steps forward, stood in front of the Azure Dragon City Lord, then unfolded the map of Azure Dragon City, and clicked on a place marked by him: "I want to own this land for half a year... only half a year! "

The place Ling Chen pointed at was a fairly wide open space, narrow and long, about 4,000 to 5,000 square meters... Not only is it huge, but the location couldn't be better! The commercial street of Qinglong City is located to the west of the central square, and this fast land is next to the east of the square, symmetrical to the central business district, and directly faces the central square with the largest traffic of players. Ling Chen has no way of knowing why such a good location is still vacant, and he doesn't need to know... He only knows that after the currency exchange is opened and those forces have a large amount of capital inflow, this piece of land will become the top priority for them to fight for. Target.

With such a good location and such a large piece of land, even if Ling Chen had a million dollars in his pocket, it would be a daydream to buy it, so now he can only exchange the existing gold coins in his hand for a short-term ownership right.

The Azure Dragon City Lord's eyes fell on the location Ling Chen pointed to, and he quickly shook his head after a while: "Ling Chen, it's not that I don't want to agree to you... but, this area is the last golden land of my Azure Dragon City, every inch of land An inch of gold... Ah no, it’s like an inch of land and an inch of cake! We are planning to build a row of the most luxurious residential areas in Qinglong City. At that time, no matter whether it is sold to the residents of the city or you humans from other worlds, it will be fine. It’s sold at a sky-high price!”

"I only need the ownership right for half a year!" Ling Chen said emphatically.

"You chose this place, you should also understand how precious this land is, even if it's half a year..."

"One million gold coins!!"

"One million?" The Azure Dragon City Lord stared and almost cursed: "This is directly facing the central square, the most precious last place in Azure Dragon City!! You want to take it for one million, what an international joke! !"

Ling Chen also knew that even if it was a half-year ownership right, it would be a bit tricky to get one million. He thought about it, and continued to test: "Or, one million and three million..."


"One and a half million...only five months of attribution!!"

"Absolutely not!"

"Two million... three months!!" Ling Chen gritted his teeth.

"Crack!!" City Lord Qinglong slapped the table with a slap: "Deal!"

Ling Chen: ⊙﹏⊙b

Half an hour later, Ling Chen walked out of the City Lord's Mansion with a title deed bought for two million gold coins... It was clearly written on the title deed that Ling Chen could only temporarily own that piece of land for three months.

"Three months is three months." Ling Chen is not in a hurry: "With Xiao Hui and Xi Ling's combination of money-making, sooner or later one day will be enough to completely buy that piece of land. And, even if there are only three A month... is completely enough, hehe..."

Ling Chen laughed nervously by himself. Then he took out the map, locked the location, and walked to the commercial street in the center of Qinglong City.

Azure Dragon City Central Auction House.

The Auction House in the center of Qinglong City is now only open to players, auctioning various items sent by players. However, players have been pouring into Azure Dragon City for many days, and the central auction house still hasn't held any auctions.

Entering the front hall of the auction house, there was only an old man who looked to be in his sixties or seventies at the reception. Seeing Ling Chen coming in, he yawned, then sat up straight, and said listlessly: "Hello, from another world. Young man, welcome to the central auction house. My surname is Li Mingfu, you can call me Master Fu. Do you have anything to send? But I need to remind you in advance that our central auction house will only auction precious enough Items, if they are ordinary items, it is better to put them in the consignment store, we will not accept them. And even if we receive items, the auction time will be determined by us... After all, if the auction items do not reach a certain amount , it is impossible for us to spend a lot of time to hold an auction... In addition, the ticket revenue of the auction is all ours, and we will charge a commission ranging from 3% to 10% of the auction price for the items sent for auction. Of course , if the item sent for auction is extremely precious and can bring us great prestige and ticket income, we don’t even need to charge commission, and even the auction time can be freely designated by you... Then, young man, first send Take out the things you are going to send for photography."

After finally listening to him finish speaking, Ling Chen took a step forward and took out three items from his backpack: "I have three items that need to be auctioned. I don't know if these three items are eligible for auction by you."

The three things Ling Chen took out were a black bean, a golden chain, and a black sign.

These three things refreshed Master Fu's old eyes. He stretched out his hand, first took the black bean that looked like sheep dung, and sniffed it at the tip of his nose to confirm that it was not sheep dung Then I checked its attributes... This is the sheep dung bean that Ling Chen bought from the underworld merchant Qian Gungun... Oh no, it is a magical bean that can increase skill points by 100 points. He bought it for Shui Ruo to eat Improve her skill points, but thinking that this is an unknown object that Qian Gungun picked up from somewhere, and it has passed through his dirty hands... In the end, he couldn't bear to have this thing tarnish his pure Ruoruo, so Auctioned decisively as an eye-catcher.

"It can increase skill points by 100 points... Oh my god!! What did I see... I actually saw something that only exists in legends!"

Holding this black bean, Fu Ye, who was originally listless, uttered an excited cry: "For practitioners, this is a rare treasure that is hard to buy! Young man, can you tell me your Where did you get it?"

Ling Chen: "..."

"Oh, please forgive my impoliteness." Ling Chen's expression made Master Fu sober, and he quickly returned to normal: "Seeing such a miraculous thing, I don't even agree with the principle of 'not asking about the source of the sent item'." Forgot. Young man, please rest assured that when you send your product for auction, we will not ask you any more questions, and we will keep your identity strictly confidential and will not let anyone know."

"In other words, this bean is eligible to be auctioned here?" Ling Chen said with a smile.

Master Fu nodded: "Totally qualified! Not to mention you players, even the powerhouses of the Forgotten Continent will be very excited when they see such things... Priceless treasure, it is not too much to describe it with these four words. This send The lot, we took it."

Because of this bean, Master Fu began to have a higher interest in the other two things. He picked up the golden bracelet and glanced at it. Stand up from the seat: " Luna Chain!!!"

"Is there any problem?" Seeing him so excited, Ling Chen was slightly surprised.

"Young man!" Fu Ye looked directly at him, and an old hand tightly grasped the golden pattern chain obtained from the greedy giant clam: "Do you know the value of a gold-level Luna chain? It is Other types of gold-level equipment are simply incomparable. A gold-level Luna chain can accompany a strong man for a lifetime, and it is something that countless masters can't ask for in a lifetime! Young man, you are really amazing. You have only been in this world for such a short time, and you have actually obtained a gold-ranked Luna chain... I can already see what a huge commotion it will cause if this golden Luna chain appears at the auction... Believe me, this is definitely the first gold-ranked Luna chain to appear in your player world. Because the possibility of a high-level Luna chain appearing is really too low!"

【Keep everyone waiting for a long time... Today is not counting this chapter, there will be four more chapters! Come on, give me some motivation, haha...]

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