Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 100 There’s no need to make the matter of Kamen Rider so clear!

"Store manager, I can't forgive you!" Wan Zhang Long Wo's soft drink sounded.

Instantly attracting the attention of Lu Ziye and Shi Dongsu who were fighting, they saw Wanzhang Longwo already wearing the Build driver on his waist, and raising his right hand high.

".Is this about to transform?" Seeing Wan Zhang Long Wo's movements, Lu Ziye immediately thought of this possibility.

"Finally." Looking back at Shi Dongsuyi, he seemed very pleased.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Crozier dragon fell into my hands.

"Wake Up! (Awakening)"

When I put the full bottle of dragon into Crozier Dragon, I was not as excited as I imagined.

Instead, he looked back at Kiryu Sento, and saw the red corners of his eyes, and his eyes became more determined.

Place the Crozier in your hand into the drive and turn the drive rocker at the same time.

"Cross-Z Dragon! Are you ready? Wake up burning! Get CROSS-Z DRAGON! Yeah! (End Dragon! Are you ready?)"

Under the high-speed factory, armor filled with dragon elements has covered the dragon.

The moment the transformation was completed, Wanzhanglongga rushed towards Shi Dongsu.

"I can't forgive you!" As soon as he finished speaking, Wan Zhang Long Wo hit him with a knee strike.


Shi Dongsuyi, who was originally suppressed by Lu Ziye, was immediately pushed against the wall by Wan Zhang Long Wo.

"It's not that you framed me for killing Katsuragi Takumi, but because you deceived Sento and Misora's sincerity!" The roaring Wanzhang Ryuuga kept hitting Shi Dongsouyi with his fists, "People like you are the most bad!!"

With the last words, Wan Zhang Long Ga's right fist was wrapped in hot blue flames, and he swung it towards Shi Dong Soyi's face!


Amidst the muffled sound, Shi Dongsun stretched out his hand and grasped Wanzhang Longga's fist.

"Wan Zhang, your fist is not enough." Shi Dongsu said coldly, took Wan Zhang Long Wo's fist and threw it to the side, then punched him in the chest.

I couldn't help but take two steps back after Wan Zhanglong was hit hard, but before he could stabilize his body, Shi Dongsu came forward again.

Wan Zhanglong, who has a fighting spirit, immediately clasped his hands in defense, but Shi Dongsu raised his foot and kicked him away, sending him flying.

I saw the Ten Thousand-foot Dragon Ga draw a parabola in mid-air, landed and rolled several times, and stopped in front of Kiryu Sento to release the transformation.

Under the mask, Lu Ziye's expression was a bit unbearable. What kind of legend is this that is the fastest to be defeated?

As for the novice protector that I promised, the progress of rolling on the ground is a bit too fast! !

"Hey, Kiryu Sento."

"Why did I escape from "Faust" with Misora? "

"Why did I let you become a Build to fight the Slammer?"

"There is only one answer -"

Shi Dongsu suddenly started singing, which made Lu Ziye wonder if he should start running.

"Everything is for Misora ​​to purify the full bottle." Shi Dongsou said, walking slowly towards Kiryu War Rabbit, squatting down before coming to him, "In other words, I used Kamen Rider Build to defeat The incident with the Slammer convinced Misora ​​that she was purifying the full bottle for justice."

"Kiryu Sento, you are just playing the role of a hero of justice for my plan." Kiryu Sento was grabbed by the collar and lifted up by Shi Dongsou, "You are playing the game of playing Kamen Rider, now you understand. ?”

After hearing this, Kiryu Zhantuo's eyes gradually lost their brightness.

But Shi Dongsouyi just let go at this moment, and Kiryu Zhantu immediately fell to his knees.

"Are you lying?" Wan Zhang Long Wo looked in disbelief.

In his opinion, Kamen Riders exist for justice, but such Kamen Riders are all taken advantage of.

For him who had just become a Kamen Rider, these words were a blow to the head.

"You alone can't defeat me." Shi Dongsun glanced at the two of them and said the last words.

"You fart-!"

The next moment, Lu Ziye showed his words with practical actions. He walked in front of Shi Dongsun in two steps. The dragon side's energy quickly gathered and punched him on the chest.


The bombardment resounded throughout the factory and the sudden attack made Shi Dongsun unable to defend himself. He was sent flying backwards on the spot until he hit the wall behind him.

"Can't win? I don't understand!" Lu Ziye stood in front of the two of them, clenching his right fist, "Kamen Rider has never existed for victory, but for love and peace!"

Taking a step back, Lu Ziye stretched out his hands to Kiryu Zhantu and Wanzhang Ryuuga.

Kiryu Zhantu and Wanzhang Longga looked at each other, smiled at the same time, and then took Lu Ziye's hand.

"He is right. What we believe is absolutely not false. The battles so far have been to help others, for love and peace!" Kiryu Zhantu returned to his usual appearance and took out the Build drive from behind.

Lu Ziye:? ? ?

The moment he took out the drive, Lu Ziye looked behind Kiryu Zhantu, trying to find out the truth about the fourth-dimensional chrysanthemum.

"Where did you get such a big drive?" Lu Ziye, who found nothing, asked seriously.

"There's no need to be so clear about the Kamen Rider thing!" Kiryu Zhantu's eyes were firm and he just ignored it.

"Why do you still have Zhan Rabbit!?" Immediately afterwards, Wan Zhanglong discovered his blind spot.

"Of course it's a backup." Kiryu Zhantu's momentum suddenly leaked, "If the battle is very frequent, there will be situations where there will be no time to repair, so naturally we need to prepare a backup!"

boom! !

".Your relationship is really good." Shi Dongsongyi stood up from a pile of debris, breaking the atmosphere among the three of them.

"People without feelings will not understand." Lu Ziye finished his words and rushed towards Shi Dongsuyi first.

Kiryu Sento and Wanzhang Ryuuga on both sides turned their drives almost at the same time.

"Ninjya! Comic! Best Match! (Ninja! Comic! Best Match!)"

"Are you ready? Ninja's Entertainer! NinninComic! Yeah! (Are you ready? Ninja Entertainer! Ninja Comic Form! Yeah!)"

"Wake up burning! Get CROSS-Z DRAGON! Yeah!"

The moment the two men completed their transformation, they followed Lu Ziye's footsteps and surrounded Shi Dongsu from both sides.

"Bunshin no Jutsu! (Clone Jutsu)"

I saw Kiryu Zhantu pressing the four-block ninja sword in his hand, and several clones suddenly separated with him as the center.

And Shi Dongsu turned the Eagle Gatlinger, swung it sideways and pulled the trigger at the same time.

Da da da--!

The flying eagle bullets poured out, hitting every 'Kiryu War Rabbit' almost at the same time.

The moment they hit these 'Kiryu War Rabbits', white mist exploded and disappeared.

"Kakuremi no Jutsu! (The Art of Invisibility)"

A sound effect sounded behind Shi Dongsu. When Shi Dongsu turned around to attack, the Kiryu War Rabbit who appeared behind him had already swung the four-block ninja sword.

"Feuton no Jutsu! (Wind Escape Jutsu)"

The Four-Gate Ninja Technique Knife fell, and the strong wind that wrapped around the blade instantly overturned Shi Dongsu's body.

"Dragon me!" Lu Ziye shouted softly, swung his left arm and released several chains, which bound the overturned Shi Dongsu.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola!!" Wanzhang Longga immediately stepped forward, roaring and punching out repeatedly.

Bang bang bang——!

Every punch of Wan Zhang Long Wo was thrown out with all his strength, filled with hot blue flames.

Blue flames swept over Shi Dongsongyi's body, causing him to receive several punches as he was already unable to move.

"Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah! (Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah!)"

"Katon no Jutsu! (Fire Release Jutsu)"

Wan Zhang Long Wo heard the noise behind him and punched Shi Dongsu back to the ground.

Then, blue fireballs and orange flames passed by both sides of him and landed on Shi Dongsuyi who fell to the ground.


Two different flames fell, and the tornado that turned into flames enveloped Shi Dongsu, and his armor was flashing with electric arcs.

"Wanzhang! The final blow!" Kiryu Zhantu shouted softly, giving the chance of the final blow to Wanzhang Ryuuga.

"Oh!!!" Wan Zhang Long Wo responded and turned the drive rocker at the same time.

"Ready go! Dragonic Finish! (Ready go! Dragonic Finish!)"

As the sound effects echoed, Wanzhang Longga jumped up and kicked sideways, releasing the knight kick of the first battle.

Shi Dongsuyi, who was baptized by the two flames, was directly hit by the knight's kick that followed before he could adjust.


The blue comet-like shadow pulled past, and the armor on Shi Dongsongyi reached its limit, and suddenly turned into countless light spots and dissipated.

As the armor on his body dissipated, he fell directly to the ground, but an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I really didn't expect that I would be defeated by you." The defeated Shi Dongsongyi didn't feel any discomfort at all, "Your growth really makes me happy."

Before the three of them could make any move, Shi Dongsu suddenly turned over and stood up, as if the person who had just been defeated was not him.

"As a reward for defeating me, I will tell you something in particular." Shi Dongsun's smile gradually grew, "Be careful of Himuro Hantoku, Night Rogue's true identity is him."

"Please take good care of Pandora's box and full bottles, Ciao (goodbye)~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Dongsun shook his body and disappeared from the sight of the three people in a strange way.

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