Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 296 The Explosive Flame (Part 2)

In the atmosphere that suddenly became oppressive, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, causing overwhelming scorching air waves to hit Ling Chen's body. In the gust of wind, more than half of the jumping flame elves were swept up by the gust of wind, and then Quickly flew to the same position.

One, two... ten... one hundred... two hundred... three hundred...

Countless fire elves were drawn from all directions, all rolled to the center of the whirlwind, then collided and piled up together, and then quickly merged in Ling Chen's enlarged pupils, from the initial small fire ball , gradually merged and became bigger and bigger, expanding to three meters, five meters... ten meters...

As the fireball got bigger and bigger, the sense of danger became more and more intense. Ling Chen stood there in a daze for a long time before he suddenly realized that he quickly rushed forward. All the fireballs involved suddenly jumped up, and then, a few tens of steps ahead of him, a wall of fire more than ten meters high suddenly appeared from the ground, blocking his front, almost at the same time, countless of the same Fire walls shot up from his front, back, left, and right sides... one after another, completely sealing off the space he was in, making it impossible to enter, let alone retreat, trapping him in a cage of flames!

Ling Chen stopped and turned around slowly. In the flame cage, the huge fire ball had already expanded to a size of ten meters. It was also at this moment that it stopped expanding and began to rapidly transform from a spherical shape to First, it stretched out its limbs from the sphere, and then revealed two ferocious eyes... When it finished its transformation, it was clearly a huge flame giant!

[Explosive Giant Spirit]: Category: Spirit, Level: 30, Grade: Faerie, Life: 300,000. A high-level fire-type spirit body derived from the power of a large number of flame elves. It inherits the violence of flames and can release powerful flame attacks. It can easily turn a large area around itself into a sea of ​​flames.

Talent: Immune to 90% physical attacks, absorb all fire attribute damage, and can quickly restore life in a scorching environment.

Attack method:

[Explosive Flame Bomb]: Scatter 5 to 10 large flame bombs forward. The speed is average, but the power is huge. After being hit, it will trigger flame splashing, causing 30% - 60% damage to surrounding enemies. Explosive bombs are emitted from the mouth, and the head will have an obvious backward movement when activated. Starting frequency: high.

[Wall of Flame]: A ten-meter-long wall of fire radiates forward. It is extremely fast and powerful, and it is extremely difficult to avoid. After hitting the target, there is a 30% chance to add a burning state for 10 seconds. There is no obvious precursor to the activation, and the activation frequency is medium.

[Burst Flame]: Throw a huge flame bomb at any position within 20 meters around. When the flame bomb hits the ground, it will produce a huge flame explosion, which will spread to the surrounding 10 meter area, causing huge fire damage, 30% Probability of adding 5-10 seconds of burning state, 10% probability of adding 3 seconds of stun state, two seconds of fire element condensation are required before activation, activation frequency: low.

[Exploding Sea of ​​Fire]: Explode the dense fire elements of itself, and fire a large area around it, turning the surrounding 50-meter area into a sea of ​​flames. It takes 3-5 seconds for the fire elements to condense before launching, and fire attacks within one minute after launching. The power is reduced by 30%, and it will be activated immediately when the life is lower than 10%, and it can only be activated once a day at most.

Weaknesses: Low vitality, extremely low defense, fear of water attribute attacks.

In front of him is a giant fire elf condensed from a large number of fire elves. It is countless times more terrifying than ordinary fire elves. It is a purely attacking fairy boss with a strong ability to destroy fire!

The surrounding fire wall not only sealed him here, but also caused the temperature here to rise rapidly. The damage figure that appeared on Ling Chen's head made him secretly startled-

300, -300, -300...

Worse, with such a passing speed, even the blue potion can't recover at all. You can only use the dew of the morning sun. Not to mention the extremely precious dew of the morning sun, and the amount is very small. Time... must not be wasted here!

A level 30 fairy boss is not what Ling Chen can deal with now, not to mention that such an environment is extremely beneficial to this fairy-level fire boss. Even if Ling Chen attacks with all his strength, even if he can ignore its physical immunity, the resulting The damage is definitely not as fast as its automatic recovery. But the surrounding fire wall blocked all his directions...

While his thoughts were in a hurry, the formed Explosive Giant Spirit rushed towards him. The speed was not fast, but in the area surrounded by the fire wall, the speed was not so important. When it was about ten meters away from Ling Chen, A huge mouth opened on the head, and seven or eight large fireballs flew chaotically from the mouth, roaring towards Ling Chen's position.

Ling Chen's eyes froze, his body moved closer instead of retreating, and he charged towards the flying fireball. The Flame Giant has a strong attack, but apart from this, other attributes are quite bad. His movement speed is at least twice as high as that of the Flame Giant. In front of the Explosive Flame Giant Spirit, in the gap between its moves, two Ling Tian Slashes in its left and right hands smashed hard on its body.

Chi! Chi! -

4218, -4267!

After the two attacks, Ling Chen immediately turned around and ran. There must be enough distance. He has enough time to react when facing the attack of the Flame Giant Spirit. With the speed of the Flame Giant Spirit, it is necessary Totally impossible. As soon as Ling Chen withdrew, the second attack of the Explosive Flame Giant Spirit followed closely. It was still a explosive bomb. This time, the number of fireballs was even greater than just now, with eight or nine fireballs flying densely. Since the speed of these fireballs is not fast... Of course, it is relative to his reaction ability, so although there are a large number of them, there is not much pressure to dodge them. He dodges forward as before, but halfway through the rush, his footsteps are slow. He stopped abruptly, almost scolding on the spot... because, a striking green number appeared on the head of the Explosive Giant Spirit.


The damage he caused just now, the Explosive Giant Spirit instantly...recovered to full capacity!

With the current attack effect, it would take him at least five seconds to launch an effective attack, and this Explosive Giant Spirit can recover the damage caused by his round of attack in one second... How can this be done? Perhaps, if he activates the soul sacrifice, the damage caused can exceed the recovery ability of the explosive flame giant, but in this lava purgatory where creatures are being deprived every second, if he dares to activate the soul sacrifice, 100 lives are not enough for him to die.

The speed of life passing was too fast, Ling Chen had no choice but to drink a drop of Morning Dew immediately, and the green number 5000 floated continuously on his body, the effect time of Morning Dew was 10 seconds, every drop, he lost It is equivalent to missing a life-saving talisman.

There is no way, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the Flame Giant Spirit, the only thing we can do is to find a way to get out of here.

Ling Chen's eyes scanned the surrounding fire walls, his brows froze... he had to give it a go!

The Explosive Flame Giant continued to walk towards Ling Chen. During the walk, two huge flame arms were raised high, a fireball with a diameter of two meters rapidly expanded in its hands, took shape, and was thrown towards Ling Chen suddenly.

This is the strongest attack skill of the Explosive Giant Spirit besides his ultimate move - Explosive Flame. If this fireball hits the ground, it will cause a large-scale flame explosion, and he is almost impossible to avoid.

The bursting flames hit his body directly, Ling Chen had a calculation in his heart, turned his back on his body, raised his right hand, and the silver light of the Scourge shot out...

"Moon Shadow!"

The silver light instantly overwhelmed the original blaze, and also frozen the explosive flame giant and the explosive flame it threw. Ling Chen helped the evil god mask on his face, and muttered: "It must be successful... rush!"

"Shattered Shadow!!"

When Broken Shadow activated, Ling Chen's movement speed soared to a terrifying height of 1750 in an instant. An invisible shadow swept up from his body, and he rushed straight towards the wall of fire in front of him.


Too fast speed stirred up quite a bit of wind, and Ling Chen's body hit the wall of fire in the blink of an eye. These fire walls have extremely high temperature, enough to kill Ling Chen instantly when touched. But the moment Ling Chen's body touched the fire wall, the eyes of the evil god's mask suddenly glowed blood-red, like a sleeping beast suddenly awakened, and faintly let out a deep roar. A moment ago, the surrounding flames seemed to be violently impacted by something, and they spread to the surroundings in an instant...

The wall of fire was three meters thick, and Ling Chen rushed through it almost instantly... After rushing out, he was safe and sound!

The evil god's mask can only block one fatal injury for him within ten seconds. If it weren't for the Broken Shadow, the three-meter-thick wall of fire would be enough to deal him two fatal injuries in a row. Successfully escaped from the flame cage, and also left the Explosive Giant far behind. Ling Chen's speed in the broken shadow state did not decrease at all, and he ran away until the broken shadow effect disappeared, and after the speed returned to normal, he stopped slightly. Glancing at the back, he said in a low voice, "Hmph, I'll come back to settle accounts with you when I have nothing to do!"

Fairy bosses are rare, and there are fewer ones when they are destroyed, and they cannot be regenerated like ordinary bosses. At present, as far as Huaxia District is concerned, players who have encountered fairy bosses probably can count on a slap. Although the Fairy Boss is extremely difficult to fight against, once you defeat it, you will get extremely rich harvests. His current two best weapons are both from the fairy boss. Now I know that there is a level 30 fairy boss in this lava purgatory. Although he cannot be defeated now, but one day, he will come back to challenge again-

300, -300, -300...

Right now, he is probably in the middle of the edge of the lava purgatory, and the speed at which his life is passing has secretly frightened him. At such a passing speed, he can only rely on the dew of the morning light to support him, but it is only at the edge of it now. The further inward he is, the more serious the loss of life will be, and the senses will seriously exceed the bottom line he can bear... …Don't talk about reaching the core area, even going out of the periphery and reaching the center seems to be completely impossible.

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