Shura’s Wrath

Main Text Chapter 593 Do not share the Heavenly Curse

The Fengchen Curse can only be sinister and deceitful, not aggressive? Initially, Ling Chen did think so, but now he no longer thinks so. The power of the Fengchen Curse has already been strongly proved by too many facts. Is Sakura God Envoy strong enough? In a head-to-head fight, ten Ling Chens would not be enough for her to abuse, but under the Curse of Destruction of All Thoughts and the Curse of Stealing Souls, they directly became Ling Chen's private pets.

Is the ice monster of the top ten monsters strong enough? He insisted on committing suicide under the curse of all thoughts.

As for the ordinary players below, they can play whatever they want with Fengchen Curse. Million troops? Under Feng Chen's curse, farts don't even count.

This is the first time Ling Chen has used the just-comprehended [Heavenly God's Awakening Curse]. He looked at the various guild leaders who kowtowed and praised him from above, and his whole body felt so refreshed that he almost floated up. Yun, said arrogantly: "Long Tianyun, do you now know that you are a scum, a bastard, and a waste?"

Scum, bastard, waste... No one has ever dared to utter such vicious abuse against Long Tianyun, even the three brothers of the Gu family absolutely did not dare. To humiliate him to this extent, no matter how big the backer is, he will have no place in China under Long Tianyun's crazy revenge. Long Tianyun's expression froze, then he immediately lowered his head and said in a panic: "Yes... yes... in front of you, I am a scum, a bastard, a waste, please forgive me..."

Bang... Countless glasses fell to the ground.

Hearing Long Tianyun say such words, Yan Ying and Cang Yan felt as if they had been bombarded by five thunders. Yan Ying rushed over and shouted: "Young master! What's wrong with you, young master! How can you say If you said something like this, did you fall into some kind of enchantment, young master, please wake up quickly!"

He said that as soon as he finished yelling, Long Tianyun suddenly turned his head to look at him, his eyes radiated an icy cold light with anger and murderous intent: "Shadow! I can say whatever I like, and when it's your turn to intervene! I'll go away, if you dare to talk nonsense, I'll tear your mouth apart!"

The look, momentum, tone of voice, and posture are all undoubtedly Long Tianyun, and there is no trace of mental influence or coercion. Yanying opened his mouth wide, and stayed there with a pale face, not daring to say a word. Long Tianyun turned his head and faced Ling Tian, ​​his expression became excited and flattering in an instant, he was even more obedient than seeing his own father.

"Then what about you?" Ling Chen glanced at the other guild leaders.

"Yes yes yes... I'm a scum, a bastard, a waste...ah no, I'm even worse than a waste. Please... my lord, don't count the faults of a villain, please forgive me. Don't do something so stupid."

"I'm a bastard, I'm not as good as a pig or a dog, I'm the biggest scum..."

"No, no! I'm... I'm the biggest scumbag. I have done such a thing that both people and gods outraged. I simply have no face to continue living in this world."

"Ling Tian, ​​I was wrong, I was insane, and I lost my conscience... Wuwuwuwu, as long as you can forgive me, I am willing to use everything I have to atone for my sin."

Twenty-five guild leaders voiced grief, crying heartbroken, scrambling to compare the pigs and dogs they scolded, and the tears of repentance wet a large area of ​​the ground.

All the voices in the huge plain were silent, only the sound of the throat's continuous peristalsis remained.

"Really?" Ling Chen immediately released the second [Heavenly God's Avatar Curse], rolled his eyes, and roared: "Since I know I'm wrong, don't let these people go back immediately!!"

As if hearing the imperial decree, all the kneeling guild leaders shook their bodies, and then rushed to pick up the communicator, and issued an order with all their strength:

"The Yanhuang Alliance has ordered...all those who stay here get out of here! Get out as far away as possible, immediately! Immediately! Get out! Five seconds later, when I see who is still here, I will abolish his ancestors." Eight generations!" Long Tianyun roared with a dark face.

"Did you hear that! Get out of here! No one needs to stay! Get out of here!"

"...I'll give you five seconds, and everyone will go back to the headquarters of the Black Flame League... What are you all doing, why don't you get out!"

"All retreat! Did you hear me!!"


The crazy roars of the twenty-five guild leaders resounded across most of the plain. This was almost the most severe order the members of the major guilds had heard so far. Seeing the usually lofty, majestic and admirable supreme leader groveling in front of Ling Tian, ​​and even kowtowed, they felt that the entire guild, including their own dignity and face, had been completely trampled on. At this time, listening to the orders in their ears, the faces of countless players showed contempt and sadness, and they were unwilling to stay here and watch the entire guild continue to be so embarrassing. For a while, countless white lights flashed chaotically in every corner of the plain In less than ten seconds, more than three million players disappeared without a single one left. Of the major guilds, there are only twenty-five supreme leaders who are still kneeling there.

For all the guild's evacuation, they all showed satisfaction and comfort, then raised their heads one by one, and continued to look up at Ling Tian above.

The plain that was filled with a huge crowd a few seconds ago became extremely empty as if swept by a hurricane in a blink of an eye, and everyone on the observation deck was dumbfounded. Luotian, Nitian, and Xingtian all clung to the railings of the viewing platform, leaned forward at the maximum, and the three pairs of eyes stared three points bigger than a bull's eye.

"I... have I seen a ghost in broad daylight?" Luo Tian rubbed his eyes, his voice was light and ethereal.

"Even if I saw a ghost, it's not so weird." Xing Tian said with a breath.

"If you say there is no hell... who will believe it!" Ni Tian said with straight eyes.

"This is... what's going on?" Xiao Qiufeng tugged at Yunfeng. He never believed that these guild leaders voluntarily knelt down to Ling Tianxia and showed such an ugly face. There is no doubt about Ling Tian's strength, but even if his strength and aura were ten times stronger, even if he could defeat all the siege troops in a second, and suppress them until they couldn't breathe, they would definitely not be so unbearable...Ning Neither will death.

"I don't know, I don't know at all." Yunfeng shook his head continuously.

"Wind... dust... curse." Yun Mengxin said in a low voice.

This was Yun Mengxin's subconscious muttering to herself, but Li Xiaoxue, who was beside her, keenly heard it, and asked sideways, "The Fengchen Curse? What is that?"

Yun Mengxin smiled slightly, and said: "Ling Tian mentioned to me by accident before that he has a skill that can interfere with other people's spirits. At that time, I didn't pay much attention to it. Now, I have truly seen its power... ...We have worked so hard to defend until now, and we have lost countless losses, and in the end we will fall short. And he...with no blood, just a few words, not only smashed the opponent's dignity, but also wiped out the threat of three million."

"Ling Tian still has such ability?" Li Xiaoxue was surprised, she turned her eyes, looked at the figure in the sky in the distance, and sighed: "I suddenly feel sorry for them, I believe they will regret appearing here today in their whole lives ...Besides, based on what I know about Ling Tian, ​​this is not his revenge, the real revenge, their nightmare, has not yet begun."

The siege army has all withdrawn, and the crisis in Xincheng has been completely resolved. After all, Ling Chen and Xi Ling's attack was at best a powerful threat, and it didn't have much effect on resolving the crisis in Xincheng. What really worked was just Feng Chen's Heart Killing Curse.

A Wind and Dust Curse, not to mention three million, even a thirty million siege army, will be completely disintegrated. This is the horror of the Fengchen Curse that made countless peak powerhouses in the Forgotten Continent fearful.

The crisis has been resolved, and it is no longer interesting to continue to look at the ugly behavior of these leaders below, and the effect time of the curse of the gods is coming to an end. Ling Chen stretched out his finger and tapped his chin, the corners of his mouth slowly formed a sinister arc, he flicked his finger, lifted the [Heavenly God's Avatar Curse], and then released a [Unbearable Curse].

The expressions of all the guild leaders froze for a moment. The Heavenly God's Awakening Curse was lifted, and looking back on the previous events, they should have felt endless humiliation, and should have wished to tear Ling Chen's body into pieces... That's right, their faces showed anger, extreme anger, and their eyes were filled with rage. They turned scarlet like a runaway beast, but their gazes were not directed at Ling Chen, as if they had completely forgotten about Ling Chen's existence.

"Long Tianyun!! You bastard! I'm going to peel your skin, cram your tendons, chop you up and feed it to the dogs!!" Mo Gulin, like a furious wolf, rushed towards Long Tian while roaring. Yun, pinched his neck fiercely with both hands, then opened his mouth violently, and bit his shoulder, in exchange for Long Tianyun's scream.

"Hei Yan Gaefeng! You dared to bore me when you hit enough levels the night before yesterday! Did I kill you! Either you die or you die today!"

"Mo Gulin! Do you still remember the thirty-cent popsicle money you owed me twenty-eight years ago! You owed me twenty-eight years, and I hated you for twenty-eight years. Today I want you to pay with your life! , let me die!!"

"Bastard! Your wife dares to be prettier than mine. If I don't tear you apart today, I'm not a human!!"

"Bastard! I heard you say Mars is not handsome that day! How dare you say that Mars is not handsome? I will fight with you!!"


The twenty-five guild leaders were like twenty-five mad dogs desperately jumping at each other, using their hands, feet, and teeth... Then they finally remembered to take out their weapons and attacked frantically. Their expressions became more ferocious one by one, their actions became more brutal than the one, and their voices became hoarse one by one, as if all the people around them were their sworn enemies who would kill at all costs.

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