Shura’s Wrath

Text Chapter 407 Battle in Japan

Ling Chen walked all the way, and in less than half an hour, he arrived in front of the west gate of Sunrise City, and then walked in unimpeded. The city guards guarding the gate didn't even look at him. He didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, and it went so smoothly that he was a little dazed.

Wouldn't this be too smooth! The situation of being surrounded by a large group of Japanese players in an instant, or being stopped by a large group of defenders for questioning did not occur at all.

For NPCs, players are all one type of person, no matter where they come from. As long as they don't do things that offend them or seriously violate the rules, they won't interfere. At the same time, the equipment in the Shenyue world is full of strange things, and it is impossible to identify which theater a person is from based on the style of the equipment. Unless Ling Chen revealed his name, appearance or unique equipment, even if he walked past a group of Japanese players, he would definitely not be recognized.

So, Ling Chen just swaggered into Sunrise City. There were countless Japanese players who passed by him, but none of them knew that the intruder Ling Tian who made them all turmoil was by their side.

Ever since the reminder of Ling Tian's invasion sounded, Sunrise City fell into extreme turmoil, and there were angry shouts and curses from Japanese players everywhere. The target was naturally Ling Tian. Ling Tian not only invaded, but also reduced the experience points and reputation of all their players, which is simply an unbearable shame!

"All players unite! Dig three feet into the ground and find Ling Tian!! He must not be allowed to stay on our land for more than a day!"

"It's too cheap to kill him! Capture him alive! Hang him on the gate of the city to show the public! Let the whole world know the fate of committing crimes against me!"

"I heard that the three major alliances have already started to take action. I think they will definitely compete to kill Ling Tian. Tsk tsk, if Ling Tian is eliminated, we can vent our anger on all the Dongpu players. It will definitely greatly enhance their prestige. If the three major alliances attack together, even if this Ling Tian grows a hundred wings, he won't be able to go back alive."

"Dare to offend Dongying! He will regret it for the rest of his life!"


As Ling Chen walked forward, almost all the players were talking about him, and the entire Sunrise City was full of commotion. Ling Chen secretly sneered, and at the same time looked coldly at this wave of Japanese players. Their attire style is similar to that of Huaxia players, each of them is full of anger and righteous indignation, as if Ling Tian killed their own father, but until they reached the center of the city, no one could recognize him as Ling Tian.

Asked an Japanese NPC about the direction of Sunrise City Commercial Street, Ling Chen walked straight there.

Item shop, equipment shop, tailor shop... The items sold there are similar to those in Azure Dragon City. The names of the equipment are different, but the attributes are basically the same. As for the potions and crystals, they are exactly the same. Ling Chen walked into the pawn shop on the corner of the street and pawned dozens of low-level energy crystals. During the transaction, he talked to the owner of the pawn shop for a few words, and then asked casually: "Mr., I have a question for you. Recently, I want to travel to a place full of cherry blossoms, I don’t know if the old man knows such a place.”

Dozens of spars were collected at a low price, and the pawnshop owner was in a good mood. The player won't be able to use enough crystals for himself, and the ones he can't use will be sold at a high price. He is the first one who is so generous that he pawns dozens of low-level energy crystals directly. Hearing Ling Chen's words, he immediately nodded with a smile and replied: "Oh! You asked about the place full of cherry blossoms? Young man, you must be like me back then, a person full of romantic interest. Cherry blossoms are the most beautiful in the world Whether it is white or pink, looking at their petals, one feels as if one’s soul is being washed. In many places in Dongying Continent, cherry blossoms are even the flower of the soul in the minds of many residents..."

When it came to "cherry blossoms", this old man who looked at least seventy or eighty years old babbled a lot, Ling Chen listened patiently, and then he said politely: "Then I would like to ask the old man to point out the cherry blossoms in full bloom." What are the places?"

"That's a lot." The pawnshop owner replied: "There are hundreds of places where cherry blossoms are planted in a large area, let alone a few hundred in the entire Dongying continent. There are countless small area plantations, such as Mount Xiongya, Mount Fuji, and snow cherry blossoms. Lin, Yunyingdu, Rainbow Canyon...the cherry blossoms blooming in these places are all different. Young people, I can see that you like cherry blossoms like me, so if you have time, you should go to these places Otherwise, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

I like your uncle's cherry blossoms! Ling Chen curled his lips in secret, and after pretending to ponder for a while, he asked the real question: "It seems that the old man really knows about cherry blossoms. By the way, I heard that in Dongying Continent, there is a place with continuous mountains. It snows there all the year round, and there are many cherry blossom trees growing there, um... and the cherry blossoms seem to be all in bloom there now. Does the old man know such a place?"

"Oh?" The pawnshop owner showed a puzzled face: "There is such a place? No... Cherry blossoms usually bloom in early spring, and they like warmth rather than cold and heat. If it is snow all year round, it should be A very cold place. It is impossible for normal cherry blossoms to bloom in such a place.”

"There is no place like this?" Ling Chen showed doubts and surprise on his face... He also roughly understood the habits of cherry blossoms, and it was indeed the same as what the old man said. But the phrase "snow-white peaks and valleys under the cherry blossoms" in Su'er's message clearly describes a place where cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the ground is covered with snow, and the mountains are winding...

"Wait!" The old pawnbroker suddenly thought of something, his body jerked violently, and he sat up from his chair, looking straight at Ling Chen with his old eyes: "Young man, you can't be talking about... God Sakura Valley, right?"

"Shenying Valley? What is that place? Cough... You should know, old man, I'm just a player. I just arrived in Dongpu Continent not long ago, so I'm not familiar with many things." Ling Chen said sincerely. Seeing his reaction, Ling Chen was determined... It seems that there really is such a place. Moreover, it should still be a pretty incredible place. Otherwise, the old man's reaction would not be so exaggerated.

The old man at the pawn shop stared, then sat back down again: "No wonder. If you are a resident of Dongying Continent, there will be no one who doesn't know about Shenying Valley. Shenying Valley is located in the extreme north of Dongying Continent, where the climate is cold. The ground is covered with ice and snow all the year round. Moreover, the Shenying Valley is full of cherry blossom trees, and the cherry blossoms there are snow-white. In the cold climate, they bloom all year round and never wither. Only the Shenying Valley can It fits exactly what you just described."

"The cherry blossoms there never wither? How is this possible?" Ling Chen said in astonishment, this time his astonishment was not disguised. Any flower has its own flowering period. As far as he knows, the flowering period of cherry blossoms is very short, and the longest is no more than ten days... It's fine to bloom in cold climates, and it's impossible to bloom all year round.

"It's true." The old man in the pawnshop nodded, with a solemn expression on his old face: "Because, Shenying Valley is the place where the great Cherry Blossom Angel lived. Her existence made her divine power affect the people there. Cherry blossoms, let them not only bloom in the cold, but also never wither... Thousands of flowers bloom in the snow, just thinking about such a scene makes my heart melt."

"Where is the God Sakura Valley? I must go and see such a place!" Ling Chen immediately said excitedly.

The old man at the pawn shop glanced at him, but shook his head: "Young man, how can we mortals enjoy such a beautiful scenery. The great cherry blossom angel is a holy envoy from the Moon God Clan. She is powerful, pure, beautiful, and loving." , Yan Ming, just like the purest cherry blossoms, untainted by the mundane world. The Shenying Valley where she lives is a sacred place in the hearts of all the residents of our Dongpu Continent, and it is a place that will never be violated. If anyone enters there and offends the cherry blossoms God Envoy, being punished by the Cherry Blossom God Envoy is a trivial matter, and it will arouse the anger of countless residents of Dongpu Continent, maybe they will be expelled. In addition, I heard that the cherry blossoms in the God Sakura Valley are under the influence of the power of the Cherry Blossom God Envoy. A strange "spiritual body" wanders in the cherry blossom forest there all the year round, and all creatures that get close will be attacked by them... So, young people, no matter how much you love cherry blossoms, don't go near there. I know that With your identity as a human from another world, even the underlings of the Sakura Spirit who died there will be resurrected, but if you accidentally offend the Cherry Blossom God Envoy, the consequences will be really unimaginable."

"Oh." Ling Chen nodded slowly, with a look of regret, firmly remembering the name Shenyinggu in his heart.

After leaving the pawn shop, Ling Chen went straight to the item shop and bought a map of the East Ocean Continent.

Of course, the map bought in the item store cannot be as detailed as the map bought from Qian Gungun, but fortunately, Ling Chen saw the words "Shenying Valley" on the map at a glance. In the extreme north of the map, there are only a few places marked with names.

Ling Chen visually measured the distance from the map. Starting from the Sunrise City to the Shenying Valley in the extreme north, the straight-line distance is about 400 to 500 kilometers. Even if the road is smooth, it will take quite a while to reach there.

Shenying Valley... I hope, that is where Su'er's message is pointing, otherwise such a long journey will be in vain!

Ling Chen closed the map and set off to head north without stopping. And at this moment, a loud announcement sounded in the sky.

"Ding... Player 'Iikawa Uchiku' issued an announcement for the entire Dongpu War Zone: I, Iikawa Uchiku, are here to challenge Huaxia Lingtian who invaded my Dongpu! The time is twelve o'clock in the noon, and the location is the center of the Sunrise City Square! Fair duel , a showdown, show off my Dongpu Kamui. If China's number one master is just a mere turtle, then it's fine if you don't come, hahahaha."

Ling Chen's footsteps paused, and a sneer slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth.

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