Shura’s Wrath

Main Text Chapter 148 Forest of Bones (Part 2)

Spread out the map of the Forgotten Continent, in the position of the Forest of Bones, it depicts a pale area with a quite vast area. Even if there is no obstacle, if you keep walking forward, it will take at least three or four hours at Ling Chen's current moving speed. Even if you walk straight to the center, it will take about two hours to reach the center. And the time limit for this task is only three hours. There are bound to be many dangers in the forest of bones, and the bones are everywhere here, which can make people easily lose their sense of direction. Regardless of whether they can reach the center alive under the many dangers, it is a huge challenge to walk to the center within three hours. challenge.

Regarding the Forest of Bones, there is a brief description on the map:

[Forest of Bones]: Thousands of years ago, a "Sura Tribulation" devastated the lives of the Forgotten Continent. A full tenth of the life in the Continent was slaughtered, and bloody bones and broken corpses were everywhere. Later Shura died, and in order to clean up the dead bones, most of the bones that died under the sword of Shura in the eastern part of the mainland were transferred by the great moon god with divine power, and piled up in one place, paved into a "forest of bones" that made people talk about it. ". There are countless bones in the forest of bones, and the death yin energy emitted by the countless bones makes the surrounding area hundreds of miles barren, and all the creatures who step into this land of bones are buried in it, turning into a corner of the ocean of bones.

Asura's Difficulty... It's Asura's Difficulty again. Ling Chen closed the map and looked forward. The name Shura has been forgotten by human beings. After all, ten thousand years have passed, but the influence he left on the mainland still exists in large quantities.

Surrounded by white bones, it's so gloomy that people can't grasp the direction at all. It's perfectly normal to get lost inside. Ling Chen thought for a while and shouted: "Xiao Hui, lead the way... to the center."

Speaking of detection ability, Xiao Hui is much more sensitive than Ling Chen.

Without any embarrassing expression or movement, Xiao Hui quickly trot forward a few steps, came in front of Ling Chen, and walked forward with Ling Chen and Xi Ling. There is no road in the forest of bones, every step has to be stepped on the bones, countless skulls, ribs, and bone spurs criss-cross and block the front, it is definitely not so comfortable to walk. Xiao Hui's body is petite and flexible, and he can easily scurry around like walking on flat ground, Ling Chen is not so easy, in this kind of situation, he can't summon the Cloud Stepping Horse at all, otherwise it will be difficult to move an inch. The intertwined bones made him not move fast, and this speed also made him frown secretly... Is three hours enough to reach the center?

After traveling less than a hundred meters, Xiao Hui in front of him suddenly stopped and let out a low moan. Ling Chen's footsteps also stopped immediately, and he quickly glanced at the surrounding terrain, clasping his two weapons tightly.

A gust of gloomy wind suddenly came, accompanied by the sound of "creaking creaking", at this moment, the countless skulls on the ground around Ling Chen suddenly released a little green light from their empty eye sockets. Then, all these skulls floated up in the green light, and at the same time, there were piles of bones scattered on the ground in a disorderly manner. They were quickly mixed together while flying, and they were assembled into a group in a blink of an eye. With a complete skeleton.

Ling Chen: "!!!!"

[Skeleton Soldier]: Category: Undead, Level: 20, Life: 800, a skeleton controlled by an unknown mysterious force, has no self-awareness, will endlessly attack all approaching life forms, and has a hard body that is difficult to destroy.

Talent: High defense, 40% immunity to dark damage,

Attack method: [Tear]: Attack the body of a single target with the claws of the skeleton. The attack speed is very slow, but the lethality is great.

In such a blink of an eye, more than 30 skeletons appeared around him in a way that Ling Chen hadn't expected, and then rushed towards him from different directions amidst the sound of "squeak, squeak, squeak".

Surrounded by so many skeletons that suddenly appeared, if a team of 12 players were here, it would be quite difficult to escape. However, these level 20 ordinary monsters Ling Chen obviously didn't pay attention to them. He glanced at the positions of these skeleton soldiers, moved his body sideways, and cut to the three nearest skeleton soldiers with two consecutive "Ling Tianduan" .

bang bang bang! ! -

829, -818, -830.

The sound of the collision was like being hit on a rock. The first Ling Tian broke, without triggering a critical strike or breaking attack, and the three skeleton soldiers were instantly killed. However, the damage numbers floating above their heads made Ling Chen stunned. With his current attack ability, he only dealt more than 800 damage to these skeleton soldiers. How high is the defense of these skeleton soldiers? If a ten-level player with poor equipment came here, they would not even be able to break through their defenses!

This is the only chance for Ling Chen to make a phone call, because after that, a large group of flames fell from the sky, forming a small sea of ​​flames within 30 meters around Ling Chen. The damage numbers are floating densely -

31878, -31878, -31878, -31878, -31878...

The body of the skeleton is very hard and has a strong resistance to physical attacks, but it has no resistance to magic other than the dark attribute, especially fire. Fire attacks are what these undead creatures fear most. All of them exploded with double damage. Seeing the damage figures of over 30,000 each, Ling Chen was envious and dazzled for a while. A level 13 pet that can explode tens of thousands of damage... is still the most common attack method, maybe this is too buggy.

With this pet around, his master has no sense of existence at all.

Under the scorching flames, all the skeleton soldiers were killed in an instant, scattered into piles of broken bones and piled up on the ground, and there was no more movement. But apart from the skeletons on the ground, nothing exploded. Not even a copper plate. And this way of death made Xiao Hui unable to even swallow it.

The task time was only three hours, Ling Chen didn't stop, let Xiao Hui lead the way, and continued walking towards the center of the Forest of Bones without stopping. Along the way, waves of skeleton soldiers suddenly appeared around him , but just formed, it was instantly destroyed by Xi Ling's fire, and Ling Chen didn't even need to take out his weapon anymore. These skeleton soldiers will be a terrible resistance for players to advance in the forest of bones at this stage. There will not be many teams that can retreat in one wave. Even if Ling Chen is alone, it will take some effort to get rid of them , but with Xi Ling as a hacker, he completely ignored these skeleton soldiers.

Half an hour later, a notification sounded in Ling Chen's ear.

"Ding... You have entered the second area of ​​the Forest of Bones. Please move forward carefully."

The dense bones stimulated the eyeballs, and the atmosphere here seemed even more eerie, but to Ling Chen's surprise, the number of bones here was obviously much more than before, and the road ahead was smoother. Ling Chen's footsteps paused for a while, and after glancing at the time, he quickly moved forward. He had only walked a dozen steps, and a strange feeling suddenly came from under his feet. He didn't even think about it, and his forward steps suddenly stopped. Leaning, jumping sideways,

Crack! ! !

The dry bone below broke open violently, protruding a bone spur more than one meter long.


Laughter like a ghost crying rang in Ling Chen's ears, one after another floating shadows appeared in the sky above him, each one was covered in a dark white cloak, only a skull was exposed, holding a handful of black lights in his hand huge scythe.

[Ghost Skeleton]: Category: Undead, Level: 20, Life: 700, the terrifying undead derived from the dark breath of death attached to the skeleton, has the terrifying ability to instantly take away the life of creatures.

Talent: Immune to 40% of dark-type attacks, 1% chance of triggering instant death when attacking.

Attack method: [Desperate Bone Spurs]: Summons Bone Spurs to attack the enemy from any direction, magic attack determination, 2% chance of triggering death when hit.

The skeletons in the second area are still level 20 monsters, but they are obviously much more terrifying than those in the first area. Regardless of their ability to add instant death, the mere fact that they can float is enough to cause headaches for any player.

"chatter chatter... hee hee hee..."

The Nether Skull let out bursts of laughter, and as they swung the sickles in their hands, a dozen bone spurs appeared around his body at the same time, and then concentrated on his body from different directions, some from the front, Some come from the rear, some come from the top of the head... Of course, the most difficult to guard against is also indispensable.

Ling Chen's body turned four directions in a row in a second before avoiding all the bone spurs, and then he yelled: "Xi Ling."

When he made his voice, Xi Ling's Burning Flames had already been poured down. Not only could the Burning Flames burn the ground, but it could also burn the air indiscriminately. With an attack range of more than 30 meters, all the Nether Skeletons gathered They are all enveloped in it, and they are all wiped out in an instant. A dozen ghost skeletons all fell from the sky immediately, becoming piles of scattered bones, and the scythes shrouded in black light also disappeared.

Ling Chen had just breathed a sigh of relief when, suddenly, bursts of eerie laughter came. Ling Chen suddenly raised his head, and in the sky, more than twenty shadows that were exactly the same as before appeared in an instant, and the location that appeared happened to be near Xi Ling.

Compared to its attack ability, Xi Ling's defense and life ability can only be described as fragile. If it is approached by a large group of monsters, it will be extremely dangerous. Normally, Ling Chen didn't need to worry about monsters that couldn't fly or attack vertically, but facing these ghostly skeletons that could float in the air...

"Xi Ling, dodge immediately!"

When Ling Chen yelled, a handful of Nether Sickles had already been lifted up, cutting towards Xi Ling's body, Xi Ling's body turned around, and with a long cry, a large mass of red fire spewed out from its body... …Scorching Flames and Burning Fields has a five-second cooldown, and this is its most basic fire attack, but it can also cover a range of five meters in front-

15180, -15180, -15180.

The three ghost skeletons who wanted to attack Xiling were instantly killed by Xiling's flame attack. The remaining ghost skeletons seemed to know that Xiling was their most terrifying enemy, and all the bone spurs flew towards it. Flapping its wings, its body passed through the gaps struck by the bone spurs extremely nimbly, without letting any of them fall on its body. After a while, the five-second cooldown was cleared, and another Burning Flame was thrown down from the sky, covering all the Nether Skeletons, killing them all in an instant.

[Tonight there will be three more updates on theory... theory...]

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