Shura’s Wrath

Volume 1 The Moon of Scourge Chapter 80 The Legend of the Lucky Beast

Ling Chen understood what Qi Yue was thinking, and he said: "This place is a closed trial map, usually no outside creatures will enter, and the Archer Orb is found here. It is precisely because this place is a closed trial map. Yes, the Archer Orb will always exist here. However, I did not find the Archer Orb, but Xiao Hui."

"Little Hui?" Qi Yue showed a puzzled expression, and immediately, following Ling Chen's gaze, she saw Xiao Hui who was so small that Qi Yue hadn't noticed it at Ling Chen's feet. Her gaze was fixed on this little creature, then her eyebrows were raised, and the corners of her mouth curled up into a charming smile: "Your name is Xiao Hui? It's a very cute name. From now on, I'll call you Xiao Huihui, okay?" ?”

Qi Yue was obviously the second living person that Xiao Hui saw after she appeared in the world. Facing her gaze, Xiao Hui stepped back and nervously hid behind Ling Chen, his two pitch-black eyes were defensive and timid. looking at her. Ling Chen lowered his eyes and said softly: "Xiao Hui, don't be nervous, she is not a bad person."

Xiao Hui can understand human language... at least he can understand his words, Ling Chen can be sure of this. But whether Qi Yue is a good person or not, he is not so sure. But at least he wasn't acting like a bad guy... except for trying to tease him all the time.

After hearing Ling Chen's words, Xiao Hui's movements eased a little.

Qi Yue stared at Xiao Hui for a long time, but couldn't tell which kind of creature it belonged to, so she raised her head slightly and said to Ling Chen: "Little master, can you show me its ability? This should be Taotie The little creature that the big guy gave you, but I can’t tell its origin, let me look at its information, maybe there will be an answer.”

Ling Chen thought for a while, and shared all Xiao Hui's information in front of Qi Yue. Because he also wanted to find out what Xiao Hui's true origin was. The pet egg that Taotie gave him was at least ten thousand years ago, and Qi Yue also existed ten thousand years ago, so maybe she would really know what Xiao Hui belonged to.

Qi Yue's eyes lingered on Xiao Hui's information. When she finished reading its attribute information, her expression remained unchanged, but when her eyes fell on the ability information, her eyes obviously froze several times, and the depths of her pupils continued to flicker. A look of surprise flashed across. Obviously surprised by the powerful and special ability that Xiao Hui has.

"Can you see anything?" When Qi Yue read Xiao Hui's information, Ling Chen Xiao Hui put away the attribute panel and asked directly.

Qi Yue was silent for a while, as if she was thinking about something, but in the end, she shook her head: "In my memory, I don't have any information about it, judging from what that big fellow Taotie said, it should be It must have a great background, but the big guy is unwilling to talk to me. It should be the beast who entrusted it to the big guy, hoping that Xiao Hui's origins will not be exposed, and then he can live in peace. Little master, you After learning about Xiao Hui's ability, you should understand how amazing its ability is, have you ever thought about the consequences if more and more people know about its ability?"

Ling Chen: "...!!"

Incomparably tough body, powerful auxiliary ability... It's astonishingly unbelievable spirit-eating and refining ability, and can accurately search for various high-level treasures! If the people of the Forgotten Continent knew of the existence of this kind of creature, then no matter who it was, they would be madly eager to get it. A martial artist who pursues extreme strength will greatly increase his strength after obtaining Xiaohui, and even the skills that cannot be broken through will be easily broken through. An ordinary warrior can obtain various types of powerful props through its spirit-eating refining ability, and his strength will suddenly increase. Skyrocketing, those who pursue great wealth can easily find all kinds of rare treasures that could not be found in the past after obtaining the little gray...

And these are just the elementary abilities of Xiao Hui just after birth, if it fully develops, it will be unimaginable.

If Xiao Hui's existence and its abilities are revealed to others, then the only consequence is... it will attract countless greedy people to rob it! !

"Have you figured it out?" Watching Ling Chen's expression, Qi Yue said slowly, "So, the beast that entrusted it to Taotie doesn't want its existence to be known by too many people, otherwise, it will never know for a lifetime. It is possible to lose their lives in the robbing, and in that case, the bloodline of their family may be completely cut off."

Ling Chen was silent, then nodded: "That's true."

"However..." Qi Yue's eyes narrowed slightly, and an extremely touching blush appeared on her cheeks: "Part of its abilities reminded me of a creature that had been extinct in a long time ago. "

"What is it?" Ling Chen asked.

"Lucky Beast."

"Lucky Beast?"

"Lucky Beast is a very special creature without any fighting ability, but it is rumored that if one can get a Lucky Beast to follow, then this person will always be accompanied by all kinds of big or small luck... For example, the little master found the Archer Bead so quickly, isn't it a kind of great luck?"

Ling Chen: "..."

"But also because the lucky beast gave people various lucky abilities, so the greatest desire of human beings at that time was to have a lucky beast to follow them. Therefore, in order to get a lucky beast, they would try their best and use whatever means... ...plundering, killing, and sometimes for a lucky beast, would lead to a great war, and such wars occurred with incomparable frequency. Later, in a tragic war caused by the robbing of the lucky beast, The envoy of the Moon God Clan appeared. She said that although the lucky beast can bring people luck, it brings more disasters and wars. Compared with it, the luck it brings to people is insignificant. Their names It should not be called the beast of luck, but the beast of bad luck. Therefore, with the power of the moon god, she executed all the lucky beasts that existed at that time. It was also on that day that the lucky beasts were completely extinct."

Ling Chen: "..."

"It's the human heart that is evil, and it's their own greed that brings war disasters to human beings. It's nothing to do with those creatures who don't have any fighting ability but instead give people luck." Ling Chen said with a frown.

"Little master is very good." Qi Yue pursed her lips slightly and nodded lightly: "But the fact that the beast of luck was extinct cannot be changed. As the envoy of the gods, if she thinks she is Yes, then it must be right. Humans, how could they disobey the wishes of the Moon God. Since they say it is the fault of the beast of luck, it is the fault of the beast of luck. Since they want the beast of luck to perish, Then, the Lucky Beasts will be wiped out, it's as simple as that... This is the great Moon God Clan."

Qi Yue laughed, but deep in her eyes, a deep cold light flashed slightly.

Ling Chen was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say. He has always vaguely felt that Qi Yue seems to have a deep hatred for the Moon God Clan. And it seems that this hatred is not only because of Lunar Scourge.

"However, Xiao Huihui's form is different from the extinct Lucky Beast, and many abilities are not possessed by the Lucky Beast. But, if Xiao Huihui really has the ability of the Lucky Beast, hehe Hee, then the little master has obtained a treasure that is as big as the sky. The little master will be surrounded by good luck, and the orb of Lunar Scourge may appear on its own without even needing to search for it." Qi Yue's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly , when he spoke, the sweet and orchid breath gently brushed Ling Chen's face, causing a lingering numbness all over his body, and his heart throbbed again and again, tearing her black gauze skirt fiercely. impulse.

"It seems that the big guy really gave the little master a big gift. Phew..." After Qi Yue finished speaking, she stretched her jade arms and lazily stretched her waist. The double breasts stood up high, trembling up and down for a while, together with its delicate and boneless slender waist, white and smooth, plump and round buttocks, smooth and soft lower abdomen, and beautiful and well-proportioned legs. Outlining the devil's curve that makes people angry, coupled with her stunning beauty that can make thousands of flowers pale, and the seductive and seductive release of her gestures, there is really nowhere that does not make people lose their souls.

Ling Chen's gaze uncontrollably landed on her towering breasts. He couldn't get rid of the feeling and image of holding them in his hands... Qi Yue's giant peaks are not only plump, but also as white as snow. Jade, and the breast profile is impeccably round. Snow white and delicate. Just like a pair of bright and flawless full moons perched on the chest, the shape is too beautiful to behold. However, her slender waist is only enough to be grasped, and her soft and slender waist gives people a soft and tender feeling of wanting to embrace her.

"Little master, you are staring at her breasts... do you want to touch them again?" Ling Chen's out-of-control gaze made Qi Yue's smile ambiguous. She took a step forward with a smile in her eyes, and said Released a seductive voice like a demon: "You are the little master of others, you can treat others in any way..."

"Go back to the Lunar Scourge, it's none of your business here." Ling Chen closed his eyes and said in a cold voice while shifting his eyes little by little amidst difficulties.

When Ling Chen couldn't see the angle, Qi Yue's smile became even more mysterious, her lips pursed, and she made a voice of grievance like a little girl coquettishly: "The little master kicked her away again... she is the little master's little slave girl, The little master will listen to everything, so he will continue to go back to must remember to miss him."

Qi Yue didn't stay any longer, and the total amount of time she could appear every day was only ten minutes.

Every time Qi Yue appeared was a big test for Ling Chen's concentration. After Qi Yue left, it took Ling Chen a long time to completely calm down, then he picked up the teleportation scroll that the Zephyr Bird burst out, and gently crushed it. In the flash of white light, it disappeared in place together with Xiao Hui.

When it reappeared, the surrounding light was gloomy. Here, it was the dim stone room where it had just entered the trial ground.

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