Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 572 No matter what!

Suzhou and Hangzhou, the other courtyard of the ancient family.

"Oh? Xiaoxue gave it to me?" Gu Qinghan brushed his hair lightly, slightly surprised by Li Wanyu's arrival. Li Xiaoxue communicated quite frequently with her on weekdays, usually in the form of voice calls, and had special meetings with her for extremely important matters. This was the first time that Li Xiaoxue deliberately asked someone to bring her something. And judging by Li Wanyu's expression, it was obviously something very important.

Among the younger generation of women, Li Xiaoxue was the only person Gu Qinghan admired, so she did not refuse Li Wanyu's request to meet face to face.

"Yes." Li Wanyu took out the document safe box that had been tightly guarded in front of her chest. This was the first time she faced Gu Qinghan alone. The invisible temperament and aura of the strange girl from the Gu family made her heart beat faster and faster: "Miss Let me hand it over to Aunt Gu, and please open it and read it immediately. Aunt Gu can only see the content inside, and never let others see it. After reading it, it is best to destroy it immediately Lose."

"Oh?" Gu Qinghan frowned, and after his eyes stayed on Li Wanyu's face for a second, he reached out and took the fresh-keeping box in Li Wanyu's hand. Her insight was extremely strong, from Li Wanyu's expression, she couldn't find any trace of strangeness. The safe box is not heavy, and there should be some simple documents inside. This kind of safe box does not play the role of so-called "insurance", but a special sealed box. The lock of the box has only one key, and once it is opened, the lock cylinder will completely collapse, and the box can no longer be locked. . This locked safe box proves that no one has touched the contents after they were put in.

Open the safe box, and there are a few very ordinary letterheads on the top, which are full of words. Gu Qinghan picked up the letterheads, there were three in total, the handwriting was neat and neat, Gu Qinghan could tell at a glance that it was Li Xiaoxue's own handwriting. Instead of using more efficient, convenient and clear electronic printing, it was written by hand, which shows that the content inside is extraordinary. Gu Qinghan narrowed his eyes and carefully read the above text.

At first, Gu Qinghan's expression was not disturbed, only her brows were slightly frowned, but when she read about half a page, her right hand holding the letterhead shook violently, and she stood up from the seat like an electric shock. up.

In the Gu family, everyone knows that Gu Qinghan's temperament is a typical Taishan collapse before her color does not change, and she is always as calm as a pool of still water in the face of big things. There are hidden rumors that Gu Qinghan suffered a huge blow when he was young, which made more than half of his heart die. For a person whose heart is more than half dead, there is almost nothing in this world that can make her lose control of her emotions.

Gu Qinghan's two secretaries almost cried out in shock, they had been with Gu Qinghan for many years, and they had never seen such a violent reaction from Gu Qinghan. Not to mention them, everyone in the Gu family has never seen them before. They all reacted immediately, rushed to where Gu Qinghan was, and at the same time said anxiously: "Miss, what happened!"

"do not come!!"

A majestic shout made them stop abruptly. Gu Qinghan pressed the letter paper on his chest with one hand, and put his other hand across his chest, making a movement of resistance. Obviously, she absolutely did not want anyone other than herself to see the contents of the letter...even a single word.

The two secretaries stopped in a panic, but they could clearly see that Gu Qinghan's hand lying in front of him was trembling, and his face, which was always as cold as frost, was covered with a deep flush... It is a violent reaction that only occurs when you are extremely excited and cannot suppress your emotions. They, as well as Li Wanyu, were completely stunned. Even in the face of the collective rebellion of most supernatural families back then, her face did not show a trace of panic. Even if all the chaos was completely suppressed and the Gu family returned to the absolute peak, she There wasn't even the slightest hint of joy visible to the naked eye on her face... At this moment, what was it that made her react like this.

"Go to the door and don't bother me or let anyone in."

After Gu Qinghan finished speaking, he took a deep breath, then slowly sat back on the chair, and picked up the letter paper again. The two secretaries didn't dare to speak anymore, they walked cautiously to the door, looked at each other for a long time, and subconsciously subconsciously restrained their breathing. They all had a premonition in their hearts... Something big is going to happen to the Gu family.

Gu Qinghan read each word from Li Xiaoxue's letter, read more and more carefully, slower and slower, in the end, it was so slow that each word took quite a long time. The hand holding the letter paper also changed from one hand to two hands, and those two hands never stopped shaking from beginning to end.

Usually, Gu Qinghan could read the three pages of letter paper in a few minutes, but this time, it took him half an hour. After finally watching it, she didn't look back at it a second time. Instead, she hung her hands powerlessly, and she froze there, as if she was thinking or recalling something in pain, and she seemed to be trying her best to calm herself down.

However, in the face of anything, she can immediately calm down. But this is the only one... Even if she is not completely sure of its authenticity, she will not be able to do it anyway.

Her gaze returned to the safe box. Under the letterhead, there was a thin folder. She picked up the folder and opened it. Four large inlaid characters came into her eyes.

Identification report.

These four words made her feel like being struck by a lightning bolt, and her pupils dilated several times in an instant. A strong premonition made her hold her breath.

There are two appraisal reports in total, one on the left and one on the right, and they are bound together on the left and right pages of the file folder. The comparison between the two is clear at a glance.

Gu Qinghan silently looked at these two appraisals, without moving or speaking for a long time, her heart that had been silent for more than ten years was beating crazily, and an unspeakably hot emotion swelled in her chest, almost about to explode.

Unconsciously, the safe box on her lap slipped down and fell to the ground, a shiny object was shaken from it, just passing Gu Qinghan's sight. Gu Qinghan picked it up and found that this diamond-shaped thing, which was only about the size of a button, was a miniature recorder. The small part at the bottom that resembled a black gallstone proved that it also had the function of bluetooth playback.

Gu Qinghan quickly picked up the bluetooth headset on the table, put it in his ear after pairing, and suddenly there was a conversation that Li Xiaoxue recorded at some time in the headset.

The conversation wasn't too long, but in Gu Qinghan's ears, it was more heart-stirring than all the voices she had heard in the past few decades combined.

Finally, Gu Qinghan took off the earphones, and after a brief daze, she raised her hand and threw the miniature recorder into the ecological aquarium behind her. The sound of "poof" falling into the water caught the attention of the other three women in the room, and they subconsciously looked at Gu Qinghan... At that moment, they almost all cried out in shock.

On Gu Qinghan's face... there were actually two long tear stains!

Tears come on any other woman and they don't think it's a thing. But when it appeared on Gu Qinghan's was almost equivalent to the visual impact of heaven falling apart.

The sound of "chacha" came, and Gu Qinghan put the letterhead and identification report into the shredder one by one, watching them be completely shredded. After a long time, she raised her head, tears were still on her face, but she had regained the coldness and coercion of the past, and she calmly said, "Let Tiannan, Tiandong, and Tianping come to me immediately."

Shenyue World.

"Huh? What the hell is that? I've never heard of that type of defensive props in the game. Tsk tsk, it actually blocked tens of millions of troops abruptly. It's terrible." Xing Tian took Looking at the binoculars, there was a sound of admiration in his mouth.

"It's been almost an hour, and it still hasn't disappeared." Luotian said in a deep thought, and then shook his head: "But what if it can be delayed for another hour? Hundreds of thousands to more than ten million, the slightest chance It's all gone."

"Xincheng really doesn't have any chances. That strange defensive item should be their last struggle. But it seems that it is difficult for us to find any good opportunities." He beat his chin in an even rhythm, and suddenly Eyes lit up: "Boss and brother, the fourth wave of the Yanhuang Alliance has also arrived, a total of 7.8 million. According to this calculation, there are not even one million left behind. If we go to their lair now If you walk up and down..."

"Cut!" Xing Tian glanced at him disdainfully: "Your brain is flooded, the guild is attacked, and all guild members can return instantly. By then, it will be enough for the Yanhuang Alliance to leave a million here, and the rest You can return to defense immediately, there is an egg!"

"Of course I know, I mean to scare them."

Ding ding ding!

Luotian's intercom rang, Luotian glanced at it, picked it up immediately, hung up again after a few seconds, and said with a restrained expression: "Elder Sister asked us to go back, it seems that there is something urgent."

Gu Qinghan's call was at the imperial edict level in the Gu family. The three brothers of the Gu family didn't dare to be negligent, they immediately went offline, and soon came to Gu Qinghan's study in the other courtyard. As soon as they walked in, the two "big sisters" almost dropped their jaws to the floor in shock before they could shout out.

Although the tear stains have been wiped away by Gu Qinghan, the three Gu brothers are all powerful figures covering the sky with one hand in the south of China. Their eyes are so sharp that they can see the slight redness and abnormal watery light in Gu Qinghan's eyes at a glance... ...That is obviously the trace of crying!

This is their eldest sister! They swear that they have never seen her shed a tear for decades since they were young!

I'll be darling, what's wrong with this!

"Big big big big sister, what happened?" Luotian's voice stammered, just halfway through his sentence, he suddenly thought of something, his face turned pale instantly, and tremblingly said: "Could it be... Could it be that dad..."

When Xing Tian and Ni Tian heard this, tears immediately burst out. That's right, there is no other possibility except that Dad has gone to make the elder sister cry! Before they had time to cry, they heard Gu Qinghan scold angrily: "Bastard! Dad is boating in the West Lake now, and he lives more freely than anyone else. If you dare to curse Dad, I will tear your mouths apart."

"Uh... huh? Daddy is alright? Huh..." Luotian heaved a sigh of relief, and then was dumbfounded: "Elder sister, then"

"Don't say superfluous words, I have an extremely important matter for you to do." Gu Qinghan stood up, her voice was stern and heavy, she narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at the three Gu brothers, and said clearly: "Immediately organize the entire Heavenly Fallen Dynasty in the shortest possible time, rush to Qinglin Town, stop the Yanhuang Alliance and all those who want to destroy the new city at all costs... protect the new city at all costs!"

"Remember, at all costs!"

"Even if the entire Heavenly Fallen Dynasty is ruined, I will not hesitate!"

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