Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 338 Broken Heart and Dream (Part 1)

"...On the evening of the 24th, the Long family suffered the largest terrorist attack in history, causing a large number of casualties. Fortunately, the terrorist organization was completely repelled an hour later, and the situation has calmed down. Most of the terrorists were killed on the spot, but There are still some people fleeing, and it is very likely that they are still hiding in Jinghua City or in the fringe areas, and the search and arrest work is in progress. I hope that the general public should report to the police as soon as possible when they find suspicious persons."

"The motive of the terrorist organization's attack on Long's house is still unclear, but judging from the scale, it is obviously a large-scale terrorist attack that has been planned for a long time. It is not ruled out that it was ordered by other countries. However, there is no news that the organization has harmed civilians, so The general public do not need to worry about panic. It is reported that the leader of this terrorist organization is a 22-year-old young man with an oriental face named Ling Chen, who has settled in Beijing for more than two years. It is presumed that he died in the chaos of the night, but the possibility of escaping and surviving under the cover of his companions cannot be ruled out. A nationwide arrest has been launched for the leader of the organization. If anyone similar to this person is found , please call the police as soon as possible.”

On the screen, Ling Chen's ID photo appeared.

"In addition, the terrorist organization's stronghold in Tianyuan Community has been destroyed. Residents of Tianyuan Community can live and move as usual without panic..."

"It's too much! It's too much! It' make Brother Ling Tian...a wanted criminal across the country...It's too much!!"

Xiao Qi bit her lip, and slammed the remote control in her hand onto the TV screen. She covered her face with her hands, and tears flowed down again uncontrollably. Every drop of tear contains deep worries and fears...

Three days have passed since that night.

For the past three days, Xiao Qi didn't get a good night's sleep, and spent every day in fear. A few days before that night, they didn't see Ling Chen's three brothers and sisters online for several consecutive days, and even Mu Bingyao disappeared suddenly. They were getting more and more worried and had no intention of doing anything. But that night, what they got was news like a bolt from the blue.

Xiao Qi has always been longing to see Ling Tian's true face, and maybe get in touch with him in the real world... She finally knew Ling Tian's identity, and finally saw his true appearance. But she never thought that it would be in such a situation.

Ling Tian's true identity was found out by Long Tianyun, who launched a heavy weapon attack on him, as well as Shui Ruo's and Tian Tian's homes.

If the water is dead...

The furious Ling Tian rushed into Long's house alone to take revenge, and also to seek death...

When Xiao Qiufeng told her all this, every word was like a bolt from the blue, making her, Meng Xin, and Su Er dumbfounded for a long time, unable to believe it, unwilling to believe it.

During these three days, there were a large number of regular troops on the streets that would never appear at all, which also brought a tense atmosphere to the entire Beijing. The appearance of these regular troops is enough to show that the Long family intends to wipe out Ling Tian and the others, even if it brings influence to the whole city. Then, even if Ling Tian is still the entire China, he will have no place to stand. Now, the whole of China, and even the whole world know his name, his appearance, and know that he is the heinous and most terrifying leader of a terrorist organization, and the country's most wanted criminal.

They cried out over and over...why did this happen!

If Shui is dead, the girl who is as gentle and gentle as water, let them get close and like them from the bottom of their hearts, and want to be a good sister for a lifetime, unexpectedly leaves, leaving forever. During the time they spent together, each of them could see her attachment to Ling Tian, ​​and more importantly, Ling Tian's attachment and feelings for her... Thinking of the last time they parted, they still smiled and made an appointment for the next time. The time and place of the gathering, but I didn't expect that after that day, there would be a separation between heaven and man, and goodbye indefinitely...

Until now, they still couldn't accept the fact that Shui Ruo had gone. I kept shouting in my heart that it must be fake, and I must have mistaken the person...

Now, not only Shui Ruo, but Ling Tian is also unknown, and Tian Tian also has no news at all. Xiao Qi, Su Er, and Yun Mengxin watch the news every day with trepidation, fearing that they will see the news that Ling Tian or Tian Tian will be found.

Walking to the door, Xiao Qiufeng heard Xiao Qi's soft weeping. In the past few days, her eyes have been crying red again and again. This girl who has never shed tears in the face of her dying life has shed tears in the past three days. Countless tears were shed. He walked over with light steps, glanced at the picture on the TV, and said softly: "Qiqi, don't cry. Ling Tian did escape. I saw a person running away with him on his back. In the end, I only found Bing Xin Luo Sha, but did not meet Ling Tian, ​​he should have been taken to a far away, safe place by others, with his ability, nothing will happen, don't worry."

The dark eagle was wiped out, the blood wolf and the iron dragon withered, Murong Xiongtian was seriously injured, Xuanyuan Sheng was abolished, Xuanyuan Dao was seriously injured... The news he received made him really terrified. These were all done by Ling Tian alone. In the game world, he is the overlord, but in the real world, he is also such a terrifying monster that even the strongest Murong and the strongest Xuanyuan can crush with their own strength! After receiving such news, and looking at the Long family's excessive and irrational hunting efforts in the eyes of others, I feel that it is nothing more than normal.

Hearing Xiao Qiufeng's voice, Xiao Qi hurriedly wiped away tears, then asked him again with red eyes: "Why...why didn't you save him that day! Why...why!!"

Looking at Xiao Qi's appearance, Xiao Qiufeng could only shake his head again, and answered the words that had been repeated too many times: "The smell of blood on his body is too strong, and he is easy to be tracked. I can't bring him to us, otherwise, Our entire Soul Alliance will be implicated... I can't bet on our Xiao family and countless brothers and sisters in the Soul Alliance for him alone. Look at fate."

"But brother doesn't save him, it's wrong! It's wrong! If something happens to Brother Ling Tian, ​​I...I..."

"Okay, I know I was wrong, and I have admitted my mistakes and reflected on it many times." Xiao Qiufeng begged for mercy with a bitter face. In front of his sister, Xiao Qiufeng has never had the slightest attitude of "cold-faced judge". He patted Xiao Qi's shoulder, and said softly: "Qiqi, Ling Tian is not an ordinary person, he will not die so easily. Now three days have passed, enough for him to escape to a far away place. Old man Dad has been secretly tracked down now. If there is any news, I will tell you as soon as possible... By the way, your sister Mu recovered from her injury very quickly, and she may wake up today. Go and see her .”

"Really?" This can be said to be the best news Xiao Qi has received these days, she immediately got up and rushed out.

There was still a small puddle of tears left by Xiao Qi on the sofa, Xiao Qiufeng watched silently, then raised his head, his eyes flashed with deep distress: "Ling Tian, ​​don't die, otherwise, Qi Qi will be really sad .”

"Ah!! Sister Mu... Sister Mu, you are awake... Woo, great... great..."

Xiao Qi's cry of surprise came from next to his ear, and then it turned into a burst of crying. Mu Bingyao woke up earlier than he expected, maybe she was thinking about Ling Chen and struggling to wake up earlier.

"One person killed eleven blood wolves and thirteen fierce tigers... Huh, you really deserve to be the Bingxin Rakshasa. It's scary even thinking about it."

That night, when he arrived with his men, Mu Bingyao was already bloodied and exhausted. What she was facing was not ordinary soldiers, but blood wolves and fierce tigers that could defeat one hundred on the battlefield. What shocked him was that twenty corpses belonging to blood wolves and fierce tigers had been lying on the ground at that time, and the remaining dozen were all wounded and crumbling. Otherwise, the people he brought would never be able to deal with these dozen or so members of the secret army. After paying a heavy price to solve the problem, Mu Bingyao also passed out in a relaxed state of mind. He was brought back to the Battle Soul Alliance. Since Mu Bingyao did not show up in the Long family compound, and all those who attacked her died, there was no risk in bringing her back.

It's just that he would never have thought that she was someone beside Ling Tian. Xiao Qiufeng didn't bother Xiao Qi and Mu Bingyao who just woke up, picked up the phone and contacted Yunfeng.

"Have you got any news?" He asked directly.

"No...not even a trace." Yunfeng's voice was full of exhaustion. In the past few days, he couldn't sleep peacefully at all, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"No news, maybe it's the best news." Xiao Qiufeng sighed: "You can't find it, and neither can the Long family. Their anti-reconnaissance capabilities should be as strong as their strength. Yunfeng, you too Take a good rest. Things have already happened, and we can't change anything... Speaking of which, what kind of person is Ling Tian? What is his background? Why does he have such terrifying abilities, and his Long Family Enmity, what is going on?"

"I don't know all of this. When I was in contact with him, I tried to ask and check, but I found nothing. Out of respect and trust for him, I didn't ask and track down. Moreover, the Long family also Bian also doesn't seem to know where Ling Tian's hatred for them comes from. In this world, perhaps only Ling Tian knows. However, regardless of what happened before, if Ling Shui was killed by the Long family...just this, It is enough for him to hate the Long family so deeply that they cannot share the sky. If he survives, he will definitely carry out the most extreme revenge against the Long family in the future, alas."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, you should go to bed earlier. Also, try to be careful, the intelligence agency of the Long family is not just for nothing."

"Don't worry, the traces left that night are all misleading. And even if they suspect me, they don't dare to do anything to us without conclusive evidence." Yunfeng finished speaking wearily, and hung up phone. He was worried about Ling Chen, and at the same time, he was also worried about Yun Mengxin...

At the same time, Xiao Qi, who was tearfully accompanying the weak Mu Bingyao who had just woken up, received a call from Su'er from the game world. After connecting, Su'er's crying voice came:

"Qiqi... woo... Qiqi, come quickly! The Yanhuang Alliance is attacking our home of 'Xinmeng'... woo... Come... Come!!"

There was a "buzz" in Xiao Qi's head...


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