Shura’s Wrath

Text Chapter 154 Skeleton Castle

Ling Chen was slightly taken aback by the notification sound in his ear. The mission goal of the Forest of Bones is to reach the center of the Forest of Bones and find out what is hidden here. But the last step of the mission seems to be to report the situation here to the guard commander of Qinglong City, and then the mission ends, but why is there a reminder that the mission is over at this time, and all the rewards are also issued. Could it be that this task is over here, and reporting to the guard commander is a step that can be implemented or not implemented?

At the same time, three figures appeared at the entrance of the Forest of Bones. These three people didn't come here just now, but were sent out from the Forest of Bones. The players who had been waiting at the entrance of the Forest of Bones all showed expressions of shock and awe when they saw them, and subconsciously stepped back. None of them dared to muster up the courage to speak up.

Because each of these three people is famous all over China and even the whole world. The person in the middle is the number one leader in China's virtual game industry, Long Tianyun, the leader of the Yanhuang Alliance. On his right side, he stepped back half a step. He was a tight-knit person wrapped in a black cloak, so tight that no one could see any part of his body, even including the eyes and hair. Such a dress made people laugh , but none of the people who looked at him dared to laugh, because following Long Tianyun and wearing such attire, anyone would immediately think of a name that makes people look up...

Sword Emperor Feng Xieyu!

On the left side of Long Tianyun is a man who looks too young. He seems to be less than twenty years old. He is dressed in red, and the staff in his hand is also red. Occasionally, there will be a flash of fire. His complexion is tender. Bai, handsome and unparalleled, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and a loose expression, at first glance he looks like a young man who has not experienced much in the world. However, anyone who has set foot in the virtual game world will know this person's name... He looks more handsome than a woman, but in fact he is thirty years old, with a refined temperament, but he has a madness like a flame. A proud and violent heart.

The number one magician recognized in China's virtual game industry... the leader of the All-Magic Alliance of the Yanhuang Alliance, the current fourth place in the ranking list - "Emperor Yan" Cang Yan!

The general leader of the Yanhuang Alliance and the two strongest members of the Yanhuang Alliance appeared here at the same time. This is extremely explosive news. Their purpose of coming here is also obvious. They want to complete this task as soon as possible, so as not to be caught by other players. preemptive. Even Long Tianyun couldn't be tempted by the rewards of this mission. In order to complete this mission, he not only did it himself, but also brought Sword Emperor and Yan Emperor with him.

But it turned out that they also failed. Three hours ago, a team of twelve people entered. Three hours have passed, and the task time limit has expired. Only three people were forcibly sent out.

Although he didn't complete the task, he was able to stay in the Forest of Bones for three hours. In the end, instead of dying, he was forcibly sent out because the time was up. This is already a jaw-dropping achievement for those players. You must know that among the various teams that entered with confidence before, few even survived ten minutes before being wiped out.

As expected of Sword Emperor and Yan Emperor, they were unharmed for three hours inside. If there is no time limit for this task, they might really be able to complete this task directly.

Long Tianyun was not angry because of the failure of the mission, he turned his head and silently glanced in the direction of the Forest of Bones, and said calmly: "Three hours, the two of you worked together to barely pass through the second area and entered the Halfway to the distance. It seems that, as rumored, this task is impossible to complete at this stage. After level 20, come to challenge again. Even if you can't complete the task together, it is impossible for others to complete it. So there is no need to worry about this mission being preempted by other players, go back first, there are only three mission opportunities, after level 20, come to challenge again."

Sword Emperor didn't respond, Emperor Yan nodded slightly, fully agreeing with what Long Tianyun said, just when they were about to leave, a notification sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

"Ding...Announcement from the Huaxia District. The challenge task - Forest of Bones has been completed. Players who have completed this task have received full rewards. This task is closed. The map of Forest of Bones is completely open, and players can enter freely."

"Ding... Announcement from Huaxia District..."

"Ding... Announcement from Huaxia District..."

The forest of bones became extremely quiet in an instant, as quiet as death. All the players staying in front of the forest of bones opened their mouths and eyes wide open, listening to the continuous notification sound in their ears, in shock, Cast his eyes involuntarily in Long Tianyun's direction.

Long Tianyun's body and expression froze at the same time, as if something had been stuffed in his throat, he could no longer speak a word.

Turning around suddenly, Long Tianyun looked in the direction of the Forest of Bones, and his face suddenly sank, becoming extremely ugly. A few seconds ago, he also said that it was impossible for anyone to complete this task, and he did not believe that anyone could complete the task that Jianhuang and Yandi could not complete at this stage. And this prompt sound is tantamount to a thunder.

Unexpectedly, someone has completed this task! !

Each player can complete the task of Forest of Bones three times, but it can only be completed once. As long as any one is completed, this task will be closed. At this time, only half a day had passed since the release of the four major challenge missions. When the prompt sounded, countless players froze in the past. Those players who couldn't wait to try the Forest of Bones quest, but suffered miserably, couldn't believe their ears at all. Especially those players who witnessed Long Tianyun personally enter with the Sword Emperor Yandi, and were forced to send out three hours later... The strongest combination of the Yanhuang Alliance, and it can even be said that the strongest combination in all of China has not completed the task. I don't even know who completed it!

For other players, this is more shock or disbelief, but for Long Tianyun... who just failed and was confident that no one could succeed, he heard the news that someone successfully completed it in a blink of an eye. , it can be said that the identity of the first person in the Chinese virtual game world, and the two strongest players of Sword Emperor Yandi who follows him, the frustration and unbearable feeling brought to him by this news is far greater than the shock, which makes what he said before even With the taste of self-slap in the face.

"Immediately find out which team completed the task!" Leaving behind a sentence that sounded extremely plain, Long Tianyun crushed the scroll to return to the city, and disappeared in front of the forest of bones.

The center of the Forest of Bones...

"Ding... You have successfully completed the three major challenge tasks [Hunt Ogre], [Collecting Red Crystal Grass], [Forest of Bones], and you are free to challenge the ultimate challenge task [Luna Ruins]."

Ling Chen had no idea how much sensation the outside world had caused because of the completion of the mission of the Forest of Bones. The task of the Forest of Bones was even more difficult than he had imagined. If he hadn't relied on Xiao Hui's guidance and Xi Ling's flame destruction, he would also have been unable to complete this task in one go. But after a difficult task, it must be the reward of the same class. Completing this task will not only reward you with 150 skill points and reputation points, but also reward you with 1 point of luck and 1 point of savvy... Two pieces of gold-level equipment are also added! Such an astonishing reward is enough to make countless players willing to take the risk even though they know they are going to die.

But now, with the completion of the mission of the Forest of Bones, they have no chance to take risks.

Ling Chen took out the two pieces of golden equipment that were rewarded, and looked at their attributes.

[Chasing Wind Headband]: Category: Headgear, Grade: Gold, Equipment Requirements: Any occupation at level 20 or above, lucky value greater than or equal to 5. The mysterious headband containing dense wind elements can make the body light and agile when worn. Attributes: Defense 10, Spirit 10, Agility 10, Movement Speed ​​10, Wind Elemental Resistance 5%.

[Amethyst Armor (Part 2)] Category: Bottom, Grade: Gold, Equipment Requirements: Level 20 and above melee occupations. The leggings made of purple crystals are extremely solid and have strong resistance to physical attacks. Attributes: Defense 50, Strength 10, Constitution 10, the physical damage of the hit on the legs is offset by 20%, and the resistance to the "defense drop" state is increased by 20%.

The attributes of the two pieces of gold equipment rewarded are quite extraordinary. Although the amethyst armor is lower body armor, its defensive ability is quite high, almost no less than the upper body armor of the same level. As for the wind chasing headgear... it was the first time Ling Chen had seen a headgear that could increase movement speed, and it increased by a full ten points! This is more valuable to him than increasing his attack power by 100 points.

Ling Chen has already reached level 17, and under the effect of the Armor Art, he can already wear level 20 equipment directly. At that moment, he also took out the Nether Cloak that was revealed earlier, and put all three pieces of equipment on his body. With a cloak and two pieces of level 20 gold equipment added, his comprehensive attributes have once again increased significantly.

In addition to two pieces of gold equipment, a mid-level energy spar was also rewarded.

[Intermediate life spar]: category: energy spar, grade: intermediate, attribute: fire, attribute: life 9%.

Embedding this mid-level life spar on Lunar Scourge, Ling Chen's health immediately exceeded 1,000. Although it was not as good as a shield guard of the same level, it completely exceeded the average health of a melee class.

The mission of the Forest of Bones has now ended, and all the rewards have been distributed. If it is a person who is smart enough and knows how to be satisfied, he will choose to leave immediately after receiving the reward. However, almost 99% of the players will not stop because of the end of the mission, they will be driven by strong curiosity to find out what is in the skeleton castle in front of them.

Ling Chen is no exception.

It is unusual for a terrifying place full of skeletons to have a tall castle at its center. Inside the castle, there must be some amazing secrets hidden. Therefore, anyone who comes here will go in and check.

This is why no one who enters the Forest of Bones has ever been able to get out alive-you must know that the monsters in the Forest of Bones are only level 20, there are countless masters in Qinglong City, and there are too many masters who can easily reach the center of the Forest of Bones, but All who entered, either could not enter the center, and those who entered the center never came out. Therefore, the Forest of Bones will become one of the three forbidden places that cannot be set foot in the Forgotten Continent.

After walking around here, Ling Chen also understood this very well. He stared at this tall skeleton castle for a long time, but still chose to take a step and walked over...

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