Shura’s Wrath

Volume 1: The Moon of Scourge, Chapter 69: Xiao Hui's Astonishing Ability (Part 2)

It turned out to be just a group of tenth-level ordinary monsters, which should exist naturally, not monsters of trials.

With Ling Chen's current comprehensive ability, ordinary monsters at level ten are like scum in his eyes, and he doesn't even need to look directly at them. He made a wrong step and rushed up to face the five grass and tree fairies. When he approached, he extended his left and right hands together, and two overlapping small arcs enveloped the three grass and tree fairies at the front. After a crackling sound, the three The grass and tree fairy turned into a pile of dead wood without any suspense. Ling Chen didn't move his feet, allowing the remaining two grass and tree fairies to rush forward, without looking at them, and cut them out with two small arcs.

clap clap...

The last two grass and tree fairies also fell down. If it was a one-handed attack without any additional state, he really couldn't beat these wooden monsters without a critical strike, but with two small arc cuts at a time, they couldn't die if they wanted to.

The five grass and tree immortals who were killed burst out a field of green leaves, not even a copper coin, Ling Chen glanced at it, and didn't bother to pick it up. He knew that this was not a trial monster, how could a monster of this level be qualified to be a monster in the God of War trial. He raised his head and looked ahead... This place, perhaps, should be the former residence of the God of War. After leaving here, it is the real place of trial.


Seeing the Grass and Tree Fairy lying on the ground, Xiao Hui let out an excited cry, then ran to the side of the Grass and Tree Fairy's corpse, tilted his neck, and opened his mouth forcefully, suddenly, a large group of gray light burst from its body It sprayed out from the mouth, completely covering the corpses of the five grass and tree fairies. In the next second, under the gray light, the corpses of the five plant fairies quickly atomized, scattered into countless tiny particles, and then flew into Xiao Hui's mouth driven by the gray light.

Everything was completed under Ling Chen's gaze, the corpses of the five grass and tree fairies were completely swallowed by Xiao Hui's mouth following the gray light, and disappeared without a trace. Xiao Hui, who devoured the bodies of the five grass and tree fairies, closed his mouth, showing a satisfied expression on his face, but his body shape did not change at all... However, the combined bodies of the five grass and tree fairies were larger than Xiao Hui's body Several times, where did Xiao Hui devour them?

This is Xiao Hui's "Eating Soul"?

Amidst Ling Chen's surprise, a white halo floated up from Xiao Hui's body.

"Ding... your pet 'Sky Spirit Beast', Xiao Hui, has successfully upgraded to the first level, life +200, magic +5, defense +20."

After killing five level 10 monsters, Ling Chen won't get any discount on experience, and Xiao Hui didn't level up either, which means that Xiao Hui really won't disperse its experience. It does not rely on experience points to upgrade. And after devouring the five grass and tree fairies, Xiaohui's level was directly raised... Its upgrade did not surprise Ling Chen, but Ling Chen had to be surprised... It has been upgraded to such a level, and its life has increased by 200 points value and 20 defense points! Ling Chen's life will naturally increase by 10 points when he upgrades to a level! If it goes on like this, won't it be 4000 points of life and 400 points of defense when Xiao Hui reaches level 10 where he is.

It's just...

"Ding... Your pet's talent skills 'Breath of the Heavenly Spirit' and 'Gift of the Heavenly Spirit' are activated."

"Ding... Your luck +1, comprehension +1, your skill 'Tiangang Jue' level has been raised to level 3, the level of 'Imperial Artifact Jue' has been raised to level 2, and the level of 'Soul Sacrifice' has been raised to level 3."

Ling Chen: "!!!!"

What... what's going on! ?

Increased luck, increased understanding...all the skill levels that can be upgraded suddenly increased by one level...

How is this going? What is going wrong? There is still a problem with my ears.

In surprise, Ling Chen quickly opened the attribute panel, and looked at his three upgradeable skills.

[Soul Sacrifice]: Current level: LV3, highest level: LV4, skill potential points required to upgrade to LV4: 50,000, life and soul sacrifices in exchange for the most extreme attack ability of the desperate skills, only those with strong spirit and faith can do it Turn on and trigger. After activation, the life value is reduced to 1, physical attack power +300%, magic attack power +300%, using any skill without any consumption, including life and magic consumption, lasts for 20 seconds, and cannot be interrupted during the duration, and cannot be used in any way Restore life. Skill cooling time: 200 seconds.

[Tiangang Jue]: The current level is LV3, the highest level: LV10. Skill potential points required to upgrade to LV4: 2400. Ancient battle tactics, after practice, can greatly improve the ability to control any weapon. Effect: When using any weapon, the damage dealt is increased by 15%. Cannot be superimposed with other weapon mastery skills.

[Royal Artifact]: The current level is LV2, the highest level: LV10. The skill potential points required to upgrade to LV3: 1600. Ancient battle tactics, after practice, the wearable level requires equipment that exceeds your current level. Effect: Ignores the level requirement of any equipment level 2.

Ling Chen: "..."

Tiangang Jue, Imperial Artifact Jue... Even Soul Sacrifice, which requires a full 10,000 skill potential points to upgrade, has all been upgraded to one level. Wasn't there something wrong with his ears that he just heard?

what happened? Could it be that some heaven-defying reward was triggered unintentionally? Or is the system out of order? Still in a trance.

Wait, could it be...

Ling Chen quickly closed the skill panel, and looked at the two talent skills that Xiao Hui had just activated.

[Heavenly Breath]: Current level LV1, highest level: LV20. The level required to upgrade to LV2: Level 5, seeking the protection of nature with its own evil and filthy aura, and improving the natural abilities of itself and all partners. Effect: Self, owner, and all pet partners are lucky +1, understanding +1, and the effect also exists in the non-summoning state.

[Gift of Heavenly Spirit]: The current level is LV1, the highest level: LV5. Level required to upgrade to LV2: level 20. Bless the owner with the power of the heavenly spirit, and upgrade all their skill levels. Effect: +1 for all skill levels of the owner is invalid for skills that have reached the full level, and it will directly take effect for new skills that appear later, and the effect also exists in the non-summoning state.

Looking at the two innate skills Xiao Hui activated just now, Ling Chen was silent for a long time.

He found the reason why his three skills suddenly upgraded, and finally understood what the "powerful support" Taotie was talking about.

Breath of Heaven, permanently increases luck and understanding. At level 1, the luck value and understanding value are +1 respectively, and the highest level is level 20. That means, after reaching the top level, it is very possible to permanently increase 20 points of luck and 20 points of understanding! Given the preciousness of luck and understanding attributes, this is a terrifying amount! And compared to the breath of the heavenly spirit, the gift of the heavenly spirit is even more powerful and makes people can actually permanently increase the level of all skills-this is a skill that is enough to make all players scream out of control after seeing it!

Tiangang Jue, Armor Jue, and Soul Sacrifice are all upgraded... This is equivalent to giving Ling Chen more than 10,000 skill potential points in disguise. Otherwise, Ling Chen doesn't know when he will be able to upgrade the soul sacrifice to level 3. Moreover, the gift of the heavenly spirit will also directly take effect on the subsequent skills, which means that if he acquires new skills in the future, the new skill level will also directly increase by 1 level!

Soul Sacrifice has already reached level 3, and it is one level short of full level. What is needed is a full 50,000 skill potential points. A number that can scare people's souls away. There is no doubt about the power of Soul Sacrifice, and the various gaffes that shocked the seven major transfer instructors are enough proof, but the difficulty of leveling up is also amazing, especially the skill points required to reach the full level. If Ling Chen is so mediocre Even if you don't add any other skills to earn potential points, you don't know how long you will have to work hard. But now... The Gift of the Heavenly Spirit can be upgraded to level 2 when Xiao Hui reaches level 20. At that time, the effect should be +2 to all skill levels, and his Soul Sacrifice will also be automatically upgraded to full level... just this one skill , saving 50,000 skill potential points!

Xiao Hui, who had just devoured five grass and tree fairies, seemed to be still digesting, his eyes were lazily half-opened, looking at Xiao Hui at this moment, Ling Chen suddenly felt that it was cute, so cute that he wanted to hug it and kiss it... This kind of auxiliary ability is not only powerful, it can be described as "defying the sky".


After swallowing, the little gray eyes finally opened completely, and his body trembled, as if he had hiccupped. It shook its head, and there was another "hiccup"... Immediately, a green, pebble-like thing was coughed out of its mouth and landed on the grass. Xiao Hui's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly ran over to pick up the small green stone, then rushed to Ling Chen with a "swish", placed the small green stone in front of him, then wagged his tail and opened his eyes wide. Looking at him with Liuliu eyes, with a gesture of asking for credit.

Is this the thing that was refined after being devoured in the introduction of Xiaohui's devouring spirit?

Ling Chen bent down and picked up the small green stone.

[Grass Immortal Stone]: A crystal refined from the source of aura in the body of the Grass Immortal. It has a pure breath of life. After eating, it can permanently increase the upper limit of HP by 10 points.




Ling Chen opened his mouth, staring at the green stone in his hand for a while, and at Xiao Hui wagging his tail for a while, unable to speak for a long time.

This thing that Xiaohui refined from devouring the monster's actually a prop that permanently increases attributes! !

He didn't pay much attention to the innate skill of [Spirit Devouring] before, thinking that it was mainly used by Xiao Hui for self-growth. For the things refined after devouring, he directly thought of it as eating leftover bones... Looking at this Immortal Grass and Tree Stone, he realized how ridiculous his thoughts were. Grass and Tree Immortals are just level 10 ordinary monsters, and what they refine will be props that permanently increase attributes. If it is a higher-level, higher-grade monster...the refining will undoubtedly be more powerful props! !

At this moment, Ling Chen was no longer dissatisfied with Xiao Hui's characteristic of having no attack ability. Because its auxiliary ability completely conceals its flaws. He knew even more clearly what a huge boost he had received when he hatched Xiao Hui!

"Well done, Xiao Hui!" Ling Chen squatted down, patted Xiao Hui's head and praised. Xiao Hui, who was praised by him, jumped on the ground excitedly, and wagged his tail even more cheerfully.

Ling Chen opened his mouth, and threw the Immortal Grass and Tree Stone into his mouth.

"Ding... You have eaten the special item 'Grass Tree Immortal Stone', and the upper limit of HP will be permanently +10."

No surprises, Ling Chen's upper limit of HP has actually increased by ten points. He turned around, looked at the bushes where the grass and tree fairies had sprung out before, and suddenly thought...if these grass and tree fairies can respawn after death like ordinary monsters...then, can he and Xiaohui be unlimited? Brush grass, trees and fairy stones here! ! Then his life limit can be increased infinitely...

Thinking of this, Ling Chen's heart started beating "thumping".

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