Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 173 Asura (Part 2)


Those two words fell on Ling Chen's heart like two thunderclaps.

"Who...woke me up..."

The heavy voice filled the world, and every word was like a boulder bombarding the soul. He is Shura... And this is the voice of Shura.

who woke him up...

"Moon it really you..."

The name of Lunar Scourge appeared in Shura's voice, which also shocked Ling Chen's heart. Was it Lunar Scourge that awakened Shura? Could it be that the dark light released by Lunar Scourge was because it sensed Shura's existence?

But, isn't Shura already dead? ? It was destroyed by the three goddesses of the Moon God Clan ten thousand years ago! Why now, he appeared in front of his eyes.

"I have died...and you have become so fragile in the incompleteness. awakened me...then, let one last thing for you..."

Shura's voice was the heaviest voice Ling Chen had ever heard in his life. It was obviously uttered by one person, and the sound was not too loud, but it was louder than the sound of thousands of people roaring at the same time. Every time he uttered a word, the blood and internal organs of Ling Chen's whole body would shake once. . He could hear Shura's voice, and so could the Dark Warcraft. When the last word in Shura's voice fell, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly changed.

A gust of wind blew up, and the originally dead air suddenly became violent, completely filled with indescribable cruelty and violence. A pungent smell of blood filled every corner of the space in an instant... It was indeed the smell of fresh blood.

Another purple lightning struck down from the sky. With the light of this lightning, he could clearly see the person standing in front of him. This was a person who seemed to have stepped out of a pool of blood soaked in countless years. The blood-colored armor , blood-colored hair, blood-colored face, blood-colored eyes, and the big sword in his hand that was completely stained red by blood... It was by no means their original color, but was stained red by blood.

One person slaughtered one-tenth of the life in the Forgotten Continent. No one can imagine how much blood was stained on his body, nor did he have the courage to imagine. Countless times of bathing in blood, every part of his body has long been dyed the color of blood, and can never be washed away.

" are Shura!!"

Qi Yue could recognize Shura, how could the Dark Demonic Beast not. Ten thousand years ago, it also existed. The current living beings have forgotten the memory of Shura after countless generations, and the dark monsters that existed thousands of years ago can never forget the most terrifying Shura in the world. When it finally remembered whose power breath it belonged to, endless fear filled all its consciousness.

The air is filled with the smell of blood, which is also the smell that only Shura's power breath can have. In endless horror, the dark monster discovered that Shura's killing aura was targeting it.

"Perish, and be the last soul of the dead under my sword."

Ling Chen's impression of Shura is only through various legends about him, but the Dark Demonic Beast has seen the horror of Shura with his own eyes. No one who was locked by Shura's breath could escape. Shura is obviously dead, and the Dark Demonic Beast can't figure out why he appeared here anyway. It has existed in this Luna Ruin for more than a hundred years. How could Shura appear in this place.

Could it be that everything is just an illusory nightmare! ?

It's just that it is destined not to know the answer to all of this. When Shura's voice rang in its ears, it already felt that it was already falling into the bottomless abyss of death.


It didn't beg for mercy from Shura. Asura is the most heartless creature in the world, and begging for mercy from Shura is the most stupid and ridiculous behavior. Locked by Shura's power, the Dark Demon Beast let out a hoarse roar, and a mass of black mist more than ten meters high rushed towards Shura's position, while it rushed in the opposite direction crazily.

Click! !

The third purple lightning fell, and in the lightning, Ling Chen saw the black mist rushing to cover the sky, as well as Shura's raised right hand.


A bloody crescent moon-shaped light arc shot out from the sword of Shura, and shot straight into the black mist from the dark monster. Wherever the light arc went, all the black mist disappeared like flames submerged in a flood. Clean and tidy, in the blink of an eye, the full blow of the dark monster vanished like smoke, and the bloody light arc continued to move forward, bombarding the frantically fleeing dark monster.



That scream was so sharp that it almost tore the eardrums, and Ling Chen could clearly see the damage number floating under the arc of blood.

And this was just a random blow from Shura... A random blow eliminated the attack of the dark monster invisible, and a random blow caused nearly ten million fear damage.

Click! !

The fourth thunder tribulation fell, and in the light of the thunder, Ling Chen found that Shura had disappeared in front of him, and an incomparably gorgeous blood flower bloomed at the place where the dark monster was before.


It was such a desperate roar, the air was unbearable and trembling with such despair.

"Asura kills the world..." Qi Yue's voice sounded in Ling Chen's mind: "Dark Demonic Beast, dead."

The last roar of the Dark Warcraft in this life was only left with the lingering sound, until the lingering sound was completely dissipated, and then, there was no more sound from it. The blooming blood flower is the last light of life of the dark monster. Ling Chen didn't see Shura's actions clearly, didn't see how it destroyed the Dark Demonic Beast, he only knew that the Dark Demonic Beast was dead, and died under Shura's sword.

On Lonely Soul Ridge, the War Beast died under Xi Ling's Nine Suns fire, but that was a blow that Xi Ling released at the cost of destroying his own life, it was Xi Ling's life-for-life exchange. The Dark Demonic Beast is so powerful, possessing mysterious power that makes people look up to and fear, who can destroy it except for the very few holy creatures? And even if it is the spirit of holy destruction, it is impossible to destroy it in a short time.

But in front of Shura, it didn't even have a chance to resist, it just disappeared like that.

Is he really that Shura...

This is... the power of Shura?

The shock in Ling Chen's heart was so intense that it couldn't be more intense. This was almost the most powerful visual and psychological shock he had ever endured in his life. He is the Shura whose hands were stained with countless blood, who single-handedly slaughtered one-tenth of the living beings in the continent, the Shura who caused the entire continent to suffer, and the whole living beings to fear, the Shura who was defeated by the combination of the three highest goddesses of the Moon God Clan and the Taixu Dragon God , is the legendary Shura who surpassed the level of gods and was called the strongest living being!

The dark monster died, and the brutal force and bloody smell in the air also began to dissipate quickly in a cool wind.

Gradually, the darkness in front of Ling Chen also slowly dissipated, and more and more light began to appear in his sight. The coercion from Shura that made him unable to breathe also quickly disappeared.

The thunder calamity from the sky finally stopped raging.

Is this... is Shura leaving?

With Shura's arrival, all the bright light disappeared, and the world was dark. When Shura withdrew his power, all the light came. This is a terrifying force that even nature can completely influence and control. A power beyond human imagination that can only exist in myths and legends.

Ling Chen, who had heard a lot of rumors about Shura, only now began to truly understand how terrifying Shura's power is.

"Qi Yue, isn't Shura already dead?" Ling Chen closed his eyes, trying to calm his heart.

"Sura is indeed dead, the current Shura was awakened by the Lunar Scourge." Qi Yue replied.

"What's the meaning?"

"You will soon understand...all of this is completely beyond my expectations. I never expected...No one would have thought that not only Lunar Scourge was not destroyed back then, but Shura was also left behind. The last remnant soul. But, this is more of a surprise from heaven. Because the dark monster is dead! It is dead, and the crisis exposed by Lunar Scourge is gone. In addition, you have Lunar Scourge on your body , Shura will not harm you."

Ling Chen fell silent, and after a few seconds, he suddenly said, "Qi Yue, answer me honestly, the last master of Lunar Scourge was Shura? Tool', is it Lunar Scourge?"

"Yes." Qi Yue replied.

Ling Chen: "..."

In an instant, countless thoughts swirled in Ling Chen's mind. About Shura's legend, the words that Taotie said that he had never fully understood, and various things that often appeared in his mind during this period of time. This kind of question, as well as the sentence in the attribute information of Lunar Scourge, "The way of Shura, there is no turning back, if you decide to go your own way, you will be punished by heaven", at this moment, it seems that you have found the answer.

Lunar Scourge... Asura...

In the calmness, Ling Chen opened his eyes. In front of him was the Luna ruins that were exactly the same as before. There was nothing strange around him, and the aura of Shura had disappeared completely. Everything was like a dream.

Ling Chen's gaze shifted, to his right hand, he saw a person, a person holding a big sword, covered in blood, standing there motionless like an ice sculpture, he was watching Ling Chen. The wind howled in the ruins of Luna, but his hair and torn clothes remained as motionless as his body.


Taking a deep breath, Ling Chen walked towards him.

Before today, Ling Chen never thought that he would meet the most terrifying person in the history of the Forgotten Continent, let alone have a face-to-face conversation with him.

Following the sound of the last footsteps, Ling Chen stood in front of Shura, getting closer, the pungent bloody smell from his body made him want to vomit. Even though he already knew that he was the Shura who was obviously dead, he still asked this seemingly redundant sentence: "Are you... Shura?"


The heavy voice fell in Ling Chen's ears, but it was a shocking negative answer.

Shura had no expression on his face, and he was clearly making a sound, but his lips could not be seen moving: "Sura is arrogant and ruthless, and his only purpose of life is to kill and destroy. He will not speak to anyone, and will not look at anyone in sight Mercy and pity for all living beings. Shura is the me I used to be, and the me I am now is just a wisp of remnant soul awakened by the Lunar Scourge. However, the last power belonging to Shura is still flowing. After a while, it will completely dissipate in the Between heaven and earth, it will disappear forever..."

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