Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 285 Iron Cavalry, Skynet (Part 2)

Ling Chen rushed left and right among the players of the Yanhuang Alliance. Facing these melee players who could kill an instant with one blow, even if there were twice as many people, he wouldn't need to feel any pressure. However, he was also deeply puzzled, why there were only warriors and assassins, but not those long-range attack or summoning professions?

oh? delay?

Use a whole 10,000 people to delay time? What a luxury. But no matter how many people come, what can I do?

At this moment, in the distance of sight, dust suddenly flew up, and the sound of heavy trampling quickly came from far to near, and soon became deafening. Hearing this sound, the expressions of Yunfeng and Xiao Qiufeng changed at the same time. Yun Feng quickly picked up the communicator, and roared in a low voice: "Ling Tian, ​​be careful, it's the iron cavalry of the Yan Huang Alliance!!"

Cavalry? Ling Chen frowned.

And at this moment, the players who were attacking him desperately had obviously received some signal, and they all rushed away quickly, and no one came forward again. Ling Chen didn't chase after him, he just stood there silently, he wanted to see what the Iron Cavalry Army of the Yanhuang Alliance was.

"Ling Tian, ​​immediately rush to the player team of the Yanhuang Alliance, otherwise, if you are surrounded by cavalry, you will surely die! The cavalry of the Yanhuang Alliance is a powerful vanguard in large-scale battles, and can easily break up the enemy's formation and Caused a large-scale trampling, there are at least 2,000 iron cavalry coming this time!"

Being able to prepare two thousand iron cavalry in such a short period of time is worthy of the Yanhuang Alliance, and only Ling Tian dispatched two thousand iron cavalry, which shows Long Tianyun's determination to kill Ling Tian. Under the impact of the cavalry army, a huge team would be in disarray, let alone a single person. Hearing Yunfeng's anxious roar, Ling Chen was unmoved. Soon, a large group of players in heavy armor, holding heavy shields and riding black mounts appeared in sight, and Form a huge encirclement circle, enclosing him firmly. The mounts under their crotch are all the highest-grade and most luxurious horses sold in the mount shop... It is impossible for ordinary people to buy a cloud stepping horse!

The invisible pressure shrouded heavily, and Ling Chen's expression finally became serious.

"It's the Iron Cavalry Army of the Yanhuang Alliance!!"

"Sent out so many cavalry teams to deal with Ling Tian alone, is the Yanhuang Alliance crazy?"

"Of course it's not crazy! Long Tianyun has never failed before, but he has been defeated by Ling Tian one after another, and even his position in the first alliance has been taken away. He hates Ling Tian to the bone, and he will do anything to kill him. .”

"It's over! With two thousand cavalry, even if Ling Tian is a god this time, he will definitely die."

"Too's the iron cavalry army of the Yanhuang Alliance! Brother Ling Tian..." Xiao Qi and Su Er covered their lips in shock: "What should I do..."

"Brother, hurry up and help Brother Ling Tian! With so many iron cavalry, Brother Ling Tian is too...too dangerous, brother!" Xiao Qi immediately rushed to Xiao Qiufeng, shouting anxiously.

Xiao Qiufeng stared at the two thousand iron cavalry, and slowly shook his head: "The iron cavalry army of the Yanhuang Alliance is equipped with the highest level of heavy armor, heavy shields, and mounts. The people I brought are not enough for these iron cavalry. And I There is no reason to help Ling Tian, ​​otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

"But, but..." Xiao Qi also knew that with Xiao Qiufeng's standpoint, she couldn't help Ling Tian, ​​who was regarded as a deadly enemy by the Yanhuang Alliance, but now, she had no other choice but to ask Xiao Qiufeng for help. And at this moment, the command to attack finally sounded in the ears of all players.



With a command, thousands of horses galloped, the uniform sound of horseshoes made people's ears buzz, the ground trembled, dust filled the sky, and the two thousand cavalry roared and rushed towards Ling Chen in the middle. The speed of the Cloud Stepping Horse is so fast, the thousand horses are galloping at an extremely fast speed, and the momentum is astonishing. Ling Tian, ​​who is in the middle, feels the heavier and heavier air currents coming from all directions, and his hands are clenched tightly.

This iron cavalry army seems to have a bit of sense.

With the heavy armor, heavy shield, and such impact force, if he is hit by any of them, even he will be knocked far away, and once he falls, countless attacks will follow. By the time……

Never be double-teamed!

Ling Chen took a deep breath, and suddenly rushed forward. His own speed was quite fast, and the speed of the iron cavalry was equally fast. In the blink of an eye, the distance was greatly shortened. Ling Tianduan swept away, and swept away all the nearby iron cavalry from their mounts... However, although the players on the iron cavalry were instantly killed with one blow, the cloud-treading horse, which had lost its manipulator, still rushed towards Ling Chen under inertia. Charged forward, Ling Chen raised his right hand again, killing all these mounts, but within the time of the two attacks, the iron cavalry from the side and rear had already rushed towards him like lightning, and the sound of the wind caused by the huge impact made Ling Chen Chen's face was in pain.

To deal with these iron cavalry, he obviously can't use the method he used to deal with melee occupations before, because with the impact speed of these iron cavalry, he can completely rush to him in the gap between his two attacks of Ling Tianduan.

"Heavy Shield Clash!!"

Under the rapid impact, all the nearby cavalry raised their heavy shields and slammed into Ling Chen's body fiercely. Suddenly, more than a dozen shields smashed into Ling Chen's body from all directions. Ling Chen narrowed his eyes, The body rotated, and the two Ling Tianduan swept away, hitting all these shield guards, and swept off the mount... But the mount cannot be harmed when it is mounted, so the player is swept down, and the mount still rushes towards it. After the mount, more than a dozen huge shields slammed into him fiercely. Ling Chen received the move like lightning, then jumped high, and kicked on the back of the Cloud-Treading Horse charging from the front, borrowing his strength to go far Jumping out from the far side, under the "Feng Chen Jue", the time he can stay in the air after jumping can be greatly increased, and the position of more than three meters in the air can be directly moved across the air, so that all the players rushing from behind can be hit by air. Ling Chen, who fell from the sky, shot again, and two more Ling Tians cut back and forth...

Puff puff puff...

Eight iron cavalrymen were swept off their mounts, and the one behind them came in a blink of an eye with a loud roar, which was enough to hit him before he launched the next attack. Ling Tian didn't wait to fall, and kicked on a cloud treading horse again , moved back a distance of more than three meters, and then shot again as before, sweeping all the surrounding iron cavalry off their horses. The ability to stay in the air given by Feng Chen Jue played a great role at this moment. The impact force of these iron cavalry is indeed terrifying, but it is absolutely impossible for them to impact into the air.

Jumping, sweeping, jumping, sweeping on the horse... For seven or eight cycles in a row, Ling Chen's feet never touched the ground again, and the landing point and stepping point were always chosen just right, like a precise actuarial calculation.

But... Ling Chen is not the only one who can dance.

After eight rounds, more than 50 iron cavalry troops had been wiped out, but Ling Chen was unscathed. All the players were stunned by the sight. Finally, the iron cavalry soldiers became enraged, their roars became louder and louder, and they rushed towards Ling Chen The pace became more and more abrupt. When Ling Chen stepped on his horse and jumped up after the ninth attack, the four cavalry troops who rushed over also pulled their horses while galloping, jumped high, and swung their heavy weapons. Shield, smashed heavily at Ling Chen in the air.

I wipe! Ling Chen stared, his hands trembled, and then he was hit hard on his chest by the four shields coming towards him.

boom! -

55, -51, -62, MISS.

The shield guard's heavy shield impact attack ability is sloppy, coupled with Ling Chen's high defense power, so the damage is really nothing, but the dominant role of the heavy shield collision is not the damage, but the impact. The impact hit head-on, and Ling Chen in the air immediately lost his balance, and was sent flying a distance of more than five meters. When he was about to fall, more shields came from behind.

Flying upside down, with nowhere to draw on, and unable to attack at all, Ling Chen gritted his teeth and growled, "Leng'er, help me!"

As soon as Ling Chen's voice fell, a black light flashed around him, and a petite figure that no one could see except Ling Chen appeared. At the same time, countless black chains appeared from the air, binding all players within 15 meters around. body.

" are bound by the 'Shackle of Darkness', all active skills cannot be used within 15 seconds."

All the players who were entangled by the black chains received the same reminder. The heavy shield charge they were about to launch stopped abruptly, and the shield could not be swung no matter what.

boom! Ling Chen fell heavily, his body flipped quickly, and a beam of energy shot out from his weapon, exploding.

"Four-square star formation!!"

Amidst the screams of a large group of players, all cavalry soldiers within ten meters around Ling Chen were all blown away. Ling Chen, who was able to catch his breath, heaved a sigh of relief and got up quickly. The iron cavalry of the Yanhuang Alliance are really amazing, no wonder Yunfeng shouted so hastily before. An originally neat and orderly team was rushed by this cavalry, and in a blink of an eye there would be chaos and collapse. It is indeed difficult for him to deal with it alone.

At this time, he had to miss Xi Ling, if Xi Ling was around, and a scorching sky fire array fell, these cavalry soldiers would die in a second.

Ling Chen's respite was extremely short, and in the blink of an eye, the black cavalry charged again from the surroundings. Ling Chen stood up straight, glanced around quickly, and said slowly, "Okay, you guys forced me to do this."


Leng'er's favorability towards Ling Chen has reached 19, and she is willing to fight the enemy together with him. After receiving Ling Chen's thought prompt, she nodded obediently, stretched out her hands on her chest, and another chain was released from the air. Appeared, wrapped around all players within 20 meters.

"Ding... your pet 'Lenger' has used the 'Sin Lock' on the fifty-seven targets around, and within 5 seconds, these fifty-seven targets will fall into a 'furious' state and will attack at all costs closest to your goal."

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