Shura’s Wrath

Main Text Chapter 160 Farewell, my master...

In the scorching golden world, the color before Ling Chen's eyes suddenly began to distort, and then slowly, a touch of red figure was reflected.

This is an immature girl with beautiful snow-white cheeks and big eyes that are as clear as crystals. She is dressed in fiery red, and her slender body is covered in a princess dress-style dress. She raised her extremely cute cheeks and looked at him with sparkling eyes. The fiery red clothes embellished this immature girl with a charming charm that did not match her age. Staring at Ling Chen, she smiled sweetly, "Master, I might...leave you."

It's Xi Ling... In front of her, is Xi Ling's human form. When she released Nine Suns Sky Fury, she once again had some short-term transformation ability.

Ling Chen looked at her slightly red eyes, and his voice was slightly hoarse and erratic: "Xi Ling... why are you so stupid, why did you launch the Nine Suns Sky Fury... don't you know the consequences of doing this? ?"

Although Xi Ling was smiling, her trembling eyes reflected her reluctance and deep heartache: "I know I'm really stupid, I clearly know the consequences of using Nine Suns Sky Fury, obviously Knowing that even if the master dies, he will not really die, and will be resurrected immediately... But even so, when I see the master is about to die, I still can't control myself and burn the last root flame, because ...This is the only way I can save the master. Even if I know the master will be resurrected, I still don't want to see the master die..."

Ling Chen: "... Xi Ling, you..."

Xi Ling shook her head lightly, and on her face full of smiles, two glitters finally appeared: "Master must think I'm stupid and disobedient, right?"

Ling Chen: "..."

The teardrops on his face were instantly evaporated by the scorching flames, Xi Ling's eyes continued to stare at him until his vision became blurred: "Master, do you know... from the day I was born, I have been alone .I don’t know who my father is, who my mother is, I don’t even know how and why I was born, I only know that the first picture I saw after I came to this world was nothing but boiling flames and endless flames. blue this day I don't know who my father and present are..."

Ling Chen: "..."

"I was born in solitude and grew up in solitude. I have never had friends or partners. They are all afraid of me. They will run away when they see me. No one, no animal is willing to talk to me, willing to play with me... Slowly Yes, I am used to it, I have always been alone, and I will even actively avoid those people, animals, elves... Day after day, year after year... At that time, there was no color in my life, every day They are all just living purely, and then in solitude, they get to know the world little by little.”

"The next day, I was attacked by the Devil Emperor and the ten monsters. I was defeated and fell into the seal of the Devil Emperor and the ten monsters. From then on, I lost all my freedom. Every minute and every second In bondage, when I close my eyes, what I see is endless darkness. When I open my eyes, what I see is only black silk threads and cold walls. Just like this, one day, two days passed... one year, two years ...Ten years...Hundred years...Thousands...Thousands of years. The pain of being unable to move and speak made me yearn for dying immediately, and even hated why I was born... But I no longer expect to be free. Because I know that no one can save me, that bondage will trap me for 20,000 years, and then it will be the day of my demise. At that time, I have been longing for the early arrival of that day Set me free."

Ling Chen's heart trembled slightly. He never knew, and had no way of knowing, that Xi Ling, who possessed such a powerful force, would come step by step in such a situation. Xi Ling finally couldn't hold back her smile anymore, and tears rolled down her eyes, because she knew her ending today best, she was unwilling, unwilling to give up, but she never regretted it: "However, in the midst of endless despair, I waited What I want is not death and liberation, but the master... The master who has never seen me before, and has no relationship with me broke in there, rescued me with incredible abilities, and gave me freedom that I dare not even dream of. Perhaps, Freedom is an ordinary and simple thing for other creatures, but for me, it is a gift like a dream. It is the master who gave me freedom and gave me a new life... From then on, I decided to risk everything I will repay my master with all my strength, and use my remaining strength to protect my master forever, even if I have to pay the price of death, I will never hesitate or regret it.”

"Later, I followed my master... Maybe the master didn't know it all the time. Being the master's pet is not a kind of bondage to me, but what I desire most in my heart... Just like when I first told the master As I said, I want to follow the master forever. That is the voice in the deepest part of my heart. Because of the master’s freedom, I want to use everything to protect the master, and I also want to not be alone in the future... From then on, the master and I entered the world that belongs to human beings. In this city, I re-recognized the world with my master, met many people, obtained so many novel information, and did whatever my master wished. It feels really happy to have someone to accompany, care about, rely on, and praise. Every minute and every second with the master, I am so happy and satisfied, the kind of happiness and satisfaction that I never dared to imagine and expect. However, the time with the master is really... so short... ...This time, I'm really... going to leave the master."

"Xi Ling..." With a soft call, Ling Chen was already speechless.

This mighty creature that makes warcraft fear and tremble has always been growing and living in solitude. It is feared by countless creatures and looked up to by countless creatures... But who knows, what it longs for is so simple and simplicity.

"However, it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter..." Xi Ling wept and shook her head: "I am very satisfied with the time I can spend with Master. These are all given to me by Master. Meeting Master is a blessing. The greatest luck in my life. Even if I know that the master can be resurrected, I can't just watch the master die in front of me... So, please forgive my waywardness and disobedience... If, if Xi Ling is still alive, Definitely... must no longer be self-willed, and always listen to the master's words..."

The golden light stopped boiling, and the light of the nine "golden suns" in the sky had already reached its limit and no longer intensified. The "Nine Suns" at this time were far inferior to the ones on Lonely Soul Ridge back then, but Ling Chen was convinced by the terrifying aura that it could still wipe out the bones of the battle tower in an instant.

Ling Chen put his hand on his chest, and there was an uncomfortable dullness there. The time he spent with Xi Ling was indeed extremely short, and it was only a few days in total, but the relationship between him and Xi Ling was not a simple master-pet relationship. He will never forget the reason why Xi Ling became his pet, and he will never forget that it launched Nine Suns' Fury in order to save him at the expense of burning its own life.

He took Xi Ling in to save its life. Bringing it by his side also wanted to protect this girl who was ignoring her own life for him.

At the beginning, he rescued Xi Ling completely at will, the whole process was a breeze, after he saved it, he didn't take it to heart at all, he would never have expected that the beautiful red bird he rescued back then , in order to repay him for ignoring his own life again and again, and now, he has even pushed himself into an irreversible desperate situation... It is not an ordinary creature, but it can manipulate rootless fire, even the devil emperor and ten monsters are afraid The most powerful spirit... And Ling Chen, just set foot in this world not long ago, a little player at the lowest level of power.

Looking at Xi Ling's tear-stained cheeks, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't make a sound. He saw Xi Ling, who was so close at hand, laughed again, and then, she slowly approached... a soft body threw herself on him. Xi Ling hugged him vigorously, to be able to hug him, this is what it has been longing to do after following him.

Xi Ling buried the gnat's head in front of his chest, closed her glowing golden eyes, and enjoyed the last brief warmth of this life... Ling Chen's body froze slightly, then stiffened, and folded his arms He wanted to hug her, but what he touched with his arm was nothing but an illusion... Xi Ling had already disappeared into his arms, only a soft, misty, and resentful voice sounded beside his ears. sad voice...

" master..."

boom! ! ! ! ! !

The nine burning golden suns exploded, and in an instant, the surrounding world was filled with golden flames, turning into a golden ocean, and everything was swallowed by the golden flames. The boiling golden flames scorched the ground, every inch and every corner of the castle, and scorched the skeletons of the battle tower that let out horrified roars...

boom! !

The impregnable castle wall was easily destroyed, and the light from the outside world couldn't wait to seep in, but was instantly swallowed by the golden glow all over the sky. Breaking away from the shackles of the gloomy castle, the golden flame unscrupulously rushed to the higher sky, Layers of dark mist evaporated, turning the distant sky into a deep golden color...

The only one not affected by Jin Yan was Ling Chen. He stood motionless in the golden flames like a sculpture, no matter how terrifying Xi Ling's attack was, it would never hurt him—

2227500, -2227500.

The moment Jin Yan swallowed the Zhan Que's bone, he could clearly see the two bright red damage figures. This kind of damage completely emptied its long and terrifying blood tank in an instant, and the huge body was also in Jin Yan's body. He fell down slowly under the burning, and hit the ground heavily. As for the half-soul girl, the damage she received was instantly transferred to Zhan Que's body, so she shouldn't die... But even if she still exists, she is not terrible in Ling Chen's eyes.

The gloomy castle also quickly disappeared under the burning of the golden flames, until it disappeared without a trace from sight. All the bones that made up the castle were incinerated into nothingness, and could no longer stop Ling Chen from retreating.

[PS: The following is from the top post of the book review:

As of December 27, 2012, Mars has written novels with 8,283,284 characters. His works include the online game Legend of Asura, Tianchen, the online game Evil Dragon Against the Sky, and the online game that he is currently writing: The Scourge of Shura. We spent more than a thousand days and nights Book fans grow up with Mars, and taste the ups and downs of the world together. From the starting point to the vertical and horizontal, we swear to follow; from Shura to the scourge, we will never leave (is it too basic?).

Since it was uploaded, Tianzhu has attracted the attention of many book lovers, and has gathered a lot of popularity for Mars. Tianzhu is a good book worth subscribing. With the arrival of *** and the gradual stabilization of updates, it is believed that more and more people will support Scourge and Mars.

But to this day, Martian book fans do not have a unified name, and it is difficult for book fans to find the feeling of "home". This is a pity. Throughout the famous authors, most of their book fans have a resounding and connotative name: San Shao has Tangmen, dancing has dance fans, blood red has bloodshot, Wangyu has rice grains, tomato has Hongmeng, Yueguan has lewd people... …

The naming of the book friend group is not a matter of "form". If the name is not correct, the words will not go well. Having a common name will make book fans feel more belonging and united. After the "Hongmeng" such as Tomato was established, the effect was very obvious. Many book fans changed their profile pictures to Hongmeng, and some even re-registered the account at the beginning of Hongmeng to show their identity.

Last year, Seven Sisters of the Evil Dragon created a post to collect the names of book fans, and finally voted for the name "Xinghuomeng". But for various reasons, this name was not used. Now I am posting this post to solicit the titles of book fans from all book lovers who love Mars, Shura, Tianchen, Evil Dragon and Tianzhu. Mars will personally select ten more outstanding titles, and post a voting post to decide the final title.

When our book club is officially named, Mars will be able to feel everyone's support more deeply, and it will definitely allow Mars to write down the wonderful writing of the scourge with confidence.

Let me talk about the requirements for the name: no word count requirement (but preferably less than three words), catchy, like the name of a group (group), it is best to contain two or one of the words "Mars", loud, Pure and pollution-free.

Please reply to suggestions, it is best to say the meaning of the name, thank you for your support. Thank you! ! ! 】

{Piaotian Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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