Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 336 Everyday, Come on (Part 2)

Nothing happened every day, Mu Bingyao let out a long breath of relief. She put Ling Chen down gently, and then raised Tian Tian's shoulders. Tears were all over Tian Tian's face. When she saw the black figure lying beside her, motionless, and exuding the smell of blood, her whole body froze, and she rushed forward like crazy, crying heart-piercingly. : "Brother...Brother! Brother!!"

Ever since entering Ling Chen and Shui Ruo's house, she has been under the same roof with Ling Chen every second, even sleeping together at night, with this level of intimacy, she is already familiar with Ling Chen's characteristics and can no longer be familiar with them. Although the current Ling Chen could no longer see anything that belonged to him from his appearance, Tian Tian still recognized him instantly. If Shui left, she would be heartbroken, but at least, she still had a brother to rely on. For her now, the most terrifying thing in the world is that Ling Chen also leaves her. In that case, she will lose all her support and all her dearest people on earth... From now on, she will be alone, and no one will coax her, pet her, or accommodate her...

Looking at Ling Chen, who was motionless and covered in blood, her world collapsed almost instantly. Crying like a weeping blood cuckoo.

"Tiantian! Tiantian!!" Mu Bingyao immediately hugged Tiantian's body, held her cheeks wet with tears, and let her look into her eyes: "Your brother is fine. Although he was injured, he will recover soon. It will get better. Tiantian, you are a big child now, do you want to save your brother? If you want to, you can’t cry, but use your own hands to save your brother, okay? Okay... The only one who can save him now is you."

Mu Bingyao couldn't understand most of what Mu Bingyao said every day, but she heard clearly that her brother was not dead, and she also understood that she should not cry, but should save her brother. She suppressed her crying, and nodded very hard with tears in her eyes: "I...I won't cry...I want to save my brother...I must save my brother...I want to save my brother...I want to... ..."

"Okay!" Mu Bingyao nodded, lovingly stroking Tiantian's cheek, then she quickly stood up, lifted Ling Chen's upper body, and put it on Tiantian's thin shoulders. At home, Ling Chen and Shui Ruo were never willing to let her do any work related to physical strength. Her slender body bear such a heavy weight at once, which made her body almost collapse, but she gritted her teeth and Then bear it, because the person on the back is her elder brother who must never let go.

The voice in the distance was approaching quickly, Mu Bingyao bit her lip, and looked at this girl with a thin body carrying Ling Chen on her back with distress, but now, this is the only choice, the only hope, she said softly: "Tiantian, take my brother and go straight forward. The farther you go, the better. You must not stop, let alone turn back. Tiantian, you are really the only one who can save him now. My sister must Go and kill all those who want to kill him... Every day, he will be handed over to you, be strong, sister can do it, okay..."

The weight on her shoulders was so heavy, but her slender body did not bend down at all, instead she hugged Ling Chen's arms to her chest with all her strength, raised her face, and nodded vigorously, "I will Be strong, I will save my brother...I will definitely!"

"Hmm!" Looking at the sparkle in the girl's pupils, Mu Bingyao's eyes became moist again, she also nodded vigorously, stretched out her little finger, and hooked it with her finger forcefully: "Tian Tian, ​​come on... Let's all work hard, you are the bravest and strongest girl in the world!"

Under the dark night, the girl carried Ling Chen's body on her shoulders, and walked forward step by step. Her steps are very slow, maybe every step requires all the strength of her whole body, maybe every step she takes, her body is about to collapse, but step by step, she walks so resolutely, without shouting, without tears, let alone letting go. His body fell down.

"Tiantian..." It is too cruel for her to put such a heavy burden on the shoulders of a young girl, but apart from this, Mu Bingyao has no other choice at all. She turned around and stopped looking at the thin and distressed figure, because she was afraid that she would not be able to help rushing up to help her bear all the burdens. Biting her lip forcefully, she rushed in the opposite direction, a gorgeous cold light flashed in her hand, and the blood-drinking "Ice Prison" showed its bloodthirsty fangs again.

A gust of wind and an almost blinding cold light flashed past, and the chasing team stopped immediately, because in front of them, there was already an extraordinarily beautiful and cold woman, she stood there quietly, Just like a dust-free snow lotus born proudly, even the moonlight can only be reduced to her foil.

Both her beauty and her coldness are suffocating. Even these super soldiers with iron will lost their minds for a short time, but immediately, their eyes regained their determination, and the weapons in their hands were quickly raised. In front of them, because what also suffocated them was her murderous aura.

Forty-two people were dressed casually, and none of them carried thermal weapons. Twenty of them each carried sharp knives more than a foot long, and the other twenty-two were unarmed and without any weapons. This made Mu Bingyao even more dignified. Forty-two people, each of them exuded a beast-like violent aura.

Tonight, she will use the ice prison in her hand to face the twenty blood wolves and twenty-two fierce tigers alone.


When the atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and it continued, growing faintly bigger and bigger. The corners of Mu Bingyao's mouth moved slightly, and ecstasy flashed in her cold eyes... When the wind blew, the bloody smell left by Ling Chen It will also be blown away, making it difficult for the pursuers to find the exact direction Ling Chen is going. If it can be dragged on for long enough, and the smell will dissipate more thoroughly when Tiantian walks away, with the number of these people, they will completely lose their direction of pursuit like headless chickens. When enough people come here, the traces may have disappeared long ago. Even if a lot of manpower and time are spent on a blanket search in this desolate and desolate area, it is not so easy to find.

The tense strings in her heart relaxed a lot, but her murderous aura and fighting spirit became more abundant. In the night wind, his body turned into a swift shadow that could hardly be discerned with the naked eye, rushing into the enemy group. There is only one ice prison, but it seems to have turned into three, and at the same moment, it directly hits the vital points of the three of them...


The night wind blew, but such a light wind almost knocked Tian Tian's body down. She gritted her teeth, stiffened her body, and walked forward step by step with unprecedentedly heavy steps. Her body was so heavy and tired, she had never carried such a heavy thing on her back, but her steps kept moving forward without stopping. Because she will never forget who she is memorizing, and she will never forget every word Mu Bingyao said...

"Keep going forward, the farther you go, the better, you must not stop, let alone turn back..."

"Tiantian, come on... Let's all come on, you are the bravest and strongest girl in the world!"

"I will work hard...I will save my sister has already left me...I don't want my brother to leave me again...don't..." Boundless in black, he didn't know where he was, his eyes were dark, and he didn't know what was ahead , and no one to talk to her, no one can share even a little weight for her, but she no longer feels afraid, all she knows is that she will firmly carry her brother's body on her back, and walk forward step by step, Can't stop, can't turn back...

Just like that, Tiantian walked forward step by step with Ling Chen who was in a coma. The night was very long, so long that she didn't know how long she had walked, how far she had walked, and how many times she had fallen down. She is usually so playful, greedy, and sleepy, but she refuses to stop even a little bit to rest for a while. Even if she falls, she will get up immediately, regardless of the mud on her face and worn-out skin. The palms supported Ling Chen's extremely heavy body again, and continued to move forward step by step, bit by bit draining every bit of strength from every corner of his body.

Along the way, she didn't meet a single person, and no one appeared to stop her.

An incomparably long time passed like this, and before she knew it, she saw a little paleness in the sky in the distance.

No one would have thought, and no one would believe, including Tian Tian herself, that she actually used her thin body to carry Ling Chen on her back, without stopping... through the entire night.

Even a healthy adult can barely do it...and she did. Every footprint she stepped on left behind not only sweat, but also her heart that became so strong for Ling Chen.

There are more and more lights, and Tian Tian is still walking forward step by step. She has not slept all night, has not eaten anything, and walked with Ling Chen on her back for a whole night. The sensation made her numb for a long time, and she couldn't even feel the existence of her legs. Because those two slender legs, which were originally tender and white as jade, were now swollen to twice their usual thickness, and the delicate and beautiful shoes that Shui Ruo bought for her were now stained with a shocking blood red, milky white small The face was completely covered with mud, and it was covered with scratches from the fall.

It is unimaginable that this girl who usually depends on Shui Ruo to dress her clothes, would have such a terrifying obsession and perseverance.

The sky is gradually brightening, and the sun is about to appear in the east. Every day is still moving forward. For Ling Chen, she may even be overdrawing her vitality. Maybe her consciousness has become obsessed, only the body carrying Ling Chen is moving forward under the obsession, what is in front of her, she can no longer see clearly...


With one foot in the air, she fell forward with Ling Chen, rolled with Ling Chen, and fell for a long time before finally landing on an unknown ground. The fallen Tian Tian couldn't get up anymore, he couldn't even open his eyes, he murmured "Brother...Brother..." in his mouth like a mosquito, and then passed out completely.


[My poor car has been frequently damaged recently...%

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