Shura’s Wrath

Main Text Chapter 268: A Sudden Hope!

"Also, you have to remember that the Wind and Dust Curse is only effective for 'people'. Oh, this person doesn't just refer to human beings, but refers to all human beings. In addition to human beings, it also includes gods, demons, elves, dwarves and the like. A beast that turns into a human is also counted. The same beast, if it turns into a human form, the Wind and Dust Curse will take effect, but if it turns back into the animal form, it will be useless. Because the mental structure of a human is so different from that of a beast. I understand. No."

"Understood." Ling Chen nodded in response. Various thoughts swirled in my mind. This profession from Xiao Fengchen is indeed much more powerful than imagined, and also much more scary. With Feng Chen Jue and Broken Shadow, his escaping ability has been improved like flying, and his super high movement speed can also greatly assist the battle. As for the Wind and Dust Curse, killing monsters and leveling up is useless, but if the yin and the people are torturing people... then it will definitely be beneficial! How strong his own mental power is, he knows best. With his current level of strength, he dare not say formidable NPCs, but among the players, he is confident that no one can make his Wind and Dust Curse fail, so let's see who doesn't like it... blah blah blah!

But the premise is that he can get out from here~!

That's right, I accidentally entered the Moon Sky Prison, met the strange person Xiao Fengchen, got the Pisces Orb by accident, and got such a strange and powerful profession. After the adventure, it is an incomparably great harvest. But what's the use of getting these if you can't get out of here?

"Well, there are probably so many things that need to be paid attention to when using the Fengchen Curse. Oh, by the way, what is your understanding now?" Xiao Fengchen asked suddenly.

"12." Ling Chen replied. This value is already quite frighteningly high among players.

"Only 12? It's too low. The effect time of Fengchen Curse is related to understanding. With 12 points of understanding, it only lasts for 12 seconds when used once. In addition, like other skills, the higher the understanding, The easier it is to comprehend more Fengchen curses, and the easier it is for the existing Fengchen curses to derive advanced Fengchen curses... For example, the advanced Fengchen curse that I firmly believe in the non-doubting curse is the "Heavenly God's Curse" that I used before, love each other The curse can give rise to the 'Peach Blossom Curse'... Well, once this Peach Blossom Curse comes out, even if it is a woman or a man who has a different hatred with you and wants to cut you into pieces, he will fall in love with you all at once, love you The effect is called madness, and the effect is called beauty, tsk tsk. Well, in short, if you want to make your Fengchen Murdering Heart Curse more powerful, it is necessary to greatly improve your understanding."

Ling Chen memorized them all, and then asked what he cared most about all the time: "Laughing senior, before you..."

"What are you laughing at, senior! Didn't you say it? Call me brother! Call me brother!" Xiao Fengchen jumped up again because of the address.

"Ang! Brother Xiao," Ling Chen didn't bother to share his knowledge, so he dealt with it, and then went straight to the point: "You said earlier that there is something that the Moon Sky Prison can't seal? What is it?"

Xiao Fengchen rolled his eyes at him, then shrugged his shoulders: "Do you still remember this? That thing really can't be sealed, let alone this place, there is nothing in this world that can be sealed. But it's useless if I say it Said, my master, and I tried to find that thing back then, but couldn’t even find a trace of it. It is said that the thing in the whole continent does not exceed ten yuan, and its place is never fixed, and it will move by itself. You will also consciously avoid the creatures approaching, so it is harder to get it than to go to the sky. Even the three girls of the Moon God Clan can hardly get it. As for you kid... don't even think about it."

The place where it exists is not fixed, it will move by itself... It seems to be somewhat similar to something I use. Ling Chen raised his eyebrows and asked: "What the hell is that? Tell me do you know I don't have it if you don't tell me?"

"Cut, if you want it, I'll immediately cut off your head and use it as a urinal!" Xiao Fengchen curled his lips disdainfully: "Just say it, the name of that thing is... oh, it seems to be called the Void Illusion Stone, yes , is the Void Stone!"


"Void Illusion Stone?!?!" Ling Chen almost jumped up excitedly, there really was a Void Illusion Stone on his body! It was discovered by Xiao Hui at the beginning, and he dug it out with his own hands!

"That's right, it's this thing, oh, it looks like you've heard of this thing before." Ling Chen's reaction made Xiao Fengchen glance at him, and then he said to himself: "The Void Illusion Stone contains the most pure substance in the world. Space power is by no means comparable to those forcibly generated with powerful forces. The space power it possesses can ignore all barrier barriers, and no one can break the blockade of the Moon God Clan. , you can also wear it directly, don’t try to block it.”

"Then, if there is a Void Illusion Stone, is there a way to get out of here?" Ling Chen asked urgently.

"Of course! If there is such a thing, use force to stimulate its space ability, and then use space teleportation, it can be teleported to other places directly... And as long as you leave this ghost place, no matter where you are teleported, don't even think about it Trapped me again... Ang, and you."

"It seems that it is really God's will." In Ling Chen's mind, Qi Yue said with a sigh. "Indeed, with the space power of the Void Illusion Stone, the space teleportation effect it activates may indeed be able to pass through the blockade of the Moon Sky Prison."

Without any hesitation anymore, Ling Chen took out a fist-sized, dull stone that looked no different from ordinary stones from his backpack and put it in front of Xiao Fengchen: ", take a good look at this stone What is it?"

"Huh?" Xiao Fengchen squinted his eyes and glanced at the stone in Ling Chen's hand. It didn't matter, Xiao Fengchen immediately jumped up as if he had been kicked hard on the buttocks. , staring at a pair of bull's eyes, roared in an extremely hoarse voice: "Void Illusion Stone!!!"

"That's right, it's the Void Illusion Stone! It's the only thing that can't be sealed in this place you just said." Ling Chen grabbed the Void Illusion Stone tightly, and couldn't help being excited. If it is really trapped here forever, it will definitely be a very terrifying thing. But really there is no limit to the road, the only thing that Xiao Fengchen said can't be sealed here, happens to be him.

"Empty Illusion Stone... Empty Illusion Stone... It's really an Empty Illusion Stone..." Xiao Fengchen's body trembled, his eyes were confused, and his face was distorted due to excessive excitement. He has been imprisoned here for a thousand years, a whole thousand years... This kind of dark, rancid, dangerous place, where no one speaks, is just like hell. Ling Chen has no way of knowing how he persisted for a thousand years, let alone how excited he was when he saw the Void Illusion Stone...every day here, he wants to go out in his dreams! In my dreams, I always think of the legendary illusory stone that suddenly fell from the sky one day.

"It's really an empty phantom stone... a phantom phantom stone... a phantom phantom stone..." There was little response to Ling Chen's words, Xiao Fengchen was still muttering in despair, and he put his hands trembling in front of the phantom phantom stone, but he didn't dare to go Touch, lest I touch it, I will accidentally damage this stone. Finally, he wiped his face vigorously, his expression finally returned to normal, he stared at Ling Chen firmly and said: "Ling Tian, ​​how did you get this void stone?"

"I picked it up by accident when I was passing through a certain desolate place. It probably happened a few days ago." Ling Chen replied truthfully.

Xiao Fengchen looked up at the sky, and shouted excitedly: "God's will, God's will! Could it be that God took pity on me, an old man, and sent this person to fulfill my wish, and lead me out of this ghost place..."

Looking at Xiao Fengchen's words and deeds before, Ling Chen thought he was used to life here. Now it seems that it is not the case at all. In fact, he is no longer eager to see the sun again all the time. Indeed, who would be willing to be sealed in such a dark and terrifying place forever... Even those evil beasts would definitely not want to.

"Brother Xiao, can you really get out with the Void Illusion Stone? Ling Chen asked.

"Yes... definitely can, as long as it can stimulate its space power, even a little bit is enough." Xiao Fengchen nodded and said with certainty.

Ling Chen held the Void Illusion Stone tightly, and now this seemingly inconspicuous stone, which probably won't be glanced at by anyone thrown on the street, has become his only hope of leaving here: "Such a small piece... Is it enough?"

"Small? This is still small?" Xiao Fengchen really wanted to slap him in the face: "Do you know how precious the void stone is! This kind of strange stone from heaven and earth is a priceless treasure even if it is the size of a grain of rice. It was so bloody grabbing. The value of this piece the size of a fist cannot be measured at all!"

"Then, how can we stimulate its space power?" Ling Chen asked, this is the most critical question. In the attribute introduction of the Void Stone, it is clearly stated that in order to extract its spatial ability, extremely high forging techniques are required... at least a heavenly level. It is definitely impossible for me, but looking at Xiao Fengchen's happy look... Could it be that he is still a super advanced casting master?

Xiao Fengchen became serious and said: "This matter is simple and simple, and it is not simple and not simple. The purest space power contained in the void magic stone, if extracted and injected into other objects, it can produce various amazing effects The space props... of the auxiliary system and the attack system can be used. The teleportation props generated by the power of the void stone can definitely teleport us to any place we want to go in the Forgotten Continent, even if it is this moon sky prison. Stop it. It's just that it requires extremely high casting ability to achieve it. Among the human beings, there are only a handful of people who can do it, and there is only one race that can do it perfectly... that is the long-disappeared, perhaps long-extinct As for the two of us, it is definitely impossible. All we can do is to force a part of its space power, tear a space crack, and then we can escape through the space crack... As for that I don’t know where the space rift will lead to, but it shouldn’t be so unlucky that it’s still inside the Moon Sky Prison.”

Ling Chen understood it completely, picked up the Void Illusion Stone, and asked: "Then, how can we forcibly stimulate its space ability?"

Xiao Fengchen stared: "It's not easy! Smash it! Use the strongest force to smash it to my death. As long as the attack is strong enough, the space power inside will overflow. When the time comes, you'll be done! Come on, put Give me the Void Illusion Stone, with your kid's breath of strength, it is absolutely impossible to force out its space power, so leave it to me."

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