Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 400 The Territory of the Elves

Yunmengxin took their reactions into his eyes, and continued: "People are not for themselves, and heaven and earth are destroyed. You have nothing to blame for protecting the whole clan. But what your ancestors did was to push the entire elf clan to a real dead end!"

"If you continued to stay in the Forgotten Continent back then, with your strength, who could destroy you? The worries of your ancestors are simply unnecessary. As for assimilation and contamination, it is even more nonsense. Moreover, human beings are not as miserable as you think. Human beings are not demons, they have the most normal good and evil, judgment, emotions, and six desires. There are good people and evil people, but most of them are good people. Otherwise, your ancestors would not have regarded human beings as close friends, and finally let your ancestors Those who are disappointed are only a small number of evil ones. If the elves did not hide in the past, then the current elves and the human race may already be as close as one family, and the scale is more than tens of millions of times larger than it is now, and it is a witness that together Promoting the development of the Forgotten Continent, today's elves will not only be a small clan with only two thousand elves, but a huge race that spreads all over the world and is unparalleled in power. Every year, it is a new peak of the elves."

"But what your ancestors did back then was to protect themselves and cut off the future of the elves, which caused not only the disaster of extermination, but also the more terrifying... that you will be forgotten bit by bit by the Forgotten Continent That's right, you didn't exterminate your clan for the sake of righteousness, but you hid, leaving nothing behind. The elves who were once so famous that even the Moon Gods asked for help just disappeared, and then they were forgotten year after year... …In today's Forgotten Continent, people only know from textbooks that there was a race called 'Elves', that this race was kind and peace-loving, but they don't know anything about it! Maybe in a thousand years, or even a few hundred In 2000, even the name 'Elves' will be completely forgotten! One day when you are all exterminated, no one will know, no one will regret and regret, and no one will recall. And... even if the human race is completely exterminated Yes, but the Forgotten Continent has countless civilizations and traces left by humans, even after thousands, ten thousand, or countless years, as long as the Forgotten Continent is still there, human beings will never be forgotten."

"A race that still exists, but is about to be completely forgotten by the world... Don't you yourself feel sad at all? Do you still want to hide like this forever? What your ancestors did back then, and what you just did What do you want to say, if it’s not stupid?” Yun Mengxin looked at them directly and said in a blunt tone.

Aoki's body shook violently, and the faces of the ten elders had already turned pale. Yunmengxin's words sounded like thunder in their ears.


Granny Withered Wood's crutches fell heavily on the floor, making a dull sound. Aoki's eyelids twitched, thinking that Granny Withered Wood was angry at what was said, but she heard Granny Withered Wood said heavily: "Well said... little girl! Well said That's great! It's like thunder in my ears, enlightening my head! Well said!"

The Great Elder let out a long breath, and said sadly: "Yes, well said... I have never walked out of this place, and I just suddenly realized it until today. What is this if it is not a mediocre escape? The whole family has been living for thousands of years. The world is becoming more and more declining, consciously comfortable, but unaware that it has long been forgotten by the world, self-consciously noble, but has no qualifications to be proud at all... What is the point of such a survival? Little human girl, well said, scold Well done!"

The other elders also nodded heavily, each of them was sweating profusely as if waking up from a big dream.

Yunmengxin's voice slowed down, and she bowed slightly: "I just wanted to remind everyone, but what I said was indeed too rude, please forgive me, seniors."

Aoki shook his head and sighed: "Don't mind, what you said is absolutely true. These years, we have all lived in our own world and thoughts, and it should have been a long time ago that someone like you appeared to give We were hit hard. After hearing your words, I no longer need any hesitation in my heart. The elves... must get out of here!"

"That's right, it's time to leave here." Granny Withered Wood also nodded slowly.

Before today, the ten elders who expressed their opinions and debated endlessly nodded in unison at this moment, and no one hesitated anymore.

"It's just that we have escaped from the world for a long time, and we are about to be completely forgotten by the Forgotten Continent. In addition, we now have only two thousand elves left. How can we integrate into the human world...Little girl, do you have any idea?" Any good tips?"

At this moment, when Aoki faced Yunmengxin, his eyes and demeanor were completely different, and he admired her sincerely, and even sincerely admired her. This human girl with an astonishing appearance not only has the appearance and temperament enough to be envied by the heavens, but also has a very intelligent heart. Every word hits the bottom of their hearts, making them unable not to be persuaded, and even lose their composure one after another. Aoki vaguely guessed the purpose of Yunmengxin's coming here, and he spoke more politely, and even used the word "reminder" in his words.

Yunmengxin smiled, perhaps she had forgotten how powerful her smile was, and she dazzled the ten elderly elders for a while: "I want to ask Patriarch Qingmu, why did you let the elves integrate into the human race?" The world, instead of allowing humans to approach and be attracted into your world? If you take the initiative to approach humans and live in the human world in the future, then even if you receive the greatest welcome and recognition, there will always be a kind of Isn’t it the feeling of being “under the fence”? Moreover, in that case, the initiative is in the hands of human beings, and the decision-making power is also in the hands of human beings, not in your own hands.”

They were taken aback by Yunmengxin's words, and Aoki said: "You are absolutely right. However, our entire clan now only has two thousand elves, and since the current human race has already occupied more than half of the Forgotten Continent, it is extremely huge compared to , perhaps in their eyes, we who are about to be forgotten are insignificant, even dispensable, so what qualifications do they have for them to take the initiative."

In fact, the elves are not as unbearable as Aoki said, even if there are only two thousand elves left, it is still a huge force, once it appears, it will definitely cause a sensation in the human world. But Yunmengxin's words caused a huge shock to them, and also a great blow to them... even the confidence and pride were blown away.

Yunmengxin didn't answer Aoki's question directly, but looked at them at the same level, and said the words she had prepared: "Some time ago, I read the chronicle of the Forgotten Continent, and I learned about the current situation of the human world in the Forgotten Continent, and I also learned about the current situation of the human world in the Forgotten Continent. It belongs to the territory of human beings. I accidentally discovered that the elf forest where your elf secret realm is located is neither the territory of beasts nor the territory of humans, but the territory marked... is the territory of elves!"


"I have read the annotations and confirmed it many times, and I am finally convinced that the elf forest still belongs to the elves completely. At the same time, the area of ​​hundreds of miles outside the elf forest is not the territory of other races, but still belongs to your elves. .Because these lands belonged to your elves back then. After you hid, these lands still did not belong to other tribes. The reason is that the Moon Gods deliberately reserved those lands, indicating that those places will always belong to the elves, and humans are prohibited from encroaching on them. Therefore, there is no trace of human beings in the elf forest or in the surrounding hundreds of miles, and the beasts are all weak wild beasts."

During those ten days, Yunmengxin spent all her time reading the chronicles of the Forgotten Continent. Of course, it was not without purpose. She wanted to understand the elves to the greatest extent. The elves, which had disappeared for thousands of years, were a completely accidental discovery.

This is why the elf forest is so pure and rich, but it has not been developed, and the surrounding environment is the most livable, but there is no human habitation.

"This... is this true? In the Forgotten Continent, there is actually such a large piece of land that belongs to us! This... is the gift of the great Moon God." Granny Deadwood said excitedly.

According to the genealogy records, the elf forest did belong to their elves back then, but they have been hiding for thousands of years, and they never thought that the elf forest still belonged to them, and they didn't even change the name.

"Of course it is true. Those lands belong to you completely, and you have absolute control. Then, the best way for you to reappear in the forgotten continent is to build a city on the land that belongs to you. A city that belongs to you elves!"

Yunmengxin's beautiful eyes lighted lightly, and she told the elves the fundamental purpose of coming here.

Built the city……

Only with the city building token can one be qualified to build a city, and the next step is to go to the forgotten city and find the emperor of the forgotten city to obtain the land needed to build the city... This land can only be used by humans from the forgotten continent. The emperor personally appointed! Moreover, the amount of money needed to win a piece of land that is large enough to build a city is incomparably huge. At the same time, the land given by the emperor is generally abandoned, and there is basically no good location... Before that, it was extremely difficult to just meet the emperor of the Forgotten City. Because for players, only after reaching level 50 can they enter the imperial city of the Forgotten Continent - the Forgotten City.

However, Yunmengxin found a great surprise in the annals of the Forgotten Continent.

That is, to build a city on the land of the elves, there is no need to go through the Forgotten Continent Emperor!

Even the city building token is not needed... because that is the land of the elves, how to deal with it, the elves have 100% rights.

However, the city building token is certainly not useless. Only with a city building token can you be qualified to become the lord of a city, and can formulate and control the rules of a city and all kinds of...

"Build a... city?" Aoki looked puzzled, pondered slightly, and asked, "Not to mention what's the point of building a city, our elves now only have two thousand elves, and we don't understand the architecture of the outside world at all. ,on the other hand……"

"The building of the city is of course not just done by you alone, there will be another race to help you complete it together, and they will do it perfectly!" Yunmengxin said with a smile.

"Another race?" the elves wondered.

"It's the dwarves! There are 30,000 dwarves! With their talents, it won't take long to build a huge city on such a scale." Yun Mengxin gave the answer.


The reaction of the elves was far more violent than imagined. Patriarch Aoki, Granny Withered Wood, and the ten elders all stood up excitedly from their seats. Granny Withered Wood asked eagerly: "You mean, is it really a dwarf race? Listen to you It means... Could it be that the dwarves have appeared again? Aren't they already extinct?"

Yun Mengxin was surprised by their reaction, and shook her head slightly: "The dwarves have never been extinct, but they hid ten thousand years ago, much earlier than you. A while ago, Ling Tian accidentally found They, there are 30,000 dwarves there... It seems that you are very concerned about the dwarves, is there any relationship between your two clans?"

"The dwarf clan...has not perished, and has gone into hiding. really great!" Aoki's face showed sincere joy: "Little girl, of course, the ancestor led the whole clan to hide, and there is another reason, that is, Dwarves. The dwarves are kind and simple in nature, but they suffered disasters because of their abilities. Back then, our family was greatly favored by the dwarves. The clan protection artifact [Green Judgment] that we have passed down to this day was a gift from the dwarves, so our ancestors have been doing their best in the past. Can help and save the dwarves... But later, because of a negligence, the dwarves suffered a huge disaster. After that, the dwarves never appeared again, and there were rumors that the dwarves had been exterminated by the demons. Therefore, the ancestors have always been worried about I felt so guilty, and I blamed myself until my deathbed. If... If we could be close to the dwarves, that would be great! It can also be regarded as our way to make up for the guilt of the year and fulfill the last wish of our ancestors. Moreover, the dwarves are gifted They are extremely high, but there is no nausea, and we can feel at ease when we get along with them!"

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