Shura’s Wrath

Volume 1 The Moon of Scourge Chapter 74 Nine Deaths

"Small gray!"

Looking at Xiao Hui who quickly swam to his side, Ling Chen shook off the water droplets on his face, suddenly there was a very strange, complicated and unspeakable emotion in his heart. Although he is only twenty-two years old this year, he has experienced too many storms in his life, to the point that ordinary people can hardly imagine. And the countless life and death and countless difficulties he has faced in these years have always been faced alone, endured alone, and gritted his teeth alone... Whether it is the real world or the game world. At this time, in a desperate situation, such a little creature who had just followed him jumped off after him, and swam to his side again. He, who had never had a partner before, looked at Xiao Hui approaching while swimming, and suddenly felt a feeling that he was no longer alone. , the feeling of being able to rely on something in a desperate situation... and this feeling seems to be quite good.


A strong sense of crisis was transmitted from the top of his head. Although he fell into the abyss, Zephyr Bird swooped down from the sky and chased him as if he knew he was not dead. above his head.

In the water, the flexibility of the body is far inferior to that on land. The body of the giant bird in his pupils is rapidly enlarging. Before he could think about it, he raised the green water fairy scale in his hand as quickly as possible...


Zephyr Bird's attack once again landed on the green water fairy scales. Amid the sound of the collision, its body was bounced far away as before, and Ling Chen's body was also ruthlessly rushed into the water under the force of the impact.

43, 43, 43...

Ling Chen's body sank in the water, and a red number floated above his head every second. As he sank, Xiao Hui also dived underwater, drawing a gorgeous water mark in the water, and rushed to Ling Chen's body, propped up under Ling Chen with his small body, as if Trying to stop his body from diving.

Ling Chen gritted his teeth and looked up. Through the clear water layer, he could clearly see the situation in the sky above. He saw the Zephyr Bird hovering in the sky, but he didn't strike down again.

By the way, one of Zephyr Bird's weaknesses is that it can't run water! In other words, if it dives underwater by itself, it won't be able to attack!

Thinking of this, his spirit lifted slightly, and he vaguely saw a trace of hope... Of course, this is by no means the hope of defeating the Zephyr Bird, but the hope of escaping from its claws. If he dies, his level will be directly reset to zero. Even if he can't defeat the Zephyr Bird, he will never allow himself to die by its hands.

With difficulty maintaining his balance in the water, he put away all his weapons, splashed the water with both hands, and swam along the direction of the water flow, while silently watching his falling HP.

One of the player's life skills is "swimming". After learning to swim, one can have a certain ability to move in water. The higher the level, the greater the degree of freedom in the water. At the same time, various recovery potions can also be used in the water. However, if you don’t have the ability to swim, although you can use body movements to move in water, if your body is completely submerged in water for more than five seconds, your health will continue to drop. In shallow water, your health will drop by 10% per second. The deeper you dive, the greater the drop in life will be. Moreover, without swimming skills, using any health recovery potions in the water is ineffective!

At this moment, Ling Chen's life value is dropping at a rate of 10% per second, and he will die completely within fifteen seconds... That is to say, Ling Chen can only stay underwater for fourteen seconds at most. Heads must be lifted out of the water to restore life and breathe.

The speed of the water in the abyss was not flowing fast, Ling Chen watched his falling HP, and at the same time looked sideways at the Zephyr Bird's position in the sky. Under the water, things above the water can be seen clearly, but above the sky, it is difficult to see things a little deeper in the water, so although he moves with the water under the water, the Zephyr Bird still hovers in the original position. Ling Chen silently prayed that after more than ten seconds, he would be washed out of the range of the Zephyr Bird by the water, and after taking a breath, he would be able to swim farther with the water, making it difficult for the Zephyr Bird to find him.

10 seconds...11 seconds...12 seconds...

Ling Chen took a deep breath, jumped up with all his strength, and jumped out of the water with a "poof", gasped for a few mouthfuls, and at the same time did not forget to quickly drink a bottle of yellow potion to restore his life to full. Before diving back into the water, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the Zephyr Bird, and found that the Zephyr Bird was actually galloping in this direction, with a pair of blue-green eyes fixed on him.

In twelve seconds, he was carried by the water for a distance of nearly 100 meters... At this distance, he still couldn't escape the Zephyr Bird's spiritual sense!


Ling Chen's body dived into the water like lightning, and above his head, the huge shadow of Zephyr Bird touched the water surface, then drew an inverted parabola against the water surface, and flew back into the air again.

It really didn't want to go into the water. Ling Chen in the water thought silently, but suddenly, his eyes sank, and his body moved quickly, allowing his body to sink into the depths with all his strength...Because his gaze penetrated the water surface, he saw Zephyr Bird's body facing the water surface, its wings Quickly flap it.


A frenzied storm formed, rushing towards the surface of the water where Ling Chen had appeared before with howling sound... Zephyr Bird's large-scale wind attack technique - Fang of Desolate Wind!

Under normal circumstances, the Fang of the Desolate Wind can instantly cover a range of 20 meters in front and 10 meters in the side, but when this storm hit the water, Ling Chen secretly heaved a sigh of relief, because the Fang of the Desolate Wind The power has only penetrated to the water surface two meters deep, and then it has completely disappeared, completely dispersed by the water.

In other words, as long as he was in a water level below two meters, it was impossible for the Fang of Desolate Wind to hurt him.

But even so... moving with the water for more than ten seconds, he was still instantly locked by the Zephyr Bird, how could he escape from the Zephyr Bird's sight?

It seems that we can only continue down the river and look for other opportunities such as waterfalls.

With a certain mind, he held his breath, and his body continued to move along the water.

If it was someone else, most of them would simply choose to give up in this impossible situation, without wasting time and suffering. But Ling Chen...he has experienced too many life-and-death situations in his life, and the god of death waved to him countless times, but in the end, he defeated the god of death...unless he really died, otherwise, no matter what he faced , no matter what situation he encounters, he will never give up, and will try his best to fight until he has no more strength. Just like what he believed in before... In his life, the word "give up" has never been used! Not before, and never again!

Thirteen seconds later, he probed out of the water again to take a breath. Just as his life was full, the danger was approaching again. The Zephyr Bird, which was pulled out a distance of more than 100 meters, flapped its wings and flew towards it as before. After the huge wings flapped, they drew closer in a blink of an eye. Ling Chen sighed silently, took a deep breath, and dived into the water suddenly, leaving the Zephyr Bird helpless again.

I don't know how long this river rushing through the mountains is, and I don't know where it flows... When Ling Chen came out of the water for the tenth time to take a breath, he didn't even know whether this place was still within the scope of the God of War's trial area. Will there be other dangers from beasts? But in order to survive, he can only go down the water, repeating the same actions helplessly again and again, as the current gets farther and farther...

But the surrounding scenery didn't seem to have changed. Zephyr Bird never lost its goal.

After the twentieth impact on Ling Chen who got out of the water to take a breath but was thrown into the air, the Zephyr Bird finally went into a rage.


This cry was longer and louder than any previous one. Ling Chen underwater looked up at the sky and saw that the Zephyr Bird's body was surrounded by a layer of dark green light, orbiting a fixed circle quickly. It began to hover and dance, faster and faster, faster and faster... In the end, a dark green ring was swept up, as if there were countless zephyr birds circling and flying.


The extremely violent wind was lifted up, and the wind brought up the air, then the water surface, and then the Ling Chen below the water surface...all of them were sucked into the wind.

Oops! !

Crazy wind... four words flashed in Ling Chen's mind.

Ling Chen was secretly startled. But the power of the water flow brought by the strong wind was something he couldn't resist at all. Along with a large amount of river water, he was lifted up by the whirling wind little by little until he was taken out of the water, and his body was also spinning in a dizzying way. being swept into the center of the storm. When the storm stopped, he was thrown high into the air, and then fell freely from the air...

The Zephyr Bird's circling body stopped, and then it let out a shriek, and went straight to Ling Chen in the air.

Although the frantic wind has no damage determination, once it is involved, it will fall into a stun state for at least 5 seconds. At this moment, Ling Chen, who was falling motionless, had a blank consciousness.

As he fell, the Zephyr Bird was getting closer and closer, and just when its impact was about to land on Ling Chen and kill him, Ling Chen's eyes suddenly became clear, and his right hand hardly needed any help. The reaction time of the brain stretched out at an inconceivable speed, and the Bishui Xianlin stood in front of him...

At this time, less than three seconds had passed since Ling Chen fell into a dizzy state.

boom! !

If the Zephyr Bird used the Desolate Wind Fang instead of the volley attack, Ling Chen would definitely die, because the Green Water Immortal Scale can only resist melee attacks. But Zephyr Bird couldn't have imagined that Ling Chen would recover from the dizziness so quickly.

Zephyr Bird's attack was once again counteracted by Bishui Xianlin, under the impact, Ling Chen fell below the water surface, safe again.

Negative effects such as dizziness, confusion, sleep... are all stimulated by the system to trigger the corresponding effects. However, when a person's mental power is strong to a certain extent, even the mental stimulation given by the system will not be enough. will be substantially offset. Under Ling Chen's powerful mental power, the stun effect of the Frantic Wind only took effect on him for two seconds.

But this time was enough to startle Ling Chen into a cold sweat, and the green water celestial scale in his hand only had the last two effects left.

Will there be a turning point... If so, where is it!

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