Shura’s Wrath

Text Chapter 167 Luna Ruins

After a whole morning of preparations, all preparations have been completed, and in the afternoon, he can finally start his trip to the Luna Ruins.

At noon, after having lunch with Ling Shuiruo, with the lessons learned from the Forest of Bones, I went to the Luna Ruins, and I don't know how long it will take to get out. So after Shuiruo entered the game, he prepared Shuiruo's dinner and put it on the dining table. When Shuiruo came out of the game during meal time, he could see it at a glance.

Returning to Shenyue World, Ling Chen called out the mission description of "Luna Ruins", and read it over and over again. He wanted to go to the Azure Dragon City Lord to see if he could get some information about the Luna Ruins, but after thinking about it for a while, he gave up. That place was also a forbidden area, so even if he asked, it would be useless.

In the Forest of Bones, he encountered many dangers, and he almost lost Xi Ling. In the description of the mission of the Moon God Ruins, the difficulty is far more difficult than in the Forest of Bones. For Ling Chen, the most sensible course of action Is to wait... until I have been upgraded to a higher level and replaced with stronger equipment before entering, otherwise, the missions in the Forest of Bones are so thrilling, and in the end, I can't defeat the weakened battle Que Zhike, this Luna ruins is obviously much more terrifying than the Forest of Bones, and there is no Xi Ling around, so just entering directly like this is almost going to die.

But if Ling Chen could wait any longer, he wouldn't be Ling Chen anymore. Cowardly, hesitant, has never been his style. At the same time, the higher the difficulty, the richer the rewards. If you go on this task when you have enough strength, then the rewards you get at that time may be nothing compared to your strength at that time.

The mission of the Luna Ruins is also to be sent directly to the mission point. He read the mission description for the last time, and said in a low voice: "Xi Ling, after I finish this mission... Then, I will go to the southern city of Suzaku to look for Suzaku!"

Afterwards, he chose to teleport, and in the flash of white light, the scene switched quickly.

" have come to the dangerous area 'Luna Ruins'."

Luna Ruins: Thousands of years ago, the Forgotten Continent had a "Sura Tribulation" that caused great panic in the world. This disaster was forgotten due to too many generations of human beings, but the Luna Clan will never forget that disaster . Because in that disaster, more than 30 Moon God envoys died under Shura's sword, which was also the most tragic casualty in the history of the Moon God Clan. Later. After a fierce battle, the Moon God Clan finally killed Shura at the places where the Moon God Envoys died, but due to the brutality of the war, that area was completely destroyed and turned into a terrible ruin. Known as the "Moon God Ruins", the bones of Shura and all the desperate Moon God envoys were buried in it. After that, the Moon God Clan never set foot in that place again, so as not to bring back the terrible memories of that year. Later, there were often rumors of lamenting and crying in the Luna Ruins. According to legend, the sound was made by the remnant soul of the dead Luna Envoy who had not completely dissipated.

This is the description of the area of ​​the Luna Ruins on the map bought from Qian Gungun.

The ground under his feet was soft and uneven, making Ling Chen almost unable to stand still when he stepped here. Before he could see the surrounding scene clearly, an unbearable rancid smell mixed with the hot and humid wind rushed towards his face, making Ling Chen almost not spit it out directly, but fortunately he held his breath in time and endured it with difficulty.

The Luna Ruins... In front of you, there is indeed a dilapidated ruin that can no longer be dilapidated.

It was clearly empty, but the light was abnormally dim. Looking up, the sky is covered with a layer of dark clouds, which isolates seven out of ten of the light and makes the air here extraordinarily oppressive. Looking ahead, the ground is a visually uncomfortable dark color... To be precise, it cannot be called the ground at all, because what is covered under the feet are patches and piles of extremely messy gray Black accumulation, find any smooth and flat place, let alone a complete piece of land.

After a while, Ling Chen gradually got used to the smell here, his breathing became a little more gentle, and then he looked around seriously. The surrounding scene made him unable to stop being stunned. Even though ten thousand years have passed, there are still traces of incomparably tragic destruction here. Those ruins where it is difficult to walk, make one unable to help being horrified by how fierce the fierce battle was. , How terrifying is the power of Shura and Moon God. Moreover, judging from the range of the Luna ruins marked on the map, the ruins covered an area of ​​nearly a hundred kilometers!

That's right. It was the destruction of a whole hundred kilometers... This was not caused by natural disasters, but by the power of one Shura and the four strongest creatures in Shenyue Continent at that time.

It can be seen how terrifying the power of the Holy Destroyer is.

"Small gray."

After summoning Xiao Hui, Ling Chen took the first step in the Moon God ruins.

The feeling of stepping on the ground under the feet is extremely uncomfortable, but compared to the almost unbearable smell here, this discomfort is completely negligible. The air here is not only extremely smelly, but also extremely dull. Being in it, Ling Chen almost feels like he is in a tightly sealed black cauldron.

Ling Chen moved forward all the way, even in such an environment, he walked for more than ten minutes, and all he could see was the ruins, occasionally a few skeletons of different shapes would appear under his feet. These bones should belong to the creatures who were unfortunately affected by the fierce battle that year. In such a large-scale destruction, countless innocent creatures must have died in it. Some of these skeletons have been wiped out in the long years, and a small part has been preserved, but they have become extremely fragile, and they will turn into powder when touched lightly. After all, the air here is too hot and dry, which is completely different from the cold atmosphere in the Forest of Bones. Bones are easily corrupted.

Mixed with rancid hot wind and gray dust, the sky has always been so dark. In this terrifying environment, Ling Chen has been walking for more than half an hour, and the scene in front of him is still gray and black. , there are only seemingly endless ruins in sight, without any changes.

Ling Chen stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked at the back. No matter how the angle of view changes, it is difficult to find the difference between the front and the back. When the surrounding environment style is almost completely the same, there is no difference that can be used as a reference. When dealing with things, both humans and other animals can easily lose their sense of direction. Ling Chen took out the map, re-confirmed his location, and frowned slightly...

what happened……

After coming in for so long, I didn't see any monsters, nor heard the "sorrowful cries" mentioned in the mission, and Xiao Hui didn't show any danger warning, so where is the goal of this mission?

His current location is south of the center of the Luna Ruins. After looking at the map for a while, he put away the map, looked ahead and said, "Little Hui, go north."

With Xiao Hui leading the way, Ling Chen didn't need to worry about getting lost, as the mission in the Forest of Bones had already perfectly proved. Xiao Hui and Ling Chen, one in front of the other, marched northward at a fairly moderate speed, approaching the center bit by bit.

The mission of Luna Ruins can only be done once, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, that is to say, no matter what reason Ling Chen left the map, the mission will be declared a failure, and there is no chance to start over. So now that you are here, you can only choose to move forward anyway. Under Xiao Hui's leadership, after walking for another half an hour, an unexpected accident suddenly appeared, causing Ling Chen to stop in his tracks.

Normally, the Lunar Scourge in Ling Chen's hand would be hidden in the form of an ordinary bracelet by the power exerted by Qi Yue. Only when using Lunar Scourge's exclusive skills would it show its original form, but at this time, Lunar Scourge did not have any A layer of faint black light illuminated the omen, revealing its original form at the same time, and the Gemini beads and Sagittarius beads inlaid in the second and ninth holes released their dazzling light.

Ling Chen stood there, raised his right hand, and looked at the vision of Lunar Scourge in surprise. At this time, Qi Yue's voice sounded in Ling Chen's mind: "Little master, what is this place?"

There was soft laziness in the surprised voice, Qi Yue should have just woke up from sleep. Ling Chen immediately replied: "This is the Luna Ruins... What happened to Lunar Scourge? Why does it suddenly glow?"

"The Ruins of the Moon God...the place where Shura died..." Qi Yue whispered to herself. Among the four missions, the last one needed to come to the Ruins of the Moon God, so she was not surprised : "Moon Scourge should have sensed something."

"What did it sense? Could it be Lunar Scourge's exclusive divine orb...or holy bead?"

But Qi Yue gave him a negative answer: "Probably not. Lunar Scourge's sensing distance to the exclusive divine orb or holy bead is very close, and sometimes it even has no sensing. Even if there is sensing, only the corresponding inlaid position is flashing. I also don't know what the Lunar Scourge found, so let's go forward, get close to that thing, and we will naturally find the answer."

Lunar Scourge's sudden change Qi Yue also wanted to know the answer, Ling Chen didn't ask any more, let Xiao Hui lead the way, and continued to walk forward, also looking at Lunar Scourge from time to time. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ling Chen felt that every time he moved a certain distance, the light of Lunar Scourge would become more intense.

Entering the Luna Ruins, Ling Chen is teleported through the system, as for how to get out, this is not a matter of Ling Chen's concern for the time being. The scene flashed across the line of sight while repeating, and the ruins ahead seemed endless. Before I knew it, two hours had passed.

Ever since he entered the Moon God Ruins, he has not encountered any monsters or encountered any danger. Before him, there have always been endless dark ruins.

Taking out the map, his current position is very close to the center of the Luna Ruins, and on the wrist of his right hand, the black light of Lunar Scourge is already extremely strong.

The previous feeling was not an illusion at all, the further forward, the more intense the light of Lunar Scourge, which proved that he was getting closer and closer to the thing that Lunar Scourge sensed.

"How could there be a devilish energy here?" Qi Yue murmured doubtfully in Ling Chen's mind.

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