Shura’s Wrath

Text Chapter 709 Fly to Suzhou and Hangzhou

"Fart!" Su Yicheng was not happy, and roared: "If there is such a person in this world, our Su family will definitely know about it before your Yun family! Don't try to use such low-level methods to get rid of this matter It doesn't matter, Su'er's appearance is all implicated by your Yun family, I will settle this account with you sooner or later!"

"Uncle Su, what I said is true!" Yunfeng pointed to the back seat of the car and said hastily: "My sister Mengxin is in the car, and I want to send her to that person right now, he said He has a way to eradicate the Isrock virus, he can save my sister, and he can also save Su'er!"

"Eradicate Isrock?" Su Yicheng laughed miserably, "Even a three-year-old child in this world will know that Isrock is incurable. You, the son of Yun's father, even believes such a ridiculous trick Get the hell out of me right now, if you want to take your sister there, go there quickly, our family Su’er doesn’t need you! We useless elders didn’t protect her well... At least, in the last period of time, we will never let her If she leaves our sight again, no one will touch her hair again!"

Only then did Xiao Qi's car follow in, but she could hear Su Yicheng's roar clearly from a long distance away. She hurriedly got out of the car and shouted impatiently: "Uncle Su, what brother Yunfeng said is true, we are here to pick up Susu! How could we lie to you about such a big matter."

"Hmph! I'll say it again, no one will ever touch a single hair of my Su'er!" Su Yicheng said with an angry and gloomy face. How hopeless the Isrock virus is, he knows better than anyone else that he can't believe the eradication of the Isrock virus.

The door of the back seat of the car was opened, and Yaoying walked down with a frown, and said with a blank expression: "You really don't have to believe our words, but I need to remind you that if you let us take Su'er away, at least you can still take Su'er away." There is hope of rescuing Su'er, if we don't let us take it away, Su'er will definitely die. Moreover, you should already know that the Isloca virus that Yunmengxin and Su'er were infected with is not an ordinary Isloca virus The normal Isrock virus can last for a year or two if it is properly treated, and the Isrock virus they are infected with, they can't even think about it for five days. With Su'er's physique, the time is only It will be shorter, maybe it can only last for two or three days. At the same time, the longer the time drags on, the more difficult it is to get rid of the virus. Every second you delay is depriving Su'er of hope for a second life! If you still don't believe it... …Yunfeng, let’s go. What the master said will definitely be done. After we bring back Yunmengxin who has healed, let’s see how exciting it will be for these people who even resist the life hope of their loved ones reaction!"

Su Yicheng's face darkened suddenly, but he could no longer say the words to drive them away. Su Hongcheng staggered a step forward, and shouted anxiously: "Wait! Excuse me... who is the master you are talking about?"

"You have met before, that is Ling Tian who came to Su'er's 16th birthday party last time... and Ling Chen who you wanted before." Yao Yingxue said with a bit of pride and reverence.

"'s him!" The expressions of Su Yicheng and Su Hongcheng changed at the same time. Ling Tian, ​​Ling Chen, the overlord of the Shenyue world, the monster who broke into the Long family alone, destroyed Xuanyuan Xueyi in public, and whose body and strength simply surpassed human limits!

Hearing the name "Ling Tian", Su Hongcheng and Su Yicheng's hearts trembled at the same time. When other people say things like eradicating the Isrock virus, they can't believe it. But Ling Tian... This freak who is almost beyond their cognition and can't be measured by common sense, has done nothing that they, who have seen countless storms, can't believe it. If the astonishing words of eradicating the Isrock virus came from his mouth, combined with all the things he sat down in the past... Su Hongcheng and Su Yicheng would not be able to fully question it.

"Did he really say that? He really said that there is a way to eradicate the Isrock virus?" Su Hongcheng's voice trembled completely. He believed it... He was willing to use all his beliefs, even his life, to believe.

"My master never says anything he is not sure about. Moreover, he is wanted all over the country, and he is in great danger. Last time, he did not hesitate to take risks to attend Su'er's birthday party in person. Don't you see that he cares about Su'er? "

"Okay...ok...that's great...we believe...of course we believe..." Su Hongcheng became incoherent in excitement. Su Yicheng's face also turned red with excitement, and they were already in deep despair, but at this moment they clearly saw the dawn of hope. Su Yicheng clenched his hands tightly, and said in a trembling voice: "Okay...okay... tell Ling Tian that if he can really make Su'er heal, we will agree to any conditions he asks! Even if I, Su Yi, kneel down, even if I want to I have one life, and I will never hesitate!"

Yaoying smiled slightly, and said: "My master really likes and cares about Su'er, he doesn't want to get anything from your Su family, he saved Su'er for himself, because if something happens to Su'er, my master will be no more sad than Su'er." You are few. And I believe that you should also know that Su'er also likes our master very much, I just hope that when the time comes, you don't stop Su'er from being with my master. "

"As long as Su'er is fine, whatever she wants, we will do it for her even if we are enemies of the whole world." Su Hongcheng said firmly in an excited voice. They did know that Su'er was secretly infatuated with Ling Chen, but before today, they would not allow Su'er to really be with Ling Chen, because Ling Chen's identity is too sensitive. The wanted criminal, if she is really with Ling Chen, it will have a huge negative impact on the Su family, and it will even directly lead to hostility between the Long family and the Su family. But now, after experiencing the completely hopeless loss just now, compared to Su'er's safety and happiness, nothing is more important. As long as she can be safe, as long as she can be satisfied with happiness, even if the Su family is completely destroyed, it's no big deal.

"Thank you for your trust. I will convey your words to the master." Yaoying nodded to them, "Time cannot be delayed, please let me take Su'er away immediately... two chiefs, my master's situation You also know that the place is very secret and cannot be exposed to anyone, so although I understand your feelings, I cannot allow you to go with me, please forgive me."

Su Hongcheng and Su Yicheng, who wanted to go together, were taken aback at the same time, then nodded without saying anything, and went to open the isolation door of Su'er's room in person.

"You Yue, Han Lan, don't come down to help." Yao Ying who walked to the door suddenly yelled an inexplicable sentence to the sky.

As the voice fell, two figures also landed in front of everyone at the same time. Their faces were covered by masks, and their slender body curves were outlined in tight black clothes. They were obviously two young women. Su Yicheng and Su Hongcheng were surprised at the same time: "Who are you?"

"At the master's order, we will protect Su'er 24 hours a day. This time we are negligent, and we will apologize to the master." After You Yue and Han Lan finished speaking, they walked quickly to Su'er's bed and put Su'er who was in a coma. Lift up carefully.

Su Hongcheng and Su Yicheng looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes. The Su family guards around them were also dumbfounded, looking at each other... This is the majestic Su family compound, with a large number of high-level regular troops equipped with real guns and ammunition Twenty-four hours of garrison, in terms of defense strength, in the entire Jinghua, except for the Long family, they are basically the Su family. But these two people who protected Su'er for 24 hours, they never found out, even just now, no one saw clearly where they appeared from.

"As expected of Ling Tian's people, what a bunch of... monsters." Su Hongcheng couldn't help moaning.

"At least, it's enough to show that he really treats Su'er well." Su Yicheng looked at Su'er who was lifted up on the bed, and the hope in his heart grew a little more.

"That's right... Speaking of which, if Su'er follows him, at least we really don't need to worry about her safety at all." Su Hongcheng said with emotion. With Ling Tian's ability to wreak havoc on the Long Family compound by himself, if Su'er was by his side, who else in this world could hurt her?

"It's just that, from what we know, there are quite a few women around Ling Chen. Not to mention other things, the two best sisters of Su'er, the two girls from the Yun family and the Xiao family, have a relationship with Ling Chen. It's also unusual."

"If Su'er really gets long as she is willing, why should we worry about it?" Su Hongcheng closed his eyes and prayed silently in his heart.

Yunfeng didn't speak for a long time, seeing the reaction of the Su family after Su'er's accident, he felt mixed feelings in his heart. The Su family has survived for three hundred years, and was by no means weaker than the Yun family in terms of financial resources back then. However, after the Isrock disaster sixty years ago, the Su family resolutely abandoned their century-old foundation, business and politics. At this moment, he finally understood why the Su family did this. The relatives around me are leaving one after another in disasters, so what is the use of having more wealth, no matter how big the family business is? Therefore, the Su family abandoned business and went into politics, and went to hold heavy power, especially military power, to protect their relatives and family, at least not to be bullied by outsiders. And the Yun family is a big business family. In this kind of family, the vast majority of people are cultivated to be businessmen by nature, that is, only seek profit, otherwise they will abandon it.

In order to connect with the Long family, she completely disregarded Yunmengxin's personal wishes and lifelong happiness. Because Yunmengxin's world attention and she tried her best to win over her, after she was infected with Isrock. After confirming that he couldn't get anything from her and would only bring danger and burden, he drove her out of the house without hesitation... This is the Yun family.

I was born in Yun's family, but I have such a personality, is it a miracle... Yunfeng muttered to himself, and got into the car. Not long after, Yunfeng and Su'er's cars drove out of the Su's compound one after the other, and went straight to the south of the city.

When they arrived at the destination, Li Wanyu's falcon was already waiting there. This is the private airport belonging to the Li family located in the southern suburbs of Jinghua, and it is idle most of the time. The car drove all the way to the inside of the airport and went straight to the Falcon aircraft. Seeing them, Li Wanyu questioned, "You are..."

The car door opened, and Yaoying hurriedly came to Li Wanyu, and quickly said: "You are Li Wanyu from the Li family, right? We are the ones you are waiting for... The person who needs to be planted is infected with the very powerful Isrock virus, so you'd better Don't go back with us, it's very close to Jinghua South Airport, I'm going to trouble you to go back by public plane... tell me the plane activation password immediately, and I'll drive back."

Li Wanyu was stunned for a long time before she nodded in a daze. She remembered what Li Xiaoxue had told her, so she didn't dare to ask any more questions, and quickly gave out the activation password of the Falcon LXX, and finally added worryingly: "You start it... Is it really okay?"

"Don't worry!" Yaoying gestured to her, then hurriedly moved, and carried Su'er and Yunmengxin into the cabin with her companions. Xiao Qi didn't even hesitate, let alone the high risk of contracting the Isrock virus, and didn't have time to call his family to inform him, so he insisted on getting into the cabin. This trip to Suzhou and Hangzhou, I don't know what the result will be. With her heart completely tied to Yunmengxin and Su'er, how could she be willing not to go with them... Ten minutes later, the plane hurriedly took off.

Falcon LXX is Li Xiaoxue's private customized aircraft, which can take up to eight people. With enough fuel, it can cruise at an altitude of 15,000 meters for more than 6,000 kilometers, and its maximum speed can reach Mach 1.2. At a steady speed, it takes less than two hours to travel from Beijing to Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Although they were already familiar with each other in the game world, Su'er and Ling Chen had only met once in the real world, and Yun Mengxin and Xiao Qi had never even had contact with Ling Chen in the real world. Perhaps after they arrived in Suzhou and Hangzhou together, it was the official beginning of their life intersection with Ling Chen...

But, can the spring water of the Fairy Spring really purify the Isrock virus? Xiao Qi believed it, Yao Ying believed it, You Yue and Han Lan believed it, because those were the words spoken by Ling Chen himself. And Ling Chen himself believed it. But whether the final result will be as they wish is still unknown.

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