Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 660 Unprecedented Crisis

In just a few minutes, Leng'er's comprehensive attributes increased by more than ten times, almost matching Xiling in terms of magic attributes. The skills he possessed have also been greatly upgraded, and several powerful dark skills with amazing effects have been activated. Ling Chen would never have thought of such a change before his arrival. This also made him realize that there must be some kind of special connection between Leng'er and this Nether Blood Lake, at least, as she herself vaguely felt, she had been here before, and was even familiar with it .

After being quiet for a long time, Leng'er still showed no signs of coming out of the pool of blood. Just when Ling Chen was about to continue searching for the location of the Scourge Orb, a thunderous voice suddenly sounded in Ling Chen's ear:

"Who is so bold, dare to trespass on the Heavenly Blood Pool!!"

The Bloody Heavenly Lake suddenly rolled over. Layer after layer of blood-colored water rippled from the originally calm surface of the pool. The surrounding dark ground trembled slightly. Even the entire space was under the loud thunderous sound There was a shudder. The eardrums of Ling Chen's ears were almost shattered, his brain was buzzing, and he even felt quite dizzy under the terrifying sound.

Ling Chen quickly turned around, ready to move to a safe area...Suddenly, his body that had just moved stopped there, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes...Because every part of his body was covered by a wave An invisible, even more irresistible, force was firmly imprisoned. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move any part of his body.

In front of his line of sight, a mass of black light descended from the sky, reflecting a tall and majestic figure. This is a person, more than two meters tall, with thick limbs, dressed in a pitch-black robe, with bulging exposed muscles, hiding explosive power. His skin was pale with blue, and his face was ferocious, like a monster. His eyes were pitch black, and the whites of his eyes were invisible. The most eye-catching thing is that on his forehead, there is a dark mark of the crescent moon, and it is emitting a dark light slightly.

The moment he appeared, everything in this space instantly became completely static, and a terrifying suffocation to the limit made Ling Chen's chest almost explode. He looked at the undead giant in shock, and the name that even the three goddesses of the Moon God Race were deeply afraid of flashed through his mind, and it was also the name he didn't want to come into contact with during this trip to the underworld...

Pluto! !


Ling Tian City.

As soon as Xuanyuan Diewu went online, she immediately came to the central meeting hall of the administrative area, only to find that all the elders of Lingtian City were there except Ling Chen, and immediately asked anxiously: "Could it be that something important happened again?"

"Yes! It's a very bad thing... The situation may be more dangerous than the siege battle before the construction of Lingtian City." Li Xiaoxue said with a frown, and the faces of other people present were also serious. There is deep worry and anger between the brows.

"What exactly happened?" Looking at everyone's expressions, Xuanyuan Diewu had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Yun Mengxin sighed, and said slowly: "Although I had expected it, they came too fast... At around 9 o'clock this morning, a teleportation array appeared 30 kilometers west of the city, and then a large number of people began to emerge. The city troops of the Forgotten City, the lowest level of these city troops is not lower than level 70, at least half of them are above level 80, and some are even above level 90. An hour after the teleportation array appeared, at least five people gathered there Wan's city army, and later even the silver army and gold army appeared, as well as the commanders with extremely terrifying strength... At twelve o'clock, the Forgotten Emperor of the Forgotten City also came out of the teleportation formation and came in person! "

"As of noon, the number of troops arriving in the Forgotten City has exceeded 100,000, and the number is still increasing."

"Could it be..." A cold murderous look appeared on Xuanyuan Diewu's beautiful face.

"Although they still didn't take any action thirty miles away, the situation couldn't be more obvious. Our Lingtian City is too strong, overwhelming the Forgotten City in all aspects, causing the popularity of the Forgotten City to wither. At the same time, as the face of the Imperial City There is nothing left. Some time ago, the Forgotten City was already impatient, and the Forgotten Emperor even came to exert pressure in person. Although he touched his nose and went back, his words already expressed the threat to Lingtian City." Li Xiaoxue sideways Looking in the direction of Ximen, he said in a low voice: "However, it was Ling Tian who threatened him that day. With Ling Tian's character, the threat would only have the opposite effect. Ling Tian City was also under Ling Tian's decision, not only did he not restrain himself , but suppressed by the entire industry... This time, the Forgotten City finally couldn't hold back."

"It can only be said that greed and jealousy are the most terrible original sins." Yunmeng said worriedly.

"However, isn't there a rule to limit frontal NPCs from attacking the player and the player's city without reason? If they do this, won't they be punished by the system?" Xiao Qi clenched his fists and said.

"Of course other positive NPCs can't do it, but that is the Forgotten Emperor." Li Xiaoxue frowned and said, "He is the emperor of the human world in the Forgotten Continent, and he controls part of the right to manage and change the rules. In addition, with his status And rights, we can definitely charge Lingtian City with some or some crimes that they can legitimately attack... such as building the city illegally, such as the development of Lingtian City, which has caused a lot of residents of the Forgotten Continent. For this, he can use his own The right to find a large number of NPCs who can be 'witnesses', for another example, it can be said that we have disrupted certain orders and rules in the human world and player world of the entire Forgotten Continent."

Xiao Qi opened his lips and said angrily: "How can this be so? The development of our Lingtian City is entirely based on our own efforts. There is no violation of the rules in any place, and there is no evil deed. The settled NPCs provide a higher standard of living, so why do they have any reason to attack us! By the way, isn’t there a Moon God Envoy with management order and rules? Doesn’t she care about this?”

"Qiqi, are you being so naive?" Xiao Qiufeng shook his head, and said with a cold face, "It is impossible for the Moon God Envoy of the Forgotten Continent to know all the things that happened in the Forgotten Continent all the time. When the dust settles, and she After knowing it, one is the central imperial city of the Forgotten Continent, and the other is the player city of alien humans, do you think that even if she knows who is right and who is wrong, she will really punish the Forgotten City severely?"

The air in the meeting hall fell into a state of condensation, and everyone frowned. Because the crisis Ling Tian City is facing this time is too big, it is many times bigger than the crisis before it was built, because it is not the players who came to attack Ling Tian City, but the NPCs from the Forgotten Continent! Still led by the Forgotten Emperor himself, the attack from the imperial city in the center of the Forgotten Continent! Their strength is completely different from that of the players, and it is impossible for the players to resist.

Today, there are more than 50 large guilds with more than 100,000 levels settled in the new city. Counting small and medium-sized guilds, the total number of guild players is more than 20 million. With the rapid expansion of guilds in Lingtian City, this number will increase significantly . However, not to mention that less than half of the 20 million players can fully control at present, even if they can all be dispatched at any time, it is absolutely impossible to stop the 100,000 troops of the Forgotten City. Because even the weakest of these city troops is still a powerful boss level for players, and those commanders with extremely high strength can even create a large-scale destruction with a wave of their hands... They want to kill thousands of people with one move. Tens of thousands of players, no effort at all. Fighting against the elite city army from the imperial city in the center of the Forgotten Continent with the power of a player is simply like an egg touching a rock, vulnerable to a single blow.

"Everyone, don't be too pessimistic. I think even the Forgotten Emperor would not be willing to attack Lingtian City unless he had to. After all, he would have to risk being punished by the Moon God Envoy for doing so. Their team has reached this point. It’s been a long time since we took action, and the meaning is very obvious—to put pressure on us, force us to negotiate, and then sign some extremely unfair treaties.” Li Xiaoxue glanced at everyone in the hall, and said calmly. There is only one leader in Ling Tian City, and that is Ling Tian. However, now facing the crisis of the Forgotten City, even if he is there, it is impossible to solve anything fundamentally. Because, if this war really unfolds, the process and results are beyond the player's ability to interfere.

"If..." Li Xiaoxue took a light breath, and said cautiously: "I mean, if our talks with the Forgotten Great Emperor collapsed, Patriarch Qingmu and Lingtian City will have to rely on your strength to protect them."

It is impossible for players to fight against NPCs. Once they really fight, they can only rely on the powerful power of elves... However, the opponent has at least 100,000 powerful city troops, and there are many peak masters. All of them have innate magical powers, but in total, there are only a few thousand. This is a huge disadvantage that is difficult to make up for even if the overall strength is far superior.

"If we have reached that point, we will not let Lingtian City be destroyed even if we have to slaughter all living beings!" Aoki's expression is calm, his gaze is like a sword. As an elf who likes peace the most and rejects war and killing, he is obviously very angry at what the Forgotten City has done.

"Why is this happening! We are only building our own home with our own hands and sweat, why are they attacking us!" Patriarch Dilo was emotional, his eyes were red, and his voice was full of grief and incomprehension: " They are all human beings, why do they have the same hearts as devils!"

Li Xiaoxue closed her eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "Not all human beings are like this. We can only blame us for meeting a human emperor with too strong a mark of original sin."


Li Xiaoxue's intercom rang, she listened for a while, her expression gradually calmed down, then she hung up the call and said seriously: "They are already approaching to the west... It is time for us to meet them. When we get there , No matter what the other party says or does, everyone should control their emotions, and let Meng Xin and I deal with them."

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