Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 13 Huan Meng Wushuang? !

Lu Ziye, who had lost his goal, walked slowly across the square like a salted fish.

"This game is not rigorous at all, at least give me a map or something." Lu Ziye, muttering to himself, was already walking across the square.

The road signs erected at the crossroads in front of him immediately gave him new hope!

"Fengdu Street Eye Soul Street." The street name on the street sign made Lu Ziye frown.

What a hodgepodge city for the new decade!

If he keeps searching like this, it will be years and months before he finds the black market?

[Fengdu Street: one of the streets in the human player area, known as the most smoky street, with banks, commission centers, shopping malls, hot springs, restaurants, convenience stores and other shops needed for daily use]

[Eye Soul Street: One of the streets in the human player area, the location of the largest flea market]

[Cosmic Street: One of the streets in the human player area, a gathering place for leisure and relaxation]

"Hey! My family has to be reliable!" Lu Ziye looked at the information and walked directly to Fengdu Street.

Before going to the black market, he planned to visit the bank. After all, it was difficult to move without money.

Even if he likes something on the black market, the most embarrassing thing is not having the money to buy it.

But just for clearing a Knight's Realm, he was mentally prepared to not have many cell coins.

After walking for a few minutes, Fengdu Street came into view. Just like what Quan Neng said, the smoke of fireworks was very strong, making Lu Ziye feel like he had returned to reality.

There are several restaurants on this side of the street, and there are people at the door enthusiastically soliciting customers.

Later, there were convenience stores, clothing stores, etc., and of course the most eye-catching bank was in the center.

There were not many people on the street, but Lu Ziye didn't pay much attention and went straight to the bank.

When you walk into the bank, you are in a lobby where people line up in an orderly manner to get a number.

The difference is that there are no service personnel here, but machines.

"It's really close to life." After muttering, Lu Ziye queued up to take a number.

Soon Lu Ziye came to the machine at the end, and the words "fingerprint reading" were displayed on the machine's display screen.

Find the fingerprint sensor on the machine panel and press it, and new information will pop up on the display screen.

[Welcome, new player, starting to record your registration information, please wait.]

[Player——Lu Ziye, registration completed]

[Currently, I have cleared Knight’s Realm once, rated A+]

[The balance is 50,000 cell coins, please choose to withdraw cash or buy a trading card for free]

"Fifty thousand.?" Seeing the information on the screen, the corners of Lu Ziye's mouth rose crazily.

He had thought before that it might be very little, but it turned out to be a lot more than he expected.

If it is an S-level rating, I'm afraid the cell coins given will be more!

Lu Ziye clicked to purchase the trading card without hesitation.

Just kidding, how could you not do it for free?

Who knows if I will be charged if I come back later?

[Purchasing a trading card, please wait.]


With a soft sound, a translucent card suddenly spit out from the bottom of the machine.

The card has red data stripes printed on both ends, with the red stripes converging to a dark yellow core in the middle.

"It's a bit like a God's Will card." Putting the trading card away, Lu Ziye left the bank directly.

After leaving the bank and continuing down Fengdu Street, he had to find the next street sign before he could find the location of the black market.

Arriving at the end of Fengdu Street, Lu Ziye stood in front of the street sign.

[Zeya Street: One of the streets in the human area, where the organization "Lost" resides. There are various industries on the street]

[Clock Street: One of the streets in the human area, a street where electrical appliances and houses are purchased. Its end is connected to the junction area]

"Found it!" As soon as the message came out, Lu Ziye suddenly became energetic.

Then he walked towards Clock Street. Clock Street was much bigger than he thought. It took him more than half an hour to reach the end.

At the end of Clock Street, there was a gray mist covering it, making it impossible to see clearly what the junction area behind it looked like.

[Junction area: The entire area is shrouded in mist. After entering, you will arrive at the junction area. The junction area is a chaotic area between weirdos and humans]

"Huh" exhaled, and Lu Ziye took out his knight's belt and put it on.

If an unexpected situation occurs, he can also transform into Kaisheng Shihua immediately.

Being prepared, Lu Ziye walked straight towards the mist

The moment he came into contact with the mist, there was no special feeling. Lu Ziye entered it directly.

The scene in front of him dimmed instantly, and the air pressure in the junction area was horribly low, making it difficult for him to even breathe.

At the same time, the moment Lu Ziye entered, countless eyes fell on him.

But more eyes fell on the knight's belt around Lu Ziye's waist.

The junction area is no different from the street, except that there are many people setting up stalls on the street. The stalls are filled with all kinds of strange items, and some items are even stained with blood.

Lu Ziye didn't pay attention to his gaze and walked forward as if taking a walk.

But in the peripheral vision, information about various items appeared.

[Bat Clock (Bat Clock): A deformable ghost gadget. In animal mode, it serves as search and combat support in the bat state. It can release ultrasonic waves to hinder the enemy's movements. The tool mode can be used as a communication tool, and also has photography and projection functions. Pistol mode can shoot small light bullets]

[Birth Driver (Bath Driver): Use any Cell Coin to transform, with the Birth Destroyer as the main weapon. Since transformation, attack, and combat armament all require Cell Coins, you must carry a large number of Cell Coins]

[Mage's Belt (Mage Belt): Use the green magic ring to transform, use the magician's sword and gun as the weapon, and you need magic power to successfully transform]

[Speeding-Up (speeding up): Energy badge props. When obtained, the action speed can be increased, high-speed movement, etc., and the use time is limited to one minute]


The huge amount of information poured into his field of vision, making Lu Ziye almost unable to see the road ahead clearly.

However, it is indeed a bit surprising that there are drives for sale on the black market.

While these drives aren't exactly powerful, they're better than nothing.

He couldn't help but think of Li Yuan. Maybe he bought his mass-produced black shadow, right?

While thinking, Lu Ziye came to a store. The store had three floors and looked very large.

But what really stopped him was the name of his store.

[Huan Meng Wushuang: The store was opened by Bugster (Beng Yuan Ti), and the store also sells a complete range of props. The shop owner claims to have divine talents, can create all kinds of strange props, and is very addicted to making games]

".Good guy, I'm just a good guy!"

The information in Lu Ziye's eyes all revealed the identity of the shop owner.

Without any hesitation, I walked directly towards this dreamy and unparalleled restaurant.

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