Shura’s Wrath

Text Chapter 299 Unforgettable Breakfast

[Suzaku's Feather]: A feather on Suzaku's body.

The red feather in his hand only had a brief introduction, without any indication of its purpose, Ling Chen put it away... Suzaku agreed to save Xi Ling, which made him ecstatic, but at the moment he couldn't help but have a headache. Suzaku said that it is difficult to find one of the hundreds of millions of human beings with the spirit of fire, so where should I find it. How vast is the Forgotten Continent. Finding a person with a fire spirit among countless people is like finding a needle in a haystack. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if he really found that person, how could he be brought here. Whether the other party is willing or not is unknown.

"It can stay with me for another month. Within this month, you can rest assured that it is safe, and you must find a human with a fire spirit within this month, and take it to the lava after finding it. On the edge of purgatory, and then call my name to the feather I gave you. If there is no result for more than a month, I will not be able to help you. Now, you go."

Suzaku's voice dissipated in his ears, and a red light fell from the sky, covering Ling Chen's body. Ling Chen was about to speak when the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and Suzaku's image had completely disappeared from his sight. It is no longer a red world in front of my eyes, but withered and yellow everywhere.

This is……

Ling Chen immediately took out the map and checked his position, only to realize that he had escaped from the scope of the lava purgatory, and was currently standing a few kilometers in front of the lava purgatory.

Taking out the feather that Suzaku gave him from his backpack, Ling Chen looked at it silently for a while, then held it tightly in his hand, feeling excited and confused at the same time. In a month's time, with only the feather in his hand, how could he find the person with the spirit of fire.

However, Suzaku has already been found, and it has even personally promised that it will save Xi Ling as long as it fulfills the three conditions it proposed. At this point, how could he be willing to lose everything.

Xi Ling, bless me to find the person with the fire spirit within this month!

He couldn't help but think of the "Daoren Tianqing" who claims to be able to predict the secrets of the Tianji Gate. If he really has the magical ability to predict the secrets, he may be able to find out where the person with the fire spirit is. But predicting this thing is really too illusory.

It was late, Ling Chen chose to go offline and sleep.

At the same time, in the central area of ​​the lava purgatory, a voice came out: "Humans with fire spirits are very rare, and their life spans are extremely short. It is unknown whether they exist in the world today. Can the flames of Suzaku be continued before they perish?" , this is just my last wish to be fulfilled... Even if the descendant of the Golden Crow cannot be found in the end, I will still save you and exchange my life for yours. Your flame and your blood are my life. the glory of..."



Waking up early in the morning, yawning, stretching, jumping off the bed... Although I slept late yesterday, I was still refreshed. Opening the bedroom door, Ling Chen almost bumped into Tian Tian who happened to rush over.

"Tiantian, wake up so early." Ling Chen glanced at the wall clock on the wall... Well, it's already half past eight in the morning.

"Brother slob, I get up earlier than you every day!" Tian Tian made a disdainful face at him, and then pointed to the location of the bathroom: "Go wash your hands, wash your face and brush your teeth immediately, breakfast is ready."

"Moreover, today's breakfast is due every day." Shui Ruo walked over gently, and said with a smile. As she approached, a fresh, sweet and familiar atmosphere came out with the lotus steps.

"Oh?" Ling Chen looked at Tian Tian with exaggerated surprise on his face: "Ah! Our family can actually cook every day. This is the biggest news since Tian Tian entered the house."

Ling Chen's words made Tiantian think about it for a while, but he couldn't tell whether it was a compliment or a joke, so he pointed out his delicate nose and said angrily: "I'm so smart, even if it's my first time cooking, I can cook very well. OK!"

"Then I'll have a good taste." After speaking with a smile, Ling Chen's interest was also aroused. Tiantian usually sleeps, eats and plays, but today I actually help out with the cooking, it really feels like the sun is coming out from the west. He ran directly to the dining table, his eyes swept over the four small plates on the table: "Tian Tian, ​​which one is made by you, I'll try it first."

"This, this!" Tian Tian also obviously wanted Ling Chen to taste the results of his day immediately, so he hurried over and pointed at the plate of dishes he made... It was the most basic and simple stir-fried dish. egg. In the early morning, she woke up with Shui Ruo, and was dragged into the kitchen by Shui Ruo, who induced her to learn how to cook with herself, and told her that a girl who can cook would make people feel more distressed and liked. would be very happy. So, following the steps demonstrated by her sister, she carefully completed her first masterpiece in the kitchen... And she still did it all by herself without allowing Shui Ruo to peek or guide her.

Deep down in her heart, she longed for Ling Chen's affirmation and praise.

"Oh! The color and shape alone can be rated as ten. It is many times better than the first time I made it." Ling Chen started to praise before he tasted it, then picked up the chopsticks, gently It's the first time he's cooking, so even if it's unpalatable, he'll definitely be full of praise. What's more, Tiantian is sitting opposite him right now, holding her powdery cheeks in her skinny hands, the back of her milky hand is white and smooth, and a pair of big eyes are looking at him unblinkingly, full of expectations. Under such eyes, even if the taste of the stool is made, it must be said to be delicious...

So, under Tian Tian's gaze, Ling Chen put the egg he picked up into his mouth. It's the first time I'm cooking, and it's pretty good to be able to make such a color. Even if the taste is not right, it shouldn't be too bad.

The egg entered the mouth, and before he started chewing, Ling Chen's whole body trembled, his head suddenly lowered, and then he raised his head abruptly, two lines of hot tears slowly flowed from his eyes.

"Ah!" Shui Ruo was startled, and hurriedly ran over: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Huh? Brother, why are you crying?" Tian Tian who was anxiously waiting for Ling Chen's evaluation was also dumbfounded, with his pink lips parted, looking at him in bewilderment.

Ling Chen's face was obviously twitching, he pouted his mouth, as if he wanted to force a smile, but he failed immediately, so he let the tears flow down: "It's delicious, it's so delicious... I never I have never heard of such a delicious food, so... so I couldn't control the tears of excitement. Tiantian, did you really make this? You are simply... a genius at cooking... Really... delicious..."

While speaking, Ling Chen's tears couldn't be stopped. Ling Chen's words sounded false no matter how they sounded, but the tears all over his face couldn't be truer, so Tian Tian became excited, his cheeks were flushed, and his starry eyes flickered: "Is it true... is there really such a thing?" Is it tasty?"

Ling Chen nodded desperately: "There is definitely... the first meal I cook every day, I think I will definitely remember it for the rest of my life. Ah yes, I suddenly remembered that I haven't washed my hands, face, and teeth, wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Chen rushed to the bathroom as if chased by a wolf, then closed the door with a "bang", and then there was the sound of rushing water.

"Wow! Wow!!! Are their scrambled eggs really that delicious? My brother is so excited that I'm in tears... Sister, eat and see if it's as delicious as my brother said." Tian Tianyi With surprise on his face and intoxication on his face, he was so buoyant that he was about to fly. And Shui Ruo obviously wouldn't really believe Ling Chen's completely abnormal words just now, she picked up the chopsticks in doubt, and put a small piece of egg into her mouth.


At that moment, like a thunderbolt suddenly struck down, and then exploded in her mouth, Shui Ruo immediately closed her lips firmly, lest she couldn't help spitting out the things in her mouth. There are already tears in it.

Seeing Shui Ruo's more and more tears, Tian Tian's lips were opened wide, and he shouted stupidly: "Sister, you cried too, even my sister was so excited that she shed tears! The eggs made by Tian Tian are really delicious. Is it that delicious?"

Shui Ruo nodded, and then nodded again, but she obviously didn't have Ling Chen's perseverance, she was really speechless, turned around, ran to the bathroom quickly, opened the door and rushed in.

"Sister, what are you doing in the bathroom?"

boom! The door was slammed shut by Shuiruo.

Tiantian was confused, although her brother and sister said that the eggs she made were very delicious, and they shed tears with excitement, but she always felt that something was weird. She leaned forward, picked up a piece of chopsticks and put it in her mouth... Before, she was afraid that what she made would not taste good, so she didn't dare to try it by herself.


A clear and crisp sound resounded in the living room, and the chopsticks in Tian Tian's hands were thrown far away: "Ah!!"



Tiantian's cheeks were bulging, he covered his cheeks with his hands, and curled up on the back of the sofa with tears in his eyes. From time to time, a little bit of sour brown liquid would overflow from the corners of his bulging mouth. Ling Chen and Shui Ruo had returned to normal, they looked at this little girl who was wronged and shed a lot of tears speechlessly.

"This thing is called mustard powder. Generally, when you put a little bit of it in cold dishes, this thing is salt. There are so many differences in appearance between the two, how can you admit it wrong. Although it does have the same color as the fried egg There is a little bit of similarity, but it is not just a matter of color similarity that can be randomly placed.”

Ling Chen calmed down as much as possible, holding a box of salt in one hand and a box of mustard powder in the other to teach. He scrambled an egg and put half a bottle of mustard powder, which forced out all the tears he had accumulated for many years.

"Come on, Tiantian, spit out the vinegar, it should be fine." Shui Ruo put the small bowl by Tiantian's lips, and tapped her lovely pink cheeks, Tiantian's lips opened, sucking her mouth for a while The vinegar that I didn't dare to spit out was carefully spit out into the small bowl. Shui Ruo took the bowl away, fed Tiantian warm water to rinse his mouth, and said with a smile, "Okay, it's okay. It's the first time, and mistakes will always be made, and I will do better in the future."

Shui Ruo's gentle comfort made Tiantian's eye circles even redder. She sniffled her nose twice, and suddenly burst into tears with a "wow": "Wow! It's so unpalatable... You still say it's delicious ...You all lied to me, lied to me! I will never cook again! Whoa whoa..."

While crying, she jumped off the sofa, ran into the bedroom with tears, and slammed the door shut.

"Sigh." Ling Chen fell powerlessly on the sofa, and muttered in a low voice, "After all, he's still a child who hasn't grown up."

There was a hint of a curved arc on her watery cherry-colored lips, and she said softly: "The reason why she is willing to learn how to cook with me every day is actually to get your praise and affirmation. I'm angry with myself. With this unforgettable breakfast, in the future, my brother will have to spend more time with me every day."

Ling Chen also laughed: "Yes, I know."

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