Shura’s Wrath

Volume 1 Lunar Scourge Chapter 40


An unknown independent island, a place called "Paradise".

"Oh! Dear HELL, welcome to 'Heaven'. I believe you can still surprise me this time." Wearing a white coat, with white framed eyes, the scrawny old man turned around. The words skinny and bone can't be more appropriate to describe him, especially his head, which is almost the same as a skeleton, but the pair of old eyes behind the white framed eyes radiate a terrifying light like a poisonous snake.

Behind him, there are one after another cylindrical glass vessels more than one meter wide and several meters high, filled with green or purple. Or blood red, or dark blue liquid. Countless pipes and wires connect them... And in every glass vessel, there is a figure of a person... That's right, it's a person! In terms of size, they are still one after another children whose bodies have not yet fully grown.

"It's really a surprise this time." The tall man in black threw a ragged little boy in his hand to the ground. The boy looked only eight or nine years old, his face was pale, he was thrown to the ground motionless, he could hardly feel his breathing, his appearance was like death.

"Tsk tsk, it's actually a person infected with the Isrock virus..." The white-clothed rickety old man took a casual glance and saw the boy's current situation: "Oh oh oh! Hate! I feel hatred from him! So You actually released such deep-seated hatred at such a young age. Dear HELL, you really surprised me, because this is exactly what I want. Hatred and cold-bloodedness are what a top-level killing machine needs most. However, light Hatred is not enough. Of the 1,352 children you have brought over these years, 1,309 have died in my experiment. How long can he last, waste, yes It doesn't qualify as my great work."

"Hmph. He has Isrock, and was buried by his family members. I dug him out two days later, and he is still alive. I believe his willpower will not let you down." The tall man said with a cold snort : "Cure his Isrock first."

"Chacha, human beings are really stupid animals. They can't even solve a small Isrock virus." The rickety old man walked over and grabbed the little boy's arm, and threw him into a green liquid. In the huge container, he stopped looking at him: "In three minutes, all the Isloca virus on his body will die. This small virus is as fragile as the vitality of ants."

"Humans are stupid animals? Aren't you a human?" The tall man said coldly.

"Oh! Dear HELL, please don't compare me with those stupid human beings, it is a great insult to me. How can those small human beings compare with me, the crazy doctor who is about to become the creator of the world. Oh Of course, those stupid humans do not include you, because you are a god among humans, and humans are as insignificant as ants in your eyes." The rickety old man adjusted his white-rimmed glasses and glanced at the place soaked in the green liquid. The boy's eyes flickered with a chilling light: "those 1,352 children are all geniuses you selected from all over the world, and they are indeed geniuses...but, if you can persist until three times the mental impact There are less than 200 people who are not brain-dead, and only forty-three people who have persisted until now have a five-fold mental shock. I don’t know the remaining forty-three... oh no, it’s already forty-four, they will give What kind of surprise did I bring? Then, let’s start with five times the child you brought today.”

"Five times? Are you crazy!?" The tall man frowned: "You slowly increase the strength of the mental shock, and these forty-three have persisted in adaptation until today. It is five times the mental shock, and it is impossible for anyone to bear it live."

"NONO, dear HELL. You know, what I need is a real genius. To become my work, it must be able to withstand ten times the mental shock and physical pain without mental breakdown, let alone death. I don't need waste."

"Hmph, it's up to you." The tall man stopped talking and turned to leave. He hates the smell here. In other words, he hated everything here.

"Dear HELL, Heaven welcomes you back anytime."


"Whoa!!! Sober, he's still sober. He's still sober after suffering five times the mental shock beyond the limit of normal human beings! Genius... This is the genius I've been waiting for!"

"Hahahahaha...very good! Like my other genius test subjects who are still alive, you will endure a greater mental impact...Go and taste the beauty and fun of heaven to your heart's content, hahahaha! If one day you If you are qualified to be my work, that will be the greatest glory in your life, hahahaha..."


"Dear HELL, welcome to 'Heaven'. Oh, you actually came back empty-handed this time, I really disappointed Dr. Ben."

"Do you think it's so easy to find a genius? It's hard to find one among ten thousand people who can meet your needs. I'm here to know how many are still alive? Work hard, and all you get is a pile of dead bodies!"

"Chacha, dear HELL, you came at a very good time. Because there are only two alive now?"


"When the mental impact increased to six times, only the last seven test subjects were left, and when it was increased to seven times... blah blah, there are still two alive! Hahahaha... I thought they would all I was crushed, and then I was chopped into pieces, I didn't expect that there are still two alive! HELL, my dear friend, this is your credit, you gave me two real geniuses."

"Which two are they?"

"Hey, it's number 17 and number 1353."

"The two of them?"

"This is the highest-level experimental product that is difficult to find for two thousand years. I am already reluctant to let them die... No, instead of letting them die, I will use all methods to keep them alive. Then, I will do it bit by bit To increase the intensity of the mental shock, let them fully adapt to the seven-fold mental shock first, and then increase it from seven times until it reaches the critical point enough to make them completely collapse, and then let them hone and hone in the mental torture Until they adapt, and then continue to increase, from seven times to eight times, then from eight times to nine times, from nine times to ten times... blah blah, just a little bit, let them evolve into human beings Monster! Be my best work!! Chatter chatter..."

"You are indeed a lunatic. I believe you know better than anyone how much torture they will endure in this process"

"Thank you for your praise, my dear friend. Don't worry, I will not forget my original promise. After all, I can stimulate their spirits with radio waves and strengthen their bodies with drugs, but only you can teach them the world. The most terrifying killing technique."

"Three years later, I will come back."

"Dear HELL, heaven welcomes you at any time. I believe that when you come back next time, you will see two of the most outstanding works."

In the gloomy hall, there are two huge glass instruments, which are full of green liquid. Two immature bodies floated in it, and under the cover of the green liquid, only blurred images could be seen...and countless thick and thin tubes inserted into their bodies.


"Dear HELL, welcome to 'Paradise'. I haven't seen you for three years, and the smell of blood on your body is still so intoxicating. Then, let me guess how much human blood you have been stained with in the past three years."

"Don't talk nonsense with me, you know the purpose of my coming here, how is your work?"

"Chachacha, trust me, you will definitely get a most satisfactory answer. Under my medicine, their bodies have become more terrifying than monsters, and their spirits...chachachacha, their spirits are up to now Already able to withstand fifteen times the mental impact, heard me right, it was fifteen times! Even myself, I was so frightened by this result that my whole body trembled. That’s right, when I saw this result, my The body is trembling, I actually feel fear, I, a lunatic doctor, was frightened by my own works... Their spiritual power is too scary now, if they are taught by you, a monster, they will become the scariest in the world The killing machines, the most terrifying monsters! I can't imagine what a terrible nightmare their enemies will face. I believe that after they leave here, the whole world will tremble with fear because of them. And they are all my works, chatter chatter."

"Hmph! Aren't you afraid that the killing machine will kill its manipulator one day?"

"Talk, dear HELL, please rest assured on this point, how can I, Dr. Madman, make the most stupid mistake. Unless they have the ability to withstand twenty times the mental impact without collapsing, otherwise what I gave them Mind control is something they will never be able to break through, they will always obey any of my instructions, and will never betray them until they die. Dear HELL, do you think their minds can be strong enough to withstand twenty times the mental impact?"

"Twenty times? Huh, even God can't do it."

"That's right. So, they will always be under my control and won't do anything you don't want to see."

"No need to talk nonsense, take them out to meet me. It's the time we agreed on."

"Chacha, dear HELL, you are the one who knows me best, and you should know that I never break my promise. So... on the 19th, 1353, come out and have a look at your new friend... oh no, it's your old friend , it is he who brought you to this wonderful paradise. But from today onwards, you will leave the paradise, chatter, be ready to cry, beg, struggle... because, the place he is about to take you to is the real hell."

"...No. 19 and No. 1353, do they have official names?"

"Name? Chatter chatter, very good proposal, how could my greatest work not have their names. They are the life I created, the greatest work of my soon-to-be creator, their names— —"

"Adam... Eve..."


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