Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 531 Returning to Shenzi Peak

"What... what child! Don't make such low-level jokes!" Ling Chen's scalp tingled for a while, and his words trembled a little. Li Xiaoxue's words had such an impact that he instantly had a very ominous premonition.

Li Xiaoxue gave him a white look: "Haven't you heard that there is a method that can make a woman conceive after having sex with a normal man?"

"!@#¥%..." Ling Chen was dumbfounded. He vaguely remembered...was there such a thing in a certain movie, book, or rumor! Is this woman really really...

Your brother-in-law! I still have countless things to do now, and I am not prepared at all!

Ling Chen's complexion turned black in an instant, so Li Xiaoxue finally couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Silly man, you really believe that such a method exists. It's just a fantasy plot in a novel. I just happened to It's a safe period, so you don't need to worry at all. Your current situation is not optimistic, and I also know from Mengxin that you are doing a very important thing, so, even if you like children, At this time, I will definitely not want to see a child born. How could I be so stupid as to do something so embarrassing for you. "

Ling Chen's heartbeat was racing and he let out a long sigh of relief. When he touched his forehead, he realized that it was covered in cold sweat. If Shui Ruo said the same thing, he would be ecstatic. But Li Xiaoxue... almost half of Ling Chen's soul was gone. If Li Xiaoxue really gave birth to a child through yesterday's incident, not only would he have to be distracted countless times, but he would be led by Li Xiaoxue for a long time after that... Not only would he have to do his best to protect her safety, She also had to cooperate with her various action plans. Moreover, based on Li Xiaoxue's ambition and her previous description, the child born under Li Xiaoxue's direction will become the link between the Li family and the Long family. was just a false alarm.

"Don't make fun of this kind of thing anymore!" Ling Chen, who was in fear, said viciously: "It's definitely not that I don't like children. The relationship between me and you before is not at the level where we can talk about having children! We just met today. It's the second official meeting, what happened yesterday, it was a one-night stand at best! Also, I'm at the stage where I can't be distracted at all in my life. If I really have a child... Birth will only hurt him and a lot of people , Do you understand!"

"I get it, I got it, I was just joking with you, why are you so fierce." Li Xiaoxue pursed her lips, admitting her mistake with a young girl's coquettish attitude. This kind of attitude appeared on Miss Li's body, which made Ling Chen feel at a loss for what to do, and couldn't get angry. He waved his hand depressedly, and said: "You set up yesterday's game, and today you told me all your ambitions... Tell me directly what you want me to do. If it's just to deal with Long Tianyun, I can do it by the way." Help. Although I don't want to be distracted now, Long Tianyun... I will definitely make his life worse than death! I haven't really done anything until now, just because I didn't think of how to vent all my resentment to him."

When Long Tianyun was mentioned, Ling Chen's voice became extraordinarily cold, and the hostility contained in it made Li Xiaoxue feel suffocated for a long time. She looked at Ling Chen a few more times, and said: "My purpose of coming here today has actually been achieved. Since I have become your woman, of course, you must first get to know me well. The 'ambition' I stated to you , but never mentioned it to anyone else, including my father. Similarly, as your woman, no matter what you do, you must first stand on your side instead of dragging you down, especially now that the most When you can't be dragged down."

"I've finished what I want to say. It's my fault that I came here without your consent, um... who made me miss you so much. I promise I won't be an example!" Li Xiaoxue pursed her lips and smiled, swearing, Without waiting for Ling Chen to answer, she turned her body sideways and continued, "Then, don't waste my man's precious time, I should go back."

Walking in front of Ling Chen, Li Xiaoxue suddenly stood on tiptoe, and lightly touched Ling Chen's face with her lips. Ling Chen's body subconsciously leaned back a bit, but he still couldn't dodge, and his warm lips touched his right cheek. Li Xiaoxue, who had succeeded, smiled slyly, looked at him and said warmly: "My man, remember to be happy, don't put everything on your shoulders, there are many people who are willing... are eager to share for you .”

Li Xiaoxue bid farewell without making any request to him as Ling Chen expected. This sudden meeting was very short, and most of the time was spent on Li Xiaoxue's narration. As she said, it was just for Ling Chen to understand her and understand her thoughts. As for the request, there was no request at all.

Li Xiaoxue's sports car drove a short distance, then stopped suddenly, and the window opened, revealing her pretty face: "By the way, the construction of the new city is about to be completed, and the most conservative calculation is less than a week away from completion." , When you have time, remember to take a look, the new city will definitely surprise you. In addition, if there is no accident, the Heavenly Fallen Dynasty will have a big move against the Yanhuang Alliance in the near future. If you are interested, you can pay attention to it... ...Also, after breaking the cooperation with the Heavenly Fallen Dynasty, my 'Xueyue Loulan' will be reappeared, and there are many beautiful girls in it!"

After finishing speaking, the window of the car fell, and the beauty Xiangche left. The roar of the car engine and the aggressive trajectory reveal the wildness and domineering nature of the driver.

"...a woman that people can't see through at all." Ling Chen shook his head and whispered with a headache. This woman gave him an uncontrollable feeling. Although she came here today to tell him the biggest secret in his heart, to express her trust in him, at the same time, she did not make any demands on him, and clearly stated that she would not drag him down by asking him... But Ling Chen was not at all in his heart. It's not easy.

"There is always a feeling of falling into the trap... I hope I think too much."

There is one thing Ling Chen can be sure of, and that is Li Xiaoxue's ambition to be on par with the Long family in terms of political power! Countless people have this idea, but only madmen dare to put it into action.

Li Xiaoxue obviously wants to put everything she described into action...including the matter of the "child", and it's definitely not just talking. Not now, but certainly in the future.

However, to Ling is not a bad thing at all.

After closing his eyes and thinking for a long time, Ling Chen picked up the phone.

"Guiya, has Bingyao's body recovered?"

"Completely restored. Master wants?"

"Let her come to Suzhou and Hangzhou... The task is to protect Li Xiaoxue."

"...Understood, tomorrow evening at the latest." Gui Ya's voice was obviously weird.


A sports car dressed in dazzling cinnabar red roared out of the Bamboo Sea Wonderland and stopped in front of the convoy waiting for her. Looking back at the bamboo forest behind her, the corners of Li Xiaoxue's mouth were slightly raised, and her slender nails dyed rose red were lightly tapped on her lips. Looking at her beauty in the rearview mirror, which was as gorgeous as a peach blossom, she was intoxicated by herself. Zhong laughed softly: "Yesterday, it seemed to be a dangerous period... What should I do..."


Returning to the game world, there is no trace of lightning in the empty land. Looking around, he was the only one in sight.

The turmoil in White Tiger City should have completely subsided by now. Ling Chen wanted to go to White Tiger City for a while, but after thinking about it, he gave up. Although the white tiger told him at the end that it had sent a voice transmission to inform the Lord of the White Tiger City what happened here, so that he would not have to bear any pressure for beheading the White Tiger himself, but the White Tiger is the guardian beast of the White Tiger City after all, and it is the citizen of the White Tiger City. spiritual symbol. If the residents of Baihu City knew that he killed Baihu, even if Baihu confessed, they might regard him as a sworn enemy.

After flipping through the backpack, only the last two empty magic beads were left. After all, Shenzifeng and his party had consumed too much. But fortunately, he still has a piece of phantom stone that he got in Dongying Shenying Valley. If he gives it to the dwarves, he can make a lot of phantom beads.

"After being away for so long, it's time to go back and have a look." Looking at Dongfang, Ling Chen said to himself. Before Li Xiaoxue left, he told him that the construction of the new city was about to be completed. It was the first and only city in Huaxia District.

Now the players have entered the second transfer period, and at least one-third of the players have reached level 50 and have undergone a second job transfer. The second job change will greatly improve the player's strength, and the elf forest will gradually no longer be an area that the player cannot set foot in. This means that the probability of a new city being discovered is increasing significantly every day. Although there are still up to seven days to complete the work, these seven days... will be seven days of shocking every second.

I haven't seen you for a long time, and I don't know how Qiqi and Mengxin are doing...

Thinking of this, coupled with the fact that he would not be able to find out the location of the next orb for a while, the desire to go back and have a look became extremely strong. Picking up an empty magic bead, he thought for a while, but he didn't return to the location of the new city, and temporarily changed the lock position.

With a flash of white light, Ling Chen had arrived in a snow-white and cold world. Qi Yue's reproach came from within her heart, and after that, Qi Yue completely hid herself - this is the peak of Shenzi Peak, with water bottle beads Ling Chen wasn't afraid of the severe cold here, but Qi Yue couldn't bear it for a long time, so he could only hide all his consciousness in the Moon of Scourge.

Since the time of isolation was not long, the cracks on the ice still existed. Ling Chen walked on the edge of the cracks for a while, and soon found the position where he fell before, and then, his body strangely entered the ground under his feet. In the ice layer, and then quickly shuttle down in the ice layer. When I reached the bottom of the ice layer, I saw the entrance I passed through at a glance. I quickly transferred the method, then passed through the gap, jumped down, and landed on the on the cold hard ground.

As soon as he raised his head, in front of him was the mysterious door hidden on the top of Shenzi Peak.

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