Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 270: Mask of the Evil God

"Being able to come out of the ghostly place of the Moon Sky Prison, I have lived a new life. I don't care about the past, but in the future, there will be another old monster in the Forgotten Continent that makes people run away. Hehehehe... "Xiao Fengchen laughed sinisterly, then patted Ling Chen's shoulder and said: "I was able to escape from that ghost place, thanks to you, but, I gave all the abilities of my Fengchen sect You, and I gave you so many good things, so we are even, and neither owes the other."

Ling Chen: "..."

"Okay, I'll return this Void Illusion Stone to you. I didn't forget to bring it with me when I came out just now. This kind of strange stone in heaven and earth is rare in a thousand years, so I can't throw it away." Xiao Fengchen took out the Void Illusion Stone and returned it to Ling Chen. Ling Chen took it, and saw a tiny crack appeared on the surface of the Void Illusion Stone. The space power that brought them out of the Moon Sky Prison before should have overflowed from this crack. He questioned: "This Void Illusion Stone has already been used, is there still space power in it?"

Xiao Fengchen curled his lips and said: "Such a big void stone, it will be no problem to be teleported a hundred times just like that just now! The power of space is not so easy to run away. If you are trapped somewhere in the future, you can come back to this stone Just a little before, it can be sent out like today. Even the Moon Sky Hell can't trap it, and there is nothing in this world that can trap it. Oh, and, this evil god mask, now It's yours too."

Taking out the dark golden evil god mask, Xiao Fengchen touched it reluctantly for a long time before handing it over to Ling Chen: "This is hard to find, the only treasure in the world, let me give it to you."

Even if Ling Chen was a fool, he would not refuse the weapon of the ultimate heaven, or the mask of the absolute heaven. He immediately took it without hesitation, and immediately looked at its attributes... How can the ultimate mask of the absolute heaven be? What powerful attributes are attached.

[Evil God Mask]: Category: Mask, Grade: Absolute Heaven, Equipment Requirements: None. The mask cast from the dead bones of the ancient evil gods contains a little bit of the evil god's resentment power.

Attribute: When the damage to be received is fatal, the damage will be forcibly reflected, and it takes 10 seconds for this effect to trigger again.

It doesn't have any added abilities, nor any additional skills. It only has a single attribute. As a piece of heavenly super equipment, it seems completely unreasonable, but it's the only attribute that surprised Ling Chen. .

Tianjue-level masks are already rare and cannot be more rare. Xiao Fengchen also said that this evil god mask was the strongest mask in the Forgotten Continent back then, not one of them. What's even more astonishing is that this mask doesn't have any equipment restrictions, that is to say, as long as you get this mask, anyone can equip it...the Tianjue mask with no equipment restrictions, such equipment, I don't know how many people will be crazy about it. self.

The evil god's mask has only one attribute—reflect fatal damage! With just such a single attribute, the grade of this mask is at the high level of Heaven's Absolute. And this attribute is undoubtedly one of the super life-saving attributes that Ling Chen has seen in this life... Although the effect is not as good as Xiaohui's Sky Spirit Shield, it is definitely far superior to all other defensive skills.

"How about it, let's get startled." Xiao Fengchen glanced at him and said: "No matter what kind of damage you usually receive, as long as it is not enough to kill you, the evil god mask will not react, and if one is enough to kill you When the attack comes, the evil god mask will block all the damage for you like a awakened beast, and then bounce back all the damage, and the interval between two triggers is only a short ten seconds. Come on, in the face of those powerful enemies, the last thing you need to fear is their unique moves that can instantly kill you... If they dare to use their unique moves, then only they will suffer huge damage. In addition, the evil god mask can resist Yes, not just the damage from the enemy, but also all types of damage... such as traps, traps... Back then, I relied on the mask of the evil god and resisted many traps that could kill people a hundred times. Wearing it, Even if you fall from the abyss, you don't have to worry about being killed, because if the damage you receive when you land is fatal, it will be offset."

"No matter how powerful you are, how powerful you are, and how much wealth you have, if you lose your life, you will have nothing. The mask of the evil god is a very strong life-saving talisman. It is the treasure of our Fengchen sect. In the generation of Fengchen sect It has been passed down from generation to generation, and I don’t know how many times it has saved the lives of the ancestors of our Fengchen Sect. Without it, I would not be able to survive until today. In addition, I heard from my master that there seems to be some other ability hidden in the mask of the evil god , I don’t know what it is, anyway, I have never triggered it. Since the advent of the evil god’s mask, it has been coveted by countless people, but since I was sealed in the moon vault, it has also disappeared with me. It is on the Forgotten Continent, so now, except for those old monsters who have lived for more than a thousand years, basically no one recognizes it. However, its appearance is still too eye-catching, it is better not to wear it when you are free, otherwise in case To be recognized, tsk tsk, maybe those old monsters will come out to you and snatch them."

Ling Chen nodded, and couldn't put it down as he turned the evil god's mask over and over again. That's right, this is a very strong life-saving talisman. At the same time, its function is not just to save life, because when it faces fatal damage, what it does is not offset, but forced rebound! Then, those powerful boss's strongest and most difficult to defend tricks, not only can no longer be effective against him, but can be used by him to carry out powerful counter-injury.

"I've heard of this evil god's mask before, but I never thought that it still exists in the world. Its life-saving ability is indeed unparalleled in the world. The evil god is an ancient true god, who disappeared without a trace together with the gods and demons in the ancient war of gods and demons. Although today's Moon Gods are descendants of gods, their ability level is far from that of real gods. With the mask of evil gods, even the attacks of Moon Gods can counteract the rebound. Wearing it, you will never need to worry about being attacked. Instant kill." Qi Yue said in his mind, and at the same time, there were countless sighs in his heart... once entering the Moon Sky Prison, it should have been an abyss of despair. Unexpectedly, he found the Pisces Orb, met people from the Fengchen Sect, and then successfully escaped from that place that is said to have never been escaped... In just one month, Gemini, Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces... have already They found four exclusive divine beads. The territory of the Forgotten Continent is extremely vast, and the places where these divine beads exist are by no means extraordinary places. Such a result is really unimaginable. If it's luck... then this luck is really good and too heaven-defying.

"Little master, immediately ask him if the Heavenly Mystery Sect still exists? Can you still find the descendants of the Heavenly Mystery Sect?" Qi Yue thought of something and said to Ling Chen.

"Sky Gate?" Ling Chen was puzzled.

"Back then, in the Forgotten Continent, there existed the famous Three Saints of Night Demon. These three saints were Heaven Saint, Evil Saint, and Earth Saint. The Evil Saint was the founder of Fengchen Sect. The Heavenly Saint was the founder of Tianji Sect. Tiansheng is the head of the three saints. It is rumored that he can perceive the mysteries of heaven and earth with his spirit, and can even divination good or bad luck and predict the future. If you find the person from Tianjimen, you can find him to help find out the approximate location of other divine beads and holy beads. In this way, it will be much more convenient for us to find it, and we don't need to be aimless like now." Qi Yue explained.

"Three Saints of Night Demon?" Ling Chen thought thoughtfully, "These three saints, including Fengchen Sect back then, belong to that clan called Night Demon?"

"Yes. It's just that I heard that the Night Demon Clan lost to the Moon God Clan and completely withered, and the three saints also left one after another. The Night Demon Three Saints are just titles from a long time ago. These three saints have long since disappeared. Even if the Forgotten Continent exists now, Only their descendants or descendants, and none of them belong to the Night Demon Clan anymore. Xiao Fengchen is a descendant of Fengchen Sect, so he may know some news about Tianji Sect."

Ling Chen nodded, put away the evil god mask, and said to Xiao Fengchen: "I will definitely keep this mask on my body, I will not give it to others, let alone let it be taken away by others. By the way, Brother Xiao , before you were imprisoned in the Moon Sky Prison, did the 'Sky Secret Gate' still exist on the mainland?"

"Tianjimen?" Xiao Fengchen looked at him suspiciously: "You want to find the Tianjimen? What are you going to do after you find it?"

"Yes... there are some things that need to be retrieved scattered in different places in the Forgotten Continent, and I want to ask the people from Tianjimen to help them retrieve them." Ling Chen thought for a while and said.

"Hmm..." Xiao Fengchen turned his head and looked into the distance. After thinking for a long time, Shi Shiran said: "My Fengchen Sect is not destroyed, and the Tianji Gate will not disappear. It's just that I am looking for the Tianji Gate to ask for it for my own selfish desire." There are too many people in Tianji's sect, so the Tianjimen finally hides from the world. With their ability to see through the secrets, if they don't want to be found, even if they search for thousands of years, they won't be able to find them. Alas, I don't know, that old immortal Are you still alive now? You are a member of my Fengchen sect. If you need help from him, I will try to find him for you. Or, he has already sensed that I have seen the sun again, and maybe he will take the initiative to find me... Yue Those three stinky girls of Shenzong, if I ever meet you again, let’s see if I won’t cast a curse on you for three days and three nights!"

Just after cursing the three goddesses of the Moon God Clan, Xiao Fengchen's expression suddenly became melancholy, and he sighed and said, "I don't know what happened to the Night Demon Clan now. When the Great Emperor died, the only descendant of the Night Emperor disappeared without a trace, maybe It has also been wiped out by the Moon God Clan, the Night Demon Clan has lost its core, the dragons have no leader, and they have dispersed one after another. Only the last trace of power is hidden in the dark, but it is no longer able to fight against the Moon God Clan. When the Three Goddesses were out, they suddenly appeared and attacked the Moon God Palace, so that the Moon God clan could not be completely peaceful. The Tianji, Fengchen, and Disha clans also dispersed one after another, but after all, my Fengchen Sect was born because of the Night Demon. Now look Come on, the Night Demons can only hide in the dark, but in this state, sooner or later they will be uprooted by the Moon Gods."

"What kind of race are you talking about the Night Demon Race?" Hearing Xiao Fengchen muttering there, Ling Chen asked aloud.

"Night Demons are...cut, why are you asking so many questions!" Xiao Fengchen swallowed the words as soon as he spoke, "Now the Night Demons matter has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with you even half a dime. It was just a race that was able to sit on an equal footing with the Moon God Race, but now it can only be a shrinking turtle and is about to become extinct. I will help you pay attention to the Tianjimen you mentioned Huh, the sun and the moon have not been seen for a thousand years, I should also go to see the current Forgotten Continent, and pay a visit to some immortals who don't know if they are dead or not."

Speaking of this, he took a deep look at Ling Chen and waved his hand: "Boy, we will meet again by fate. I hope that when I see you next time, you will already be able to use the mid-level Fengchen Curse."

After speaking, the figure in front of Ling Chen flickered, followed by a gust of wind, and Xiao Fengchen had disappeared in front of Ling Chen... There was no chance for Ling Chen to say a word.

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