Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 105 Build the most advanced driver!

At the bar, Wan Zhanglong and I were tinkering with instant noodles while thinking about it.

Lu Ziye was sitting in front of the bar, communicating in his mind with Xia You, whom he had not contacted for a long time.

[Yu, how is the situation over there? My mission is over. 】

[Stop talking about it. It’s all tears when I talk about it. To be honest, I feel like I’m a potato now.]

[No, there is no news about your mission there? 】

Hearing Xia You's reply, Lu Ziye couldn't help but frown. Although the progress of the plot line may have changed, Blood Dive should now be active in Beidu and form Beidu "Faust".

[There is news, according to Boss Saruwatari, they want to participate in some experiment so that everyone on the farm can survive. 】

[Follow your boss, and I will ask someone to give you something. Before that, you must pay attention to a person named Xue Qian. 】

[Blood Dive. I remember it. Lao Lu, please pay attention to your safety and don’t work too hard. 】

[Don’t worry, I will exit in time if things go wrong. 】

After communicating with Xia You, Wan Zhanglong came over with two bowls of instant noodles.

“Dangdang—Wanzhang’s special instant noodles!” Wanzhang Longga placed a bowl of instant noodles in front of Lu Ziye and said proudly.

"I'll give it a try." Lu Ziye took the instant noodles and couldn't wait to open them and put them in his mouth.

The instant noodles taste a little different from the instant noodles he usually eats. There is even a slight milky taste in it.

"Yeah, it's quite delicious." After swallowing the instant noodles, Lu Ziye gave a fair evaluation.

"Yeah, right, I said protein and instant noodles are the best combination!" Wan Zhanglong smiled and took two bites of instant noodles.

".Did you add protein powder?" Upon hearing this, Lu Ziye solved the case instantly. The milky smell came from the protein powder.

"Yes, you can fight better by supplementing more protein. Your body is very important." Wan Zhang Long Wo said with a calm expression, as if he was saying something normal.

"Thank you Lao Tie for the protein instant noodles." Although it sounded strange, Lu Ziye still accepted it. The key is that the taste is really good.

"You're welcome!" Hearing this, Wanzhang Longwo said with a naive smile.


At this moment, the coffee shop door was pushed open.

Two beautiful figures followed closely, and the one who walked in first said without waiting for a pause: "War Rabbit, Dongdu is about to start executing the plan to annihilate "Faust"! "

"Who are you?" The person who came in from behind asked.

Lu Ziye and Wan Zhanglong looked back while biting instant noodles when they heard the sound.

The person standing in front has short hair and exudes the temperament of a mature woman. She is the Namba Heavy Industries spy Takigawa Sayu on the undercover Kiryu Sento side, and the woman behind her is the one Lu Ziye met last time. The stone moves and the sky is clear.

"He's from the Zhan Tutong Research Institute. By the way, I haven't said your name yet." Wan Zhanglong said with a little embarrassment.

".Lu Ziye." Lu Ziye twitched the corner of his mouth and responded.

Should I say it or not, these people have such big hearts that they haven’t even asked him his name for so long.

But think about it, if I'm not big-hearted, I won't be able to be picked up even by Wanzhanglong.

Even Kamen Rider didn't say anything when he was wanted. If you say he's not serious, it's really impossible for him to do it.

"So why is he here?" Shi Dongmeikong looked Lu Ziye up and down, his eyes inevitably filled with suspicion.

"Ah, it's a long story, let me think about where to start." Wan Zhanglong was about to explain, but after receiving a lot of information, white mist quickly appeared on his head.

"Don't think about it anymore, the CPU is burned out." Lu Ziye persuaded him with a wave of his hand to blow away the white mist.

"I can't help it. Who told you to talk too much?" Wan Zhanglong said confidently.

"Then wait until I come back. I'm going to see the "Faust" annihilation operation. After saying that, Lu Ziye stood up after finishing the last bite of instant noodles.

"I'll go with you!" Wan Zhanglong took a deep dive and stood up to follow.

But Lu Ziye stretched out his hand to push it back, and then said: "You stay here in case the blood sneak comes to the door."

The main reason for saying this is actually that he has to complete a deal with Utsumi Shigeaki, and Evolto may come here for a leisurely stroll. Even if the two of them are defeated, they can still do it by delaying it for a while.

After all, it is impossible for Evolto to kill the two of them now. The last time they were defeated was entirely because of squeezing the drive data.

"Okay." Although I was a little reluctant, I still agreed.

Then, after Lu Ziye asked Takigawa Sayu's address, he left the coffee shop under the watchful eyes of the three people.

Lu Ziye left the coffee shop and headed straight to the stronghold of "Faust".

The stronghold of "Faust" is the ancestral reservoir of Toei, just like in the plot.

By the time he arrived, the defenders of Dongdu had already entered the "Faust" stronghold.

In the outdoor combat base, Himuro Hantoku, as the Prime Minister's agent, quietly watched everything.

Lu Ziye glanced at Himuro Huande, then walked to the side and waited.

According to the development of the plot line, the night bully of "Faust" will be discovered and attacked by the defenders, but the night bully has already been replaced by Himuro Gentoku's secretary Uchimi Shigeaki, making him take the blame for "Faust".

Bang bang bang——!

Gunfire rang out in the passage leading to the stronghold, and accompanied by the light of fire, Ye Ba's figure walked out.

"The "Faust" I created will never be allowed to be trampled on at will. "Faust" belongs to me. "The Yeba who walked out said to the countless reporters present.

But from the voice, Lu Ziye could tell it was Utsumi Chengaki, and he couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

He was a little worried about whether there would be changes before, but now it seems to be completely unnecessary.

"Shoot!!" Himuro Gentoku shouted softly in the combat base and gave instructions to the soldiers around him.

Bang bang bang.!

The defenders cooperated with the soldiers to suppress Ye Ba with firepower, but ordinary bullets could not cause any damage to him at all.

Under the gaze of everyone, Ye Ba jumped back several times and headed towards the dam above.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye stepped back and put on the Build driver around his waist.

"Dragon! Lock! Best Match!"

"Sealed Fantasy star! KeyDragon! Yeah! (Sealed Fantasy star! Dragon lock form! Yeah!)"

The reporters in front turned around when they heard the noise and saw Lu Ziye leaping up and landing on the dam platform above.

"It's Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider is here too!"

"He must be here to help us annihilate "Faust"! "

"As expected, Kamen Rider is our hero."

Listening to the cheers below, Lu Ziye had already landed on the dam.

The moment he fell, Ye Ba on the dam raised the transformed smoke rifle in his hand.

"Utsumi, it's me." Lu Ziye spoke out to identify himself, and at the same time, the power in his eyes activated, confirming Utsumi Chengzhang's identity.

Naturally, this was done to confirm whether Evolto had done anything. Who knew whether the old Yinbi had hidden factors in Neihai.

Hearing the sound, Utsumi Nariaki immediately put down the transformed smoke gun in his hand: "As you said, I have become Himuro Gentoku's abandoned son."

His voice was full of helplessness and unwillingness. At first, he didn't believe Lu Ziye's words that he would be abandoned. However, as soon as he and Lu Ziye parted ways, he and Himuro Hantoku met Namba Juzaburo. The moment Namba Juzaburo proposed taking measures, Himuro Gentoku abandoned him directly.

As a secretary, he obviously helped Himuro Gentoku in everything, but now he ended up like this.

However, the next moment, Lu Ziye suddenly rushed out and headed straight for Inland Sea Chengzhang.

Utsumi Chengzhang hurriedly raised his hand to fight, but his hand was clamped by Lu Ziye who came up close to him.

"While we are talking, act out a scene of your defeat. Someone is watching over here." Lu Ziye didn't even need to look, he knew that Evolto was secretly observing in a corner.

After all, Utsumi Shigeaki also has the talent of a scientist, and Evolto will definitely not let such a talented person go unused.

"What should we do?" Utsumi Chengaki heard this and immediately lowered his voice.

"Listen to me, the blood dive will find you later and ask you to go to Beidu to rebuild "Faust" and help me pay attention to a person named Xia You. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ziye punched Naihai Chengzhang on the shoulder.


Under this punch, Utsumi Shigeaki took several steps back on the spot.

And he was very cooperative. He immediately raised the transformed smoke gun in his hand and decisively pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang.!

Several rounds of bullets were fired out, but Lu Ziye ducked out of the way, bringing him and Utsumi Nariaki closer together again.

"Take this and give it to the person named Xia You." After saying that, Lu Ziye put the Nebula Gas Injection in his hand, "I will give Himuro Gentoku to you."

He was very aware of Utsumi Nariaki's loyalty to Namba Heavy Industries, so he used Himuro Gentoku as a bargaining chip to ensure that Xia You could use the Nebula Gas Injection.

And he knew that Himuro Gentoku was not bad in nature. The current badness was just due to the influence of Pandora's Box, but to eliminate the influence, he needed to conduct human nebula gas experiments on him. At this stage, if we want to bring him into the team, Kiryu Zhantu's way is definitely not possible, so we can only follow the original plot and let him become a knight of Saidu.

"I understand." Without any hesitation, Utsumi Chengaki agreed.

After a brief exchange, Lu Ziye punched Uchimi Chengaki again.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps coming from behind, and the source of the footsteps was several defenders.

"Attack! Arrest Ye Ba!" The command voice came from behind, and at the same time, there were countless gunshots.

Bang bang bang——!

The bullet hit Nakai Chengzhang's chest, splashing countless sparks, and even his body shape was not shaken at all.

Utsumi Chengzhang glanced at Lu Ziye, spread out a pair of bat wings behind him, and flew into the distance.

Of course Lu Ziye understood what the other party meant and immediately started running to pursue him in the same direction.

It wasn't until he came to a stone bridge that he saw Inland Sea Chengzhang falling in the middle.

"Do you have anything to explain?" Lu Ziye came to his side and asked.

"I have nothing to explain. I just sigh. It would be great if I could live an ordinary life. I could laugh at small things, cry for others, and live an ordinary life." Utsumi Nariaki's voice was full of emotion when he spoke. Trembling.

“Everything you strive to do becomes a reality in the future.”

Lu Ziye knew that these were Utsumi Chengzhang's true words. And what he said eventually became reality in the future.

"They are here!!" Before the two of them could say anything more, the voices of Dongdu soldiers came again.

"I will hold back my strength and wish you a safe journey." After saying this, Lu Ziye turned the joystick of the driver.

"Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah! (Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah!)"

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ziye instantly condensed a blue fireball in his right hand and threw it directly towards Utsumi Chengzhang.

Seeing this scene, Utsumi Nariaki stood at the edge of the stone bridge.

Bang - boom! !

The blue fireball hit his lower abdomen, instantly sending Utsumi Chengaki flying backwards and falling towards the river below the stone bridge.

The scene of Utsumi Nariaki falling towards the river was caught in the sight of Himuro Gentoku who rushed here.


As the inner sea fell into the water, the river quickly calmed down.

Lu Ziye also turned to look at Himuro Huande, waiting for the other party's reaction.

"Collect the team." Himuro Hantoku stared at the river for a long time before giving the order.

Seeing Himuro Huande gradually disappearing, Lu Ziye left from the stone bridge without staying any longer.

The original Utsumi Nariaki was seriously injured and was transformed into a robot by the blood dive. Now that he is not injured, he will naturally not be transformed by the blood dive again.

He believed that Evolto would not know that the Utsumi Shigeaki he saved would save the country in the future. It can even be said that he is looking forward to the grand scene of Utsumi Chengaki's fourth stage!

Lu Ziye left Shiqiao and returned directly to the coffee shop.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Kiryu Sentu running around in the coffee shop.

"I have completed the repair of the Evol drive! It's awesome! It's awesome! I'm a genius~~ Oh hey!!!"

As soon as he opened the door, Lu Ziye was stunned by such an exciting scene.

"You're finally back. He's been howling for more than ten minutes!" Wan Zhang Long Wo covered his ears and quickly called to Lu Ziye.

"Repaired so quickly? Make me happy!" In contrast, Lu Ziye was no less excited than Kiryu Zhantu.

Lu Ziye walked in quickly, stretched out his little hand and took the Evol drive from Kiryu Zhantu's hand.

At the same time, the power in his eyes was fully activated, and information from the drive popped out.

[Evol driver: Build series’ most advanced driver. The ultimate driver used when transforming into Kamen Rider Evol. A hazard level of 5.0 is required for use. 】

[Expand Riser (enhancement unit): A special component embedded in the internal center, which can maximize the power of Pandora's Box and has the function of manipulation. 】

[EV Module (evolution module): equipped with a high-speed factory deployment device. The unknown substance inside the evolution bottle can be used as a material to generate. 】

[EV Lever (evolution joystick): The movement joystick used when transforming or launching special moves. By increasing the number of rotations and rotation speed, more energy can be generated. 】

[EV Guard Case (evolution protection device): an exterior component that protects internal functions. It uses ultra-high-strength materials that are extremely heat-resistant and impact-resistant and do not exist on earth. 】

[EV Qualifizer (evolutionary identification device): embedded automatic identification device. The wearer's body data and genetic genes are scanned, and only when it is determined that the wearer is Evolto can the transformation function function normally. 】

"The most advanced driver." The moment he saw the message, Lu Ziye's breath stopped.

But the original excitement fell to the bottom instantly after seeing the final identification device.

Brother Meng, the big chapter is here!

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