Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 597 If You Are Not Die Wu...

Yingxue's speed had already been used to the maximum, but after a long time of chasing, there was no sign of closing the distance. The flying speed of the Lightning Falcon is obviously not under Yingxue. Ling Chen stopped shouting, and forced himself to calm down quickly. After a while, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he immediately took out the twilight brake, which belongs to the twilight brake's sprinting skill [Momentary Grace] and released it forward.

Chi la! !

"Ding... the effect of the Libra Orb is triggered, and the cooldown of the skill [Momentary Elegance] has ended."

Like a bolt of lightning raging past, Ling Chen's body suddenly dashed forward for a distance of fifteen meters.

The sprint of [Momentary Fenghua] was only an instant, coupled with Ling Chen's high speed, this sprint shortened the distance between him and the Sword Emperor by more than ten meters. Without hesitation, Ling Chen released another [Momentary Grace], and sprinted forward again for a certain distance.

The cooldown time of [Instant Elegance] is only 10 seconds, coupled with the continuous use of the Libra Orb, in less than a minute, Ling Chen released more than ten times of Instant Elegance, gradually narrowing the distance between himself and the Sword Emperor Within ten meters... the figure with the gray lightning falcon on his feet and the gray cloak all over his body is close in front of him, as long as there is another [Momentary Fenghua], he can catch up directly.

"Die Wu! Stop quickly, if you must leave, at least give me a reason, okay?" Looking at the Sword Emperor's back, Ling Chen shouted anxiously.

The voice behind her was close to her ears, and the Sword Emperor finally made a movement. She suddenly raised her right hand wrapped in gray cloth, and a silver light suddenly shot out, flying straight to Ling Chen's forehead.

The dazzling cold light quickly enlarged in Ling Chen's pupils, he tilted his head almost subconsciously, and a sword light mixed with biting cold air whizzed past his face, and then, there was an abnormal fluctuation in the air behind him , Ling Chen quickly looked sideways, and suddenly found that the long sword that had just brushed his cheek had changed its flying direction strangely, and stabbed straight at his back.

This is... Yujian!

Ling Chen was surprised... When he was a child, he heard Xuanyuan Diewu mention that the highest level of Xuanyuan Sword Dao is to control the sword through the air. Yujian is by no means a fantasy that only exists in sci-fi movies, but actually exists in the swordsmanship of the Xuanyuan family. As long as the sword intent reaches a certain level, it can be realized. At that time, you can hold the sword in the air and claim your life In an instant, the enemy is injured thousands of miles away.

But it is rare for the Xuanyuan family to reach this level in a hundred years. Occasionally, the age is mostly in the seventies. Xuanyuan Diewu is the same age as him, but what she is using now is clearly the magical ability of flying a sword in the air!

He was extremely surprised in his heart, but now is obviously not the time to think about it. On one side of his body, he dodged the flying sword stabbing from behind, his eyes locked on the position of the Sword Emperor, and another [Momentary Fenghua] was released, and his body turned into a streamer , rushed towards the Sword Emperor, and in an instant, he was at the back of the Sword Emperor, and his line of sight was less than a palm away from her back.

Ling Chen almost didn't even think about it, he threw away the twilight brake, let go of Shadis Yika's hand, opened his arms, and hugged the Sword Emperor tightly from behind: "Die can't run away at last! .”

The Sword Emperor's body froze there as if struck by lightning, and the flying sword that was still under her control suddenly lost all the sword intent from its master, and fell powerlessly downward. Time stood still for three seconds. Suddenly, Sword Emperor's body struggled vigorously, and four silver long swords floated chaotically around her body, and then stabbed at Ling Chen from different directions.

Although the sword emperor's attack power was not as good as Ling Chen's, it was still quite terrifying. On the battlefield, even shield guards, no one could escape her instant kill. Although Ling Chen's vitality is not weak, if he is hit by these four flying swords from the Sword Emperor one after another... the first two are enough to trigger the protection of the evil god mask, and the last two are completely enough to kill him.

But Ling Chen didn't seem to notice their existence at all, no matter how close the flying sword was, no matter how hard the Sword Emperor struggled, his arms still hugged her tightly, unwilling to let go at all. The front chest is close to her back, and the head is close to her ear, whispering softly in her ear: "Die Wu... Die Wu... I never thought that in this life, I can hug you like this again." looking at you..."

The four flying swords with surging sword intent stopped abruptly when they were about to pierce Ling Chen's body, but they couldn't continue to pierce no matter what. When Ling Chen's approaching voice came to her ears, and the body temperature spread to her body, all the strength in her whole body seemed to be drained in an instant, the struggle became weak, and the four flying swords all fell powerlessly.

"let me go!"

The Sword Emperor opened his mouth, and the legendary Sword Emperor who never spoke finally made a sound at this moment. This voice belonged to a man, and it was extremely hoarse and dry, even more obscure and ugly than the voice of a crooked old man.

"I'm not the Die Wu you said... let me go! Otherwise... I'll kill you!"

Anyone who hears this voice will feel uncomfortable in both ears for a long time, and the image of a withered evil spirit will involuntarily appear in their minds. Ling Chen smiled. He hugged her tightly, closed his eyes, and gently sniffed her scent. The gentle voice came to her ears word by word...

"If you're not Die Wu, why did you stop your sword suddenly just now?"

"If you're not Die Wu, why don't you summon the system to punish me and let me be struck to death by lightning immediately if I hug you like this?"

"If you're not Die Wu, why did you use [Tian Ya Die Wu], which only Die Wu and I know?"

"If you weren't Die Wu, why did you try your best to save me that night, and then betrayed the Long family and the Xuanyuan family?"

"If you're not Die Wu, why does your heart beat so fast?"

"If you are not Die Wu, why do you have the smell of Die Wu on your body? Although Die Wu has been separated for more than ten years and Die Wu has grown up, but it belongs to Die Wu's smell, and I will never forget it?"

"If you're not Die Wu, why do I feel so at ease when I hold you?"

"If you're not Die Wu, why do you... secretly shed tears?"

Ling Chen's hand touched the Sword Emperor's face, feeling the gradually spreading wet marks on the cloak.

The rhetorical question after sentence made the Sword Emperor burst into tears. She bit her lip, shook her head desperately, suppressed the sobs, and could no longer speak a complete sentence.

"Die Wu..." Ling Chen murmured softly: "I know that my mistakes are unforgivable, you have paid too much for me, but when I recognized you that year, I chose to retreat. I haven't looked for you or met you for a long time. And at that time, I was with another girl..." Taking a long breath, endless guilt oppressed Ling Chen's chest, he lightly He said lightly: "But at least, give me a chance to make amends, okay..."

"I swear to God, these years, I have never forgotten Die Wu... That night, I was taken away and buried alive in a desolate place. I thought I was dead, but I was rescued by someone unexpectedly Let’s go, take me to a terrible place, the people there wiped out the Isrock virus from my body, and used my body to conduct cruel experiments..."

The Sword Emperor's body trembled violently, but the brief description made scenes more terrifying than hell appear in her mind. It made her dare not even think about the pain and torture the man behind her had suffered in those years.

"In those years, many people died by my side, but I persisted in living because I wanted revenge, and because... I couldn't let you go, and I wanted to see you again... Seven years later, I finally escaped from there and returned to my hometown. When I arrived in Huaxia, I immediately searched for your whereabouts, but the news I got was that you had died of a hunger strike seven years ago... At that time, I was almost crazy... I was already crazy, I Went to Long's house, killed all the people there crazily, for me, and to avenge my Die Wu..."

Having said that, Ling Chen's hands tightened a little more quietly. He suddenly got the news that Die Wu was dead, the pain at that time was still fresh in his memory, and it was also the pain that made him almost desperate and made him do the craziest thing... Thinking back to the two crazy times in this life, he went alone Attacking the Long family, once because of Die Wu, and once because of Shui Ruo.

Sword Emperor's body froze completely, and he whispered unconsciously: "The person six years ago... was you... for..."

"Fate really played a big joke with us. You thought I was dead, and I thought you were dead. Even though they were in the same land in those years, they didn't even know the existence of each other. I want to suffer much. After I escaped from Long’s house that year, I met a girl, her name is Ruoruo, she is like an angel that God gave me when I was desperate, and revived my heart and soul .She gave me a new life, and gave me a real home. In those years, with the pain of losing you, I was with her all the time, and I swore to protect her forever, and never let her Leave me like you... Half a year ago, when you fought against you, you used [Tianya Diewu] to let me know that you were the Diewu I thought I had lost... I was excited, ecstatic, and at the same time There are also countless fears and apprehensions... because I am afraid that if it is not you, I hope that the subsequent disappointment will make me suffer another spiritual torture. If it is you, I don't know how to face you at all... because if you It's my Die Wu, I will hold you tightly for the rest of my life, but I have also agreed with Shui Ruo to stay together for the rest of my life..."

"No one will ever see my eyes, no one will hear my voice..."

When he realized that the Sword Emperor might be Xuanyuan Diewu, her attire reminded him of the words she cried that night...

She thought he was dead, and since then she has completely sealed herself off, never letting anyone see her eyes or hear her voice... One can imagine how heartbroken Ling Chen would be when he found out. But all these years, he has been with another girl... Die Wu is so affectionate towards him, but his behavior is to transfer love to others, which makes him feel that he can't face Die Wu at all, face to face Die Wu's crazy heart.

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